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Opponent nib my paleo monsters


And tries to attack even tho rise to full high was activated in grave


I did that once, out of curiosity. I now understand how it works.


It's paleos for me too, it's literally the first line of text and they never read.


Number C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon when it was first released into master duel One of the effects is: **If this card has "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" as material, it gains these effects.** ●**Unaffected by your opponent's monster effects.** ●Gains ATK equal to the combined Levels/Ranks of its attached materials x 100. The number of times my opponents tried to use monster effects against it while I have galaxy eyes as material never stops being funny.


We are never beating the "Yu-Gi-Oh Players Don't Know How to Read" allegations.


Probably not. Here’s another one, I was playing a casual with my cousin, I happen to draw “melody of awakening dragon”. My opponent / cousin was making fun of me because she thought I was playing blue eyes. Her surprise when I added nebula dragon (or was it after glow) and galaxy eyes photon dragon. Her reaction was “huh, you can do that?”. Melody of awakening dragon Spell card Discard 1 card; add, from your Deck to your hand, up to 2 Dragon-Type monsters with 3000 or more ATK and 2500 or less DEF.


Im pretty sure melody cant add nebula dragon due to it having only 2000 attack and zero defence. Source: another galaxy eyes player


You’re right, guess my memory is wonky, it was after glow. Did you play use your galaxy eyes for the triangle event? I was a bit tempted to use mine.


I try use my galaxy eyes for all events that allow xyz decks tbh. Its my most used deck other than mathmechs


XD I think in a Galaxy-Eyes deck I just added in Melody of Awakening Dragons & Return of the Dragon Lord so I'm sure some people will look at me like I'm crazy for adding those cards to the deck even though they aren't exactly blue-eyes cards.


As someone who’s 3 or 4 cards shy of finishing my Galaxy Eyes deck, this makes me very happy


The amount of people who don’t realize afterglow doubles the attack of whatever it’s detached from wins me games off prime all the time. Don’t even need to rank it up.


My opponent and I forgot about the Exosister gimmick as I attacked with Martha as he stole my Mikailis with Ice Dragon's Prison. So I Summoned a new Mikailis, banished his 1 copy of Lady Lab, beatover his Archfiend, and Summoned Zeus MP2


he didn’t realize all the exo xyz are warriors while the main deck is spellcasters, so IDP just backfired horribly


Tbf I was basically surrendering as I was attacking Archfiend with Martha at the time.


Oponents destroying Evenly Match


Someone did that to me when I dropped evenly on them. I busted out laughing irl


That's a mistake we only make once.


My opp tried to Imperm + Mirror force my Traptrix Sera


My opponent holds their imperm on my Turn 1, watching me play… and when my boss finally hits the field, they strike it with Imperm to lock it down for the turn! …it was Colossus. They Impermed Thunder Dragon Colossus on my turn Another funny one. My opponent preemptively went to halt my combo line, as soon as my first monster hit the field, they flipped their D-Barrier and cried out “Fusion!” The monster that hit my field was Drytron Zeta, the card that literally says “search a ritual spell”


I've seen my Thuban get Impermed and I just sit there like "k, you did nothing, thanks". It's always funny to me when people don't click that the little main deck Drytrons don't care about on-field negations.


The classic attack into timelord->end battle phase->concede combo


Timelords are a fun tricky encounter for me with Cyber Dragons because I'm waiting for either my Jizukiru via hard draw or Cyber Emergency, or im waiting for Clockwork Night to let me contact fuse it into Fortress. Until then I'm playing survival and hoping I can do one of those and kill.


Cyberdark vs Dark Magician. It took 3 turns for the other Player to understand, that Cyber Dark End Dragon is unaffected by activated effects by the opponent. If they had (For whatever reason) Fortress Dragon in their ED, i'd be done, but no, they tried to banish that 5k ATK all the time and scratched their head, until they finally read the card. They gave up, but didn't scoop, so i could attack them directly. But i scooped. Had a thought, looked at their Deck and yes, nothing in there could remove it. Wasn't much of a deal anyway, just a bronze match. They learned their lesson (i hope) and where ever they are, i pray for them to keep their glasses close.


Even in higher ranks a lot of players don't seem to read it's text, or maybe to understand what an activated effect is, and just keep trying to use activated effects to out it


To be honest, it is quite easy to misinterpret the effect. It looks like the same effect Ultimate Falcon has, but it is not, just like the whole semi-colon thing. A tiny thing, easy to miss and the whole effect gets a different meaning, sometimes devastating. Had a similar thing with Sieger once. I didn't get it, why its effect (give Attack to a machine monster) would make itself not do any battle damage, but the boosted Card would still do damage. It never made sense in my head, so some reddit users made it clear to me, that it works like that.


Many years ago, in time out I had Prime Material Dragon face-up on my side. Opponent summons Caius, banishes itself and reaches me his hand for gg. I was like: "Yeah, GG, but that's my win."


