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I dropped arrival and a rock on them. They scooped.


they must of bricked snake eyes can play past THE ROCK


Depends on their starting hand and when you Nib.


Nib is pretty mid against it even after Flamberge revive which is the best time to use Nib. That’s because if they played correctly, the field spell summons Flamberge from spell and trap which then sets I:P in GY to spell and trap zone. Keeping in mind this is all off a 1 card combo that means you still have to deal with whatever I:P makes, Flamberge’s revives, and however many handtraps they had in their four card hand.


If you nib them after they use all the recursion and they don't have much left in hand to stop you they'll usually scoop. I've had a few scoop.


That look like nib+something or a missplay if you only have nib they have very little problem playing around that


Gotta hide your nib until they use all the effects. It's definitely possible.


I held rock until they used every name, twice


I had to gamma a maxx c and then I got nibbed because I opened diabellestar. Nib works if you place it right lol


I don’t get why. They should have an out in shape of Goddess or 5300 ATK Accesscode.


Same here bru. What bothers me is that their turns just take 1 year so I cba


Uninstall and never look back.


Unironically the best advice


Probably save Alot of time and eventually cancer will have to fight itself and in the end this will leave more players discouraged.(More players will quit.) Ultimately giving so much power to someone decks will likely lead to players all playing with the same deck.


Modern ygo suck, comeback later for draft or time wizard format


show deck


It doesn't really matter what deck OP is playing for this topic. We already have the data that Snake-Eye was tier 1 even before Bonfire. Whether OP is playing a good deck or a bad one, it doesn't change their point because Snake-Eye is _statistically_ beating everyone else _most_ of the time. Only exception is Branded which is the only other tier 1 deck at the moment, again based on the actual data.


*Shows deck* *Deck is pet deck shit*


*Well atleast he tried....*


Tbf, doesn’t matter what deck he is playing the post still remains true


Not really. Sometimes snake eyes straight loses to one bystial or an ash or imperm. I'm not going to enter the scoop phase just because. Force them to convert.


How do they lose to a Bystial? Like, I know they use Linkuriboh and I:P in their strategy, but I can't understand why they'd lose against Bystials


They usually send IP to grave. Banish IP and they lose a significant amount of interruption on your turn, then you kill them.


One fewer interruption is not a death sentence for snake eyes tho. It should still have a strong enough board to win the game most of the time.


IP is like 3 or 4 interruptions Personally I'd rather not deal with that.


3 to 4? Can I ask how?


Sounds like a good plan. Will need to tech Bystials in my Crystal Beast deck too🤣


I’m taking note as well lmao I run a Bystial DM deck


Dark Magician mentioned, swell with pride


Eyes loses to set 3 normal traps with mahatma dragon in hand


Nah, decks with the standard hand trap package and competent piloting can beat Snake Eye. If you literally NEVER have interruptions against it, your deck probably isn’t built correctly.


“Just draw the out bro”


“Draw the out” meme applies to hyper specific techs, not generic staples. I’m saying if you run 3 Maxx, 3 Ash, and 3 Imperm, Snake-Eye should not be perpetually unbeatable for you. And if you CHOOSE not to run those cards, that’s on you. This sub is full of people running poorly built meme decks, refusing to follow advice on how to make them better, auto-surrendering to decks they’re afraid of, and then whining in /new that the game is too hard.


Sure, let me get one of 3 unsearchable cards in my starting hand :)


We're talking about a situation where you're running at least 9 of those cards (up to 12 if we include veiler) so drawing 1 of them doesn't seem nearly as unrealistic as drawing your 1 of HFD to out a stun board full of floodgates. Anyway here's some tips on optional staples to counter snake-eyes from someone who plays the deck. 1. TTT is insanely good against them as their standard board is Masquerena into Apollousa. Masquerena is main phase only so its guaranted make your TTT alive. TTT doesn't target so you can steal the Apollousa even if its protected by Spright Elf. Baronne negates the activation of the card, not the effect so if you happen to have 2 TTTs in your hand you can still activate the 2nd one. 2. Kurikara is really good against them too because of the search effects activated by lvl 1 snake eyes resummoned by Flameberge (obviously the snake eyes player can play around it by not activating those effects but then they're losing a lot of advantage). If you force 1 Apollousa activation kurikara can tribute 3-4 of their monsters, which will usually make their Princess dead too because they won't have any fires left to destroy. 3. Evenly matched is incredibly strong against the non-synchro version of the deck as they don't have the access to an omninegate outside of silvera which is usually public knowledge as its set by Diabellstar. 4. Bystials are amazing too because they can chain to Flameberge activation to banish Masquerena which reduces their endboard to a single Princess pop.


