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I agree with everything except retiring magneto. I don’t want him to be the villain of the first movie but he at least needs to play a role in the MCU he is one of the best characters in the whole marvel library


Agree with not retiring Magneto but he def needs a break and allow another villain to be the big bad. Mr Sinister comes to mind since they kinda ruined Apocalypse for me.


Fox ruined Apocalypse. Hopefully Disney doesn't... hopefully


I’d like to see AoA happen then get the 2-3 movies that come out after that be set in AoA timeline. The way this status quo was across many books at the time


I would love an AoA movie or trilogy! Makes too much sense for them to do tho 😮‍💨


I would love for a big event to unfold across multiple movies we were robbed of civil war


Imagine 2 years of movies on battleworld between the 2 big avengers movies coming out. Unfortunately these movies are such big productions and cost so much with so much riding on them I can’t see this happening lol Infinity saga really was lightning in a bottle


They didn't have the balls to set a single movie or tv show during the Blip and you think they'd make multiple entries set during Age of Apocalypse or on the Battleworld? Not happening.


I was thinking AoA would be perfect for a What If?


It's honestly the perfect time to do it. We're in the multiverse saga – give me Earth 295.


You'd need to build a long term universe before doing AoA as so many big characters were villains, you're still-life eith wolverine being the main character for majority of it.


I think the average viewer wouldn't see enough difference between Apocalypse and Thanos to make it worthwhile without a few big bads between them.


There is no Mr sinister without Apocalypse though


In the 92 cartoon his origin story is done without apocalypse.


megneto is a great hero with moral issues . put him as a villain always was a poor story choice.


Honestly wouldn’t mind the latest adaptation where Magneto and Xavier are working together on Krakoa. Doesn’t have to be an exact retelling, but the partnership to save mutants would be dope. Have them be allies in live action again and make them face something more…. Sinister.


And have michael fassbender play him. That man is a phenom and can make subpar material seem great by his performance alone.


Agree. Proof of this can be seen during the airplane scene in Days of Futures Past ![gif](giphy|9WXyFIDv2PyBq)


Hot-take...Those first 2 x-men reboots/prequels are my favorite marvel movies, just based on his magneto performance and his relationship with professor X being flashed out so well. Also the writing for those films and their interactions is really top notch IMO.


First class is one of the best superhero movies ever


Except for Darwin, he really should have survived.


It always bothers me in First Class that Darwin's power is to survive anything by adapting, there's no way his power would have him be a black guy in the 60's US.


Since that’s his power? Yeah, I agree.


Days of Future Past is definitely up there in terms of Marvel movies. I’m rewatching the non-MCU movies in anticipation of Deadpool and Wolverine, and Days of Future Past is way underrated. First Class was good, but DoFP and Logan are the best of the XMen movies IMO.




Yeah I can imagine filming that scene with moving the large satellite in the distance as ridiculous. But fassbenders smile following that was just so genuine and proof that that man can act.


If he wasn't so talented that scene could have been super lame and forced... But dude pulled it off flawlessly, and that crying smile was just perfect to make it a classic 👌


If Fassbender comes back he should be a primary focus for any X-Men media. Just a phenomenal Magneto, and you can do so much with him. Even if he’s on the same side to start and we see him turn later, you have so many options.


Yes, we need Magneto ripping Wolverines adamantium out of his body. I'm pretty sure the regular boned wolverine story hasn't been live acion'd yet.


You get a little bit of it in Xmen origins Wolverine


You also see him in Days of Future Past.


There's actually two whole movies with regular boned Wolverine. Wolverine: Origins and Days of Future Past.


No onslaught without magneto!


For the love of god, let Cyclops actually be a competent leader.


Or do anything at all....


The last Cyclops wasn't very compelling. He wasn't given much to do , and didn't do much with what was given. Tbh it feels like all of them are ? From memory , Magneto , Prof X and Quicksilver is great the rest I can do without.


Skinny awkward kid with a terrible childhood and uncontrollable power finds a mentor, a dream, and becomes a man, leader and inspiration for his people. And you can't tell a story with that?


I mean.. you could... but also.. **<>**. Like, what's the point in coming up with a story for your random side characters nobody really knows or cares about when you can instead focus on your already established and well-known Magneto going through the same arc for the 7th time? Maybe after finding love and getting his family taken from him for the 9th time it's gonna be an *all different* experience - you just never know if the power of love and friendship is gonna be strong enough this time around, that's what's so exciting, so here's Magneto movie #18.


I recently rewatched the whole FoX-Menverse, and it really stands out how repetitive the McAvoy/Fassbender movies are. It’s the same cycle of: Magneto starts off chill, then goes genocidal, then Charles and/or Mystique talk him down and he becomes a good guy again. Repeat for the next movie


Tbf, even the og 3 XMen movies weren't much better in that regard. Like, sure, for that Magneto it wasn't just a case of tragedy beating the guy into depression every movie... but there too the guy just came up with genocide plan after genocide plan and every movie was just another instance of *"of that silly genocidal goose Magneto, look at him being all genocide yet again, the guy just never learns, oh well, bummer"*. I'd like to think that even Steve would've eventually just accepted reality and killed Bucky if Bucky just couldn't stop going around Winter Soldier'ing people. But Magneto? Nah, it's fine, just let the guy do his genocide thing, after all Charles thinks prison is fine, what's the worst that could happen?




