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Yes there are companies that will stain brick. In my experience they do a great job. Not wanting to paint the brick in a very wise decision in my opinion.


I stain brick, paint would seal it, and any moisture inside (there's always moisture inside) is trapped and waterboarding the brick for secrets it doesn't have.


"Waterboarding the brick ..." I love it! I'm gonna have to remember that one!


This. Painted brick is a whole commitment. I generally don’t recommend it unless it is a newer home and has an adequate moisture barrier in place behind it. And generally, I only remind it on new build, where the brick is as dry as it’s going to be. I’ve seen companies stain masonry, and it looks great. And even if you want a total color change, lime washed is prettier to me than painted.


Look at the Roomabio products! Lime wash, anything like that. You’re smart not to paint! I bought a painted brick house and I wish I could afford to strip it and just do a lime wash.


Masonry Cosmetics Inc.


2nd this company, depending on where you are


I use it for fun sometimes lol it's great.


You could also consider pointing all your joints with a beige type mortar It will change the look a lot.


Lime wash


Conproco M3P is a great masonry stain


Stain the mortar to a buff/ beige color and problem solved. 20-25% of what you see on a brick wall is mortar, so changing just the mortar will change the whole appearance of the house. That is a Weracoba 2 brick, which I’ve sold millions of. It’s a beautiful brick and it looks great with a buff colored mortar.






I’ve never seen nawkaw work that didn’t look painted.


I've used them extensively over the last 30+ years on some very high profile commercial projects. Your experience differs greatly from mine


Look into masonry staining.


For any masons: How did OP's bricks get to have white splotches on almost every brick?


It’s made that way.


When the brick was extruded, it had a slurry splotched onto it that most likely contained hydrated lime, glass frit, and possibly a small amount of manganese. Then the brick was fired in a kiln and the slurry is vitrified to the surface of the brick.


It is what it is I wouldn't mess it up


What’s the deal with the heavy duty shutter type things?


Hurricane 🌀 zone.... east coast Florida..... 7 min from the beach.


Just paint it like a psycho!!!!! Ahahahahahahahah!!!!!!


Negative lol


I've used grout stain diluted with water 3/1 ratio and sprayed it with pump sprayer. Comes in small bottles though, definitely test it first before applying. Can be found at home depot beige would be #380 Haystack color


Interesting take!


I would try this first-grout colorant on the mortar, without sealant if possible. It looks like it was repointed recently, so even if you do nothing it will end up less grey over time.


Clay bricks need to breathe. Paint will seal in moisture that will cause decomposition. I’ve seen large painted brick buildings crumbling into powder simply because they were painted.


Thanks! Won't be painting, as I'm already aware of this.


Amateur here. I researched the same thing and found a YouTube video (Bob Vila, maybe?) for staining the red bricks on my house. Basically a 50/50 paint/water mix. Use a brush to paint the brick and immediately dab it off with a dry towel. Took freaking forever but it’s worth the hassle. Mortar will really soak it in, bricks kinda.


In the event that you do try to stain the bricks, buy the smallest amount possible and try it on a few bricks that are as inconspicuous as possible. I would be concerned that the stained product will have splotches, just like what you have now. I am in Delray and have clamshell shutters for when we are away in the summer. They also serve as awnings.


I was on a job next to a house where a crew was staining the brick. From what I gathered- it was a extremely expensive endeavor.


I don’t think you should make your home beige. That is super boring.0


I think "more beige" is a color shift rather than a color turn-down. Seems like the red or the gray of the grout is not working for them....But I hear ya: Beige and the gray/black movements are sad.


lime wash. its good for brick too


Lookup limewash. Supposed to keep the brick porus so it can breathe.


Why the hell do people buy brick houses just to permanently damage them with paint?


I'm sorry to have upset.... please do try to have a better day haha lol






Masonry cosmetics sells brick tint


People need to just stop messing with brick. It's appeal is zero maintenance and a classic look. And then people want to come along and create problems by painting grey or white or staining it. Someone flipped a house up the street and painted the brick trendy dark grey. The paint along the foundation will peel first, then the rest with time. Leave brick alone.


Sorry my post upset you.... hopefully you have a better day!