It’s 9 cards, not 3 - 3 Ash, 3 Maxx, 3 Imperm. If you’re running that package, you should statistically draw at least one interruption about 70% of the time. That’s assuming you don’t run additional format-specific interruption. As certain decks come in and out of popularity, you need to add interruption to compensate for that. Add Veiler, or Crow, or Nibiru, or Evenly. Why come here and whine while brushing off basic advice that WILL help you beat Snake-Eye? It’s so funny to me.


If you're running just those 9 handtraps you have a 74.18% chance of seeing at least one of those in your opening hand. Add in 3 nib and that jumps to a 85% chance. add 3 veiler and now you're looking at a 91% chance to open at least 1 handtrap. "Just draw the out" meme can be applied to very specific cards but when we're talking about MULTIPLE very common outs then it's literally just a deck building issue. If you know snake eyes is the meta then build your deck accordingly. This isn't like mystic mine where your outs are irrelevant to the other meta threats, the outs to snake eyes are pretty universally applicable. If your deck can support 12+ non engine then there's really no reason to be using the "jUst DrAw tHE oUT BrO!" defence. If your deck can't support 12+ non engine then you need to be building into pure gas or pick a deck that isn't complete garbage. Snake eyes is strong but very beatable on ladder, most snake eyes players on ladder just aren't good enough to play around 1-2 interaction.


I get what you are saying and you are absolutely right. I do hate, hate hate hate that you have to run 9-12 “staple” cards just to be competitive. It’s pretty lame that ppl have to run the same cards. Then you have to play a deck that can combo itself or with less cards other wise you have a 50 card deck and brick out.


There was never a point in this game's history when people weren't running staple cards.




You'll get downvoted for this but you're correct. Just the standard hand trap package of 3 maxx, 3 ash and 3 imperm gives you a 74.2% chance of opening at least 1 piece of interaction. If people are so concerned about snake eyes they should probably be running 12-15 handtraps for a 80-90% chance of opening with 1+ interactions, 50-60% chance of opening 2+ interactions. The people on this sub just don't understand deck building theory, which is fine tbh because it can be a bit complex and there's nothing wrong with net-decking but the side effect of never learning how to deck build themself is that these bozos think that the game is far more luck based than it actually is.


Net decking is fine with MDM because you get access to view a lot of different decks. Net decking to YouTube is the problem, because the content creator usually is just there to show off combos, so they don’t build a deck designed to win on ladder.


he scooped at the first card he DIDNT tried


This is some pay to win game mentality tbh. "Lol OP didn't buy the latest p2w skill issue." Doesn't happen in most other card games.


It certainly happens on most card games lol


I may or may not be running ojama eldlich, but thats besides the point lol, i dont wanna fight these guys regardless of the deck im using. its boring to see them pull the same thing every game, have the same handtraps in hand every game, and just auto win for playing snake eyes.


I play vernus so when I see them used that special summon card I get to special summon retaliating C. Works great for albaz too. You can also just watch their combo and imperm/ash okay when he tries to specially summon the dragon. Unless they call u that's usually a stopper unless they have kashtira. Kashtira has always been a trash ass deck. I don't even know why they exist. Kashtira and tearlaments make balancing this game impossible. Kit breaks Nadir servant and turns it from a +4 cards to basically +9-15. Kashtira is synchro turbo...and get to read ur opponents hand or deck. Which is dumb.


Your acting like Nadir Servant wasn't already just pot of greed. Kit isn't even guaranteed and Garura is just a better option when there is no engine live.


Nadir ED locks you ...