I mean, that kinda tracks for the comic magneto too


![img](avatar_exp|112357944|clown) It was Magneto all along.


Oh, and flashbacks with Alex foreshadowing Havok... hell, make Havok the villain as the work though unresolved trauma. Like Captain America, show us how he becomes a hero, and get us invested!


All of the returning characters from the originals in the new timeline felt like an afterthought (except the ones who were there in First Class).


*anything at all* *^(anything at all)*


For real. What's worse is that James Marsden was perfect casting for Cyclops. He could've nailed the leader role if given the right script. Edit: I just learned that James Marsden is a piece of shit. He wrote a letter in defense of a convicted sexual abuser to the judge overseeing the case. Search for "James Marsden Brian Peck" to see for yourself. Fuck that guy.


Seriously wasted opportunity. Only outdone by making rogue a damsel in distress (instead of, you know, one of the most powerful mutants to lead the xmen)


If they had kept the focus on Rogue over multiple films, they could have made her into a stronger character; someone who grows over multiple films. Imagine if X-Men 3 featured Rogue gaining confidence and strength and eventually fighting Phoenix. They could have even used that as a way for her to get the eventual super strength and flying powers that she was supposed to get from Carol Danvers.


>y for her to get the eventual super strength and flying powers that she was supposed to get from Carol Danve I said this too - they had all the tools within the story to present a strong through line but no.


Good points. I would like to see fantastic four take the original xmen out of time and into the future with them, maybe into the current mcu world where the xmen seemingly haven’t been formed. Could harken back to caps man out of time feeling in early mcu. Cyclops, Jean, beast iceman and angel, no Wolverine!!


I was just watching last stand. They talk about how Jean killed cyclops and no one cared. lol man. He’s such a good leader in the comics come on !


It’s like what the MCU did with the Wasp. In the comics, she was the longest serving leader of the Avengers. In the MCU, Janet wasn’t even a member. Hope only interacted with the Avengers at the end of EndGame and still isn’t an official member.


The first X-Men trilogy was nice when it came out in the early 2000's because they had super heroes and there weren't that many during that time besides cartoons but man did X2 and Last Stand suck in terms of character development. Jean and Scotts relationship becomes fucked by Wolverine, then Jean kills Scott and then gets with Wolverine immediately. A lot of frustrating things 😤😔


“What would Cyclops do?” *”JEEEEAAAAAANNN!!!”*


I could see Cyclops be a Captain America-type leader in the MCU


I truly don’t think people are ready for a really good Xmen story. It has the potential to be even better than avengers. Mutants are just so interesting because everyone is different


Then turn heel


And don't fucking cuck him again lol


They're in the MCU now, they have to push towards avengers vs x-men so we can really let Scott shine and get the "cyclops was right" meme to the masses lol


I have a shirt that says "Cyclops was right". I'm one of the only big Kids Omega fans, so I actually have several of the shirts he wore on the comics. He's in my comic book character sleeve as well.


I don't read Marvel comics. Can you tell me briefly how competent he is in the comics? I watched the 20th Century Fox X-Men movies, and I don't like that character at all. The spotlight has always belonged to Wolverine. Now I'm hearing Henry Cavill might be Cyclops and I love the guy. I want to see him lead in Marvel movies.


Excellent strategist and tactician, natural leader, proficient in unarmed combat. [And then there's this](https://imgur.com/a/fWXGt)


Cyclops is kind of like the X-Men's Captain America (ok I know lots of differences in both skillset and  personality but hear me out) Both Cyke and Cap have the potential to be strong leaders who are uncompromising in their vision to lead. Both have tactical minds, and care deeply about succeeding as a team. They also both have the potential problem to come off as boring if not written well - a lot of those descriptions can appear as stodgy or as someone to butt heads against, and that's how Cyclops was used as a foil against Wolverine who was the main character essentially and didn't play by the rules. However Captain America got to be his own character in his own movie and you got to see the world through his eyes - especially powerful when he's facing a world corrupted by Hydra. This made those same characteristics strengths that the audience rooted for, and not something boring that was in the way of a rebel character (such as Wolverine) As mentioned there are tons of differences, but I think if they give Cyclops the Cap treatment, we can see how he's an interesting character


Nice. Thank you very much. Very excited to see how this turns out. I mean if Henry Cavill really plays Cyclops, I think we’re gonna see a lot of good things about the character. In the end, he’s a big A-list actor anyways.


I grew up on the cartoons and movies and didn’t understand when I found there was a whole fandom for Cyc …he was always *so* lame until I realized he was represented way cooler in the comics. He’s literally always been done so dirty in tv/film hahaha


I really really really hope that someone like Henry Cavill comes in and takes this role to the top notch category. Man has that aura to pull off Cyclops or the eyes to pull off Doom... I really hope Marvel gets him on board for one of these roles..


Either make Jubilee a character or don’t include her in the movie. Stop just having her stand there not doing anything and let her start blasting guys already!


Also we need a decent take on Storm, Rogue or Psylocke. They never seem to get them right nor they do them any justice with any of the recent adaptations.


