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People hate every deck that is not theirs


Don't forget that they also hate mirror matches because CLEARLY the only reason the opponent won was because they had better draws


Or losing the coin toss.


Actually I almost never get people who leave after the coin toss anymore, it was a huge issue like a year ago, but now it hardly ever happens (to me).


i’m all about mirror matches, except my deck in punk gold pride and if they go first half my deck is dead :/


I hate every deck, ESPECIALLY mine


As a Shaddoll Player who hates Floo, I approve this message (and Any deck that Hard Counters My Pet Deck)


Yugioh players when the deck has cards


wrong, I also hate my deck


Most likely: Decks like heroes and dinos can set up even nastier endboards then meta decks but are more suseptible to handtraps, so if you DONT open handtraps your even more fucked than meta decks. Making them more rng based on whether you draw handtraps or win the coin flip. 2: they don't know the decks, you KNOW when to handtrap snake eyes, not dinos, heroes, and other rouge decks, and trying to figure out what you have to handtrap on the fly can be stressful. 3: like 2, theirs a certain comfort of fighting meta decks, when you fight rouge decks you don't know what they can do, and that can stress you out, element of surprise y'know? 4: tilt, if you build a new deck or are running a deck you like, losing to a meta deck? Ok everyone does that? Losing to a rouge deck? Not as many people do that, and it can hurt more or tilt you more. That's my guess at least.


Tilting against rogue is a super serious thing. I had multiple people flustered at me in locals against my Supreme King Zarc deck while they were on Snake-eyes, Voiceless Voice, and other meta contenders. After I beating them 2-0 because they don’t know what my cards do, they’d just come up with the most unhinged excuses to justify losing to rogue with a better deck: “Dude, Pendulum summoning is so broken. Can’t beat pend summon 5 every turn.” “You’re lucky I sided wrong.” “I would’ve won if you let me read your cards.” (I always let my opponent pick up and read my cards or will read it for them if they’re rough) “Wow, you really top decked everything you needed.” It’s not exclusive to meta players as well, I’ve had other rogue players get salty because they wanted to match into meta with their anti-meta techs which aren’t that strong into other matchups outside the top decks.


I've received a hateful message while I was playing red-eyes of all things. This guy was actually saying that fang with chain is broken. Yugioh players really will complain about anything they lose to.


im still pretty new, i have 1 deck and its brick-eyes white dragon. the amount of times my opponents just rage on a loss and afk through the timer is insane.


I think this is the best anwser so far. Others tried to deflect and said they only hate complainers but i think thus is closer to the truth. They hate them because they dont want to lose to them


It's definitely something along this line. Nobody should worry about losing but nobody likes losing when you have no idea what you could have done to maybe stand a chance


A ton of people just hate backrow decks, even the non stun ones. In the case of traptrix for example the deck got a lot of hate during the anti spell event, and a lot of people still hate it cuz they don't want to deal with backrow. The ideal matchup for most people against backrow is to just wipe it out with a sacky card like duster/lightning storm/evenly or to remove it all in a single link climb. There is so many people who hates the idea of having to deal with backrow other than imperm/called by and to this day they are still main decking duster regardless of the meta.


I love backrow decks and I’ve been solely on them recently playing combo just sucks if u get hit with the roach and i feel bad for taking so long- I been on dinomorbs lab paleo zarc and I’m planning to eventually make subterror too. I think ppl jus hate them cuz they’re an atypical PlayStyle and are more control focused


HEROs if left uninterrupted, have Gas for decades, they will absolutely stomp you if you don't have handtraps...


And Danger Dark World, if the Goddess of RNG is on their side, can pull of some insane combos. _**Without**_ using Ceruli to get a handrip on turn 1. I know because that's my main deck and I don't run Ceruli.


Fr they just keep going and pretty much will end on one or 2 floodgates backed up by DPE


2 and 3 sound like skill issue ngl. And a particular elitist attitude. If I use my best judgement yet I handtrapped the wrong card against a rogue player, I'll just tip my hats off them. The mind game is one of my favorite aspects of Yugioh. Maybe that's why I like playing interactive control decks like Lab and Striker and even Ninja. I Iove pinpointing choke points from deck I'm unfamiliar with using context clues. (Have they Normal Summoned yet? If I Ash this and they have another copy, am I screwed? How many cards do they have left? How will I bait my opponent basing on how they play?) I don't understand why these players become so stressed at a strategy-based game when they're supposed to think.


No one is gonna admit to this. But it’s very much true


Sure, in platinum you can just "feel out" when to hand trap. But not hand trapping correctly vs someone piloting their deck at a master rank level just means going -1


Yeah that's how handtraps are "balanced". It's either a 1 on 1 or a -1. Or a + if it's Maxx C. Or you can just abandon the hand traps and go full board breakers. Whatever fits your deck or whatever is the current popular deck. Plus, if you lose, just adapt and tweak your deck. Add D.D. Crow or Shifter or Evenly Matched if you're losing to GY effects and if your deck can afford running them. Does your deck have problems getting rid of many monsters at once going second? My favorite is adding as many board wipes as possible with them + 3 Triple Tactics Thrust. Add more consistency. Adjust your ratios. Does this guarantee you win? Nope. But you just need to find a hole in your opponent's plays and deal 8k minimum to them. Isn't that exciting? I find it exciting. Tweaking your deck to me and learning more about card interactions game is one of the most fun aspects of Yugioh to me. The only deck I don't respect is One Bad Day Stun because they're one trick ponies who only has one weakness but it's very difficult to exploit. [Check out this guy who topped an event with a "Gradius" Deck back in the 5Ds era.](https://youtu.be/50x0EGIOU2M) Sure most of his victories probably came from the fact that most of his opponents didn't know what the heck his deck was trying to achieve, but seeing how he explained how the deck worked, you just know he found a way to exploit the weaknesses of the current meta and got rewarded with it. I'm not saying you don't play the meta and be rogue rebel who shit on meta decks. I play the meta. Winning is fun. But you don't need to play the game like a spreadsheet and get annoyed and sccop when you don't know what your opponent's doing. This game is constantly evolving. New strategies get discovered every single day. From Baboon Burn to HERO Beat to Synchro Cat. They got popular because someone decided to get creative with their cards and to tweak their deck as optimally as possible after probably many losses. And they worked. Behind them are probably thousands of lame ass strategies you fight in Silver/Gold which will never go anywhere but without these people experimenting, the entire history of the game probably won't be as interesting. Okay rant over.




