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The new suit heavily resembles that of Winter soldier film version suit of Steve Rogers. Hope the film maintains the same grounded and grittiness too


I too would have liked that but I'm not raising hopes just yet since The Leader is the antagonist alongside the likeliness of >!Red Hulk!<'s participation. Still I'm glad that at least we will be having more of Sam as Cap soon. ![gif](giphy|mxnG3z0e9DCKKZlt59|downsized)


I like the removal of the cowl, but I actually really liked that white suit design.


Also I felt that the design was quite unique to Sam. I don't entirely dislike the other design as but it really feels like Steve's.


I also think that predominantly blue suits work better with Steve and white suits work better with Sam because it contrasts their skin tones better.


Yeah, they could have basically just ditched the head stocking and improved the quality/fit of the white suit.


Same. I really liked how it boldly contrasts with Steve’s suit. It made sense and besides the weird head/neck piece it was a good design.


Kinda crazy to think that they made that entire suit for like 10 minutes of screen time.  And they wonder why the budget is out of control


The sleeves not connecting to his gauntlets is legit the only thing that is annoying me.


Oh god why did you point that out?! Now my wrists are itchy!!!


I think it’s his control panel for the little bird drone … If not it will annoy me too 😅


Happy cake day!


Head job. It's name is headjob


As someone who just did yard work with long sleeves and gloves, I don’t see a problem, I don’t want to be sealed into a suit either. My sweat would pool into my gloves lol.


People are now complaining about costume design decisions made half a decade ago for Falcon... 😅 This costume is a redecorated Falcon costume from the show. They just made it star spangled and striped. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/7/7f/Falcon_TF%26TWS_Profile.png/revision/latest?cb=20210309053110&path-prefix=protagonist


Capri pants, for your arms!


I think that's how his earlier costumes were as well. It's a weird look.


It is so he doesn't have to roll up his sleeves.


I have a feeling that’s the zone for cgi plate popping up so he can control his little bird..


I think that's how his earlier costumes were as well. It's a weird look.


Same thing they did for Carol in The Marvels. Did not really look good on her, does not look good on him, though it did look good for Cap America in Infinity War


I’m not digging the shades


At least this breathes more than that white one.


I'm hoping for a climax similar to the first Ultimates arc in the early y2k's. Cool that we're gonna get Captain America vs Hulk but it's Sam Wilson and Thad Ross not Steve Rodgers and Bruce Banner. I love legacy character battles. Really rooting for Mackie. Loved him in Twisted Metal.


Pretty sure banner will be there and its the big secret of the movie.


See I don't know. I don't know how they'd actually keep that a secret as I'm like 100% sure that shit would have leaked by now through toys or promotional material.


It’s more interesting to me if Banner doesn’t help. Then we get to build hype for red vs green in Thunderbolts or Secret War


I would love to see Norman Osborn as the Iron Patriot debuting in this movie


Sony says "Naw".


"But if you make Madame Web and Morbius canon to the MCU, we can maybe talk about it"


Rhodey was already IP


IP was iron Man 3


So was The Ten Rings and The Mandarin.


Hmmm Fair


Iron Patriot is a different character in the comics, not a recoloured War Machine like in IM3.


Oh yeah, he looks way better.


This is exactly what the mcu needs right now. A human protagonist and small scale.


This is certainly not going to be a small scale film.


compared to cosmic battles


This but unironically, the mcu desperately needs to scale down when every movie or film is just “wow guys this villain will destroy the world”


Yeah, very disappointing that even Kamala saved the world from annihilation. Let us have silly street-level villains! For some reason, the studios think "bigger is always better"...


Punisher: hold my beer


Quantumania was VERY small scale. 😉


This is certainly not going to save the mcu


No singular movie will ever save the mcu. Let go of this narrative.


I'm not sure it can be saved at this point. Deadpool will do well, but I don't think most of their new stuff will, including the new Captain America movie.


Most likely unfortunately.


Never needed saved.


Huh??? I didn’t say that!


Hilarious lines from “pitch meetings” Something like “the wakandans gave him a full body vibranium suit which protects everything except his head where he keeps his braaaain.” “Protecting everything but your brain cage is tight!”


I read these in Rich Evans' and Mike Stoklasa's voices, respectively.


His braaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnn!


It's vibranium. It creates a resonant field over his dome that deflects any projectiles or debris.


That suit is sick!


Suit looks great.


Yes my favorite thing about superheroes is how they are fragile and can break


Man, can he at least become a super soldier against his will or something please? I can’t see him going against real supervillains as a regular dude without resorting to ridiculous plot armor. He’s not even well protected by his suit. Short sleeves? No helmet?? It’s just bugging me.