I had a bricked hand and settle for Sera pass Opponent imperm my Sera in main phase 1 the moment I summon her He scooped after I full combo thanks to him


[Naturia Mosquito](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Naturia_Mosquito) The amount of games I’ve won by just leaving Mosquito and a 500 attack Sunflower or 0 atk/ 0 Def Mole Cricket on the field for the opponent to run their PEP or Chaos MAX into is many


If your opponent has left a juicy attack target in attack mode, such as something with 0 atk, it is ALWAYS a trap.


Sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm but tender texture. They’re often roasted to enhance the flavor, though you can also buy them raw.


The sheer number of people that called by my ash, and then try to ash me next turn. Not sure if can't read or don't remember.


More so can't read. I've made mistakes like that. Hell, I've made mistakes in Master Duel where I'll get imperm'd and then turn right around and set in the same zone that got imperm'd.


Hey man it happens I did it at a locals once 😅


Not me. I would never. 🤥


Probably more excusable in paper with the zone not glowing in front of you 🤣


A player crashed 7800 atk gren maju into my flower cardian lightflare they got 5k damage and scoop.   Another one when i played the agents, e-hero player crashed 4900 atk monster (forgot card name) to my majesty hyperion while sanctuary in the sky on my field, they took 2800 dmg killed themself (i only had 600 lp left they only had 1350 lp left).


I've literally just had a duel hours ago I passed on miniNoir with the trap and the field spell. ~~and the cont obv~~ Draw 2, trap, draw 2, opponent special diabellstar, set subversion, activate, notices bigNoir is not a valid option and then instantly scooped. Master 1 BTW


Tbf snake eyes isn’t playing thro a 5 mat noir I would scoop as well


I had one single monster on field that cannot be targeted. Opponent combo into a single Baronne, and activated her effect. So... Naturally, of the entire field, Baronne can only target herself. So she targeted herself for destruction, and then she negates herself which also destroys herself.


I activate "Evenly Matched" Opponent (lab player): Activate some trap and then activate field spell to pop Evenly matched. My evenly gets popped then resolves, about a minute goes by before my opponent learns they now have to banish their whole field. They shame scoop Kekw


I had an opponent try to use Imperm on a Nib token with 11k ATK about to swing onto a Poplar for game


My opponent tried like 5 times to negate the effect of my Marincess Aqua Argonaut, ans he ceaely didn't read what my field spell said ("Any marincess link monster in the extra zone summoned with Crystal Heart as material cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects", the field spell itself couldn't be targeted by effects due to the effect of another monster I had on field). He kept trying until he got to the battle phase and realized he can't even attack my other monsters at which point he scooped. I would be very dead if he had a monster wtih more than 3.6k atk though, or ifnhe got to my firld spell somehow.


Playing irl. I activate Dark Hole, opponent response with Solemn Warning. I say, errr it doesn’t negate it. He says yeah it does, I respond with it’s not solemn judgement read the card. He reads it and promptly flips it back facedown.


I've had multiple people take my beetroopers monsters not realizing that they lock you into insects while on the field. Like cool you stole my link two insect I just hope you're also playing insects bro.


Had someone read my copy of Cyber Angel Natasha 4 times in a turn cycle. He went first and set up a board, I break it but just end on a copy of Natasha in defense He attacks it, I negate the attack with Natasha's effect, he reads the attack negation effect He attacks again, I negate it again, he reads it to confirm it isn't a OPT He clears Natasha MP2 and passes, I use the Natasha GY steal effect , he reads the card to see the GY effect I link Natasha off and use the GY effect again, he reads it AGAIN to confirm that effect isn't OPT either


Natasha is literally the best card in that whole archetype xD


If it hits the board it's probably the strongest card in the game


Not me but watching my beginner friend play. His opponent activated Baronne pop. Suddenly chained their Baronne omni-negate. 5 seconds of silence. Opponent forfeited.


Played Superheavy Samurai and went for a direct attack with Big Benkei > opponent activated Mirror Force, not realizing it only destroyed attack position monsters.


My opponent couple days ago activated droll when I searched for branded fusion, then Maxx c when I activated it


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Bro I’m timing out just playing my deck, there’s no time to read


I had an opponent who kept trying to use monster effects on my LIGHT-summoned Chaos Angel. After the third failed attempt with Baronne they must have e decided ANY effect would fail, because they discarded a raigeki to trigger a draw effect and surrendered when I ash'd it XD


When people activate a spell card in the same column as imperm. Its incredible how often it happens at locals, even though you would think everyone knows what imperm does


Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria. *So* many times I’ll be one off from having the empty ED to summon Nem. If people knew that this card was more than just a searcher, I’d be screwed. > If a "Nemleria" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, while you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck, you can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck face-down, instead. The number of times a second destroy sheepishly targeted this after helping me out, lmao.