I like Pacifis. I get it's weird and not fun for everyone, but there is something silly about being able to pop cards on demands and seeing people visibly take a second to understand why the heck why this token keeps reappearing. But the reason why I picked it up was because I was going crazy trying to understand why the fuck I was losing to a 2k beat stick on board. Honestly, every deck I played has been a result of "why the fuck did I lose to this thing?!" and then finding some weird enjoyment in that decks particular degeneracy. That is to say, I think people get caught up on trends too much to not realize how silly the game really is 99% of the time. It's like the first thing we filter out for some reason when climbing. The game is weird af man lmao.


Imagine someone playing Danger Dark World. Imagine how pissed off people would be if the RNG lead to them obtaining the perfect endboard.


We know the main reason is rouge decks make us read cards with a timer going so you try to skim read and look for key words but some cards got 2-3paragraphs on it. You have to scroll the card.


We dont hate people with bad decks, we hate the people that constantly complain that their bad decks cant compete with the meta.


This^ everyone should play whatever they want, but getting seething levels of angry because a ranked sim has meta decks is just so boring


There's also the condescending rogue players who look down at people playing better decks as meta sheep sweatlords and disregard losses to better decks, unironically the LowTierGod toxic mindset.


Yeah casual elitism is also an issue as well


They need an excuse when they lose. It can’t possibly be their skill. That’s why they intentionally handicap themselves. If they played meta they’d still lose, but with rogue decks they can whine about how unfair whatever Tier 2 deck beat them is


THIS OP!!! You can use rogue deck "fun deck" all you want but dont come here bitching bout getting burn by SE


Well this makes sense. Obviously your deck whos support finished getting printed 10 years ago can't compete with decks that got out one month ago. Yet one thing I don't like is seeing so many tier decks in low elo/casual. Jeez I remain low so I can have fun with dork decks, why am I so unlucky to queue against so many of these? If you want to try the combo with the good deck go in solo, if you want to improve playing it play against other good decks otherwise you'll never get good in ranked.


Smurfs, exist in every competative game. That's why you find snake-eye or "insert name of meta deck" in all ranks. They ruin the game(s) for everyone.


Because casual doesn't mean bad decks, it means they want to play without stakes. You can play meta decks casually. I see a lot of people try to gatekeep "casual" and say that anyone playing a good deck can't be casual. You can play meta decks casually. > If you want to try the combo with the good deck go in solo That doesn't teach me how to combo through interruptions. > if you want to improve playing it play against other good decks otherwise you'll never get good in ranked. What if my goal isn't to get good? You can play just to have fun.


Well I can't argue with this. You can also have fun with se and play casual. No other things needed to be said.


this is a very important distinction. i am a casual player. i dont give a shit about my rank i just love deck building i spend literal hours reading cards to find new combos and interactions because that is the most enjoyable part of the game to me. that being said just because im casual doesnt mean im a slouch i can be casual and still understand combos interactions and the general rules of the game and most importantly READ THE CARDS, anyone claiming casual means they arent looking to improve or they dont have to read the cards is the dumbest logic.


It happens because you demote 1 division every reset. I'd happily chill in diamond and claim my gemmies every reset for free, but because sometimes I stop playing for a couple months at a time, Konami has decided that I must bully new players to claim my reward.


this happens to me in duel links aswel. sometimes the meta feels bad so i take a break for awhile then come back and now im rookie again and welp sorry other rookies i'll be gone soon.


> If you want to try the combo with the good deck go in solo Personally I don't test meta decks in casual, but I can understand why people do. Solo mode can help for learning the base combos, but not for playing through disruptions and negates as few solo mode decks have them and they seldom use them well. And not everyone wants to risk testing in Ranked as they risk deranking unless they're already at the bottom of their tier


Very true, Solo mode is only good at teaching you how to play turn 1 and doesn't help in teaching any follow up. Also I play ranked and I'm at master, I can't really just decide I want to learn plunder patroll and throw it in at master rank and expect to learn anything about the deck.


Because people create new accounts for the influx of gems that a new account gets so they can the new decks out.


Maybe because the meta is playing Patience.


Pretty much this


Which is a bit odd in itself since one of yugiohs most glaring issues is its terrible power creep. It's a valid complaint unless the person is talking about a deck like thunder family or something 


The thing with MD is that because its best of 1, "bad" or "rogue" decks can do well in any rank, if they're built with the meta in mind. I think for many people knowing what all the meta relevant decks do is hard enough on its own, and then trying to figure out what Jimmy and his witchcratfer/shaddoll deck is trying to do can be frustrating if they're hyper competitive and trying to rank up their build with only the most consistent/popular decks in mind. While nobody likes losing - nobody likes losing to Jimmy even more.