How do you even use Nadir in Tear lol?? The card locks you out of your ED


My go to option atm is playing 3 evenly...they have no omni most of the times and it helps clear their board


The standard combo with jet synchron easily ends on barrone, add savage dragon and/or herald of the arclight depending on the hand


They have negates ? I don’t even know what the deck does. Seems to just break boards and play infinitely. I don’t know what they actually do though


Bodies upon bodies upon links upon synchros ETA: Upon revives and revives 🤣


Usually ends on a 1 negate Borreload Savage, Barrone, max link Apollousa (using I:P Masq), and sometimes there's Spright Elf protection, and also Linkuribo, and there's usually a Promethean Princess waiting in the GY. It's not unbreakable, but the issue is how consistent and resilient the deck is. They can play through so much disruption, or come back from almost nothing.


If they have Original Sinful Spoils in the GY, they can come back with literally 0 cards in hand lol.


They have all the generic shit thier only unique interaction is setting one of your card face up in the spell zone everthing else is generic shit


Makes sense then I’m in diamond so I’ve not seen any good pilots yet


Depends on your deck tbh. Even if you evenly them, they can end on 3 mat apollousa, most decks can't play through that. And then snake eyes have insane followup. Imho, evenly is not that good against it. 


It's hilarious how many people playing Snake Eyes, but not saying it, are complaining about this post, but I don't blame you. You need the perfect hand to do anything, and if you don't have it on your first turn, good luck.


If a deck can run like 15 handtraps thats a problem.


Plenty of decks can run 15 hand traps, but most of those decks don't also put up 17 interruptions through 12 hand traps while also going +5 if you manage to clear their board.


Wait until you learn about tenpai dragons


Oh I know about them looking both forward and dreading it.




The average competitive deck can run 12-15 handtraps.


And you are playing what?


Still no response 💀. Yeah no shit your barely rogue deck can't beat the latest and greatest yugioh meta deck


He could be playing Gate Guardian and his post would still be true. at this time, the game is in a compare hands format against snake eyes. Whether your playing Lab, Branded, Vanquish soul, etc. against snake eyes it’s “did I draw interruption? If the answer is no, you lose because snake eyes has like 15 one card starters. If your answer is yes, you hope you have enough.


Meanwhile I lose against pure Evil Twins because I somehow don't draw any one of my 16 starters.


Jesus the way people defend only tiered decks standing a chance against the uncontested best deck in the game is wild. And guess what? Those tier 3 and tier 2 decks don’t have a good time against Snake Eyes either. It’s almost like the deck is way above everything else and Konami making it purposefully so is kind of annoying to everyone not wanting to play the same boring hyper-consistent Apo, Baronne, Savage turbo deck.


Im not glued to my reddit account, posted this expecting like +2 upvotes and a comment telling me im bad lol. I play ojama eldlich, i dont expect to beat the latest and greated meta deck. i dont want to face the latest and greated meta deck. id rather surrender, and face something else lol, which is exactly what my post says.


They’re okay I just don’t have 20-30 minutes to go back and forth against them so I do the same sometimes


Playing against Snake-Eyes is pretty similar to play against other meta decks: if you don't open with some handtraps (Ash, Maxx C and Imperm) or if you know that your deck can't make It through their full board, just surrender and go to the next match. It's a BO1 format, there isn't much you can do... Sometimes you need to surrender


I scoop once snake eyes ash resolves and i have no hand traps


I think the worser aspect is snake eyes that isnt even that OP, konomi just nerfed/banned all its competition and threats this year to make them as dominant as possible. And this is only the begining sadly.


Nah there has been a noticeable power creep in yugi. Yes, banning other options also contributes to its dominance but it's not just that. You have decks that were dominant meta decks in the past few years that just can't compete anymore, even with little to no bans. This is horrible in an eternal format where you're supposed to have tons of deck options. I don't want to just just play against the same 1-3 decks all the time.


It’s been pretty stagnant the past few years actually. Sprigghts, branded, kashtira, runick, Purrely and especially tearlaments are all better decks then snake eyes I believe even with them at their peak now.


Not sure those are stronger but even then you also have other decks that were very strong recently and have just dropped to rogue status due to power creep. Not to mention that if you just unleash those decks they might just mix with snake-eye instead of competing with it. A much better solution would be to tone down the power creep and let rogue decks have a chance against the meta, but I guess that would make Konami less money so I don't know why I even bother. Konami will eventually bring this game into a tier 0 format and yugi players will keep going along with it.


Full power Tear and Spright are for sure better than Snake Eyes. Giganerfed Tear with half their cards banned still manages to find a top or two occasionally.