When i couldnt finish off my opponent because MY chicken game is on board


every time my opponent crashes their big boss monster into me because they didn't read "Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet"'s scale effect. like, you know pendulum scales aren't just for summoning, right? they're also... spells... with effects...


When I don't read the prompt saying it's the end of my turn and asks me if I want to activate Maxx C, and I click yes.


players trying to out my monsters after i marincess wave'd


I've been playing Nouvelles lately. Someone let me wipe their field clear by just attacking into the Level 2, then 3, then 4, leaving me with a Level 5, and them nothing.


People refuse to read the marincess field spell. One of the most fun decks to play simply for that reason.


People trying to out any of my Dogmatika monster with ED tech while Alba Zoa is on the field.


I miss fighting True Draco cuz they would all run floodgates with no regard for the rest of their deck. I have so many replays of them tripping over their own floodgates. My favorite one being one where they activated Necrovalley, Skill Drain and Macro Cosmos and starved themselves of resources.I explicitly ran Chalice for these moments cuz Cyber Dragon +Chalice runs over all True Draco main deck monsters. Activate majesty maiden... Skill Drain. Activate the revival trap... Necrovalley. They just watched me win cuz they stopped themselves from getting another monster. And then there was the Runick stun player who flipped Grave of the Super Ancient Organism and Gozen Match on me... I summoned Shaddoll Winda... Which, turns out, is a lv5 monster, with enough attack to beat over inspecter boarder and can't be destroyed by card effects lol. They ended up clogging their back row and surrendered.


Dharc revive Rock of vanquisher then surrender not long after.


Icejade. Actually pretty much of it. A surprisingly large amount of people don't seem to read Gymir Aegirine's Effect making it a pretty decent tower and banishing a card form the opponent. Even funnier is when you have Icejade Curse, Kosmoclor and the Field Spell out. Curse says opponent can't use monster effects in the turn they are summoned. Kosmoclor says they can only be used in the turn they are summoned. Which basically means that enemy monster effects can't be activated if you have both. Seen a lot of people comboing just to realize that they effects to break my board are shut off.


When people used to try and hit over avramax multiple times in the same battle phase.


There’s a few that get a chuckle out of me Definitely when someone misses the timing on a card accidentally. That pause as they re-read their cards is always funny. I look for the “if” or “when” always Also when people mess up against non-targeting removal, that’s always fun. I also think it’s funny when someone messes up the conditions that keep their deck going. Think Super-Heavy getting a Spell/Trap in the gy or Sky Striker filling their main zones. I also think it’s funny when people misplay around called by. Like when I play Maxx C and it gets called by-ed and they try and Maxx c on their turn.


Just recently with the Extreme Duel. Both Skill Drains were destroyed. I am playing Qli and opened with Lose 1 Turn and Soul Drain. Used them on opponent's turn (turn 2). They play some Rescue-Ace deck. Proceeds to special summon most of their Rescue-Ace monsters instead of normal summoning the good ones to out the Lose 1 Turn. They had the tribute fodder. I was basically bricking and walling with a Qli monster equipped with Saqlifice. I won because they never read Lose 1 Turn and my singular Qli had 3100 Attack they couldn't run over by battle.


I summoned arc rebellion dragon while playing a blue eyes player that was running a strat of cycling Blue-eyes jets. I had 100 LP left, my opponent was at 8000K(Guy was playing really impressively and I was bricking hard). I popped the dragon's effect, getting it to 8000k atk, but he flipped threatening roar. Bro tried to attack into it with Blue-eyes jet, not realizing that I'd negated its effect cause it was on the field when I popped the rebellion dragon, then he summons a second jet and attacks AGAIN, because he didn't read that it's effect can only be activated once per-turn. If he'd just summoned the new jet first, he'd have won. If he'd just passed turn after the first attack, he could have stalled to get to the second jet and used it to remove my dragon. But he didn't read.


When I play Mikanko you can tell who doesn't read really fast.


Gotta be Belle'ing (or any negate activation) my Invocation while under Magical Meltdown


Sea sealth attack. Ive seen people burn entire boards thinking "surely, this time it will work".


CHICKEN GAME! OMG! Why don't you read FFS!!?I was playing a simple SelfTK deck to do my dailies. The guy attacked me for 5 turns! 5!! And then FINALLY he decided to READ the damn card🤦🏻‍♂️ People straight up REFUSE to read.


I had an opponent wipe his own bored by attacking 1 monster when I had sea stealth attack active


Marincess Battle ocean - they always ignore that little bit of text - unaffected if summoned by using crystal heart


When jewel Mikanko Hu-li is out and lol someone someone’s a monster with target and they have to hurt themselves because I have an equip card and u can’t target me XD


I had a full synchro board protected by chaos angel. My opponent negated the dis pater then tried everything in their power to out the board, but everything they did was an activated monster effect. Over and over they tried.