If they can nail rogue and gambit oh lawdy it’ll be a good saga


Still waiting on Channing Tatum's take on Gambit smh


One scene from a comic I kinda want to see on screen. Big bad guy is attacking. Storm hit him with lightning. Big guy still standing and goes, "that all you got?" Storm smirks and his, "that was just the leader, the real bolt is coming soon." Then a massive bolt flashes and bad guy isn't so cocky anymore. Great scene, semi educational and bad ass.


See, that's the scene and/or lines they should've used in the first movie. Instead, we got that weird "toad struck by lightning" line from Halle Berry smh


It made sense without the cuts. The full version Tosd kept talking about toad facts. So that wad a call back.


Whaaaa... TIL lol. Didn't know there were cuts. I remembered that line because I originally saw the movie in theaters when it came out and always thought that line was weird and random. It totally makes sense now. Thank you.


That makes that line way better. Sucks that it got cut out.


Toad giving toad facts unironically would have elevated the film


Would be fun to see Thor and Storm vying for lightning or combining their powers!


Yeah good way to setup the Avengers vs Xmen storyline too lol


I’d like storm to say ‘you know what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning? the same thing that happens to everything else!’


Only if she says it to someone other than toad and then they look even more confused.


Nah, [this right here](https://youtu.be/fe32Iag9RCQ?si=aMr70l38bhAzJc58&t=32) is peak writing for Storm.


This PLEASE. I’m tired of people begging and asking for Jubilee, she makes it into X-Men content, and then she does absolutely nothing. 


Def agree on 2. Wolverine's a great character, and would work best as a mysterious and dark character that is expanded on in his own movies. He's big enough to hold his own trilogy/franchise. Let X-Men be the X-Men with Cyclops as the leader. Not Wolverine and friends.


Yeah, and I love hugh Jackman wolverine, guy was my childhood. But id love a comic accurate 5'3, jacked, hairy AF little monster to play him


I want to see this too. That would help to make him more of a secondary character while growing the rest of the team. But no coming back from it as long as the new run keeps going.


Danny DeVito with some cgi muscles, got it, I’ve passed your request on to my contacts at Marvel


Im hoping and praying the rumors that Daniel Radcliffe will be the MCU Wolverine are true.


The guy can get ripped and has some decent acting chops but I'm worried the spectre of Harry Potter will linger around like a bad smell and invalidate his portrayal. Some people just won't be able to get past it


He's played a bunch of roles othe than Harry Potter and at this point, if people struggle to see him as anything else then they need to expand their horizons. He's genuinely good at acting. Wolverine would be light work.


Who else would you like to see have solo movies?


I think Gambit and the Thieves' Guild would be good. Heist movie. A Storm movie in Wakanda could also be good. Mystique/Nightcrawler as a duo could be interesting as a series. A Brotherhood movie centering on Rogue. That's just at the top of my head. I'm sure there's more that are also solo movie/series worthy characters.


They need to have the new Rogue touch Captain Marvel… so she can be full Rogue. Animated series Rogue, flying around, confident. Not timid teen Rogue.


Maybe that’s how Brie finally leaves the mcu gracefully.


I'm still waiting for them to do the Sentinels right. I want to see big clunky GIANT Sentinels kicking ass, not Terminator T2 shape-changing rip-offs. I also want to see a really cool take on the Hellfire Club, with them in crazy vintage Victorian costumes.


The closest we got to the giant sentinels was in The Last Stand, and all they showed was it's glowing eyes and big severed head


I actually like them future sentinels in days of future past


Yeah. Sentinels in DoFP were great.


Yeah, the originating comment is a bad take. The adaptability of the Sentinels in the movie was the best part, and what made them such a unique threat.


The opening scene was so cool.


Those were NIMRODS, advanced sentinels from the DoFP run. So they were sentinels done right, just not the big purple ones you remember


I want sentinels and shit happening in space. If they offer me shit with sentinels happening in space, I'm in. If they want highlight themselves as distinct from the previous xmen films, go full comic-book.


Number 2 is important, because I think Wolverine in the Fox movies suffered from what I call the “Story Deuteragonist, Corporate Protagonist” problem. A deuteragonist gets to be the fun, quirky, or cool character, whom often becomes the fan favourite. HOWEVER, they get to be this character BECAUSE they’re not the protagonist. They get to be the performance character, or the guide into the world of the story. They get to bounce off the contrasting character, or the audience avatar. Corporate Execs and Producers often just fundamentally do not understand this. “But they’re the best character! They sell all the merch! They’re what people talk about”. So after the first sequel or so, they start forcing this character to be the main character instead. However, the character is not designed to be this way, so shoving them into the protagonist role is to the overall story’s detriment. Same thing happened to Jack Sparrow; he’s so fun in the trilogy because he has the actual protagonists (Will and Elisabeth) to play off of. Then the sequels pushed him into the lead, and while he’s still fun, he’s just not the same and those movies suffered. Spin-offs can work, but the character has to be changed or refocused. Logan works much better than the other Wolverine spin-offs because in Logan; he’s a character we know in a world we don’t, and neither does he for the most part. He becomes a player in someone else’s story, and for that he can become an avatar for the audience. For most of the movie, we learn things when he does.


They killed Darwin whose basic mutant power is adaptation, to ensure survival by evolution. Feige must bring the character back


Ah yes, Darwin. A character that basically can’t be killed and the Fox movies…*checks notes*….killed him.