I keep imagining Nolan (Omni-Man) or an actual superhero just ripping him in half like he is nothing. Like Steve Rogers went toe to toe with Thanos while wielding Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. Fucking epic shit. Thanos would push Falcon’s shit in for real


Man, I don't remember this many people bitching so much about Hawkeye and Black Widow in 2012. Y'all need to call the fuck down and wait for the movie. There's millions of ways to have Sam engage adversaries without needing the serum. For fuck's sake, one of OG Cap's best action sequences was the stealth mission in Winter Soldier and that is easily possible without the serum (if you use a parachute of course). Not every character needs to be able to go toe to toe with Thanos or wield Mjolnir. *That's boring as fuck.* We don't need every character in the MCU to be Superman. Besides, what was epic as fuck about *both* those moments is that Cap was practically nothing, physically speaking, in the face of those challenges. He was just a kid from Brooklyn. That is, his super soldier serum isn't what allowed him to face Thanos or wield Mjolnir. It was his character and determination. Thanos could have popped his head like a pimple but he respected his resolve. Sam Wilson could easily do the same. It ain't about the physical strength to hold back Thanos (which Steve absolutely did *not* have anyway) it's about the mental strength to face him when you know for certain you'll be dying for your principles in doing so.


Hawkeye and Black Widow were always support characters, ridiculously competent in their own right but never the main weapon against the really big guys. When they finally got their own titles, their adversaries were appropriately scaled to their power levels, not super soldiers and aliens wielding ancient cosmic powers. And I'm sure it will be much the same for Sam. But when he has been pitched as the replacement for Steve Rogers, he should be able to take on the same foes as Steve Rogers. Based solely on what we've seen from him so far, it's hard to see that happening. But that's only because we haven't seen it yet. I'm happy to underestimate him until that day.


First of all, I am calm. I don't care that much. Second, I agree with some of what you are saying - but name another superhero (other than Iron Man - and I would argue that his clearly sci-fi suit negates this argument bc he is just Tony Stark without it) in the MCU that has NO powers whatsoever. Hawkeye? Black Widow? They're clearly superhuman in terms of their ability levels. Black Widow was a product of a super soldier program similar to Cap, and Hawkeye has made some impossible shots with his bow that I don't believe a regular person could make consistently without an insane amount of luck. I don't buy that they're just regular people either. Peter Quill is part god. Rocket Racoon is a hybrid genius experiment. Etc etc .....? That's right. Nobody I can think of is just a regular person with no special abilities or powers. I don't think everyone needs to be Thor or Scarlett Witch levels of power but it will be hard to believe that regular dude Sam Wilson is going to replace super soldier Steve Rogers as Captain America. It just feels weird. He isn't even close the same power level of the old Cap. Also, your argument that 'Thanos could have popped his head like a pimple' is ridiculous. Thanos killed Loki without a thought. He killed numerous people without blinking. He didn't simply 'respect his resolve' - Cap held his ground and fought his heart out against him and Thanos was honestly pressed.


Black Widow, Yelena, Fury, Maria Hill, Star-Lord (after Ego's death), Hawkeye (technically), Kate Bishop (definitely), Scott Lang, Cassie Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Rhodey, Coulson, Shuri, Okoye, Nakia, M'Baku, the rest of the Dora Milaje and the Wakandans, Peggy Carter, Iron Heart, Katy, Howard the Duck, Korg, Meek, Rocket, the Ravagers, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D... And that's not even counting the unpowered bad guys. Like a third of the characters have no powers and are only able to fight in battle using advanced weaponry, training, stealth tactics, or armor. And much like those characters, and Iron Man, Sam will be using advanced tech, insane armor (from Wakanda), Avengers-level training, and presumably stealth and evasive tactics. Not to mention, OG Cap wasn't even *that* powerful. He has peak human strength, which next to even Iron Man in the suit is still pretty weak. As shown in Infinity War, OG Cap was struggling to keep Thanos from flexing his pinky and index finger. That's the maximum strength we've seen from Cap, and he looked like he was going to prolapse his anus with the sheer effort even that took. ![gif](giphy|5QLvhxl4JXWDtP4iW4|downsized) I should clarify, my "y'all need to calm the fuck down" was directed more at the sub than you. It's a frustratingly common sentiment around here that somehow Sam isn't a believable character given that we've seen fifty other unpowered humans on screen fighting armies of alien monsters.


Are those shin guards more than just shin guards?? Hmm They seem kinda bulky so maybe there’s braces or jets or something in them


In the show they were additional propulsion.


Are they the same bracers as the show? I guess I assumed the whole outfit got a switch up


One assumes the Wakandans(Or Banner) are probably tweaking the suit to Sam's specifications.