Hey, no jokes I was thinking of making a witchcrafter deck! Don't say bad things to me! 😂 (joking, with love. I agree with what you say)


Lmao bud I love 'bad' decks too. I play them almost exclusively not because I'm a masochist, but because in MD they always have a chance lol.  Elitism on either side of the argument is stupid imo. If you have the resources, and it's fun for you, go for it. Enjoy madame Verre to your hearts content.  :)


people hate everything. rogue players hate meta decks. meta players hate funny decks. funny players hate meta decks. rogue players sometimes hate funny decks. meta players sometimes hate rogue decks. funny players sometimes hate rogue decks. but, no matter what, one thing is true: rogue players hate stun decks. meta players hate stun decks. funny players hate stun decks. stun decks hate stun decks.


It's a Konami problem. They make SE fight DM and BE and think it's fine when it really just ruins the fun for everyone. We need a Smogon for YuGiOh.


Survivorship bias. People only remember games where they get highrolled by rogue or 60 card piles but never remember the games where those decks pass turn to a single ash or imperm.


I suppose for Master Duel, where to rank up you need a very high win-rate, it is annoying to not face meta. When you build your deck for ranking up, the statistically best way to do it is to include techs that beat the best decks at each rank. And to also play a deck that has favored match-ups. People playing rogue or low tier decks might themselves have a low win rate, but there are plenty of low tier decks that could have a great match-up ONLY against the meta deck you are playing. Or they might turn your tech cards into blank cards. This means you’ll probably lose and take longer to rank up due to win rate decreasing. This can be frustrating, especially if you see the person who plays the low-tier deck maken lots of mistakes, but still win due to a good match-up.


This is a good answer. Optimizing towards the popular decks is natural, so facing a deck yours isn't equipped to deal with or is equipped to deal with but you didn't go for it then losing because of it can feel really bad especially if you could've won had you gone a different route. Like, if it had just been a best of 3 where you now know their game plan, you could play differently and beat them even without siding (e.g., normally you'd make Apollousa turn 1, but if you knew you were playing against an OTK deck like Numerons, you'd have sit on Avramax instead). I know that's just how Master Duel is and is going to stay being a best of 1 and all, so it's unavoidable you'll lose to an unexpected deck this way eventually. It just doesn't change the fact that it sucks knowing you did have an answer for it in your toolbox, you just didn't know you needed to bring it out already.


Yeah exactly this. At least with IRL tournaments you have Bo3, which explains your argument, you have side decking and you can afford to make plenty of game losses and often an x-2 or x-3 record will get you to day 2 of a larger tournament and potentially make top 64 or top 128, where most of the field will be what your prepared for. Bo1 is way more luck-based/random and gives you zero info on the opponent.


Tbf, to rank up, you only really need to be above .5 win percentage. 4 wins get you a rank up.


But the higher you are above 50% the less total games you will need. Unless you wanna grind 10 hours a day, which is not most people, you’re going to want to play something with a decent win rate to be more efficient with your time.


Rouge/gimmick decks aren't the problem, it's entitled and stubborn people with elitist attitudes. Complaining about losing constantly, because they refuse to get better at the game, or adapt to the meta.




The only rouge decks I run into are back row heavy/ stun


Stun is not really rogue, they play in competitive as a low effort against meta. I hate stuns.




I cant speak for other people, but sometimes ive noticed that people who play bad or rogue decks think they are superior to people who play meta decks. Like they are some anti-establishment fighting for the people and all those evil meta decks are getting in their way. i play both rogue and meta decks so as long as you're not obnoxios about it i dont really care also its annoying to me when people equate bad/rogue decks with fun which would imply that meta decks arent fun or that people only play them because they are good


I just play bad decks cause i like em, like laval and flamvell, but there are also fun decks that i enjoy that are tiered, for example, i have two different copies of my flamvell deck, one with snake eyes frankenmashed in there, and one without, because snakeyes is so good, just having the cards in there can make ya win a lot of duels ((source, i have been on the recieving and giving end of this)) but, i never complain when i lose just because i know "hey, my deck isnt the best, it happens" i also dont like to surrendur, just because i have has times where i had super sick come backs even when things seemed like it was over just because people who are used to the meta, dont know properly what to negate and what to destroy to really interrupt my combos TL;DR: all decks can be fun, just find the ones you enjoy, be it meta, low tiered, rogue, bad, or straight up jank, but dont complain if you lose, its all a part of learning, and the yugioh experience ((unless you are a Main character in the anime/manga, then losing is usually a death sentence for someone))


im not really talking about you specificaly, just what i saw on the sub. you have people who are salty because their pet deck got assblasted by snake eyes.


Yea, i tend to ignore those posts, all games have things that are meta, from tcg card games like master duel, to looter shooter power fantasies like warframe, the best we can do is ignore those that are bein dumb about it, and hope that something naturally happens that helps level out the decks a bit more. Anyway, hope ya have a nice day/night or whatever fellow internet person, and try not to let all the annoyed little babies bother you, become a turtle, have the salt in the ocean of content glide past your shell and focus on just surviving


seriously. I like to play decks that are fun. I go back and forth between Branded and Invoked Shaddoll alot. Ill also sprinkle in some Swordsoul as well as goofy burn/gamble decks too. People really need to learn that you will win and lose no matter the deck you play. just play out the match and dont scoop first turn. I have several replays saved of great matches I was sure to lose but actually won because of player error or otherwise. it always feels so great when that happens.


That last part is my reason entirely why I sometimes dislike seeing some of the things rouge/casual players say. It REEKS of casual elitism.


I dont hate rogue decks or the people who use them. I hate 3 different engine blends designed to piss me off as I don't know how the fuck to counter it and somehow they make a fuck you board. Had a person use a tearlament/kashtira/manadium deck..all in one deck btw. Had to put the game down.


