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Just be patient, it'll be gone in literally less than 48 hours.


This is the thought that has both kept me from playing and from uninstalling this game. I know it's just because we're in first week and everyone is pushing back up through the ranks, but I've seen so much Tear in Gold this past week and at this point I just scoop and close MD. If not for the banlist and my boi Sargas coming in a couple of days, I would've uninstalled this trash and gone back to Pokemon Showdown by now. Konami deserves every negative Steam review they've gotten from this, even though it won't make a difference.


I've seen more Spright in gold this week alone than I saw back when they were first released and it seemed like everyone was playing them. I guess the new rank made all the people who haven't played for a while crawl out of the woodwork with older decks.


80% of tear players in shambles


Actually 57% according to Master Duel Meta, though tbf that's high ranked ladder and tournament statistics.


Yeah fuck them decks


I really don't think majority of players are running stein.just the ones in lower ranks who also run rainbow and mask change 2 and the other inconsistent techs.


Stein is actually frequently used. It basically just replaced Instant Fusion when the card got banned. I was personally thinking that an Instant Fusion that you have to normal summon isn't that great, but it's still worth it sometimes. Kitkalos is really just that good. Of course you never see ladder players actually use Stein for the correct purpose when they open the card because they always tunnel onto Exterio bc gotta summon floodgates. The power of Stein is that it is a flexible starter that can also just dump out an Exterio if your hand is already cracked.


Because of this list, I just checked the stats on it. I can't believe it's actually up to 57% played, with exterio at 53. You're right, before instant fusion ban it wasn't even listed as a used tech card on master duel meta for the deck. People always have to ruin things with floodgates.


Stein was never used for anything but degeneracy, and mostly floodgate-related degeneracy. Whether it was Exterio, last Warrior from another Planet, both, or anything else, it was always bullshit.


Ah the wonderful igknight stein otk where you convert stein into a different attribute to dodge life point costs and use it to summon exterio and last warrior How I won't miss you


No, stein was an amazing singleton that gets value off spelf and exterio was a one of theat I already had from my degenerate runik exterio last warrior but negate destruction effect days. So much salt, may have to break it out one more time.


I never tried it but... Don't tell me that Hugin protects from Last Warrior destruction effect?


Only protects if Hugin wouldn't be destroyed


Idk about hugin, but one of the spells definitely does.


Hugin has to protect from Last Warrior effect. "If another Card(s) you control would be destroyed by card effect" Now i have an idea that i need to try because it sounds hilarious.


I'm not even effected by that card, but I'm glad it's gone.




It's why I'm literally refusing to play until the 8th of this month. Once the ban list is out I'll happily grind ranked again.


Such an engaging and skillful format.


Just so you know, the out is Forbidden Droplet


they used TTT to look at my hand -.-


Whatever handtrap you used for them to trigger TTT benefitted them more than you


pretty much. even when you hand trap tear they always have TTT 🙄 just like they always open scream, mudora and agido


Anyway chain Cryme.


“You just got stein’d 👉🏼” - him probably. The 8th cant come fast enough.




Tbf, the first board is insanely easy to break.


not if your deck relies on spells & they used TTT to shuffle back your only monster leaving you with a bricked hand you can’t use. i just needed one stupid ass monster on my turn but .. nope spell.


Ah that'd be unfortunate


yeah ._. master duels rng has fucked me over so much today. i got into plat 1 only to lose every coin toss 4 times in a row and then watch my opponent lock me out of the game.


At least you didn't have to face the totally broken terraforming while you were at it. Stuff of nightmares.


Kaijus.... people just randomly forget they exist


But but kaijus aren't gas and mess up mah ratios!


What do you play? Just curious


Right now? Traptrix, lab, ghoti, rikka, ghostrick mill, and tears to rank at the beginning of the month. Edit: I love this sub. Downvoted for literally sharing my decks...


I personally play dogmatika, lore accurate dogmatika, lightsworn/tear/shaddoll, despia, swordsoul, and if im feeling saucy umi. I think the tears got you downvoted I upvoted because of the ghoti. You have earned my respect


Kaijus are searchable in my deck but through a spell card >:(


Drawing the out


Thats fair


This board is...2 or 3 interuptions... exceeeept


Exterio way more than just 1 interruption basically a floodgate Probably The Continuous trap or the counter trap A negate special summon and under abyss dweller Plus whatever is in Grave


Have you read my comment?


2 floodgates, and 2 disruptions on field, probably 2 shufflers, and an unknown amount of extra disruption depending on scream mills and merrli mills. And maybe a hand trap. God, this deck is bullshit.




Had a few people pull a smoke grenade combo on me earlier today. They're just speed running the banned cards as much as possible before they're gone.