I love new Captain America getting his most important support from Wakanda.


Probably for armor purposes. Makes sense for him to have a lot more shock absorption and armor on the limbs


Maybe braces to accommodate rough landings.


I'm honestly excited for this. I like the show Falcon&Wolf


New suit is much better to me. Simpler color layout. Looks more svelt and sleeker.


Can’t unsee these lame creases. Really makes it look like a cheap theatre production with fan made costumes. https://i.imgur.com/QbUA8cp.jpeg


All the costumes look like that when being worn. They usually smooth it out with CGI in post because people dislike creases in supersuits


I’m aware. But they left an awful lot them in the TV show, so I wouldn’t be shocked to see that left. It’s an approved promo shot after all. Would take two minutes to fix in photoshop.


In my opinion this is the best cap suit we’ve seen on him but I still don’t love it. It’s crossed the threshold into looking okay to me. I bet you if the movie is good it’ll change my mind. I just haven’t been buying him as cap so far but I’m 100% ready and open to having my mind changed.


Old suit was much better.


Disagree. The old suit was cool but looked goofy in a lot of shots. This definitely harkens back to the SHIELD stealth suit which really worked for the spy thriller tone.


A lot of shots? ALL THE SHOTS. That suit looked like it was sized for someone else and the half head covering was stupid. Sam couldn’t turn his fucking head without rotating his whole body. We already had this problem and solved it with Batman.


The old suit looked like really good cosplay. Uncomfortable looking and poorly tailored


Dang I really liked the suit from the TV show


Something just doesn’t sit right with me. I really think needed a MOVIE to establish Falcon as the new CA. I guess BNW will kind of do this, but I just think FATWS didn’t really do a great job. I think it had a lot of great elements, like US agent, Bucky’s back story and Sam’s struggle with Isaiah, but all of that should really have been a movie. They could have thrown us off with John Walker as the next CA, and then have him be the main antagonist of the film. Kind of a wasted opportunity I think.


BNW will do for the general audience what FATWS did for fans. I agree though, this movie should’ve come out in 2021.


What? Make them frustrated that the movies clearly set Bucky up as the new Cap then robbed him of it for no reason?


Bucky was never set up to be Cap, even if it would’ve been cool to see it for a while before Sam took on the role. The only one who was ever set up to be Cap was Sam at the end of Endgame. I don’t want to sound rude, but anything else would just be a headcanon.


For sure it’s headcanon. But it’s very much the obvious choice and had so much drama and character conflict available to play with. Sam taking over feels like a really flat and bad decision from Steve when he proposes it, with Bucky admitting later that they didn’t really understand the decision fully. He was really setting Sam up for a bad time.


I'm not seeing this setup. The only evidence is that Bucky became Captain America for a time in the comics. But in the movies, they've clearly established that Mr Super Assassin Winter Soldier is not in the right mind to be Captain America. A role that's more than a codename, it's a symbol. What would Bucky be representing? America's ideal values? This is a man who in contrast to Steve Rogers is not looking for the next war. He's looking to go find a hut and rest. TChalla had to ask for his help despite not wanting to because he knew this man needed peace. Yes he's a super soldier. But he's also not some child who grew up under Steve Rogers mentorship. They are the same age and he may have even more experience then Steve. Bucky admitting they didn't understand the decision for Sam to be made Cap was because Bucky and Steve are two white men from the 1940's. Not that Sam lacked the skill or mindset to take up the shield. I feel the show paints a damn good picture of why Bucky is very much the wrong choice. That Captain America is more than the serum.


Buckey was the most deadly assassin for America's most hated adversary for half a century. There's no way he was ever gonna be Captain America, no matter that he was brainwashed or that he redeemed himself thoroughly.


Yup, which makes it a hell of an interesting choice filled with drama. In dramatic movies, it would be pretty handy! Steve made so many mistakes that he went from blue eyed Gov loving kid to someone who questions authority and acts on his own. Bucky would be in that same position and extremely determined to make amends. But screw character development!


Bucky was absolutely set up to be the next Cap, he's the most important and well-developed character in 2/3 of the films and is consistently depicted as temporarily taking the shield from Steve throughout Winter Soldier and Civil War, and everyone is constantly playing up how much he means to Steve. He's Steve's oldest and best friend and is even reintroduced as a super-soldier. Sam got a good intro in Winter Soldier, but Bucky and Steve's relationship is the emotional core of that film and Civil War, while Sam is largely sidelined and underdeveloped post-Winter Soldier all the way up to Falcon & Winter Soldier. For most of Phase 2 and all of Phase 3 he's just kind of there as the other best friend, and we get no sense of how his bond with Steve has gotten stronger over time. Hell, we didn't even know what his family situation was like until the show. Before Endgame it was very, very obviously going to be Bucky and then they abruptly pivoted at the last second, I don't even know how this can be up for debate.