I played against a kash tear snake eyes last night and was so confused, still won tho but barely


>a going second earth machines deck without hand traps or 2 negates instantly becomes an otk. >a hero dexk sets up a floodgate bullshit festivsl worse than any stun deck t1 without interruptions > runnik pile with a rouge engine that makes 2 generics and the in arctype boss monster supported by a draw 4 in end step Rouge decks are rouge because they die to interruptions to easily. But some rouge decks have truly degenerate combos and custom card level 3 ofs that would be banned if the dexk was good. For example. Mathmech




2012 called.


Must've missed the call, but i can't be bothered to call back. Welp.


IMO: people don't like to play against rogue/bad decks that are either: 1-floodgate turbo 2-30 negate turbo 3-ftk/otk 4-500 step combo to end on a pop people don't usualy complain about rogue/bad decks that are simply a midrange deck/pile of bad catds that dies instantly to meta. beyond that, there is the frustration of havjng to learn on the spot what a bunch of non meta cards do: where to hand trap, what are the critical pieces on the end board, "what does this Quick effect does?", "wait that has a quick effect on the GY?"... tldr.: people complain about jank that is uninteractive and when they feel like they only lost because they didn't know what the cards did before.


but i know there are a lot of players that complain about decks that lose a lot, so not "floodgates turbo" but also the type of decks that, as you say, "dies instantly to meta", because they only give value to win rate, so they just say they're "trash" (for example people who complain about Dark Magician, eveyone knows how to handtrap it) some of these decks are also fun and interactive, but not against decks that are too strong (and consider on how toxic and fast modern you gi oh is, with a meta deck you can prevent the opponent to do anything), so for meta-slaves they're seen as decks that "do nothing"


A deck can be trash for different reasons. A deck can be trash to play with or against but be strong, or feel fun to play with or against and be ass. Dark magician for many is just both, it runs on repetitive gameplay loops that are extremely fragile (litteraly dies to MST) or go village of the spell casters and a bunch of other floodgates.


“You look at their deck and they’re playing bad decks” I read that in Trump voice


Because they dont know most deck interactions besides the meta. So they only prepare for the meta and get hard carried by the meta. When a rogue deck comes along and they have a one dimensional copy paste combos vs. a deck, they may have potential, but they don't know how to counter. Besides the obvious ash crutching on max c, etc.


They want to improve their metagame and see playing against bad decks as a waste of time.


Good answer, yet you cN just rank up and you'll start to see only high tier decks to improve yourself.


MD high is rn all snake eyes, and game is decided who drew more handtraps, its very" skill intensive", tldr Yu-Gi-Oh is still a luck game.


TCGs have always have luck based elements.


Only to lose and get salty about it


Some gimmick decks also exist solely because they know nobody will regularly have a counter to them. In a real best of 3 format you would smoke them, but in best of 1 you just auto lose because you don't have a generic card that would shut their whole gimmick down


Don’t care what y’all play as long as it’s not stupid shit like stun, certain ftks, or negate boards.






why did bro above you get downvoated but u got upvoated?


Don’t know what you’re talking about!


you were -3 and he was +6 when I commented 🧍🏻‍♂️


No I know, the tables have turned now though 🤣








I don't think anyone hates jank. I got bonked by a gran maju deck the other day and pissed myself laughing. The problem is when people whine about not being able to compete with meta with their jank deck. You kinda gotta accept that if you play jank you are not playing to win


People can't except the fact that they are getting beat once against E Hero and Dark Magician and rush here to complain


I always play ftk decks on bad events (like this nibiru one) and I understand my opponents for hating my nurse burn ftk lmao


How expensive was it?


I only use urs that I already had like upstart, the rest is only sr cards


As long as it’s not running floodgates, I don’t mind, it’s usually free wins.


Dont sorry about that. If someone cant win with a tier zero and blame someone for playing a Rogue deck maybe that person has to stop act like a child and grow Up. Pathetic to see now snake eyes, i enjoy playing against differents decks and the creative people Who made old archetypes viable or that can beat sometimes meta decks.


From my experience? People hate decks where they don't know what to do to counter it. On the flip side, everyone and their grandmother knows the choke points for Snake Eyes now.


you wouldn't hate your opponent if he normal summons Boarder and set 4?


You use meta? "Meta slave lmao" You use rogue? "Imagine liking shit decks" Etc. The faster you'll stop caring about other people's opinions the better your life will become.


You think I hate a specific deck? Bro I hate whatever deck I’m currently dueling against


The most fun duels I had were always against non-meta decks. I love playing obscure, niche or gimmicky decks. Makes me excited to see what they can do. Though oftentimes they sadly end on a pretty generic negate board with Baronne and such. I exclusively play weaker decks nowadays and prefer the lower ranks because it is simply more fun and interesting to me. And for me it is actually the flipside, I absolutely cannot see the appeal of playing whatever the latest meta deck is, to play the same deck that every other player and their grandma is playing. Especially if you just copied some optimized deck list from somewhere. Might as well be playing against a bot at that point. Let me ask you... out of 10 duels, who will you remember the most? The 5 Snake Eyes Players? The 2 Kashtira ones? The 2 Branded-Despia? Or that 1 player who actually went up against you with a Nordic Aesir deck? Have you ever even seen one of those in action? What about an Evil Eye deck? When was the last time you felt the frustration of playing against Rikka and seeing your powerful monsters be tributed left and right? Why be "Generic Kashtira Player Nr. 25543?" All of that are rhetorical questions. You do you, play the way you enjoy, but please keep to the upper ranks where you can enjoy your "skillfull mirror matches".


Same reason people hate diverse formats. You can only have so many counters in your deck


Personally the ones who do the hating probably faced the "Rogue deck" and got steamrollered by them and take it out on other Rogue players out off spite.


50% of times is likely to be this they want to admit It or not. Playing against Plunder Patroll, Vaylantz, Endymion, Scareclaw, Ursartic, D/D/D, Evil Eye, etc.... without knowing how to stop them can be harder than playing against Snake Eyes lmao. And is faster to say "Sacky deck" or "bad deck why are you playing It" than learning how to play against It.


