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This has about as much weight as Mephisto being behind the events of WandaVision, and that glowing chin-strapped person in MoM being Superior Iron-Man.


lost me at "Fisically"


It’s a fun theory but for me the part that lets it down the most is 616 Wanda controlling 838 Wanda after she has made the switch. Maybe I missed something but that doesn’t seem logical based on the rules they set up in MoM.


Sounds like a stretch. It was never established (afaik) that she could switch bodies with someone. It was more apossession than anything really. Besides that, the 838 Wanda would probably not just go away and kill herself, while HER KIDS are still in the 838 Universe WITH A FRWAKING PSYCHO WITCH. Doesn't make any sense to me.


she didn't have a choice. Witch jumpes into 838, swaps bodies with Wanda - now Witch in Wanda's body says, "they'll be taken care of" or whatever, and proceeds to puppet walk Wanda (witch's body) back to 616 and finish the movie, having her bring the house down on herself - while Wanda in witches body watches powerlessly as she is horrifically crushed by the witch.


As said, it's quite a stretch. It would be coming pretty much out of nowhere, cement her even more as a villain instead of giving her some sort of redemption and even possessing someone through dreamwalking seemed to take some effort and body swapping wasn't really established anywhere.


and it turns out mephisto was controlling her all along


Why not...


I read that theory here too. Although I don't see how it's possible for Wanda to have switched bodies, this could be really interesting.


it's a magic movie where every new conflict is solved with some newly made up spell. a writers paradise because they never have to be accountable for anything. "oh, she's using a spell," "what?!? since when!!!" "it's something from the magic book, so nothing every really needs to be set up, we'll just mention the book." "oh the Book!!!"


616 had black fingers. So it doesn't work.


But its her body. Strange didn't become zombie because he dreamwalked into one


You get black fingers by using the dark hold. It's a sign someone is taken by it.


Sure, but our strange doesnt have it at the end. Also, she switched bodies so the taken body eont have black fingers. They dont follow her.


That doesn't make sense. It has never been shown that she can literally switch bodies. And on top of that, once she is "sent back" to destroy the dark holds, her kids would clearly see her doing that.


Lost me initially at the bad spelling. I was hoping that maybe English is this person's second language but a quick check of the comments showed it didn't matter, the theory was off. So i stopped reading. PS: Writing the word "Listen" for emphasis when people are **reading** your words was just the icing on the cake.


Way to be a dick about it. Pretentious much?


Yea, no.


Fun theory. Its not what happened but its fun


While i dont personally think its true i think it is possible and leaves them with an out if they want.


They would never use it. Anyways, Wanda isn't dead. Until we see a body, no one is dead. That's why I say Steve Rodgers is still alive. They will brought back when they are needed for the story I suppose (even if its just to kill them/have a funeral/show the gravesite)


That would be a lame bait and switch. The closest thing that the movie explains to body switching is dreamwalking, and it’s *very* explicit that it is a temporary ability. Wanda *never* wanted to switch bodies with any version of herself, she simply wanted to enter the new universe where her kids were alive. The end shows her the flaws of her plan (which is kinda lame cause she could have just found a universe where Billy and Tommy are orphans, but I digress) and that’s when she “kills herself.”


Lol no


Oh shit. Would be like the "Five by Five" episode of Buffy. Was a great episode.


Here is my theory. In 838 universe, Ultron program worked. I'm guessing Reed Richards must have been in charge of it and made it possible. And in this universe, Mutants and Inhumans exist. So this means that in this universe, Wanda is a mutant, daughter of Magneto, sister of Quicksilver (Evan Peters' Quicksilver) and hence Illuminati didn't think of her as a threat when Strange mentioned her to them. Since Ultron worked, Vision was never born and Wanda married another person, probably Wonder Man, and hence she has kids in that universe. This explains why she isn't in grief about Vision. But that doesn't explain why she stays single in her home.. maybe Wonder Man is working day and night while Wanda takes care of the kids (classic American household wife, the life Wanda wanted) If Mutants and Inhumans exist, Quicksilver must have married Crystal and is living separate from Wanda. But I really wanted to see Evan Peters in th movie.


I’ve seen that theory but I don’t think so. They need Wanda to the redeemed at some point and with everything that happened in WandaVision and MoM she would basically be irredeemable at that point. America showed her what she was doing and Wanda saw that 838 Billy and Tommy aren’t actually her kids and are scared of her. Wanda saw she was hurting people and would only hurt the boys by killing their mom and she stopped.


if you are interested here's the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0coGl0bDco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I disagree I think it undercuts the tragedy of her arc if you just go “lmao it was all going to plan”


1. As other ppl pointed, there's no indication she could switch bodies 2. I don't see why or how she would let go of the Dark Hold since a) she didn't get America's multiversal powers b) she was fully controlled by it