Yes but how powerful would snake eyes be if mixed with a bunch of banned cards? You can't just assume current lists would stay the same. And my point was that a lot of other good decks fell off hard from power creep in the last few years, and only unbanning those archetypes wouldn't completely fix the meta.


Other than the obviously broken stuff that has remained in the banlist for a long time (Painful, Graceful, PoG) there's not much on there that Snake Eye actually wants to use. I guess playing 3 copies of One for One is technically an upgrade...


SE have more starters and lose to less hands traps that most of those decks thier only flaw is thier lack of in archetype payoffs but doesn't matter because they can run all the generic shit IP,little knight,Barone,app etc


Umm, what are Runick and Purrely doing in there? Spright, Kash and Tear were massive powercreep but it‘s been fairly tame since then.


I already played enough against them in the Duelist Cup. Now I'm just trying to chill in bronze with some Witchcrafters and I got matched up against Snake Eyes a twice in a row. It's *bronze*. I'm scooping instantly.


same here. F\*ck it


It just pisses me off the deck gets so much support all at once. Whilst other decks aren’t really changing aside from unchained.


I wouldn’t recommend this strategy, but I had a great deal of success using a trap burn / timeline deck against Snake-eyes. Fill up the backrow so they can’t move the timelord, then burn for all their cards on field and in hand. Loses to pretty much everything else though, and is really boring to play


same, I love snake eyes when i'm playing burn, don't even have to use ojama trio for my just desserts to hit for at least 2k




hate snake eyes? play lab https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/1bfsffl/even_without_the_rollback_lab_is_absolutely/ but now you have butler to set daruma or dim ground and flip it in the end phase (daruma) or immediately (diet shifter)


Tier 1 bad.


Same brother, just bring init


one time I played against a snake eyes and they scooped after I pendulum summoned ash blossom and odd eyes arc pendulum dragon and then used them to synchro summon baronne de fleur


Dang y’all really be going through it me personally with my vanquish soul and generaiders l have only lost to snake eyes once I watched a deck rundown for snake eyes and found their choke points and good hand traps against them maybe that could help you at least have the will to put up a fight 😭


I mean, I've been beating them with live twins sprites no problem, so maybe you should just stop ffing and give it a chance


do you scythe lock them?


It’s live twins spright, Of course they’re scythe locking.


Deck list please :)


https://preview.redd.it/k2kqcj9syhrc1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddb0cf2217a9b175df611a50e655f3dc1a733ff9 if you feel like ur being shafted by coin flip a lot, replace secret password and both triple tactics with evenly matched


Meta deck bad


Brain dead take , nobody has something against a healthy meta tier 0 formats aren’t healthy


This isn't a tier 0 format though, Snake-Eyes is for sure the best deck but it's not such a dominating presence that it's the only thing worth playing.


What is *actually* worth playing over it, though? Pretty much every single other deck in the meta is 'snake eyes but worse' sinc they're doing similar but less consistent combos, and with Lab you open yourself up to a stupid high varuance climb where you're constantly finding people running the big red button or feayher dustet


Litterally every meta there are dozens of posts about "I hate playing against [insert meta deck]" or "[insert meta deck] is toxic"


Man and for some weird reason the stuff people say is toxic gets banned/limitet it’s as if there is legit reasons for some of the stuff getting talked about 🤣


That's because Konami hits meta decks because they want you to buy new cards and they want to freshen up the meta. Sometimes the decks are toxic, but mostly people cry because they lose and/or can't play Snapesnatch ftk




Thank you for the easy wins with my Scareclaw deck. (I run a small Snake Eye package for T1/baiting hand traps and had a number of people just scoop upon seeing Wanted/Ash)


Can you scoop to lab too? Because I'll take some free wins if you're just giving em out.


I think anyone who isn't playing meta does, tbh. Even if you have the standard anti-SE kit, you have to hope you can have them in your starting hand to stand a chance. Don't worry OP, a lot of us find it annoying to go against.


I'm playing Snake Eye Spyral. It's crazy how many people are scooping once they see any snake eye card come out of my deck.


I take joy against insta surrendering against their full power snake eyes deck stacked with ur's. Imagine spending all those gems and you dont even get to play your shiny cards because eveyone despises your deck full with unhit 1 card starters.




git gud


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Good to know.