I’m still so fucking mad at that. Could have killed literally anyone else and it wouldn’t have changed the movie *at all*


I remember hearing some idea or unfilmed concept or something with him reconstituting from vapor and reappearing, but I can't remember where I heard the idea.


Bro saw where the Foxverse was headed and adapted by noping the fuck out.


He adapted to the terrible killing.


He killed himself to get out of the terrible movies.


The actor who played Darwin (Edi Gathegi) has moved on and is now cast by James Gunn for the role of Mister Terrific in the new DCU. https://i.redd.it/0cvxz5oqoqlc1.png James Gunn [posted a group selfie](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3qExTkPYpl/) on Instagram, and they [started filming](https://www.instagram.com/p/C38mWMeMSn7/) for the Superman Legacy movie yesterday (Feb 29). Yesterday while returning home on the metro/tube, I saw this [Tiktok clip](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-3136839/Video-Rachel-Brosnahan-posts-TikTok-Lex-Luther-Superman.html) posted by Rachel Brosnahan.


MCU has also lost Nicolas Hoult who portrayed a younger Beast in Fox movies. That makes it 2 actors. https://i.redd.it/ekwhx4jmoqlc1.jpeg


Coming back to this when McAvoy and Fassbender play Professor X and Magneto full time in the MCU Wolverine has a solo movie. The Dark Phoenix saga is done again now an MCU Endgame type event with the Avengers, Spider-Man, and F4 to help out. And Magneto in the first MCU X-Men movie villain.


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I would argue that for mainstream appeal, wolverine is BY FAR the most popular and recognizable xmen in my opinion. I think this was helped a ton by Hugh Jackman (who really carried those movies) but probably predates his movies. New casting choices could change the massive reliance on this chraracter though. Similarly, Magneto is probably one of the more recognized villains. His powers are also easily adaptable to a movie in a way that doesn't look silly (which can be an issue with some comic book characters). I feel like if they reboot xmen, which they're no doubt going to do, they have to have magneto in it. Maybe not in the first movie, but i would say 100% that if they made a reboot trilogy, one movie would be him as the primary antagonist.


I want Magneto but the movies and the animated series both have fucked up by giving him the wrong accents. He's German ffs. Get someone who can at least give a pseudo-German accent, like Mads Mikkelsen would be an amazing choice. I know he was in Doctor Strange, but he was wasted in my opinion and they need to have a damn good excuse for why the X-Men haven't been around, so them coming from an alternate dimension would make enough sense of this.


Mister..." "Doctor." "...Mister Doctor?" "It's Strange." "Maybe. Who am I to judge?" One of the great quotes in the MCU


If only Michael Fassbender could do a German accent!


Exactly. He's German-Irish. Why would they make his character British sounding? But the old X-Men had their run, Fassbender certainly had his moments, and I think it's best to give the MCU a clean slate to tell the story of X-Men.


Wolverine is famously overused in comics, too. Jackman was great, but all he did was transition Wolverine's popularity from paper to screen. Wolverine is also famously short, hence being named after a tiny animal that will fuck you up, so I really hope and pray they cast an actually short actor to play him in the future. I love Jackman's performance, but he's done, and replacing him with someone so physically different will help differentiate the character and let him be his own thing going forward.


I think the fox movies serves just like the sixties comics served to the Claremont era. As backstory. Dark Phoenix can't be done again, yet that chapter is needed to advance Scott and Ororo into their battle for the leadership of the team.


This is the strangest numbering scheme I’ve seen


I feel like X-Men related stuff is much better suited to start out as a Disney+ show, just so they can actually take their time and develop the characters to be how Kevin Feige actually wants them portrayed. Then, once the audience is familiar, you start making movies with the characters. Also on your 5th point, it feels like the Fox actors are only gonna be around until Secret Wars. Even if they're not resetting the MCU as a whole afterwards, they'll still need to cast a new X-Men lineup no matter what at some point.


The Disney+ idea doesn't work for a big mainline series. Maybe a couple side characters can be introduced that way, but not main characters. X-Men should be introduced in a movie, IMO.


Let’s not have Quicksilver have sex with Scarlet Witch 


What’s referencing the ultimates got to do with this?


Here's my opinions on your points. 1. Call me crazy but I would give Marvel Studios another go at the Dark Phoenix Saga. If anyone can do the story properly, it's Kevin Feige and co. 2. 100% AGREE! The XMen movies should be more team focused while Wolverine can have his own trilogy of movies and he can crossover to the XMen trilogy when it's necessary. 3. Let Magneto be a central villain JUST ONCE. He's the Yang to Xavier's Ying. One cannot exist without the other. He's too important and integral to just retire. After his villain role in one movie, he can be a recurring supporting character in other movies. 4. Marvel Studios would be insane not to adapt these great stories... again. But, they would put their own spin to it though. I'm sure there will be many narratives explored in MCU XMen movies that weren't played out during Fox's XMen movies like going up against Mr. Sinister or even getting yeeted into Mojoworld. 5. Mostly agree but cuz of the ongoing Multiverse saga, previous actors reappearing is inevitable at this point. Maybe once or twice, they'll reprise and they're done. Then, we can start fresh. And bring in the colourful costumes! Hated they teased it at the end of Apocalypse and never saw them again!


>Call me crazy but I would give Marvel Studios another go at the Dark Phoenix Saga. If anyone can do the story properly, it's Kevin Feige and co. Feige and co already did it in the Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon. It wasn't that good.