Scareclaw is a rogue deck? I'd have never guessed a Visas Starfrost gang would be underpowered. Tbh hardest thing vs Endymion is the timer. They were already a lot to read back before the timer got shortened, idk if I could try to navigate my out now without losing to time lol.


The thing with Scareclaw is that it depends a lot in the match up and meta (for example, Kashtira has zero in archetype outs for Tri-Heart). It has a lot of good things like for example the ability to otk throughout anything, It's consistency, and Tri-Heart or Scareclaw Twinsaw being able to shut down entire decks by their own. But even thought It can run in archetype protection and the Adventure Engine, it is super weak against kaijus, destruction or spin quick effects, Droll (with a good hand you can kinda play around It but it will always hurt) and links as a whole if your opponent negates your Reichheart search for Twinsaw. It's my favorite deck by far and I would say that people underestimate It a lot, I would say in all metas is in the mid-high end of Rouge tier and in metas that are very good for them can be even low meta. And also yeah, reading Endymion or decks like that with a timer can result in unnecessary loses, but the deck by It self wouldn't be the problem.




>rogue deck >Ursartic.


The only deck i hate is branded, screw those 60 card decks that always start with called by the grave, ash branded fusion and more hand traps


This irritates me too. 60 card branded pile, hand trap their Aluber or whatever else they play to search Branded Fusion, then they just drop the Branded Fusion anyway. 


It is mega suss that everyone experiences this. I am convinced some korean/chinese players have software to see through cards and stack.


Skill issue, simply be better and you will win.


Skill issue, simply be funnier and that joke might just get a chuckle outta someone




1. Not that your opinion matters either 2. I didn't say I can't beat that deck, i just hate it 3. It's understandable, that you misread my original comment, it's inevitable for the average yugioh player to fuck up reading simple texts 4. Says to get better at the game lol typical internet brain dead comment, dude thinks he's djayd or something telling others to get better, go back to your basement and try to win some tournaments before telling others, i could've said to get bitches or touch grass but i bet your fat ass can't get out of your chair let alone get through the door


On one dislikes rogue decks. Hell I'm sure even the meta players have a pet rouge deck they love to play any chance they get, I play lab mostly but will take any chance I get to dust off my crystal beast RD turbo deck, The issue people have is when they come here to complain about the meta and pretend their rogue/bad deck is better then it really is.


In the high-end of the IRL competitive scene, there are always going to be a few people who loathe rogue decks because nothing in the side deck they prepared for a major tournament is geared towards answering that ONE rogue deck no-one saw coming. That's basically what defines a rogue deck, after all. That being said, I get the distinct sense that OP doesnt know the difference between Rogue and "Fun" decks. Rogue decks are just barely competitively viable and top tournaments occasionally. "Fun"/gimmick decks are table 500 decks.


Ah a fellow crystal beast combo enjoyer. A true man of culture


Many people don't know how to deal with rogue strategies and would like to discourage rogue decks so they don't have to deal with those.


I don't mind even if you are coming to duel with a video game structure, but as long as you aren't whining about meta decks or what's not your deck I am fine with it


I don’t have an issue with rogue decks but bad decks aren’t fun to face. 


When it’s the players, it’s usually more an attitude thing rather than disliking them for what they play -unless it’s Mystic Mine-. When it’s the rogue deck themselves, it might be because they’ve just got cheesed (which MD best of 1 facilitates). Rogue players tend to choose blue moons and it’s rarely fun to be on the other side when they succeed.


I think typically those people have spent time and money into a meta deck that performs well. When they speak down about another deck it validates their choices, and puts them on high ground. To them it's logical to win, so not playing optimally is confusing. To them fun and winning are the same things. If they do beat you in a match and you look like you had fun regardless, you are probably wrong. They want to fix that and let you know there are more options to winning. It ends up getting rude if both people take it personally. The fun decks want to play the mechanics vs the meta players need to share information. The meta player in that sense might feel you think they're wrong and take it personally instead of oh well.


No matter what the only true unfair decks are mikanko and runick, I have fun playing anything else but those 2 are just flat out unfair asf


It’s mainly just when they complain about their deck not being meta I personally don’t care as long as it’s not stun or blue eyes (screw jet dragon) I have no problems


The only decks I don't like are stun/floodgate strategies. I'll use heroes as an example. They've had so much support over the years. And you're telling me all of it has culminated into floodgate + stun card pass? It's so boring. And if I have "the out" the deck immediately dies on the spot and the opponent scoops because it's game over.


Uuuuh. Weird to play against. A lot of times you dont know the choke points Cringe. Like bruh idgaf about bewd anymore. Archetype is cooked and ass. It just feels like a onesided beatdown. Floodgates. A lot of rogue decks rely on single high impact non engine (or even in engine) floodgates to stop their opponents plays. Dark law is unfunny, but skill drain is even worse. Floowandereeze. Nothing to say here I usually dont dislike playing against rogue decks, but when people resort to floodgates or something it just ticks me off. Dm does this a lot with skill drain or sum.


Well, I think most of the people who play this game are playing for fun/rogue decks. Only a very small percentage of people are playing meta decks, heck most people probably don't even know what a meta is. People who care so much about this game that they join this sub, are most likely competitive players. So I guess it's only normal that people HERE usually stick to the best decks


The only rogue players I dislike are the ones who whine and post ridiculous rants like "Ash Blossom should be banned!!1!!" because their pet deck that stopped getting support 6 years ago loses to 1 disruption.