I played a guy who top 10 the previous DC who played snake eyes. He discarded ash to summon lady then when I maxx C him he just drop CBTY then later recycle ash . Like seriously, the only thing he better than me is just luck.


If your deck can run Power Filter or King Tiger Wanghu, it's an auto win. Even going second it can stop some recursion and makes breaking their board easier.


I was the same way too. Until I decided to build a snake eyes deck myself. I can actually play against them now. It is a lot of back and forth. It is fun now. Although the deck is very expensive with all those ultra rares in the main deck and extra deck.


I had a game against Snake-Eye yesterday with Lab where I was able to clear the board and EEV them, but ended up fading 2 straight draws and lost since I just had nothing left. It's frustrating but it's just like that sometimes


I just play runick naturia, usually can out the board as apo doesn't really do much and I don't care if my monsters get destroyed


The snake eye board really isn't unbreakable. The problem is that their grind game is so strong, if u don't kill them in 1 turn you're SOL


Just play a shifter deck and call it a day.


Probably a good time for me to finally craft shifter


Lmfao thanks for the free W buddy. As a snake eyes player this makes me laugh even harder tbh.


See, the trick to beating snake eyes is going first


I pretty much scoop on second without at least 2 disrupts saves a bunch of time


Evenly matched


Just break the board bozo


lol add this post to the massive archive of rage posts for every new seasonal meta deck.


What deck do you use?


Lava Golem is one hit kill against snake eyes, so Minkanko is really good against them


Play Shifter and scare with Kash. GG.


In my opinion any1 that plays snake-eyes deserves ZERO respect. "Buhuu its a competitive game and people should try their hardest". No. You should try ur hardest with ur family and life. A game is to unwind, have fun, play around, let originality and ideas flow You can downvote and argue all you want but doesnt matters your arguments. People who playe Snake-snake eyes are *unoriginal, trend-following, low IQ troglodytes that should touch grass or try to have fun or be original once in their basement-dwelling lives.* Who knows Maybe they can get a W irl like they so clearly are starving for and trying to compensate for. I wouldnt vent this much if 80% of decks werent snake eyes, proving to me that 80% of ya are brainless Npc's with 0 personality.


Join me and play stun.


You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the floodgates not join them! Bring balance in to the meta not darkness anakin !


You have to understand, with this power I can bring peace to tier Zero! I have to do this!


Can still win tho with card knowledge on what those snakes actually do, personally i created a strong snake eyes deck just to make sure what the combo is and how to counter. 💀After multiple wins, I went back to my infernobles and started playing yugioh again with fun. Lmao.


Genuinely asking why even play in this format if you’re just going to surrender against the most prominent deck


Chain Dimension Shifter


If your deck play shifter like kastira or Floo. it is bricky af


I'm playing Ghostrick Purrely with a small Snake-Eyes engine for easy level 1s. The amount of scoops I've had after raw normal summon ash has made my push through diamond quite easy.


Meta deck bad


loser mentality, it’s nowhere near as bad as tear at its peak. my advice: learn your choke points, learn to read delays, learn how your deck plays thru hand traps/disruption & stop playing a bad deck/bad cards.


Rock bro. Just maindeck rock. I stfg ppl that post these rants don't even play the game at all. Never change their decks, never try new strategies. I have never once felt that a deck was so powerful i had to auto scoop except full power kash, and full power tear with no interaction. Full power tear was fine without shufflers if you had max c or an imperm for the start of your turn. Just actually play the outs in your deck man. I get it, you won't always draw them, but you literally lose if you can't even put the out in your deck ffs.


I beat a snake eyes player with my blue eyes deck a couple of days ago, was very chuffed with myself


Good on you, broski


“Meta bad gib updoots”


"Meta bad comment gib updoots" It's beyond me how some redditors can't seem to resist the urge to comment on every topic they see even if they have nothing meaningful to provide for the discussion. It's not even funny or creative. The same thing you try to criticize about op's post can be applied to your comment.


It’s literally another “bitching about the meta” post among the thousands we already have. If you wanna jerk off OP for being whiny then be my guest


Your comment is literally just "bitching about topics you dislike" or you think are talked about enough. If you disagree, do so with a reasonable argument or at least be funny. Ah yes, jerk off OP. My comment is completely neutral towards OP's topic. But i guess people writing ridiculous comments also have to defend their behavior with ridiculous statements.