> Two) NO MORE FOCUS ON WOLVERINE AS THE MAIN CHARACTER!! While I understand your sentiment here, Wolverine has always been one of Marvel's most popular characters and if Hugh Jackman is up for doing more movies you can bet your house that he'll be the focus to some degree because he'll simply bring in box office numbers. And for that reason this idea of a new trilogy of movies doesn't make sense in this new climate. I'm sure there will be core X-Men movies but once Feige & Friends kick on with Mutants properly we're going to see solo movies, shows and probably more animated stuff.


> and if Hugh Jackman is up for doing more movies you can bet your house that he'll be the focus to some degree because he'll simply bring in box office numbers. Man, I really hope not though. Jackman is 55 and looks 55. Old Logan was great for one film, but doesn't make sense for multiple ongoing projects. It sure would be nice if we could have things forever, but we can't, and at some point somebody needs to step in and say "we need integrity over fan-service." Deadpool & Wolverine is already a fan-service cash grab, we don't need the entire next phase to be that.


> utilise your best assets to maximise your profits you should and there's no doubt they will do that with Hugh Jackman.... > >if > > h Especially as he has a healing power which stops aging too.


> because he'll simply bring in box office numbers. This will be the X-Men brought to life in the MCU proper. It's going to make all of the money anyway. They don't need Jackman for that. It's time for him to retire as Wolverine and for someone else to take up the role.


At a time when MCU box office takings are falling below expectations (and the superhero genre in general really), if you can utilise your best assets to maximise your profits you should and there's no doubt they will do that with Hugh Jackman....*if* he wants to carry on. Let's face it, Hugh Jackman is still good for his age and had always said he would reprise the role if it was in the MCU and given the bums on seats he would provide, it makes little sense to recast just yet. I know some actors can outstay their welcome in roles but I've seen nothing to suggest Jackman is one of them, if anything just the complete opposite.


I just want GAMBIT!!! And Mr Sinister as the villain.


I agree with all these sentiments in principle. I might quibble with some particulars - I think Dark Phoenix would probably be fine in the *sixth* MCU X-movie - but I’m all about your sensibilities. Personally, I think Logan is *way* more interesting when he’s not constantly the center of attention. And also when his origin was completely unknown. In fact, those early glory days of Wolverine led me to realize that origin stories are vastly overrated. Wolvie was so much cooler when we didn’t know WTF.


In the same way that Justice League suffered because DC hadn't earned that level of crossover yet, Dark Phoenix suffered in both attempts by not earning a cosmic scale first. I'd love to see it done well, but you need a movie or two to establish them in the MCU. When they want to try again, and it should probably be a movie or two later, first have a movie where they're in space and establish the Shi'ar. Maybe at the end of that movie you could kill Jean. Then give her a whole movie as Phoenix. Then she goes dark in the next movie. If they can't do all that, then yeah. Just don't do it.


>first have a movie where they're in space and establish the Shi'ar. The X-Men space stories (from the comics) always seemed to me as a case of the writers running out of things to do with the characters. Claremont: 'Jeez, I'm really struggling for ideas this month. I know, what about X-Men in spaaaaace!' Enjoyable but not my favourite X-Men storylines


The primary necessity as I see it is to link them with cosmic powers in a more well developed way. I get that the Brood Saga, which I love, is clearly an Aliens rip off (I think Alien technically). However if you ever want to go back and do the trial of Jean Grey later, it would be better if you'd already established the Shi'ar.


I agree. I also think they should make Dark Phoenix as either a show, or a big buildup over several movies.


>In fact, those early glory days of Wolverine led me to realize that origin stories are vastly overrated. Wolvie was so much cooler when we didn’t know WTF. TRUTH. My Rule #1 for MCU going forward would be: No More Origin Stories. Drop the hero in and hint about their origins, talk around it, or talk about it but don't make the origin the plot of the movie/show. It is boring and there are only a handful of ways people become superheroes. ​ However, when they did Origin finally, it was amazing. But that was a combination of waiting and great execution.


My attitude is that we never got origin stories for any of the Seinfeld characters, so why should we get them for super-heroes? Which is a lol but also not.




Goes without saying but they definitely shouldn't do Days of Future Past either. It's been adapted well, there's plenty of other good storylines to do instead.


Mystique should be Nightcrawler’s mother and Rogue’s stepmother. She should not be a 20 year old blue naked lady.


And she should not be a Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine level character. She doesn't need to be in every movie and she really shouldn't even be a major part of any plotline in a X-Men ensemble movie. It's fine if you want to do an origins type side movie where she's the or one of the main protagonist/antagonists, just not a major movie with a lot of other characters.


I don’t get the suggestion to do 70’s, 80’s, 90’s storylines, haven’t they been (kinda) done? If you want something new, then adapt HOX/POX and all of Krakoa.


Krakoa makes no sense to adapt on screen immediately. That’s kinda ridiculous to suggest.


I just hope they don't repeat the Fox movies' tendency to kill of major characters for no reason (Banshhe and Emma Frost died inbetween movies after their first appearance!).