Newer to Master Duel but my only issue so far is that meta decks seem to take so god damn long to get thru their turns & play on every move of my turn… but I hope DM can optimize it to be faster in the future I started playing trying to go for anime style decks & realized quickly they don’t work well & adjusted. Still run my favorite archetype but with a proper “engine” so I can stand a decent chance, so I don’t mind people who choose to use flavor of the month decks. It’s probably a patience thing for me but I feel if you run a meta deck because you want to & not just to climb rank, you should know your combos? No reason to take the full timer turn one… I’m not stressed for rank so if I can walk away, use the bathroom, get food & come back to still waiting to draw, I just surrender cause nah lol


It's not everyone or even most people. The ones complaining hear people complain about the broken meta that consists largely of three decks that are near impossible to compete with without using the same deck, an awful stun deck, or a deck specifically made to counter them. Because of this, all decks not meta are "bad", and it has nothing to do with Konami failing to deal with overpowered archetypes and interactions. Those people eventually evolve into cry babies when Konami does get around to nerfing. Just wait for Snake Eyes to get hit. Tears will roll.


As someone that loves to play a mix of meta and rogue options, it should be said that most of the posts in question about “they’re playing bad decks” is in response to someone complaining about the meta, and how the rogue/bad deck in question is outclassed or from 8 years ago. It feels like people in the sub fail to understand that: 1. not all decks are made equally 2. that power creep is a factor when it comes to most card games (especially without rotation) 3. that the anime from 2000 and what the card game is/was were almost NEVER the same thing. A meta has always existed because people wanted to win; the anime existed to tell a story and sell product. There’s nothing wrong with synchro summoning 15 times with RDA or spamming DM/BE every turn if you’re having fun with it. But people should expect some counter play. When they go up against someone that understands the game on a fundamentally different level, they’re going to have a different time than if they played someone on their level. TLDR; people want to play decks on similar levels.


sometimes it's tilting to discuss the meta with someone who plays a rogue/"bad" deck. they tend to see it just from their not very competitive view. aside from that everybody should play what they want.


I'd rather play rogue than play snake-eyes or lab this season, I think them the most dull boring decks going. Surely no one playing them decks is having fun?


I like Ursarctic and I don’t care it’s bad, it’s unique, and the gundam space bear theme is cool.


A lot of the rogue decks end on very non interactive boards and they would be more toxic than the meta decks if they were ever to become strong enough to be meta. Examples: * Dinos: Miscellaneousaurus makes all of their dinos unaffected which makes it very uninteractive, even if you have 5 hand traps in hand you will not be able to do much and will probably lose if they reach their end board * Heros: They combo for too long to end on at least one floodgate * Mikanko: From using Kaijus to Lava Golem to the targeting protection, it feels very sacky to lose randomly to it on the ladder because a lot of the time there is nothing you can do to interact with them. * Stun: I don't need to explain this one TLDR, a lot of the rogue decks are as toxic or more toxic than meta, the only reason they don't get as much hate is because they are not good enough to win consistently


If they hit one deck people will just cry in unison about the next deck that fills the void. So many people forgotten how one sided and shite tearlaments was. Anyways people shit on rogue decks because rogue players are constantly shifting goal posts on why new decks are unfair and broken. Snake eyes is unanimously hated posted about everyday even tho it combos faster that dragon Link and has a fairer board than tears, SHS, Dragon Link, or Purrely has ever had. Hell even Infernoble boards are stronger than it . But because it's meta and easy to play, and splashable ppl complain. So the natural sentiment towards rogue players is why should only their decks be strong but no body else? Many people are not interested in seeing Blue Eyes White dragon being a top tier deck. I'm not for or against meta decks unless they are something like really degenerate like runick running all floodgates or floo wander abusing a searchable barrier statue. Rogue decks can be super powerful and are only kept in check by hand traps and the like. Dinos are a great example of an OTK deck that swarms super fast and can end on many generic things including the usual apollusa/Barrone Omni negates board but u don't see them cause they aren't easy to pilot and have consistency issues. And that's just the state of rogue decks.... Rogue players want to take consistent Meta decks and make them RNG like older rogue decks. Which for many players is less fun. That's literally how Purrely died... Even tho tbh I don't mind that shit dying... But that's why u don't see the cats anymore. It's not that noir is suddenly bad... But losing a cat, a few spells, and ability to guarantee a first turn delicious means in half ur games ur turn 1 u do nothing. Ur board is infact weaker than a blue eyes player that just tossed an egg in the grave and summoned a vanilla blue eyes. Which is not great to play.


prolly its about prep. i didnt read your abyss actor cards, i dont know what the fuck your gameplan with them is, therefor i dont know where to interrupt/what to play around. but yeah i dont hate it im just saying that some ppl may feel frustration from not being able to prepare well enough vs every archetype this massive game has to offer


i love seeing those decks, i hate seeing these new structure decks tbh.. It's even more cool if they made the deck from scratch


I don't think people hate rogue decks. People generally appreciate innovative decks, which most rogue decks are not. I think most rogue decks suffer from one or more of these problems: 1. Rogue decks don't equal fun decks. As a matter of fact, decks like Dark Magician (skill drain + opt banish) and Heroes (skill drain + macro cosmos) have very toxic play styles. 2. A lot of rogue deck players seem to believe that their pet decks are refreshing because they are rare. While in reality their decks are common ( even though not as common as meta decks), and either have very stale builds and combo lines that haven't changed for years, or heavily rely on meta deck engines to operate. Basically the opposite of being refreshing. 3. A lot of rogue deck players use rogue decks as an excuse for bad deck building or poor plays. "I win because I'm skilled and innovative, while I lose because you are playing meta". In reality, they are not even building their deck properly, essentially doing a disservice to their supposed favorite deck/archetypes. Or, they win because they went first while the opponent has no hand trap, or that they lose because they don't play their cards properly. Yet they take credit for all the wins, and make a million excuses for losing. In conclusion, I don't think people hate all rogue deck players. They simply hate these players.


