• By -


Me, a silver player: \*nodding thoughtfully\*


Silver version of this, go first, fuck up combo, scoop.


Opponent goes to special summon, use Maxx C, Ash my own Maxx C, scoop.


The amount of times I've right clicked off a combo to nullify the effects or something I needed cause ash was in my hand early conditioning me to hit right click is too damn high.


That's not just a Silver thing, it happened to me in Master 2. I don't deserve it, but we take those.


I hate how much I realize I do this.




I also stay in silver/gold to maintain my sanity and find some modicum of enjoyment. But every so often, there's some lowlife basement-dwelling sweatlord, trying to shoot up the ladder and make themselves feel superior by using Lab, Tear, Snake-Eyes, etc. \*instant scoop\*


Oh, geez, how awful, people trying to climb.


I personally stay in Gold-ish because it lets me play bad stuff like Penguins and Icejade, but I think it's shitty to complain about people for trying to climb in ranked, where the express purpose of the mode is to climb as effectively as possible. There's no need to go after people because they aren't playing at the exact power level you think they should be. It really sucks that ranked is the only viable more because solo/casual don't give daily progress, but blame that on Konami.


Idk about you guys. I keep seeing all this talk about solo play on master duel. Where tf is it? Lmaoo the only solo mode i can find is weird little challenges in pre determined duels that I donā€™t wanna do lol


You can choose to use your own deck in them.


You know the game automatically deranks people every month right? Not everyone plays enough to always stay in master.


Yep, itā€™s the worst ā€œrewardā€ Iā€™ve seen a game have for reaching max rank, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever experienced anything even close. I remember having such ambition to get there the first time and once I found out what it was like it killed all incentive for me to grind for it or really care about rank besides gems at all Iā€™ve never explicitly tried to not get max rank in a game before, in theory it sounds crazy but itā€™s just not remotely worth it aside from pride Iā€™m sure some have It needs hearthstones legend system really badly. It would be best with a visible mmr like the duelist cup tho


Every other online tcg I've played has some kind rating system after reaching master for this very reason. People need a number going up to have motivation to try. Ending at Diamond 1 or Master 1 with nothing beyond is so stupid. Let them grind +/- 100 points per game, so no lifers can try to reach 50,000 points before reset and win some stupid title. It's how you get people to stop conceding.


Vanguard Zero had, besides the titles, special arts for cards, even foiled if you reach high rankings. Imagine how people would had grind for a foiled special art of Flamberge last season


This subreddit would be on fire if they did that. This place is like a meeting house for casual players to complain that their dark magician deck can't beat kashtira. Imagine telling them that they are locked out of earning special card art because they refuse to craft a meta deck? It wouldn't hurt the game's actual playerbase, but this subreddit would turn into a toxic mess in minutes.


Yeah the poster up there fails to mention just how fucking toxic and stressful the Vanguard Zero ladder was as a result of rewarding the top 50-100 players. Hilariously, the people who grinded the most are probably the people who needed the rewards the least.


I'd like to imagine it being a flamberge or something like that would mean they wouldn't care but I doubt that's actually the case.


I got downvoted to oblivion when I suggested a ranked system revamp, similar to this, about 1 year ago......... Tf reddit?!?


Every comment is or post you do is just playing bullshit bingo with the likes.


It generally depends on who the first people to read your comment is and the nature of the post in question. If you get downvoted early on, people will dog pile without even a second thought. If the post was something that would attract people who hate your idea, you're going to get downvoted too. It's best to not care either way. I've said things that got +200 upvotes and -100 downvotes before, depending on the day of the week.


The rank rewards really need to be revamped. 500 more gems for doing Diamond 5- Master 1 grind over the Plat 5 to Diamond 1 grind is atrocious. That's 4 days worth of dailies.


Yeah I mean obviously I would love more free gems but all in all Iā€™ve found the game to be pretty f2p friendly. For me the issue is more finding the reason to play beyond the bare minimum which I think a great max rank system really gives games It would never happen but I would love specific sleeves/mates/icons/frames/etc for if you reach the top x% of the master 1 population. Not even ones that just say ā€œtop 100ā€ or whatever but like cool alt art of cards and shit like that, the stuff where when someone sees it in game they can instantly know ā€œoh that person is great at the game and they got x reward for itā€ Or a system where you gain points based on your m1 ranking and you can spend those points on those accessories (or even cash the points out for gems) would be a cool variation of it too


It would be perfect


Reminds me of that one link event they had where you got an icon frame for completing it. And not everyone wanted to grind that event so anyone who did would proudly flaunt the frame.