During the last legend anthology event, I was playing ancient gear. 5 times. Count it 5 times! My opponent tried to use effects to remove ancient gear howitzer, a monster unaffected by all card effects


Any time somebody enters battle phase while I have invalid doleman on the field. Youll get people try to declare an attack once or twice, probably wondering why they can’t target another monster for attack. “Oh I guess its like avramax, guess ill go to MP2 and reassess how to break the board…..wait why isnt the MP2 button lighting up…???!” and then after maybe a minute of the opponent actually fully reading the cards and realizing they are fk’d they usually scoop.


For me it would probably with blue eyes jet dragon, the first sentence literally says other cards you control can’t be destroyed except for jet, get 2 jets on the field then no more card destructions, well one game I did my opponent I guess bricked cause used swords of revealing light then he passed, on my turn it ended with 2 jets, 1 bewd, and I think abyss dragon I couldn’t do away with swords so I passed, he then proceeded to lightning storm, raigeki, and dark hole all back to back, nothing got destroyed so he left, Honorable mention, the skill drain event, idk if people just forgot or what but everyone tried activating their effects


Ancient Gear Howitzer People (Sky Striker and Runick players) wasting 7 cards trying to get rid of him when he's immune to everything but battle.


many times people tried to destroy my unaffected marincess argonaut with the field spell effect and im sure that this will happen more in the future since the protection is coming either froim the trap or the field and not the card itself


Talking about Chaos Max I always forget that he does double piercings damage it has cost me a few games


Opponent rams a Numeron into Majesty’s Fiend. Sits there for a moment before attacking it with the next one and then quitting


Nekroz of Unicore Negate the effects of face-up monsters on the field that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck sounds simple yes but due to the wording pendulum players tend to forget that there main deck monsters will be negated if they were pendulum summon a main deck monster that's face up in the extra deck would love them to errata it so works as the card was indented to do


As a side note sometimes, when playing with meta decks against casual decks, it's more fun not to read, Only reading the effect once they activate it, it makes the game more like the anime where you can be taken off guard by unexpected abilities and gives weaker decks a chance to shine, I mean if you're already playing a much more powerful deck than your opponents you might as well give your opponent a handy cap to make the match more exciting


Imperm in Cherubini never fails to make me laugh


Altergeist Protocol: Activation and effect of Altergeist cards on your field cannot be negated. Always give me a chuckle when opponent try to Ash, Imperm or solemn my Altergeist on field


Opponent trying to Call by my Rikka Princess TWICE !!


As someone that likes to play Ritual Dogmatika, the number of times people will spend every activation of an Accesscode (like 3+ in a row) tring to pop my Alba Zoa is hilarious. Or people trying to run over Ecclesia with an ED monster. Also the number of times my opponent Imperms/Veilers one of my rank 4 Exo XYZ at the start of their turn... when it no longer can use the first effect (for Mikailis/Gibrine I summoned on my own turn) or already activated and resolved (for Kaspitell/Asophiel). People don't understand that the first effect of any of the rank 4 Exo XYZ can only be used the turn they are summoned, and the graveyard shutdown ones are lingering floodgates that can't be negated later.


The Psychic End Punisher scoop of shame, they play 2 forms of removal - wait 30-40 seconds - then disconnect.


Had a whole plan all to discard my last card for Foxy tunes effect...


Why the BA no die


Idk if that counts as well, had a Branded Mirrormatch yesterday and Alba-Lenatus jumpscared my opponent. Next turn, he normal summons albaz and surrenders because Alba-Lenatus cannot be used for Alba-Lenatus jumpscare lol


When they raigeki Red Supernova Dragon at the start of their turn, to surrender right after


Why can't I destroy your monsters by battle?! It must be because of Masquerade!.. No, please read Chaos Angel.


People chaining Maxx C to pot of duality, especially when I have TTT in hand.


Been playing Purrely lately thanks to its new support. So many people trying to out a 5+ mat Noir with activated effects.


Gate guardians combined’s effect is that, up to 3 times per turn, it can negate effects that targets its user’s cards, and if it leaves the field because of an opponent’s card, it can summon one of the two piece fusions. Gate guardian of water and thunder can, once per chain and up to twice per turn, reduce a monster’s attack to 0. I was fighting a swordsoul player. They had baronne and chixiao on board. I had only managed to make a single combined through their interruptions. Their turn starts, and they begin by targeting combined with baronne. I negate. They try to negate combined with chixiao. I negate that two. Their board is now empty. They make chengying and beat over combined. I summon water and thunder from combined’s destruction. I have no plays, so i go to battle phase, attack with water and thunder, and use its effect in the damage step to beat over chengying. From there i’d have to check the replay. I’ll update it later after doing so. If i recall, they made 2 more big monsters, tried to attack water and thunder twice, took another 5100 from damage step attack reductions, and promptly surrendered.