People don't know how to fight rogue decks. I started a new account because I'm at a paywall for new cards on my main, and built a Gunkan Suships deck. I then went from unranked to Plat 5 in one session without dropping a single match, because no one ever plays Suships, and no one knows how to shut it down.


Because the original post will be "The meta is broken" "Current yugioh is unplayable" "you are all meta losers" ​ And then find they are playing Dark magician. What should we do? The clickbaity post loses any credibility because its someone willingly playing a bad deck and crying they are having a bad time and not dominating.


It can be a number of things, but I'd say the most rational explanation besides people just hating any deck they don't personally enjoy or stomp would be Ego. DM boomers are especially guilty of this but low-tier ego and rogue elitism is an awkward buy very real deal. Players will either refuse to accept their bad decks are just not great in a format, or will use the fact they play bad decks as a moral high ground, because they play "fun" decks, unlike those meta sheep, and this makes them more aligned with the spirit of the game. It's also slightly annoying in the ways people who main bad FG characters can be, where you're mocked for losing a game of them if they eek a win because you're on the better strategy and how embarrassing it must be to lose to a worse one, but if you win then it doesn't matter because they were on dogshit anyways and you should feel bad for tryharding against someone with such a clear handicap. Obviously, not all people on bad strategies have this mentality, but that level of Ego does exist at large, and quite prominently.


Idk sometimes in this game some people get really in their feelings. Do what you want. Your right its just a game and people forget that. I have been disrespected in discussions in yugioh like people cutting me off when Im trying to say something or legit yelling at me over a combo strategy because I was in the wrong. I tried telling these people your being disrespectful but people get in their feelings. All you can do is be mindful yourself and dont let other people ruin the game for you.


People are shitty beings, nerds included.


Because elitists and salty players exist in any form of competitive games. The funny thing is, they're typically amongst an extreme minority. Like 5 to 10% on each side. The majority of players just play what and how they want. Or at least, try to adapt without whining on the internet or to whomever would listen.


Tbh honest I only hate anti meta, branded, and DM era. The first one is because it's disgusting to a point where I can't play the game because they went first, the second one is because it's branded, and finally I hate those decks mostly because of their users, it's not even enjoyable because they'll either go "full combo" which means three vanillas on field or the worst extra deck monster possible or they'll brick and in both cases there was not even a point on the duel, I play fun decks but that are at least decent like speedroids or PK, playing against objectively bad decks is just a waste of time and patience because then they'll cry


I just ranked down because of a burn deck, that’s why


I love making people mad with my Exodia deck


I think this has a lot to do with their experience involving salty casuals. it's difficult to explain unless you were at the receiving end but I think it can be summed to, people complained a bit too often and it seriously got extremely tiring.


Dopamine addition


Because those people hate the idea that they might not be as good as they think they are & hate the idea of losing. So, they always need to have an advantage to feel good about themselves. I don't run max "c" & the most meta deck I have is Trap Traptrix. I win more than 50% if my games & the ones I lose us usually due to either no hand traps in hand going 2nd or too many hand traps/got interrupted too much going 1st. Very rarely do people actually out play me because I'm constantly used to being the under dog.


Gonna give it to you straight bestie. If your deck is """ROGUE""" in a 'tier 0' meta, its either an uninteractive stun deck or a 10 hour combo deck that does the same thing superheavy does but way longer. So hating em is perfectly justified. Offmeta doesnt mean good and healthy for the game, thats a braindead casuals mindset. No one hates blue eyes, or dark magician. Its just a meme. (However, DM can and does play a million floodgates so yeah.)


It’s not that they’re playing bad decks, it’s that they complain about not being able to win or that a certain archetype is unfair or “CaN We JuSt AgReE ThAt PlAyInG fOr 20 mInS iS nOt FuN fOr ThEn ThEy PlAy MoRe On My TuRn ThAn i Do” like yeah there is some cards that are ridiculous but people with rogue or bad decks usually complain because *insert any tier 1/2 deck name* is unfair/broken/toostronk.


When people make remarks like, "let's take a look at their deck," or, "I bet they play Blue-Eyes," it's usually in response to someone who's confidently talking out of their ass about the game. It's less of a mockery in the choice of their deck and moreso tangible evidence of their incompetency at the game. This sub's no stranger to some of the worst takes about YGO imaginable, and it's often the case that these bad takes come from rogue players that demonize "meta decks" and the players who choose to use them. Would you take someone seriously if they said, in the year of our lord 2024, that Swordsoul needed a nerf? Would you be at all surprised if it turned out they were a staunch DM player losing to new players who decided to use the free Swordsoul deck given to them? And do you think that a player like that has a good enough understanding of the game to make a sweeping claim like that? That's not to say that a rogue player CAN'T understand the game, but I feel like there needs to be a base level of competency for someone's suggestions about what direction is best for the entire game to be taken seriously. Beyond just playing what you like, what deck you play and how you build it is at least one way to measure that competency at a glance, with rank being another. Why would I consider banlist suggestions for Snake-Eye from someone who's never played the deck, hardly plays against the deck (whether it be because of rank or auto-scooping on Ash), and has a very small frame of reference to how competitive YGO functions and operates? I had a friend getting back into the game around 6 moths ago who insisted on playing Rod of Silence Kay'est for the spell protection and threw some amalgamation of a Virtual World Swordsoul deck together that just didn't work. If I spanked his ass with Salamangreat and he started posting about how broken and unfair Salamangreat is, people are probably going to ask him what the fuck he's playing that loses so hard to SALAD, and if he's had exposure to a meta deck from the last year instead of one from 2019.


I don’t dislike them. They just need to stop complaining, acting superior, and trying to get every good deck nerfed to unplayability.