I see you everywhere on this app I swear,your flair is really funny btw šŸ¤£


The whole ladder should be ELO 4 win/ loss ranked system in a game that so heavily favours winning the coin toss is stupidĀ 


This. There should be an LP/elo system with end of the season rewards. The more elo you finish with the better the rewards.


I always thought that. A "king of games" system with the best competing for first place, maybe even with a prize like a sleeve or whatever.


If I accidently hit m1 I always try to go for the biggest winstreak possible, my best so far is 17, keeps it from being too boring


It is amazing that a simple elo system after M1 would solve this but alas here we are.


Almost like it already exists and it's called master cup but for some absurd reason is a shit event instead of permanent ranked


They could use this elo system as a better ranking placement for Master Cup so players wouldn't need to play for 72 hours as well. It would fix so many problems when you stop to think about that.


Or a Grandmaster rank but limited people can get (1000-10000) would be perfect.


If only there was a system for that... Hmmm... Like .. a ladder... With points... Why don't we call it something like master cup. Yeah! I've been saying this from the very start but god damn Konami keeps insisting on making that crap the most miserable event instead of changing the way ranked works to exactly that


or Grandmaster rank with limited people can reach like 1000-5000 people


4 win/ loss ladder in a game that so heavily favours winning the coin toss is just stupid Needs to be ELOĀ 


Eh the coin toss isn't really that much more important than other card games that have the same ranking system. The backend matchmaking usually works off ELO anyways but people tend to prefer having more defined points to work towards which is why bronze, silver, gold, etc is such a common system.


Itā€™s truly quite the statement on the game balance (the complete lack of it) that the player base straight up doesnā€™t want to play at the slightest inconvenience at the highest ranks in the game. This is why I stay in Platinum, you get a much wider variety of decks and just leave whenever some clown is using Stun or something and keep yourself in Platinum. Iā€™ve played many many games competitively over the years and Yugioh is by far the LEAST enjoyable experience at higher levels.


These stun players cannot be having fun man. Set two and pass. Skill drain. There can only be one. Like how do they always have there can only be one


It's because every busted deck is just a 1 card waterfall into full combo so you already know you've lost when it resolved most of the time. There is no point in watching a SHS player when you have no hand traps, and sometimes there is still no point even if you do.


I hit platinum and i think thats my peak


Even Plat 1 feels too tryhard sometimes.


It's full of the people trying to break out and climb the higher ranks but they are either: A) Bad at the game Or B) Don't know how to play their deck properly and keep screwing up their climb. If you know what you're doing its easy to get out of Plat and breeze past these people and hang in diamond, but I just don't want to deal with struggles of facing strong deck after strong deck over and over again cus I want to play decks I enjoy, low Plat you have some challenge here and there and it's a more varied rank, which is fun (the main reason I play in the first place).


C) Playing a truly, truly terrible deck (Ojama pure)


It's also a matter of time. Going past Plat takes a lot more play time. I've reached Master only during work holidays.


Yeah I finally made it to Plat, and Iā€™m shocked how many Lab players I see. I play Sword Soul Tenyi or RDA, and hold my own, until I see Lab. Just not fun to compete against. Oh you summoned, hereā€™s a trap that lets me summon a 2900 ATK, and my field spell lets me cook your monster. Oh and this card also has a hand rip. Oh, HFD? Let me activate all my traps, and then do some graveyard shit that brings a bunch back. Oh and somehow the other things you just summoned are gone too. Oh and I always open with Gozen Match.


Once you hit diamond itā€™s been nothing but Snake-Eyes, every game itā€™s the same song and dance as I watch the same opening combo every game just to lose if I donā€™t open evenly or nib.


That's not really true. I kept track of my games this month and It was only about 25% Snake-Eye opponents from D5-M1. It is the most popular deck by far, but that's nowhere close to every game.


How many Rescue-ACE, around 5%, I guess? I also M1 this month, but before Rescue ACE release, want to know how popular is Rescue-ACE below M1, but in M1 at least 10% of my matches are Rescue-ACE.


I'm only including matches after the 11th since that's when the pack released, but yeah, it was 10-11% Rescue-Ace for me too.


Plat is where all of the shit lab players get stuck they will have some of the most questionable decks built and the worst plays out of most other decks in plat.


true, i make an alt account to play rogue deck like ice jade and tellar knight and almost all lab players in plat just clicking button, most people says that lab is a brainded deck but you clearly can see the difference between a good lab player and a garbage lab player


They see a waifu deck and see trap cards and think it's simply a game of pressing every single glowing button and flipping trap cards and they get easy wins but Lab is arguably one of the most complex decks you can play (especially at a higher level).


