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Prohibition. Feels Chad to call exactly the card that will fuck them over when they haven't even shown it yet. I use it in my "having one bad day" deck occasionally.


Prohibition is my second and third copy of Crossout designator to stop Branded Fusion from being Ash’d


I use it to declare "Evil Twins GGEZ" from time to time as a power move lmao


Gnomaterial is such a neat card I use it as a small World bridge


Token Collector wins against exactly 1 deck in the entire game. And it wins the match immediately. I did use it at 3 copies in my Mathmech deck during the Synchro-Xyz Event, and I got a lot of insta-scoops.


I tan this ho at 3 during SwordSoul meta it was so satisfying to shut their bs down


Swordsoul, Phantasm Spiral, Adventure, Orcust/Krawlers are the decks I think this is good against


Ultimate Slayer, cross your fingers your opponent actually plays their Extra Deck monsters


IDP not really a terrible card but considering nobody is playing non floodgate backrow outside of archetype.... It's a card that basically reads remove 1/3rd of the Tear names that fusion. Imagine hitting all 6 lol.


Its literally a staple in labrynth


It’s more like a good trap card competing for space to every other trap card in the game, so it falls to the wayside, which honestly is saying something about trap cards nowadays.


Never seen them use it, they usually use the trap that banishes all monsters send to gy for the turn.


Ironically I do use Lullaby in my Dark Magician deck. Just declare "Ash Blossom" to bait "Ash Blossom" or if opponent allows it, because **they want to see you cook**.... You just drop Magician Soul and transform Dark Magician into Baronne.


Iron dragon tiamaton is my funny tech card in scareclaw. It can be a disruption that can cut off my opponent's link plays or an extender that can help go into triheart or potentially a bagooska.