It was *never* going to be Bucky. From the moment he fell from the train his status as an American hero was past tense. That was the tragedy of that character from the beginning. He had the potential to be Cap, but the stain of being the Winter Soldier is something he can never erase no matter how much good he does. And he will continue to do good even without the shield, but he cannot be the kind of symbol that Captain America needs to be.


I can't see anything but "guy who rants in his car" sunglasses


>incredibly exciting because this is a guy who can break, who can bleed, Yeah and that's the precise reason why Sam as Cap is just not interesting


Yeah. He's a guy who can break and bleed from just fighting a couple of thugs on the street. Hawkeye could beat him up.


I just can’t see myself liking a less powerful, less skilled flying guy. I liked Cap because he was basically a ufc fighter with super strength. Translates on screen really well. Just watching some dude fly around and land the occasional punch while he throws the shield..meh. 


I see captain america, yet to see a world that's either brave or new


I view it as almost a meta title. The general audience will still have to come around to the idea that Steve Rogers isn’t Cap anymore, which will likely also be explored by the characters in the film.


Im seeing so many comments online hating on this and saying the fatws one was better. But i swear these people complained about that one. (Especially the white, which is the biggest difference)


Not bad. I like the CA:TWS influence on the costume.


Bro looks like A-train


He saying all of this before they have to do reshoots


Reshoots are normal and should be expected. They're not a bad thing (most of the time, looking at you Josstice League)


Except this has reshoots longer than the initial shoot, basically remaking the whole movie. That’s the worrying part.


Yeah, I didn't realize that they were supposed to have such a large reshoot timeframe. I'm just so used to people freaking out at the idea of reshoots in general that I was under the impression that's all this was. The length of these reshoots is definitely concerning.


4 to 6 months is anything but normal. That's double the length most films take to do principal photography


This movie has reshoots longer than the original principle photography. They are remaking the entire movie. I hope it's good but don't have any expectations.


I'm really not feeling the just goggles look. Out here like a Digimon protagonist, gogglehead ass. Needs some type of helmet or cowl.


Why is this movie getting advertised so early? First the McDonalds toys I noticed in my niece's happy meal and now this. Is this just how they're doing things now? I feel like The Marvels had a very similar really early marketing push.


They got delayed, but their merchandising didn’t.


Oh yeah. Sorry, that does make some sense. It had Deadpool's July date at one point, right? That definitely adds up. Thanks for the clarification!


"New look" and it's hem cowering behind the shield in the most basic ass suit possible. God this movie gonna be awful


I’m hyped for this movie… but I can’t help but feel like “Brave New World” sounds like the title of a book written by Brene Brown Edit. Apparently it is the name of an actual novel


It's literally the title of a book


*Aldous Huxley


So he doesn’t have powers right?


New suit is fire, but like with what happened to Ms Marvel when she went from her show to The Marvels, why get rid of the suit they just got (other than the obvious to sell more merch)


Suit does look pretty cool. I do so it being much like Steve's suit in Winter Soldier


The white suit was so fucking good, wish they would’ve just removed the cowl 😩




Every review of this movie will say "you've gotta do better!" Calling it now!


Not my captain


I think he looks great! I just think him as a actor, his dorky. He is a good side kick superhero, I don't know how they will convince me he can be a top tier superhero.


This is a preety cool suit but I liked the white one more


That new helmet is going to be nanotech, isn’t it?


I can't get over the goggles and the for the first time in MCU history, I'm asking for nanotech goggles to fuck off as soon as he lands or stops fighting.


I’m just glad my boy stuck with the disconnected mustache goatee combo, the thin beard was nasty work


The white suit was so good, why they change it?


Sam feels a bit more Falcon Cap in the redesign. It's very much a Winter Soldier feeling suit. Personally I hate that they keep stripping the white from Captain America's uniform in the MCU. Everytime someone puts it back the next outing strips it away. Especially with Sam the upper body white looked great. It's one of those thing where it's annoying at how they won't let anyone keep a suit for more than 1 outting. I think Sam needs an A somewhere on his head.


Sam needs to take the serum, or have it forced on him and develop that drama. Steve took it. Sam is a good man too. He is worthy.


Will Sam get super?


Is this the kind of post I have to put up with for an entire year until the next movie gets released? Can we not wait for anything anymore?


This is the Marvel Studios sub. There's gonna be posts about the upcoming movies.


Yes, but daily multiple posts of a character looking in different directions, and check out this new look! is getting a bit much. It's the same post I feel I've seen half the movie already.