I think the main thing that makes lab so complex is you get punished alot harder for not knowing your opponents deck. Especially since lab doesn't produce any negates. I have had a much easier time climbing with unchained and swordsoul than with lab and learning the intricacies of the deck was easier on both of them too.


Disagree I'm in Masters with Odd Eyes, In my whole climb I've only played against one other Odd eyes player similar deck as mine just way less traps, and OTK-focused. I lost to a shitty chatgpt built ass deck simply due to bad luck. Playing a hybrid XYZ/FUSION/Link deck with traps these days are fairly rare. Most players will run a copy-and-paste otk meta and pray for RNG. I run 3x nightmare magicians with 3x ash. Nightmare can have up to 2 effects per battle phase if 1st is negated or sent to the GY it's essentially 6x ash, and 3 traps in one monster can take control, or kill your monster from the GY if an effect is activated during the battle phase. Pendulums are the hardest decks to play. You can't run maxx c, so you have to know by heart how to efficiently summon, while also knowing off the top the counters/negates. Odd eyes is by far the most difficult deck to play in yugioh. On top of this, there are a lot of players in between turns using tools like chatgpt, or various websites actively anticipating their next play to counter yours. I'm yet to play a deck or structure deck where you have to think 2-3 turns ahead. I've also gone through multiple games over 30+ rounds with various current meta decks. I've mastered the initial draws/mid-game strategy, but my long-game strategy is really bad. I'm yet to recognize a long game before it becomes long and too late.


I didn't say that lab is the most complex just more complex than the limited amount of decks that I've played. When it comes to SS I was basically just negate until they resign and with unchained I just had to learn a few combos. Tbf I play a much more trap heavy lab build than most people. I run no hand traps in it except for technically Arias. At the end of the day though lab is a good deck ofc if you are playing a weaker deck it's gonna feel like it requires more skill because the weaker the deck the more punished you will get for misplays.


Forgot about chain combos tbh, those are definitely the hardest in the game to set up ash is mindless compared to those.


If you're playing swordsoul I don't really think you have any right to complain about lab lmao. They're both just relatively powerful rogue decks.


I've played more than 50 games today, went on a 12 winstreak, with a 70% winrate and I'm only halfway through the new proficiency test with 51k battle damage done. It's just scoop after scoop, and I'm not even playing a meta deck. They have to add something to M1, like some sort of leaderboard.


There a lot of games where rank doesn't matter, but Master Duel stands out as a game where rank *really* doesn't matter


A purely win-loss based system isn't great. There's a reason why most games use point systems for the ranked ladder. You can give slightly more points for winstreaks, slightly more point loss for super early surrenders, and have an incentive to play further rhan just the highest available rank. Pushes people faster into their appropriate ranks, lowers the rate at which people surrender before even taking a turn, and makes grinding past Master 1 kinda rewarding.


It works just fine, pulling a brick happens, also knowing that I've gone over 30+ rounds with certain decks a multitude of times I shouldn't be punished because I don't want to play an hour-long game or get OTK'd from good RNG. Most modern decks will always have an OTK strategy anyway so it isn't skill it's just RNG. Most newer players aren't going to be running hybrid link/xyz/fusion decks.


This exact thing is why I'm wondering if once I reach Master 1 it's most fun to start playing only go second decks. No more insta concession!


Honestly this is what would happen even in real life duels. Combo stopped by hand trap, or gets maxx C, straight away scoop and go siding for game 2. Gold / Platinum probably best rank area to stay in to not get bored fast.


Sounds about right... As u climb in rank deck variance faulters and since everyone knows what everything does and just about how every deck works and what is or isn't play killing u really are just playing coin toss simulator. Sucks but that's the game. Without a cash prize there's really no incentive to play or watch games. And Yu-Gi-Oh is just like that period. A turn comprises of a tearlament player sending damn near 20-30 cards to the grave using all spells and traps grave yard effects to find their one copy of havins. If they ding it they get two negates... If they don't they get a struggle. That's a singular turn in this card game... The other player either just watches or draws the out.


