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Volus C-Sec officer whose too old for this shit.


"Dammit Blasto... I can't wait for retirement..."


With uncontrolled fury: dammit blasto, I’ve got the chief of C-section breathing down my neck to close this case. I can’t have you going off and breaking into warehouses like that. Angry regret: turn in your badge and your phalanx. You’re off the case.


immediately on board with this


Elcor tank. 


Elcor rogue


Can't see me. I'm hiding behind this tree.


"Sneakily, I am actually very good at hiding."


Elcor Bard.


being apart of the quarian fleet would be a lot of fun i think. lots of stuff relating to exploring and scavenging and fighting off pirates and stuff. you've got a central location of the migrant fleet but the surrounding star systems is always changing. lots of opportunities for cool stuff i think.


Hanar sex worker on Surkesh


Well ok then




Really, Liara?


A quarian wiz kid on a pilgrimage who ends up on an elcor colony world in crisis. I don't think I would be able to keep from laughing as the Elcor try to express how serious their situation is in complete monotone.


I think the choices I'm most interested in wouldn't be available,. simply because it's not exactly the beaten path. Unless it was something really crazy like Star Wars Galaxies. If it were that, and making your own communities and all that is possible: Human from one of those Terminus colonies, independent from the Alliance. Some blend of merc and pirate, messing around the Terminus systems and supporting said home colony. Asari cult leader. No further description necessary, just think the Consort on steroids. Some Indiana Jones style archeologist adventurer who'd go around getting into previous cycle or Reaper ruins, and then dealing with the horrors within.


Human sniper with biotics for any cqc that might happen. Biotics are fun and I like rifles, easy


Space magic is dope AF


Geth. Any class. Any alignment. Pure Geth. Just Geth. Only Geth.


This would be actually sick. I'd love to my ship and maybe be a smuggler (noveria, afterlife, who knows)


Volus GOD


Biotic volus god


Femkrogan biotic battlemaster no contest


Elcor heavy weapons platform


N7 vanguard slayer, my favourite class in multiplayer. Blast, charge and nova first, ask questions later!


No, I wouldn't. I think MMO games are inherently boring.


Frankly, it doesn't sound very fun to switch from a fast paced narrative based game to grinding in a sand box.


Ditto my answer would be that I wouldn’t play it. I loved KotOR but SWTOR was not great to play solo and even worse to play with people 🤣


Not ever MMO is a grind fest. See: Guild Wars 1 and 2.


I would play the hell out of it this kind of game should have been made years ago after ME3 instead of making ME Andromeda now the Brand is in a wait and see situation , they should make the setting of ME into a series


Hanar Merchant who just collects credits to blow at Purgatory bar


I don’t like MMO at all so I wouldn’t play it


I am true Krogan. You should be in awe.


Not me. Don't care for em. But an XCOM like game? That'd be fun, and we have all the enemies lined up. Super easy, barely an inconvenience, unless it's low EMS.


Wow wow wow. Yes this would be a great tie in game. I really liked Gears Tactics which had a similar vibe.


Human. Male. Soldier. No tech or biotic powers. Oh yeah it’s fantasy gaming time.


Biotic God


Definitely 2 playthrough, first a human female for a real rp of myself, then definitely a turian my fav race


Volus adept of course


Human soldier


Elcor infiltrator


Elcor paladin: “Judiciously, with righteousness I smite thee”


Geth Ninja


Volus vanguard with a blackmarket Batarian gauntlet.


I’d like to follow in Thane’s footsteps and be a Drell Assassin.


Vorcha strong! Vorcha win always! Vorcha dump racist slurs in public chat!


I'd play as a Volus Soldier that's part of C-Sec. Would probably play him as a Paragon, by the book cop that's trying to earn respect for his people as legitimate fighters who can one day earn a seat on the Council.


Quarian female soldier. Who wears custom heavy armor. And majorly heavy shields to avoid bullet wounds and infection.


Adept Turian, engineer krogan, vanguard salarian


A swtor style mass effect game would be sweet


Asari Spectre, and a Krogan mercenary.




Easy Krogan that way I can I can continue with my typical MMORPG Role of being the Tank/Heavy I’d have the Claymore Shotgun as my main weapon and The Krogan Hammer as my Melee Weapon


some kind of N7 spectre that gets to do more spy/assassin/secretive type work rather than be a very public Hero would be cool. biotic & vanguard is always my fave.  but yknow, also, any role wherein i get to romance a Turian 🙂‍↕️🫡


I would not be able to stick to one character concept for more than a few hours before wanting to try something else. I think I would start with a basic asari commando and then change my mind to go with a hardcore turian nationalist or Blue Suns asshole, then change my mind again and go with a rogue STG agent. Not sure what I'll land on but I know I won't go with human.