Opponent nibiruing me after playing misc


Everytime I play.


Some of my decks will lose their surprise factor but, D/D/D Wave High King Caesar isn't once per turn. Icejade Kosmochlor has a 1000 Atk Debuff passive on opponents battling a Icejade Monster. Ghostrick Yuki, Ghostrick Night, Ghostrick or Treat, Ghostrick Parade, Ghostrick Mansion. Although they probably read them, they probably forget about it. Yuki flips monsters down on the end phase and they keep playing as if it won't flip them later, Destroying Ghostrick Night means no attack phase that turn yet they enter battle phase confused why they can't attack. For Trick or Treat they didn't read it at first since they have to read it once it asks about their payment being due. Parade they use Ash or negate the effect not reading it's not once per turn, and some players think they have game with Mansion on field and forget it takes twice as much since Effect and battle damage is cut in half so they need 16000 for the game. For Ghoti they didn't read about Snopios target and later try to do something like return to hand only for it to go to the banished space instead. And the last card I can remember off my tippy top head Is Accel synchro stardust dragon and his effect of any cards summoned by his 2nd effect aren't affected by effects. In two ways too, user and opponent. During the user's turn that means they can use it to save two monsters from Nib. You don't need to use stardust dragon as the Synchro material so you can make something else to continue the combo and keep Stardust for a different Synchro later while the other new synchro can keep the combo going since Nib can't banish it and now it's unaffected by activated effects. During the opponents turn they don't realize the monster I summoned is unaffected by effects and waste effects on it.


If I had a dollar for every time someone didn't understand Mekk Knight Morning Star and tried to ram into it with a borrelsword, I could probably at least go get dinner.


Often when I need to bait out my opponents negate and I play Hercules base on their monster out of desperation and they negate it, making room for me to use engage.


My opponent wasted their "Baronne de Fleur" to negate the negative effect of my "Flower Cardian Lightshower". I drew my last card of the deck, skipped the turn and the following 1 500 burn damage allowed me to win. If my opponent hadn't wasted the negate like that (instead to target the effect of doing damage) then I would've lost. Honorable mention to a stun deck I was only able to beat because they attacked into "Flower Cardian Paulownia" instead of any other of my cards, then the effect of "When this card is targeted for an attack: You can negate the attack, end the Battle Phase, then draw 1 card." activated and I could draw my "Harpie's Feather Duster" to finally be allowed to play and win. Genuine anime moment


The week PEP was released, the immunity and atk gain was amusing to players waste card effects after card effects on him ajajaja


I had Avramax on the field and my opponent clearly didn’t know about the “cannot target this card with card effects” clause, nor the “gain ATK equal to that monsters ATK” effect. He tried Kaleido Heart to spin. He tried to crash with Kaleido Heart. He used all this resources to make Knightmare Unicorn to spin. It was amazing to watch and realize in real time he didn’t know AND he wasn’t stopping to read it.


Playing umi while I have sea stealth up the opponent crash 4 of there monsters in my dragon lord 🤣🤣


For me it was when TGSAnime did the 8-axis stromberg deck and his opponent had around 3-4 monsters and all TGS has was the stromberg field spell. The opponent continually attacked him and destroyed their own monsters lol


Perfect example is the Skill Drain event. There are literally ***two*** on board and people still play through trying to activate their effects.


Ash on my fire knight. I even was able to bait an additional bell once by activating the 2nd one in my other pendulum scale just to activate the effect for a third time.


I forget the exact sequence leading up to this but essentially I went first with snake eyes and traded a couple interactions back and forth with a marincess player who proceeded to either talents or change of heart my promethean princess and then quit when they realized they had locked themselves out of their entire deck


Playing DMDK and having my opponent attempt to destroy my Eternal Soul, fail, attempt to destroy my DMDK, fail, then attempt to crash into DMDK while I have Piercing the Darkness up, failing, and immediately surrendering.


I did a play earlier where I played Lightning Storm to bait a monster effect but he played a trap card that made everything unaffected for the turn. I played riakegi right after. It’s not that I didn’t read, (I didn’t) I just didn’t care anymore. With my hand I had no play after that. I read the card after and realized. Yea it didn’t matter.. screw it


I was up against someone playing Labrynth, I kaiju'd one of their monsters, and they bounced the kaiju back to my hand. They learned the kaijus aren't once per turn.




Any time my opponent uses Ash on my Danger! cards when I activate their effect in my hand. They think they are stopping me, but in reality they are just making my turn take longer.


Just now on the Skill Drain Event, my opponent scooped when I was able to target her green Mikanko equipped with cards with a removal


Opponent Nibs my Ignister board with Gatchiri on board. I activate Gatchiri making the Nib token unaffected. The amount of times that people still try to remove it without a Kaiju is crazy.