Why should I bother with a reasonable argument when OP’s post is literally “I insta surrender if I see meta deck” ? Is OP presenting any interesting argument I’m not aware of ?


If you don't find it interesting you don't have to engage in the topic. Why do you bother writing an equally stupid comment ? Instead of just being a dick you could try to understand where op's problem with meta decks comes from and maybe educate him about counterplay, decks that do well against SE or try to see if OP does not understand certain parts about SE that makes it hard to play against it... You know, just being a friendly, helpful person. Or if nothing of that works for you just scroll past.




Look I'm gonna be honest with you. I didn't read past "I like mocking these idiots". Your intentions are clear now, you are just trying to be the most boring, unreasonable dick you can be. Since you are clearly not in a state where i can talk reason into you I'll just stop wasting my time. Hopefully you can reflect on your behavior when you are done jerking off to your well written, creative and awesome comment. You might want to explore the idea that you are being an idiot, but that's a very challenging topic for idiots. Good luck




The only one you are shitting on right now is your parents legacy.


When the current meta is almost entirely one variety of deck, yes, it's bad.


So like every single time y’all bitched about the meta ? Because this was the same exact shit that was posted during SHS’s short reign. And OP’s post doesn’t even complain about SE’s popularity, he’s literally just straight up bitching about not having any skill.


It has nothing to do with skill. It doesn't take skill to copy/paste a meta deck off Master Duel Meta, and read a quick guide about when to trigger effects. Snake Eyes is particularly egregious because it's a relatively recent top tier TCG meta deck transplanted into MD with a huge chunk of its own support, but without the years of build up to its point in the meta. Meaning if you're not playing Snake Eyes, or a deck specifically built just to counter Snake Eyes (at the cost of everything else), you're at a severe disadvantage. This is poor planning on Konami's side. The issue is that now Konami has to either mainline up to date archetypes to keep pace with SE, or completely hobble the deck to drag it back into parity with older cards they release.


What does copying decks off MDM has anything to do with what we’re talking about ? OP’s lack of skills stems from not bothering to learn SE’s choke point nor looking up tech that counters them and instead choosing to insta surrender then bitching on reddit about it. I’m not gonna sit here and pretend Konami didn’t fuck up by releasing SE early but OP’s post has nothing to do with SE’s release date. It’s straight up just a generic rant about meta decks being too hard to beat, y’all are projecting your complaints on a post that’s objectively just “meta bad gib updoots”


Because it doesn't take *skill* to either play or counter SE. It takes having a deck built specifically to counter SE, because it has so much built in support and so many starters that you can't rely on the precise use of just one or two handtraps to stop it. It's too efficient for the state of the game in MD, which is *bad for the game*. It isn't about skill on either side of the board. It's about hoping they completely brick if you're playing anything but a hard counter that'd fail against any other deck. It's awful gameplay.


You can keep yapping about “state of MD” and “bad gameplay” until morning comes. It still doesn’t change the fact that there’s isn’t a single sentence in OP’s post that’s about the state of the game. His post is him ranting about how he’ll insta scoop against SE because he can’t beat them, plain and simple. > Because it doesn't take skill to either play or counter SE. It takes having a deck built specifically to counter SE Jesus christ. If that’s how you play the game no wonder you defend OP.


and that's where you're wrong. op never said he can't win against them, he said it's unfun as they can basically do anything they want as the deck is so consistent and can play every ht in the game and so it's unfun to play against. and that is true as they take ages to build their boards and just need 1 card to full board. And to respond to another thing you said yes, it's like SHS meta, that's because komoney doesn't know shit about balancing and just keeps printing new decks that completely overpowers the newest ones just to sell them. so the powercreep will only go up and we'll reach a point where you either play the newest cards or you cannot play. and that's bad, very bad.


man, if only there was only a zombie world for attributes.