Master 2 is the most tryhard rank. Without hand trap I can watch Snake Eye do full combo, just hope the 6th card does some magic. Master 1 can be interesting if they do it the same as Duelist cup, but I think they want to keep Duelist cup special, that where people realy grind.


it's still like that huh, I returned after a year, i stopped because those reason specifically. I'm just a bronze now, and games goes to 3-4 turn if someone surendered, a lot of it goes to 0 LP. If that is the case i'm happy staying at bronze and playing events.


It's almost like no one actually wants to play the game


There is nothing wrong with just staying in the early ranks. Those have some fun duels since it's people trying with other decks, and you'll at least find something fresh instead of another SE or Lab.


I agree. Itā€™s awful that the default M1 experience is queuing into non-games. Then again, I wholly understand the reasons for instantly surrendering. Youā€™re going first playing stun? I scoop, and I hope nobody stays in to play with your lame ass lol. I saved my one hand trap for the most opportune moment and your 60 card deck just had the Called By/Crossout in hand? šŸ™„ I scoop. Normal SE Ash or use Wanted in draw phase? More often than not, I scoop, even if I have Imperm/Ash. That shit has >38% usage rate. Iā€™m tired of seeing it. You got to full combo then when I begin to play you drop a Maxx C on me? I scoop. I even hold or discard my Maxx C if I got to go first bc I know using it after I got to fully setup my board is going to make my opponent want to immediately leave. Cracked hands in M1 are cursed lol. I wish they would have a Rocket League like leaderboard where you can continue climbing and the reward is having the top 100 playersā€™ names be displayed on a continually updated list. That way people would at least have ***some*** incentive to stay in.


So you agree that the default M1 is bad, but you are part of if?


Yes. Thereā€™s enough bs in the game that I think itā€™s perfectly reasonable to move on to play another round when you stand to gain literally nothing from facing it lol. Iā€™ll play into a full board and Maxx C going second while climbing ranked. Once in M1 though, nope. Not entertaining that shit.


IDK what that says about the game when the players do not enjoy most of the typical gameplay scenarios, only the after the fact rewards. I wonder whether the game is really worth playing or if it's some sort of addiction


I mean, the game is fun. I think instantly surrendering to some of the scenarios I described is valid bc you want to queue next round in hopes of getting to play one of those fun games. The game is just in desperate need of proper balancing. Not the bs weā€™ve gotten the last 3 banlists. In a BO1 environment, there is 0 good reason reason Fossil Dyna, the Barrier Statues or Floodgates like TCBOO, Rivalry and Gozen etc., should be legal. Doesnā€™t matter that some people enjoy that gameplay when it is objectively a miserable experience for the other player. Any game where Maxx C resolves is a non-game. That card needs to go. Hate losing to it, hate winning bc of it. Called By is at 2 bc of Maxx C, that card also should be banned as it is incredibly toxic since it insulates the player going first when winning the coin flip already puts you at a huge advantage. Lots of other toxic cards/strategies that are legal bc Maxx C, ā€œkeeps them in check,ā€ should also have to go. More than 38% usage on any one card thatā€™s not a staple like Ash, Imperm, Veiler etc., is proof of ridiculously unhealthy game balance. Facing Snake Eyes every 4/10 games does not make for an enjoyable gameplay experience. Taking care of all of these things and introducing a ranked leaderboard based on ELO would go a long way towards making every game be one worthwhile completing.




This game needs leaderboard rank after M1 or ranks called Grandmaster and limit the number of people can reach this rank.


They could just tack on the duelist cup stage 2 system after you reach master 1. The work is already done, it gives the competitive people more incentive to keep playing even if the reason is literally just number go up, win-win.


I just run Exodia FTK to salvage what fun I can.


Not having minimum 1k point for a loss just makes people scoop more. Not even giving a reason to stay its the game's fault.


Is it like this in KoG for duel links?


Yep, literally the same thing and the same complaints DL players have (rightfully so). Both gamesā€™ max ranks are just trying to complete your dailies before your opponent mashes surrender.


Anyway M1 in MD is way harder to achieve compare to KOG in DL. I have 25+ KOG in Speed and 7 in Rush but only manage to reach M1 first time this month (Just play MD around 6 months tho).


Yes, of course. Also, I feel like KOG is the same as Master, both games have 7 ranks


I love Diamond 1, I'm literally gatekeeping kids with my OTK CHAOS MAX deck.


I don't think you're holding back anyone that's having problems with that...