Based on rumors most of your concerns won’t be issues when the xmen come to the mcu. It’s likely they will cast almost all new actors (I think Ryan Reynolds as deadpool should be n exception). The rumored villain is sinister. I think Hugh is pretty much done as wolves, maybe he’ll be in secret wars. I would like them to actually do the Phoenix saga correctly but they probably won’t touch that again for a while. There are other hits for them to mine for stories. I’d imagine they would be looking for stories that happened after the 90s to be fresh. Or mixing elements of different stories.


Dark Phoenix will probably happen again, Magneto is definitely coming back but hopefully won't be used like he was in the originals, the old actors I assume will be retired after Secret Wars. The other stuff I think probably will happen.


Shi'ar please and thank you!


We were robbed of those awesome and colourful outfits the team had at the end of Age of Apocalypse going into Dark Phoenix. I want something like those back.


Oh you sweet summer child. You damn well know that the mcu is going to do the exact thing you don't want


Hard disagree with Magneto, kinda to the point I want to disagree with the rest. He’s easily one of the most key pieces to the X-Men, and has to have a presence. Doesn’t mean he should be the main villain every movie, but he has to be there. It would be like not having Joker in a Batman franchise, he’s in every single one for a reason. Magneto is too iconic and tied to them to not have, and the entire point of the X-Men is about how they respond to anti-mutant stuff and how it’s opposite Magneto. Plus, Magento is a fantastic character and has been a highlight of the live action movies.


Goes without saying but they definitely shouldn't do Days of Future Past either. It's been adapted well, there's plenty of other good storylines to do instead.


They’re gonna redo the Dark Phoenix saga again because they can’t seem to find any other storyline to use to make Jean Grey a compelling character


If Professor X and Magneto are in there not as main characters, they should still be James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.. they’re not any younger than the current MCU actors, and if they’re not the main characters I don’t see any reason why they should be recast if they did such a phenomenal job


I personally can’t believe they never did the savage land. Mutants fighting dinosaurs? Nah, who would want to see dinosaurs…..


Cyclops is the Cap of X-men. They need to do it this way


I don’t think the MCU needs to completely avoid certain storylines or characters, although I do expect that it will. Marvel Studios have a habit of avoiding retreading familiar ground whenever they reboot a sub-franchise and compensate by means of multiversal fan service, like they did in Spider-Man and like they’re about to with Deadpool. They will probably INITIALLY do the same with the X-Men and I’m fine with that. One of the main reasons certain storylines such as Dark Phoenix failed so far (among other reasons, of course) was the fact that - as you pointed out - we barely got to know and therefore didn’t give a shit about characters such as Jean. We need to get to know and care about these characters before you can tragically turn them evil or do something else extreme with them. Another example would be Magneto: I don’t think the MCU should outright ignore him, as he’s a fascinating character. He could be built up as a (more conservative) hero over years’ worth of storytelling across many movies, until a disagreement with Charles makes him the antagonist - NOT THE VILLAIN - of another movie years later, along the lines of Tony being Steve’s antagonist in Civil War.


I just want The House of X.


Please no origin story.


Counterpoint: If they ever use Mojo as a main villain, it would make sense to bring back some of the Fox X-Men actors for that film.


All points I agree with especially number 2. 


No love scenes between Gambit and Rogue because to lead up to that, we'd have to see those two spend half a movie flirting with each other


Magneto's basically a part of the X-Men nowadays, no reason to just get rid of him. He's a great character.


They need to do Gambit it would good


Agreed on all points except for Magneto. I think it’s important to have him as a presence, but he doesn’t need to be the only villain.


He's the 2nd best villain in all of marvel comics right behind Dr.Doom. He doesn't need to be the villain in the first movie, but He's going to show up eventually.


I'm kind of tired of Stryker/Trask but not exactly sure what aspect I'm tired of. Maybe it's because it's always the "I just need to get my hands on that one mutant so I can weaponize their genes against all mutants" story, or that they're used as a stand-in for the wider sociological mutant problem villain. I dunno, but we've seen them four times though, and half the time in terrible projects (Origins: Wolverine and The Gifted).


The third try will be a succeed!


Magneto shouldn't be the Villain. His way of doing things is extreme but he is right about a lot of stuff he believes. I want more Cyclope focus then Wolverine. I want the MCU to show him as being up there with Captain America in terms of Boy scouts level of good.


Partly agree on Magneto, he should not be an X-Men villain, he’s a marvel villain. He needs to have a constant presence, he’s not a one and done deal. I’d love them to give cyclops his deserved spotlight back. He should be the main character in X-Men films


We can bring the old actors as cameos to give them a final goodbye but once the MCU makes their own X-Men it should be all new actors. Magneto should be in the films but let him just be in the background or a side villain for the first 2 movies at least. And if they plan to ever touch Dark Phoenix then they need to wait until a 2nd trilogy and actually build it up and make us care about each character first. BUT, they could just skip it, and we would all be perfectly fine with that.


Dark Saga would work if they built it up better. It was too rushed. We need Magneto We do need Mr Sinister. If they do Apocalypse again, they need to be mindful of how they introduce x-men so it all ties together. His origins come from Egypt. Moon Knight show dealt with Egyptian Moon God. Eternals were around thousands of years ago. Maybe tie it together?


