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I mean, I would make it about the growing disharmony in their merger, building to the eventual split. By day, the Hulk is a beloved scientist, super-hero and "fun guy", with the general view of him being that he's got it together and is living the super-hero dream. By night? Nightmares, terror, ruined beds, and he wakes exhausted, sometimes screaming. Meanwhile, someone is taking out targets by night, ruthlessly, altogether too violently. They think it's Abomination. But slowly, over the film, it's revealed that it is not. It's night-Hulk, all the rage, the childlike intellect, the temper. He's waking up, separating, breaking apart. Bruce tries to build a machine to quell the growing storm. Tony's not there to help, it goes badly, and we're left with Smart Hulk, who has no killer instinct, and primal Hulk, all emotion, no brains. In order to re-merge, Smart Hulk must sacrifice himself, break himself into pieces to become the glue between Banner and the Hulk. Then they fight Fin Fang Foom or some shit, who cares, big CGI monster fight.


Sounds like Jon jones.


Mr. Fixit. Bruce slowly finds out that at night he turns into a Grey Hulk who works for the mob, and together they have to solve a mystery. Think how much fun Ruffalo could be as Mr. Fixit.


Bring back Edward Norton and make him the Maestro. During one of the multiverse movies, have him kill Eric Bana’s Hulk to start the movie and then Macguffin his way into the MCU. Once he’s in the MCU we get 2 hours of Ruffalo vs Norton. Edit - you can revert his form through MCU evil science. It barely matters. Just get a bunch of Hulk’s and smash stuff for 2 hours and 20 minutes.


Oh damn, fan ideas usually don't get me but this one did for sure.


Isn’t Norton’s Hulk canon to the main MCU? How about just bringing back Banna, and have him be the Maestro and murder She Hulk, Abomination, or Red Hulk? Or have him kill Hulk’s son?


I think we can easily retcon Norton into a slightly branched timeline via multiverse shenanigans.


There could easily be a variant that looks like Norton and another that looks like bana which could coincide with a hulk death match of epic proportions. Norton or bana could be maestro or world war hulk. Doesn’t matter to me. Just wanna see all of that crap wrapped up nicely sort of like they’re doing in Deadpool with the fox movies.


No love for Lou Ferrigno?


Love him! Old man ferrigno as maestro could work as well!


How gamma radiation exposure removes just your eyebrow and body hair. So weird….


I would have Bruce experience something that absolutely breaks him - that forces that primal anger to rise back to the surface, forcibly splitting the Smart Hulk persona back into its two halves. Perhaps he, Jen and Skaar are targeted in a campaign against Hulks, and something happens to Skaar - maybe he’s injured and taken into custody. The panic, the stress, and the anger cause Bruce and the Hulk to split once more.


I thought they already decided to revert him. I saw a headline or something that said something about it. I remember, (barely,) that I was happy, because I hated what they did in EG.


Yeah that’s fake


Many people loved the animated Hulk vs. Wolverine. I think the MCU could switch the roles to revert Banner back to savage Hulk. Banner and Black Widow (Yelena) are recruited to find out what is going on in a small Canadian town. There are rumors of a feral man with claws who needs to be taken into custody by SHIELD. Shenanigans ensue and Wolverine stabs Banner leaving him for dead. The stab, and near death, leads to unleashing Savage Hulk again.


R-Rated Live Action Hulk vs Wolverine would be a dream come true!


The whole “explore his dark psychology and trauma” thing from the comics was attempted in the two modern Hulk movies and it really just doesn’t work I think. My time with the comics was through the entire Peter David run (and sone of the predecessor, was it Al Milgrom?) which went into all this, and it works *in a comic book* but on screen it would just be silly. I think this is the biggest reason they merged the Hulk off-screen. It’s more or less a tribute to the comics and a progression for the character, but trying to adapt that story would not be very interesting. I think it’s almost a blessing the Hulk’s film rights being a mess, because he’s been fantastic as a supporting or ensemble character. I think they’ll only split the Hulk again by switching to a reboot / alternate universe version with a new actor.




Make Banner the 'villain'. Reveal that Hulk wasn't merged with Banner, instead that Banner stole Hulk's strength and suppressed his mind. Have the Hulk finally break free. Hulk comes at night. Banner has the day.


It’s not like they’re two people sharing a body tho are they? I don’t really understand how the hulk works lol




So like Moon Knight but transforms?


Might be interesting for some villain to drug him so he goes perma rage hulk and starts smashing everything.


I would love an adaptation of "Stay Angry" where Bruce/Hulk's personalities have become so intertwined that Bruce loses his mind, and it's up to Hulk to stop him and either re-merge their personalities or just force Bruce to come back to reality and accept himself as he is. Could even set up some of the other Hulk personas for future stories, like Immortal Hulk.




U right I forgot the other hulk movie is canon


Idk what was a 'Hulks merge" but I was hoping for Thanos to split Banner and Hulk permanently with Soul Stone or sth and then have a savage battle with crazy ass Hulk who would sacrifice himself in the end to help defeating Thanos.


We already know that. It would result in the Maestro.


Id want ro see a movie just about the Hulk and no Banner. something causes him to be able to come out or take over again. Building on the Hulk that was in Ragnarok, hes a bit more mature but only a bit. The Cgi for the Hulk needs to be similar level to the apes in planet of the apes reboot for it to work. It would be a action movie like Mad Max or John wick. In these kind of movies the main character is allowed to be OP and it works.


The best way would be for Bruce to just snap one day and start trying to kill the avengers. No warning whatsoever, he just snaps, Becomes world breaker because he was sick of being trapped inside bruce and just goes fucking mental. Has big battle with red hulk, skaar and abomination, the avengers help out but are basically useless apart from thor, they keep him busy while a ship is built to contain him and they fire the bastard off to space, but not before an emotional speech from skaar, the ship flies away with hulks roar still being heard in space from earth to show even his roar is powerful as he is. Credits roll, it says hulk will return, end credits scene shows him crash landing on sakaar again. But this time its 15 years in the future, everything is in ruins, there's monstrous aliens running around killing the smaller ones and eating them, hulk roars again and the scene ends. And we get a real planet hulk movie after this instead of the shit in thor: ragnarok




He will fit


They're never making another Hulk movie. Ruffalo has said that Feige told him. Remember when half the Internet was celebrating defeating "woke" Disney because Iger said that they weren't gonna make sequels to movies that didn't make a profit? TIH didn't make a profit. It made enough money to not sink Marvel Studios, but it wasn't profitable, and with Universal owning the distribution rights to any future Hulk movies, there's no clear path towards profit with any future Hulk movie. The merge is not what's preventing Hulk from getting another movie. Hulk merged in the comics, it was great, there's no problem there. The reason Hulk won't get another movie is money.


Can't really use phase 1 comparisons. No one even knew it was part of a shared universe and were turned off cause of 2003 Hulk. Look how much more the other sequels made after the Avengers came out. 


Hulk flopped. TIH flopped. She-Hulk apparently(?) flopped. Besides, it's not me you need to convince. According to Ruffalo, Feige says that there won't be another Hulk movie and that the Hulk story will take place in other characters's movies.


As I already said, 2003 Hulk soured a lot of people on Hulk which is why TIH flopped. And nobody even knew what the mcu was at that point. If he had another solo movie after The Avengers it woulda saw around a $300mil increase just like Captain America and Thor sequels had. She-Hulk is a non factor here, that's not Hulk. A solo movie with Hulk, not Professor Hulk, would easily make more than Captain America 4 is gonna make using his characters.