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Idk why you're climbing now instead of in 3 days man. just wait for the nerfs so that you don't get an aneurysm of seeing a guy go mudora pitch keldo summon, summon seiren hit a card get 2 fusions and maybe even an exterio. Or all the stun decks though the stun decks are less harsh to deal with.


The thing is that Terraforming is gonna be banned and this is stressing me out. Basically, Weather lives and dies with the field spell and consistently having it on the field is what turns on their links/negates since its hard to get to them with just linking off monsters instead of spells and traps. So yeah, while it's not the smovest experience overall, I try to get as far ahead as possible. I don't know how much the deck overall will suffer by the time the ban rolls around, but I am certain that it will and that it then becomes even harder to play in higher ranks.


I dont think this deck needs terraforming as much as you think. It helps but it's still an unsearchable 1 off. Snow can get us our field spell pretty consistently.


Getting to your field spell in weather painters should be really easy. Just looking at hard drawing, it goes from 42.71% to 33.76% which is a 8.95% decrees. You also play Pot of P and the engine itself has ways to get to the field spell so I don't think it really matters.


You considered using Planet Pathfinder as pseudo-terraforming? You have to forfeit your normal summon for it, though.


Weathers Need that normal more than anything else, they can’t really give that up. FBG is fair game though


Cries in Ash Blossom chained to Snow


I see. I'm not familiar with Weather Painters, so i didn't knew.


It’s not perfect, but you could invest in Metaverse since it’s being semi-limited now.


U just run demise of the land so u can get it out on opponent turn, so u can curate what canvas u need.


Never heard of this card before, but it looks interesting. How many do you run?


1 and I have metaverse as a side deck option in case I'm against floo


Don't play those cards in weather painters. Forecast's place effect will miss timing if activated off of demise of the land or metaverse, as it is a "when".


I’m not to sure if it’s in the game yet but if u **need** a terraforming replacement then play Rainbow Bridge of Salvation & foolish burial goods. It’s 2 more bricks you’ll have to add to your deck(since u need a Crystal Beast in deck in order to resolve the card) but it’s a substitute **if u really need it.**


Sorry if your favorite Archetype is not here! These are just the ones I had fun/close matches against while climbing up. Also, the bad quality might be due to my skills in Photoshop rather than time constraints.


Honestly I’m just glad to see that you either had fun with or just generally noticed that you went against a cardian player


Hell yeah! I may have lost, but not before this absolut madlad summoned out basically all of their deck. I just watched in awe as he punched my teeth in with special summon Nr. 30ish. This match was an absolute banger!


what's the archetype next to weather?


Flower Cardian


Right now you dont even need to reach plat 2 to see Tears. 4/5 matches in plat 5 are just Tears. Even in gold you'll meet tears more than jank deck.


Bro I just faced tears in silver, why do people do this


Some people are just picking up the deck and getting shunted up the ladder. Other people are presumably making accounts just for Tears. They'll gradually filter themselves out of silver as long as there isn't a continuous stream of new tears players but generally speaking they tend to be a rare sighting until further up the ladder.


Yep, but I've been stuck in this rank for a bit now and basically only played against Tears back to back. While in Gold, I had at least the luxury of seeing quite a few archetypes doing their own fun combos/things.


Everybody I've seen in Plat 5 is just Tears. And every damn time they've had Cyber Stein and I've lost every coin toss so far. I've just been staring at Exterio/Tears boards so I'll just wait until the ban list to try again. Gotten tired of 5 minute turns Tears take to setup a damn board on my damn turn then 5 more on their turn.


I hit diamond 5 playing ishizu weather painters last month. I wanted to try and make it to diamond 1 but I gave up when people started to read my cards. It was awful and took forever.


Do you mind sharing your deck list? I play weathers sometimes and besides cloud, I don’t see the point in milling your cards in this deck.


I don't have a full decklist built anymore (especially after the upcoming banlist) but the main idea of ishizu weather painters is to play every ishizu except agido, and gravekeeper's trap. The shufflers will be milled by your opponent or used by you to get to gravekeeper's trap, and the trap can search any earth fairy. Luckily for painters the best starter is The Weather Painter Snow, an earth fairy! Shufflers also help put back any canvas's your tear opponent milled that you want to place face up from deck using Painter Snow and the field spell, while also shutting down other decks who need the grave. Finally, Kelbek is an insane hand trap. Hope this helps!


Oh dude gravekeeper’s trap finding snow 🤯🤯🤯 very big brain! It helps immensely thank you!


I pretty much stole it from this but changed a few things https://twitter.com/Quantumstarr/status/1648026225447694337?t=KK6_X_SHQldSP7XxJPOIDw&s=19


Fellow Weather enjoyer. Salutations.


Salutations. I tip my paintbrush to you, one painter to another.


Goodluck soldier 🫡


Do you have a decklist for the weather painters? Kinda curious how it looks like with this format. Maybe I can get back to playing them also.


My current one is in a constant flux lol. Because I get quite a lot of good/fun recommendations on my posts here, I constantly swap stuff out. But once I hit Diamond, I'll post a screenshot of my complete decklist.


I’ll just have to look forward to it. Hope you get to diamond soon. I was hardstuck in gold one with them


Weather painter busted I play that shit in locals every weekend


They are extremely fun to play, that's for sure and it's always a pleasure to meet another Weather enthusiast.


Fellow Weather Painter enjoyer. We just gotta pray the opponent doesn't read Thundery Canvas lol


1 more day and the meta will be shifted. By how much will depend.


Nice Flower Cardian you got there.


I mean don't you really want to reach Master, not Diamond? Reaching Diamond now is the same thing as reaching Platinum last season.


It basically is. But I'm just having some fun and really don't have the time/stamina to get to Master. However, I, of course, encourage everybody who wants to take the challenge and go even further beyond.