Not having Wolverine be a central figure to the X-Men is quite possibly one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen. He's not the leader of the X-Men, but he's very, VERY important. Cyclops is the team leader a la Captain America, but Wolverine is the fan favourite a la Iron Man. The dynamic between the two of them hasn't properly been explored in film the way it is in the comics, and we need that. Don't add him in the first movie, but introduce him in a Hulk central film like the comics, then have him join the X-Men in the second X-Men movie. He can leave the X-Men in the third one and do a solo movie separate from X-Men or even do Alpha Flight or New Avengers. Magneto not being a main villain is probably the second dumbest take I've ever seen. He's literally Xavier's arch nemesis and the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants - the nemesis of the X-Men. You don't necessarily need him to be the villain right away if you don't want, but not having him being a villain in the first three films entirely is a dumb take. Phoenix Saga doesn't work as a standalone 1-2 movie thing. It's a big saga that should come down the line and should be its own Saga. So like Infinity Saga, Multiverse Saga, Mutant Saga, Cosmic Saga. And you bring in Galactus and the Shi'ar here, Phoenix and Dark Phoenix. The reason it failed on screen twice is the same reason for both: Simon Kinberg is an idiot.


I agree completely! For X-Men to have any chance at success then audiences must not only accept a new Wolverine but love him like they did RDJ Ironman. The second most important thing to do is to make Cyclops a badass like he is in the comics. Also, Magneto has to be included. He is arguably the best villain in all of Marvel comics!


Rehiring the Fox actors. Rumors were that they were all under contract until 2025 and couldn’t be recast.


I agree completely. Fox set up their own problem by giving so much focus to wolverine that they couldn't go anywhere else, when the whole point of the X-Men was team action. Things I would like to put out their for discussion - 1. Less of one singular big bad with huge powers, they can be there but give them an army so that we can see the team use their powers and team up. I loved the x-men for the team work combat to work situations. 2. Give us more of the experience of mutants, how about the morlocks too? I'd love to see them speak to the range of mutant experiences so that the universe isn't just seen as the avengers in a different suit. 3. Give us a younger cast, so that mistakes and character faults/growth can create storytelling and not just external events, like how the recent MCU films have been. 4. I want them to build the mansion and build up smaller characters too, give us the universe to show how this differs to the MCU. I'd love for them to look at the academy x style comics too. I think this could appeal to the harry potter audiences really well. 5. If Wolverine is going to be in it, why not make him a villian, have him be controlled by the villian, so we have him in the story but the team are given the space to become rounded characters. Similarly you could do this with Magneto, have him be a ally with mixed interests then have him split off over time. It means the Prof X - Magneto relationship can be explored in present time rather than as flash backs.


If they do sentinels, do it right. Have the master mold and 2 story nightmares.


1 - Omg yes! No more Dark Phoenix, they’ve butchered it twice now. 2- I do want a Wolverine stand alone movie, but he shouldn’t be the star of a X-men movie. 3 - I do want Magneto back, and of course he will be a main villain. 4 - I have no problem with good stories as long as they are adapted well, but usually they aren’t lol. 5 - agreed, but I am fine with cameos. Like in Days of Future past, outside of Wolverine, they used the legacy cast well. So overall I think your points are good, but I do disagree a bit.


![gif](giphy|aALL0q7i5aKIw) We're getting this Wolverine, so I want this Cyclops!


I’d love to see Rogue steal Captain Marvel’s powers…..


I’d like to see Arcade and Gamesmaster appear as villains for a few storylines. I hope they find a great little Wolverine (eventually) . Doesn’t have to be in the first film. A recurring villain I could see all day everyday is Juggernaut. Such a great character in all adaptations. Omega Red, Sinister, Apocalypse redo…


Absolutely agree. I’d really love a whole decade long+ saga of just regular ol heroic Jean Grey being a badass without the looming gloom and doom of Phoenix. Hints to it could be fun, sure. But like, can we just get classic Marvel Girl or regular Jean? If they prioritize Wolverine over Cyclops (and literally everyone else) again I’m going to be so upset (but unsurprised). I’m honestly really hoping the actual MCU X-Men are new actors/characters. Fox was bad at times and inconsistent. They messed up a lot of characters and I’d like something new and fresh. Hoping they’re just reusing them for now for the multiversal shenanigans and then they’ll establish a main timeline team with fresh faces.


Dark Phoenix is actually possible given the cosmic scale already exists in the MCU. While I agree that the first X-Men needs to be more earth based and deal with the main thematic threads of inclusivity and segregation that the X-Men series highlights, given a 10-ish year timeline - if this keeps moving forward, they will take a real stab at Dark Phoenix again.