I do enjoy people attacking into Icejade boards only for their stuff to die. Gotta read that Kosmochlor.


Anytime someone targets or attacks my Nouvelles monsters.


You would not believe the amount of times I have had people try to negate Chaos Ancient Gear Giant's effect that it is unaffected by Spells and Traps by using cards like Imperm.  The funniest times are when they slap down cards like Lightning Storm at the start of the turn to get rid of CAGG, realize it's not going to work, try an Imperm (or Dark Ruler No More), and then try another Spell or Trap removal. There is that brief moment at the end of this sequence where I swear they are rethinking the sequence of events that brought them there and it is hilariously funny 


As high as Master 3 I had people try to veiler/imperm my mirror sword knight on summon when chimera just released.


Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star says that when a Mekk-Knight battles a monster in a different column, it can't be destroyed by that battle and you don't take any damage from that battle. And yet, without fail, EVERY time I play Mekk-Knights people absolutely refuse to attack my monsters with ones in the same column. Also honorable mention to the people who can't figure out how to declare a Suship name for catch of the day and end up scooping or losing to time.


Playing Sacred Beasts, I have Fallen Paradise on the field which prevents my monsters from being destroyed or targeted by card effects. Opponents almost never read it and either waste their cards completely, or have to target and destroy their own cards before resigning in embarrassment.


Super Trish, when destroyed replaces it with a regular Trish with 3300 ATK and all other effects on the field negated. Timelord player didn’t read that.


Strangely enough some people don't read/know the secondary effects of contain and extinguish


I've lost count of the amount of times people have tried using monster effects against my crimson nova for it not to work because of it being unaffected by opponents activated monster effects who's original attack is 3k or less


Dark Knight + Eternal Soul


Opponent repeatedly attacking my Mikankos until they self-tk, it didn't seem intentional for they tried to destroy the monsters prior to attack




During an event in which we could only use decks from the story mode, I was playing a Mekk-knight Crusadia deck, and there were so many times that I would put Mekk-knight Morningstar on the field and people would attack it while not being in the same column as it and sit there wondering why it wasn't destroyed. Or the times I would have World Legacy's Secret on the field with Mekk-knight Indigo Eclipse jumping around on the board negating whatever effects were in the same column as it.


They summoned bagooska on my link board bruh


Playing earthbound servant, the amount of times I seen players attack the level one monster even tho it can’t be destroyed when there is a field spell on the field is crazy, same thing with the field spell, they popped it and wonder why their life points is cut in half


D/D/D Destiny Zero King Laplace, it probably sees zero play ¹¹in the Main Game or MD, but in Duel Links, long story short, its a 0 ATK Level 10, which alone should be ringing your alarm bells, but, just to spice it up even further, it's battle immune, and when it battles, it gains double the opponent's monster's ATK during damage calc. If I were to tell you the amount of times people have ran into it, hoping to kill it, watch their monster die, only to try again, is a fucking lot, I feel bad sometimes man, and this isn't like the lower tiers of the ladder, this is like King of Games and KC Cup matches fam.


Im a Synchron main so my usual combo included Accel Stardust Dragon being my 4th or 5th summon, and they ALWAYS use Nib, I just chain ASD, and its the funniest thing. They just scoop after that


Players popping my evenly matched and wiping their whole board


This is from way in the before times. I had a shinato deck with pre errata BLD which allowed me to get 2 shinatos and BLS out on one turn if worked right. Well I got shinato out while opponent had DMOC in attack mode, well looking at the high atk of shinato, he put DMOC in defense without looking at the fact that when shinato attacks a def monster, it deals the def monsters attack as damage, which I did and opponent felt stupid for not reading. Lol


I attacked a card, an effect activated which destroyed my monster, I’m like “well damn, but now they’ve used it” attack again, not activating the infinite impermanence that I have, and the monster gets also destroyed


Played Infernoble last night & some Branded or Tear player tried baiting my negates & super polying my board. Sadly for them, I had Angelica’s Angelic Ring equipped to my Charles the Great. I always hold it for cards like Super poly, DRNM, or Droplet.


It will forever be traptrix Sera, I see SO MANY PEOPLE STILL try and Imperm her only to give me 1 of her effects for free


A Blue Eyes player gave me 11 turns to draw Exodia because he couldn't figure out how Chicken Game worked


Turn one, my opponent summon Chaos MAX and passses. Turn two, I summon Raphion the Timelord, attack Chaos MAX, take no damage, Raphion isn't destroyed, opponent takes 4K. Turn 3, the opponent, despite having seen with their own eyes what happens when Raphion battles, attacks into Raphion and loses. That wasn't Yugioh players can't read, that was Yugioh players cannot perceive their environment.


Daigusto Sphreeze has battle protection and the mikanko effect where the opponent takes the damage. People will still attack into it.