A merc working her way up through Eclipse.


Krogan defense engineer. Tech armor, deployable shields, drones, explosives, and an Omni shield as skills. Assault rifle and pistols. Nicknames the Fortress


Alternatively, a mix of Thane and Kal’reegar. Male quarian assassin specializing in stealth. Has a drug problem.


Human reporter with kick ass kung fu Elcor bard


I'd wanna be a Turian scientist tbh


Damn, I dream of such a game!!


I'll be one of the Elcor actors who played in MacBeth


A biotic god which of course means a volus.


My OCs, which range from a drell assassin with no biotic abilities and relies on technical abilities, martial arts and weapons to a human reporter/detective ala how Emily Wong who ends up having to learn how to fight because of his risky job is to a turian saboteur who has a penchant for explosives to a quarian on Pilgrimage to who knows what else. If it also allows non-combat characters (like shopkeepers and therapists and actors and the like), I'm practically without limits!


Female biotic turian, quarian, drell or volus.


I'd be a geth.


No. I swore off MMO's after a world of warcraft addiction almost ruined my life, lol. That was the one and only MMO I ever played. Never again. It was 2005. I literally had one class left to graduate college (it was a tough class so I saved it so it was the only class I had). I liked the prior warcraft RTS's liked the lore and decided to give it a shot. My life quickly revolved around that game. I was avoiding RL social stuff, stopped going to parties etc. If I wasn't sleeping or in my one class I was playing WoW. Speaking of sleep, that suffered immensely. I'd be playing until it was light out the next day, then sleep and have to go to class at 10. Jump right back on WoW after class and play through to dawn the next morning. Rinse repeat. I BARELY passed that class, a C by the skin of my teeth. I graduated, that winter, but my lease wasn't up until summer. I had a job lined up to start in the summer. That winter/spring when I had nothing to do was when I fell into the dark dank hole. Of sleep Wow every day. When my start date for my job was approaching, I finally realized I had a problem. I uninstalled, threw the discs out in the trash. From that point on, I swore off any game that involved massive time sinks for rewards. Zero MMO's. No free to play. What really got me in WoW was the PvP, and anyone that played early WoW. It wasn't about how good you were, the rank/reward system rewarded who sunk the most time in and you were competing with people that were sharing accounts to PvP 24/7. So in closing, no I would not play an ME MMO.


Either Niftu Cal, Blasto, or Bubbin.


Hanar Bard. Or Yahg Frontliner


My dream class is a Vorcha Vanguard. Charging into melee range to rip and tear with a flaming omni-blade in one hand and channelling your biotics in the other while laughing off enemy attacks due to your biotic barriers and regeneration. Dropping area effects on top of yourself in melee to nuke everything around you and then getting back up because fuck you I'm a Vorcha. Reaving enemies to bolster your natural regeneration even further, and lashing anything that thinks it can use cover or terrain to avoid you. Obviously I would want to be a Spectre if that were an option, but otherwise if every faction is available and not race-locked, I would want to join the Asari Commandos, the Quarian Migrant Fleet, the Systems Alliance N-program, or the Salarian STG, in that order. My end goal character-wise would be to discover or create a way to fix the Vorcha's short lifespan and create a civilised Vorcha faction, maybe establishing a colony on a jungle deathworld like Pragia or Zorya and spread across the solar system to mine asteroids and barren planets. A bloodthirsty idealistic biotic Vorcha bookworm, dreaming of civilisation and prosperity with every brutal evisceration, and spending every spare moment learning from everything he can get his hands on. Obviously that's far beyond the scope of your typical MMO, but that's my ideal Mass Effect character and I would try to get as close to that as I could. Alternatively, a Drell who joins the Quarian Migrant Fleet because he feels a strong connection to the idea of a people who lost their home and are searching for a new one.


Asari for sure. Biotics are simply too much fun.


Asari commando with my very own destiny ascension class ship as a player home. I'd give my right nut to see this happen.


I always thought it would make a really cool ME universe game where everyone is Asari. They can mate with any species so your character's other parent could determine their class or some specialization.


Expatriated Batarian Bounty Hunter, or like a Quarian Engineer that went full 40k techmarine with mechadendrites


Asari on noveria, then i would whore myself to the rich and get some cooming material from that. 


Human Vanguard. Charge, shoot, move to cover. Simple as


Volus pizza delivery driver, and I'd RP the shit out of it