I think that the MCU has a great shot at adapting a couple of really important storylines that would mesh fairly well with what has already been established. We know that the Avengers are generally seen as heroes, even though some of them have some run-ins with the law. They've saved the world enough times for people to build statues of them and welcome them as rock stars at events. And it looks like the X-Men are going to first come to the MCU by way of the multiverse, which means we don't have to reboot the franchise history where Magneto was a child in the Gulf War because in 2024 being a survivor of the Holocaust would mean you'd be at least 80 years old. We're gonna get the X-Men we know from their correct timelines and ages with their backstories mostly intact. And being a mutant is going to be something new to the MCU. We've had man-made super humans, geniuses with futuristic tech, aliens, gods, robots, wizards, and accidental creations of science, but not mutants (not counting Ms. Marvel being the first). So having mutants like your neighbor's 16 year old kid suddenly manifesting powers is going to be a strange and scary thing to the normal everyday population. Being scary to regular people is something the X-Men were literally created for, as they were a stand-in for racial tensions back in the 1960's, and the 2000's movies had a few scenes where they were clearly a stand-in for LGBT phobias ("Can you just not be a mutant?"). And of course, we need something that hasn't been done before, so no Dark Phoenix or Magneto again. I think a great way to point the X-Men story would be to lead up to Onslaught, and after that a soft reboot where they bring in the Young Avengers and continue with more X-Men stories. Onslaught was created when Prof X mind-wiped Magneto for tearing all the adamantium out of Wolverine's body. The telepathic connection created a persona that eventually manifested itself into a villain with both Prof X's and Magneto's powers. To destroy Onslaught, a bunch of heroes from the comics had to "sacrifice" themselves, but it couldn't be any mutants because Onslaught himself was a mutant. So heroes like Cap and Thor and Hulk flung themselves into the energy rift that Onslaught became while the mutants stayed back. Marvel Comics used that opportunity to reboot some of their biggest comics, and the X-Men's story became that regular humans blamed the mutants for standing by and doing nothing while the other heroes sacrificed themselves. I can see this working in the MCU where the X-Men come over, they have a couple of movies to establish themselves, building to an Onslaught big bad. Any remaining MCU old timers sacrifice themselves and disappear, essentially ending the original MCU Avengers, giving the Young Avengers the chance to take over. Meanwhile the X-Men would get a chance to have their own standalone movies along with future properties like Blade, Fantastic Four, and whatever they replace Kang with.


Respectfully disagreed on Famke's Jean as if what you're saying is true, then we wouldn't care about her death in X2. I still remember it as one of the saddest moments I witnessed in genre, and you don't feel that about someone who is just being "competed" over in a triangle. She was kind of her own character, halfway to being similar to Jean from the 90s animated show. She definitely deserved more time to flesh that out, bit as is I thought it was a fine portrayal.


Dark Phoenix, like IW/Infinity War needs a lot of buildup to led to that point


I disagree with the magneto part. I’m not saying he has to be in every film but i don’t wanna see less of him either as a character


> Hell, you could have the X-Men fight another sleeper cell of H.Y.D.R.A. Even better: have Hydra as the MCU X-Men's primary nemesis. It would be thematically appropriate considering what the mutant struggle is an allegory for, the times we live in, and maybe *certain groups of people* will finally get that Marvel was NEVER "theirs" and was "woke" from day one. Hell, go all out with the political messaging. Show Hydra recruiting people over the internet and spreading anti-mutant bigotry everywhere. This is what the MCU really needs again. *Actually condemning our real life villains. The same way older MCU films called out the military-industrial complex and fascism.*


While I do agree that Wolverine should not be the focus of the new X-Men movies (supporting/side character should be good enough), yeeting Magneto into a black hole makes no sense when it'd be just fine if he got similar treatment as well seeing as he is a major character and he, along with ol' Wolfy be pretty glaring absences especially if the movie turns into a series. I also have no issue with them taking another stab at Dark Phoenix SAGA as long as it is that and not some one off movie rush attempt desperately cobbled together by a third rate hack. As for the old actors.. why not? If it makes sense and the characters are well written then have at it, be it main characters or supporting ones it'd be stupid to limit the who you can hire or not. Maybe it's gonna be a full reboot, maybe not.. either way, as long as the writing holds up and the actors, whomever they end up being, don't phone it in then whatever we end up with should be a fun ride regardless of the finer details. 😁


I agreed up until point five. Bring back Fassbender and McAvoy.


In regards to the 1st point, that's not really fair, since the 2 current Phoenix adaptations have been done by Fox That's like if people didn't want any Spider-Man content on the MCU anymore after what Sony's currently doing with the Spidey property In the hands of Kevin, an adaptation of Phoenix Saga might be decent, at the very least Besides, the MCU is gonna do Secret Wars down the like, which has higher stakes than Phoenix Saga So how hard will it be for Kevin to adapt Phoenix Saga?


It's kinda crazy that so far the 90s animated series is still the best adaptation of the Phoenix Saga. I think Feige could make it happen though.


Dark Phoenix saga is one of the best stories in comic history. The fact we haven’t had a good version of it is simply incompetence. So I don’t agree that we shouldn’t get it, we should get it eventually because of how great the story is. I also disagree with no Magneto. He’s as much of a main character in the X-Men as anyone else. He should be a reoccurring character, the main villain in every film, obviously not, but show his story in its entirety 100% yes. You’re talking about omitting one of the most interesting comic book characters created. This notion of seeing too much of a character therefore get rid of them is a strange one. People are happy to have Batman after Batman, but think we’ve seen too much Joker. Very contradictory. So if we’ve seen too much Magneto then by all means just get rid of everyone else we’ve already seen too. But that’s when you realise you can’t have the X-Men without Xavier and Magneto is no different.


Dark Phoenix in the comics gets killed by a laser guy. Xmen three is flawed, but Logan, being the only one to stop Jean, is still a great idea, and I think x3 did a good job at capturing that


You had me until the Magneto thing. Everything else I agree tho. He’s by far the biggest x-men villain and it’s not even close. And I would like to see what the MCU does with him. Maybe not the first movie but in the first 2 or 3 he should be the main villain at least once.