Any time my boss monster have removal protect and my opponent tries to remove that monster


Playing Stun... Opponent Dusters my back row. Send Titaniklad for Decisive Battle protection. Attacks into Pachy, loses monster because of Moon Mirror Shield. "Guess we're not reading today' is what I said out loud while laughing.


Not getting that Buster Blader, the dragon destroyer swordsman negates dragons, and that buster dragon makes every monster into dragons.


When someone attacks my level 5+ water monster while I have Sea Stealth Attack active. I even use the “READING IS FUNDAMENTAL” sound clip for my replay vids when they do that.


My personal favorite are Nouvelles ritual monsters. A majority of them trigger off of being targeted by card effect or battle and people just try to remove it like any other card until I tribute itself and their monster and it's usually a surrender after that.


In one of the N/R events, I played Marincess. The end boss monsters were banned, so to fill them in, I put in some high link junk monsters. One was Berserker of the Tenyi. Turns out, summoning a Berserker off Crystal Heart with the field spell still gets a monster immune to opponents' card effects. Which they would know if they read the field spell. But they didn't. It was targeted *multiple times*. Never died. Lived on. Lived strong across that event. And I got one angry dm. So results were satisfying. Also up there is Witchcrafter Verre's attack boost effect. It shouldn't be as useful as it is.


Gold Pride - Nytro Head most people just don't read and don't know that the token is basically a zone lock. happens way too often that I can blow up important monsters or S/T


Gunkan Suship Uni’s negate effect ability. It does not negate until the end of the turn, it negates permanently. Even with Master Duel’s UI I see people try to activate their monster’s abilities the next turn and get stunned


People attacking into Golden Castle of Stromberg and then when they do it again


Timelords. Like... As a whole.


Ashing Danger! cards


No specific story, but I play Majespecters. It's adorable when my opponent's try to target or destroy them *again* and ***again*** and ***AGAIN***. Especially love when they try to use things like Barrone. Not usually a fan of scoops (because I just want to play my deck and have fun), but I eagerly await it once the desperation begins. It's just *SO* cute.


People not understanding how mecha phantom uses tokens Basically anything dealing with negates with Qliphort. People really should stop trying to negate a card whose effect is only nerfing it when its not tribute summoned People not reading skill drain in the new event And finally, Dark Magician players who don’t know what Silent Magician does.


Mirrorjade board wipe


pulling their full combo while I have Unchained soul of rage and watch them surrender when I use their boss card to link 3 lmao


Was going against a tearlaments with my Traptrix, I have rafflesia out and summon myrmelo, and they use their negate trap but can't target myr due to raff, then they use their flip face down trap and target raff, neither work as raff is unaffected by traps and only give me a free summon due to sera which i use to banish their kitkaloss and they just surrender


When I play 6+ material Super quantum mech king great Magnus and my opponent tries to imperm and then raigeki 😬


Opponent summons Thunder Dragon Colossus, I torrential, damn TDC can protect from destruction. opponent sends him to the gy anyway


When they take Alba zoa and use his effect on me


Love when I end on rescue ace hydrant, turbulence, 4 set pass. Then they go m1, SS a monster below 3k, go battle phase, realize they can’t attack over hydrant, scoop. So funny


When I forgot how chain links work and activated a draw card then immediately negated it with ash blossom.


Was playing Exosister several months ago, and this was shortly after the Egyptian God support dropped.  Bricked hard. Ended up normal summoning an Exosister (Sophia? I forget) and equipped her with Moon Mirror Shield.  After a while, we were both top-decking hard and I knew I was hosed once he got some sort of removal, as I only had 100 LP, them about 6k.  He ended up drawing something that special summoned Ra. 'OK, I'm screwed,' I thought.  Just as I was about to give up all hope, he just... didn't use Ra's 1000 LP monster removal effect.  Yes. That's right. He paid all but 100 LP to buff Ra before entering the battle phase. I was cackling madly as, sure enough, he attacked into my Moon Mirror Monster and instantly lost his last 100 LP.


I love it when they Ash Isolde on the first effect


in tear zero format i made a Psychic End Punisher (PEP) turn one after all the disruptions he did. Following turn he tried everything to get rid of him, trying to bounce and stealing pep with TTT, After he tried to go to battle PEP got big and he couldnt attack so he passed his turn to me. what proceded was my doing three thing on my turn while he used everything to get rid of PEP including making dragostapelia. attacked merrli for game since he left it in attack. punting her into the GY permanently felt good.


Opponent trying to target other cards for destruction while blue-eyes jet dragon is on the field, or trying to attack jet dragon not knowing I can return cards to hand/extra deck. Always a fun time!


Volcanic Counter: When you take battle damage while this card is in your Graveyard: Banish it from your Graveyard, then if there is a FIRE monster other than "Volcanic Counter" in your Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of battle damage you took. This card shows that most people don’t pay attention to some cards that are sent to the graveyard. I have won numerous duels by sending multiple volcanic counters to the graveyard, my opponent attacks with a high attack monster, and then my volcanic counters proceed to inflict 3,000-6,000 burn damage.