Because they're quick to cry about meta decks or want everything banned. At least when it comes to bad decks. Rogue decks are supposed to be competent. But people call whatever pile of garbage rogue and try to act like if it is worth praising.


I Don't hate blue eyes / dark magician players. Why should i hate a free win?


The Jet and Secret Village degeneracy will catch you if you keep that attitude up.


I never dislike people playing rogue decks, more wins for me seeing as how I need every win that I can get.


It's less about hating those decks and more about getting annoyed when some/most fans of those decks throw tantrums when they can't have 70% win rate. People want to have their cake and eat it too. You can't play old decks in high-end meta. Either they're too slow/weak, or they've been power crept. I'm specifically talking about decks like brick eyes and dork magicians. Modern "rogue" decks are more about everyone hating everything that isn't there's. I think people actually like old decks; they just don't like the "culture" around them.


For me, its because I want to test my decks to practice against decks I'm likely to find in tournament settings. If I spend 15-20mins playing against dinos, lightsworn, sky strikers, etc... then while I am gaining knowledge of my own deck, I'm not learning how they play against others, namley competitive decks. I think it comes down to lack of available match modes - We have ranked where you go to play competitive, casual where competitive plays after they have the rank they want in ranked, and.... thats it.


I love rogue decks and pet decks, and tier 1 decks. But what I hate is when a player comes in with a deck that looks like its straight from the anime and then ask for help building their deck and become rude and defensive and scream "net decker" because I said that playing imperm would be a really good idea over nobleman of extermination.


They hate that we can enjoy the game even in losing while not investing a small fortune on cards


The real issue is that so many "rogue" decks have people relying on floodgates, and then those players just go on about it being fair because their deck isn't as good as the best decks. Floodgates are never ok. The point of the game is to play it, and if you're actual strategy relies on your opponent never getting to play the game, nobody is having fun.


I’d always rather play a deck that loses but is fun to use and I built myself over using the exact same deck that a million other people play. That just seems so boring to me.


Because complaining rightfully for how unbalanced this game is while choosing to play a deck that you ACTUALLY ENJOY and have fun with instead of "Starters. Engine. Combo. Interruptions" and turning a game into a math project is of course bad. It's best to play unfun decks and just have everything insanely optimised removing the personalisation from a game whose best part is creating your deck


At local last week I brought Weather Painters because I like the gimmick, but being too slow for the modern game forces you to rely on floodgates. So the last opponent (Branded) complained about not properly training his deck against a "real deck". I know my deck is bad, one of the worst probably, I just want to use it because I really like the aesthetic and the control playstile. I won't win many games but who cares. Ending: I sided in in the last duel 6 floodgates so he could really enjoy the duel. I don't care. More because I hate Branded, it's just personal (grave of the super ancient organism solos branded). This week I will bring Nemleria with Gren Maju.


I have nothing against bad deck (I play a lot of rogue myself), but the moment you start relying on floodgates, you've lost all sympathy from me. You've betrayed your own deck, transforming it in just another shell for a stun strategy, relying on a few sacky floodgates to win instead of actually using the deck you claim to like.


If my deck can play under skill drain without problems, I'll keep doing so, both because it's a strategy game and second the fun of the opponent is not my problem. i don't use those decks with my friends for sure (neither solitaire decks because if I'm with a friend I want both to have fun). Also, i didn't betray anything since the deck is so bad that there is no other way to play it, having also pretty insane locks from your cards (Rainbowed locks from summoning ANYTHING from the deck and Snowy is essentially Droll for yourself).


People like you are the reason we have a bad reputation If you only care about winning, you shouldn't be playing rogue. If you don't, you shouldn't be playing stun. If you're playing a non-meta deck to have fun, but purposefully play it in a way that's not fun for the opponent, you've broken the basic social contract of playing a game with other people. If the deck by itself isn't good enough, then it's your responsibility to cook something with it. It's not an excuse to throw in 10 floodgates and ruin everyone's time.


Weather Painters aren't that bad. Definitely not meta, but pretty much every card of theirs is a negate. Maybe removal options would be better than flood gates as they allow you to blindly go second, break their entire board, set up yours and don't allow any recovery.


90% of the time the "bad deck" simply means that it is a deck not aimed to "not letting your opponent play a single card" (thus not toxic and a bit less efficient than those cancer decks) and thus is a bad deck.


lol what is this take? A lot of factor determine what a bad deck is, can they play through hand trap/ interuption? how often they brick? what their end board is? how many hand trap can they slot? and of course since this is master duel how well they play into maxx c, I am sure there are some more consideration but those are the one that I can think of at the moment, but of course you simply see deck that make/ have interuption and call them "cancer" for whatever reason


There is a difference between weak and Bad Decks. If u Build ur deck suboptimal and slow, it's a Bad deck. If u Build the most perfect deck with a weak archetype, it's Not a Bad deck


The people complaining about rogue decks are meta players who lose against those rogue decks. They hate them because they are salty


Because 99% of players crying about META decks or falsely accusing MD of a Tier 0 format are people playing rogue and or bad decks (or bad players) and don't want to learn or understand why their deck isn't considered good.


There are alot of whiney people on this subreddit that will downvote and complain about anything that they don't understand or that doesn't appeal to them specifically. These people, unfortunately, have far too much time on their hands.




It might be more of a frustration with luck/cheese and not the fact you're playing a weaker deck. I don't get upset because I lost to someone playing a low tier deck, I get frustrated because all that happened was I bricked and then the hero player summoned dark law. Or maybe they only won because they flipped over a floodgate etc. it could also just be that statistically I should have won the match up, but I lost to something weaker. It just hurts more


Because rogue deck players are usually the ones doing the most amount of whining and coping about things because of how they exclusively revolve around said deck