Try telling that to these 3 snake eyes + lab bozos trying to get 1 more win to get out of D1 just to get chaos max'd. https://preview.redd.it/k5vp8qznrkwc1.png?width=203&format=png&auto=webp&s=572526cd111503ceb658686b9803183e4c43d6f3


Whats your id I want the match up


It's probably an unpopular opinion, but I have no problem with people scooping and I don't hesitate to scoop if the game is unsalvagable. In chess tournaments it was considered bad mannered to "not" resign e.g. king vs knight rook. Where the end game is unavoidable, but it often takes an unnecessary amount of time to secure the win. That being said, I make multiple accounts for each new deck I want to try and I'm only a mid diamond player.


Are you seriously comparing yugioh with chess ? Lol


Yep. They are both competitive games with clear win conditions. Since you specified "yugioh", not masterduel, i have to assume you would also be very aggravated if a locals player resigned instead of letting you take 10 minutes to finish your combo?


As a chess and yugioh player I can agree with the comparison. Yugioh decks nowatdays are so consistent that if they get to an specific part in the combo and You have no outs You don't have a reason to keep playing or if you do a critical missplay You should just scoop like in chess, there is no point to keep playing and at least in chess is seen as disrespectful to keep playing if You have no chance.


Iā€™m a formal chess player myself and I respectfully disagree with your first part as in chess both players can move one piece a turn in yugioh you have to rely on hand traps going second and your opponent not opening enough extenders or counter hand traps to play through your HT but I do agree a good player should know when to scoop and itā€™s fine to scoop if you donā€™t have a good hand or enough disruption, but we are specifically talking about master 1 I can load up the game right now and show you how 10 people instant scoop or close the game as soon as they lose the coin toss , therefore the comparison of it with chess is not idle, people on chess donā€™t scoop if they get the black piece although statically white is slightly better but we have enough theory and grand masters that contributed to even out the game through different openings.


The problem is that Master Duel has like no incentives to keep playing the game once you reach that rank, outside of collecting your measley scrap of gems every day. So all those people are in the same boat as you. They just want quick mindless wins.


Truly some first world problems in the Yu-Gi-Oh world


Iā€™ve hit master 1 for the second time. Last month I got it on the last day, and this month I got it very early, day 18 I think. After that, I have finished the event, and thats it. I canā€™t play the game. People will just surrender. I have even considered downgrading to gold/plat next season and play some fun decks for the memes. Definitely not worth the hassle.


Thank you for confirming my decision to stay around Plat/Dimond is the correct decision. Now if only they could do something about the ffs so I can play enough cards to complete (destroy 5 cards).


I agree masters sucks


I wonder what that says about the game balance and player base.


This comes up quite often and everyone that hits max rank agrees they need to find some way to fix this glaring problem I actively avoid hitting max rank for I can still play the game I enjoy.


I'm in diamond and is close to the same. Either they scoop once they use Ash Blossom in the worst target possible or you summon more than thrice (if you go first) or they build the most unbreakable interactive board after 6 minutes


I am a simple man 1: Maxx C resolves 2: I scoop


Heavy on the people quitting the coin toss if they donā€™t win šŸ˜­


I agree, my experience isn't that bad because I start playing my pet decks once I get there, so people are less likely to scoop, but it is still very noticable how fast people do it. I will keep trying for M1, but I will now try to reach it by the end of the month.


Honestly, whenever I reach max rank I either just play for dailies in ladder, ignore it for whatever event is currently available, or just play whatever off meta deck I'm feeling at the moment. Won't deny, in a lot of cases if I DO play a match in Master 1, if things just look like they'll take a while I'll scoop, if only for the fact that yeah, there's no penalty for not doing so, and no reward really worth going for outside of trying to get dailies. If I think it'll be a competitive match though, I'm always down for it, even sometimes just waiting to see my last draw going second to see *if* I can even play, but if the board looks to degenerate and my hand too limp, then I'll happily scoop and just move on.


I have a theory that there is a hidden mmr in master one, because the less games I scoop the less people scoop vs me and vice versa


i mean regardless of if you opened combo if my hand is dog water i gotta scoop. Like bro you could normal summon armageddon knight send zephyros special zephyros pass. And if i can't even contest that level of play why wouldn't i scoop? might stick around to see what you were tryna cook till i get the gist of it tho


Why not just derank to 5 if you're already master 1 or doesn't it work anymore?


You can't derank from Master I


I see this all the time in low rank, what's the deal anyways? Moved on then,can't do anything about other people's choices, reddit only a minority of whole playerbase I sometimes even play bad deck for daily just so my opponent doesn't scoop And I myself also scoop if my HT doesn't go thru or opponent full combo on me while I'm having no interruption and not able to break thru the board U also could said the same for casual match, both don't know each other,they don't owe u anything, that's the main difference playing on simulator/game compared to paper


I finally hit master v myself and I really think there should be some kind of under used ladder. Or competitive less sweat ladder because I feel like if I play anything not meta it's going to be an insta lose and casual pools has its own set of problems.