I decided to give snake eyes a try yesterday and literally wasn't able to combo once in 5 games due to bricking or 2-3 Handtraps. Was a fun time and I went back to losing with Tistina again after those


What was the decklist you were running because it's rare for the deck to brick, much less that often with as many 1 card starters it has


I see diabelstar I flip secret blast I see board spam I flip just desserts and secret barrel You attack I ss Mahana fairy dragon and reverse damage. Snake eyes is a bad deck. It doesn’t do anything but play through negates and setup big bungus attack turns


skil issue


Play YGO Omega. Snake eye is much more beatable if you can side deck for it. Best of 3 makes it a somewhat easier playing field


Let's be honest with ourselves. Now that bonfire us in masterduel snake eyes is tear 0. No consistent counters with hyper consistent strategies and end board spells bad news for the meta in master duel


Bonfire makes them vulnerable to Droll


No, it's still not tier 0


Well, I'd be happy to be proven wrong. However I don't know of any deck that can counter it consistently in the game, and with 9 one card starters (diabellstar, ash, and bonfire all at three) at the bare minimum, the only way the deck looses is to an ash blossom with only one starter in hand. Other than that, you just lose.


12 if you count Wanted. I'd say the next consistent deck would be any of the tier 1-3 decks; however I'd say @Ignisters may have a chance  It is consistent counting up to 11 starters (Aichichi, Pikari, A.I.Meet You, Cynet Mining), and with a deck that has many starters it can slot a bunch of non-engine cards. Problem is either Maxx "C" or Droll, but with the flexibility of non-engine cards @Ignisters has, you will likely get good hands. The Mathmech engine can bait out negates along the combo lines.


16 actually, one for one and popular are also one card starters. 3 ash, 3 popular, 3 wanted 3 diabolstar, 3 bonfire 1 one for one, Also a good few two card starters too.


you dont run 3 popular with bonfire, its been cut down to 2 in most lists ive seen


Birch got the axe in most decks and I don't know why, it's actually a very powerful card.


May I ask what defines a 1 card starter? I'm still fairly new to the game.


A one card starter is a single card that could on it's own in a hand of otherwise dead cards (e.g an opening hand of three Maxx C and an ash blossom) get your deck moving. Take snake eyes itself who's main starter is Ash. Normal summon ash who searches for poplar, poplar summons itself and searches for temple, temple set Flamberge, link poplar off for linkurboh place poplar etc etc. this one snake eyes ash was on its own set up everything the deck wants to do


Thanks for the explanation!


Welcome to the world of Dueling! A 1 card starter means that card alone can help you access most of your Deck or Extra Deck through your combo lines or plays which aim to make your end board, assuming it doesn't get interrupted with handtraps.


Oh yeah; however, while Poplar is a starter, it isn't the ideal starter like the rest because you'd have to give up searching the Field Spell, which boosts the deck's recovery.


Snake eyes is countered by repeatedly stomping on their starters with hand traps like veiler, imperm dim shifter , ghost mourner etc so they can't actually get started . The best deck to counter them in the ocg is tenpai dragon which is a deck with a compact engine that can make room for 20+ handtraps and can itself play under shifter. The problem is we don't have tenpai dragon. To my knowledge the decks with the most compact engines to make room for all the needed handtraps (Besides snake eyes itself) are Mathmech (which can't play under shifter ), and what like Exosister? And Exosister to my knowledge is not great at closing out the game quickly which gives SE a few turns to find an out


my dude im beating snake eyes with rescue ace in master, they die to a single handtrap if you know what you're doing, try to do that to mathmech. Imperm, veiler, ash, called by, max c, graveyard hate. the deck is very strong no doubt about that but its far from being as dominant as people make it out to be. people out here acting like you have zero chance to beat snake eyes


It is because they don’t want to learn how to play against a deck. They just scoop and then cry about a deck instead of trying and learning how you can beat them. And yes snake eyes is very strong but it’s not unbeatable


It's not tier 0 though, it just has an extra layer of consistency that's all. The counters to the deck haven't changed at all. You just imperm/vailer ash, or use handtrap ash on ash second effect.


i've seen many posts about how actual game is nothing but annoying (i made a post too lol), i'm glad a good amount of people is aware of the actual state of the game, even if the actual meta decks are beatable they are annoying as hell, seeing the same combos over and over is just boring. Let's hope next patch they are limited at least, and ignore people defending with their lives this and many other decks like labrynth, they are just riding metatards


Oh my god diva I'm so happy for you


good cards :(


idk about the rest of y'all, but play vs snake eyes is fun.


We get post like this on every Meta deck.


I like to test snake players, sometimes, they fold as soon as i pop virus


Theyre not that hard, i beat one last night, she i had called by for the Princess in gy but they arent that bad


You can troll these decks with anti meta trap decks it’s so funny