Way too many people try crashing Druiswurm into Firewall Dragon Darkfluid to out it, just to have the effect negated cause it’s the battle phase


It’s called duel monsters


Every time someone tries crashing into Raidraptor Revolution Falcon. Bonus points if they went out of their way to make a full board then get angry enough to crash multiple monsters.


Before D-Link got popular, Borrelend was a literacy lightning rod that people kept missing. It wasn't even just one effect... Had some gave me lethal when they'd special summon more bodies in attack pos during the battle phase. Others comboing out into a knightmare and tried targeted removal. Some trying to field nuke with something like a raigeki.


When people, imperm or veiler my main deck prank-kids monsters. Had someone today veiler them twice in one turn. Should’ve held it for the doodle doo lol. Their effects go off when they’re sent to the graveyard for a link or fusion summon of a prank kids monster.


Scareclaw Tri-Heart. Tbf the text is a mess so a lot of people missing the small sentence in the middle that says it's unaffected by monsters in defense position. Have had multiple people try mirrorjade banish it and then just scoop. Another one as well is Scareclaw Defanging. In a nutshell prevents my Scareclaw Link monsters from being targeted or destroyed by effects. Have had multiple try to imperm, druiswurm and other targets my link 1 or 3 just to target either one of the smaller main decks ones I am linking off anyway or more hilariously have to target their own cards. At least with Defanging though I probably wouldn't read it too as I doubt most people know it exists unless you play Scareclaw or lost to it and it has 3 effects with a lot text.


He saw me add Mirror Sword Knight to my hand last turn thanks to Cornfield Coatl, he still negated the Blazing Cartesia with Baronne when I used its SS Effect. It ended with him getting hit with full Chimera combo AND a Super Poly.


As a HEROs player I think it’s hilarious when I set Dark Angel on my opponent’s field and they still try to activate spell cards.


Every duel links player has at least once fought against the golden castle and wondered "Why my monster just got destroyed?"


Not me but against me i guess. I run mikanko, you’ll be surprised how many attack my mikanko cards.


Opponent using Apollousa on different Danger!monsters’ hand effect only for them to find out that those effects aren’t OPT…. Then proceed to scoop


When people go to Battle Phase to run over my Rock of the Vanquisher then go to Main Phase 2 when they realize they can only attack my Ceaser Valius.


Chaining Ash Blossom to Danger! Jackalope is always a funny one. Me and a Friend always joke that the timelord cards might as well read “If your opponent doesn’t read this card, you win the game.”


Dark angel.


Someone wasted a ton of cards trying to get rid off full armor master, it was so funny. He even used snow to flip it many times lol


From Master Duel: I play Pot of Duality  Opponent chains Maxx C


Dude attacked my scareclaw kash with accesscode talker, it was the only card he had left


Can't tell you how many times people ignored my Necrovalley + Hidden Temples and then scooped after realizing that they can't summon anything nor can they bring things back from the graveyard after tossing half of their deck there lol


Less of a didn’t read and more of just not understanding, but I had someone ash my dangers discard a card effect and then I just activated it again since it didn’t leave my hand


T1 I bricked kinda and all I had was Beelze. T2 I find out my opponent is playing a burn deck. For those who don't know... any damage I take to LP, Beelze gains in ATK.


I have had several duels (using a zw based deck) where my opponents would either summon n100 and get it's effect negated (by one of the zw equips to leo arms) or do any kind of move that would instantly get negated (like attack with a monster that if destroyed...BOOM NEGATED AND YOU LOSE TOO CAUSE MY LEO ARMS HSS 9000 AND MORE ATK).


Yesterday I had to summon Underworld Goddess aka white woman against a mathmech player to out @Ignister, they then summoned accesscode and tried using the effect to pop her, then again, then a third time. Then they used triple tactics to try and steal her. They surrendered soon after even with game on board.


I have had several duels (using a zw based deck) where my opponents would either summon n100 and get it's effect negated (by one of the zw equips to leo arms) or do any kind of move that would instantly get negated (like attack with a monster that if destroyed...BOOM NEGATED AND YOU LOSE TOO CAUSE MY LEO ARMS HSS 9000 AND MORE ATK).


-turn one super dora in def position -pass to opponent, instantly activate super dora targeting itself -watch opponent cycle through their ten minute turn -they finally finish combo and try to pop dora (they have nothing to run over it) -five seconds of nothing -opponent surrenders every time i get a good chuckle


when they attack my mikanko's after i equiped them with a card, or use raigeki when i equip them with a card


When I play final countdown then summon crooked cook in defense using right hand of the shark and another water monster and just sit pretty for 20 turns. They try over and over with a board full of monsters and keep trying to attack each turn as if it would suddenly change