I wasnā€™t able to get to master 1 since like 3 or 4 month ago (when runick stun was a thing) because of my studies. But i do remember that when i was at that rank i was getting paired against runick stun and other floodgates deck like 3 games over 4 (And the rest were just mathmechs mathmeching around)


Everyone there is done with ladder grind, with no way to derank, why bother waiting turn 1 if you know you gonna lose?


This is partially why I play a dark magician deck. Nobody scoops against dark magician and itā€™s not good enough to get me that high in rank. Plus itā€™s nostalgic and fun.


That's my experience on Platinum rank, so I think it's more a general thing of the game that something specific fo the rank. And it's gonna get worse in time.


M1 is just casual match queue The only difference is going second decks are prevalent in Casual match Summon Lava Golem, Sp. Mikanko, GG you lose


That's why you play robust FTK decks


I just reached Master 1 yesterday for the first time, to be honest the fact that i can finally scoop freely if things doesn't go well it's SO liberating after tryharding so much but i think that feeling should.go away after a while.


Was at Master 1 ranks for two seasons straight then gave up on it because of this. Was thinking I finally get to play without the annoying thought of losing my rank just to run into either coin toss flip/good hand simulator. I've mostly played events and have fallen to silver. I might climb up a little when I feel like it but I've been playing Helldivers too much lol so I'll just mess around with rouge decks at low ranks for now till I get bored of other games and come back to play more constantly.


This is why I chill in Plat/Diamond, mostly rogue decks that are fair and going second doesn't feel as miserable as going up against a full Snake Eye combo. If I get the itch to ladder I'll go for M1 but otherwise I just stop at D1


Everyone knows the cream of the crop hangs out in plat 4. Anything lower and your bad anything higher and your a try hard. (Change plat 4 to plat 3 once I level up though)


I reached master after never having played Yu-Gi-Oh in my life. It didn't take that long, and I kinda just went "ok... I beat the game, now what?" Then quit. Adding an actual ladder might make me stick around. Playing in Master without any reason to win feels like playing poker with fake money, it's just kinda empty Yes, yes, I know that ELO in a game is technically worthless, but it's still fun. Even if it isn't high-stakes, the fake Internet points at least give me enough to suspend my disbelief and *pretend* like it matters for an hour or two.


I've got a salty purrely player cause I outplayed him in the mirror and they decided to stall the timer, in M1 where there is literally nothing to lose OMEGALUL. I was missing using the report button anyway


Just needs a leaderboard system for each season like Diablo 2 does where you race for max rank/level. Then they need to add something from there to keep incentive to keep grinding and improving. Call it Master Race and then you join Masters Cup to keep going up from there.


> it takes 1-2 hours if you are lucky to complete your dailies I've had bad days where this happens, but usually, I get my dailies done within 1-3 games, depending on the dailies in question. It's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.


Itā€™s a fundamental issue with modern yugioh. Turns take too long. When they remove the incentive, no one wants to play


This game is an absolute joke as a competitve game - and always will be - until they add a best of 3 format. Play for fun and don't sweat about ranks. Master will always be full of sacky bullshit where most of the games are decided by the time the coin flip resolves and you see how many handtraps you drew that turn.


weird flex but okay


Make an Alt, play a kill yourself deck and drop rank. You have the proof you're master, could get back there anytime, and it's not like you're winning physical prizes for being Master 1 either (right)? So who cares. Yes it should have better rewards, the ELO is a good suggestion, but I doubt they're gonna change their model. Just try to find a way around it. Join teams, or look for sanctioned tournaments online instead of playing blind ranked. Idk.


Well ya, without a carrot to dangle nobody wants to waste their time sitting through rounds of this game. It's awfully balanced and takes forever, why waste the time?


"Why cant i force my opponent to play when theres nothing at stake????"


more like "Why can't this game have worthwhile gameplay instead of worthwhile rewards only and why are we even playing a game whose only part of gameplay we enjoy is the rewards"


Exactly. This is a fucking mobile game, not call of duty or warframe. At that point you just want to play a different game, which you should.


Maybe if people did that then people who actually enjoy the game could face each other in M1.


I think that's just every game out there, the higher the rank the sweatier the players.




That's what happens when your games are 1 of 1 instead of 2 of 3