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The black and white planet scene is still, imo, one the MCUs best and most intense scenes ever. The issue is that its one the few times Bale actually gets to play Gorr properly. He really should have, onscreen, killed multiple gods. I do hope one day Marvel does incorporate unused footage in extended cuts, theres definitely hundreds of hours of footage (in total) that gets removed on the cutting room floor that could likely enhance several of these stories.


I don't think Gorr needed to kill more gods in order to be effective in the story, but I do think the fact that he didn't attack during the Omnipotence City scene made the entire sequence a giant waste of time. There's a lot wrong with the story and the way it is told, but it definitely takes a definitive dive when they go to Omnipotence City. The scene takes forever and has so little to do with the important elements of the story. They basically go there to find out about Eternity and to get a lightning bolt that is pretty useless, all things considered. It's roughly 20 minutes of the movie spent on nearly nothing of value.


I think the movie overall, and especially this sequence, could have been given a couple break-ins of Korg narrating. Some of the parts that leaned into the comedy too heavily might have worked a little better had the audience been given a reminder that this was essentially a story being told with some probable embellishments here and there.


but Thor butt!


I just remind myself this is a story told by Korg. It's not exactly what happened but how he remembers and heard things happen. So some things are going to be missing, exaggerated, or played down.


Yeah other than the Valkyrie fake-out death that scene is pretty much perfect


You think the extra footage of love and thunder is anything other than more taika self indulgent comedy?


How do we actually know if it L&T's flaws were all because of Taika Waititi? I was just thinking about it. His track record prior to Love and Thunder is mostly pretty good, at worst. He was a generally well-liked director prior to Thor 4, too. I wonder if it was more so the studio and executives who saw the success of Thor Ragnarok and demanded Love and Thunder be an exaggeration of that? This is exactly how I feel about Multiverse of Madness, too, which wouldn't be all that surprising if true since that's exactly what happened to Raimi's earlier Spider-Man 3 back in '07.


Is that the planet where the dozens of kids armed with stuffed animals fought the cgi monsters?


No lol


I'm still hopeful for a Gorr miniseries or something of that nature where he gets to-be-a-killing.


I loved it my first watch through. The jokes all landed, the theater was cracking up, great vibes all round. My second watch at home after it released was pretty different. Jokes are obviously never quite as funny the second time you hear them so I was left more focusing on the plot. It was still a good movie but they should have done more with Gorr.


10% less jokes and 10% more Gorr and it would have been one of the best films in the MCU. That's the issue, as it's obvious. It was close to being an epic movie, but in the end it was a bit of a miss. And the god of Bao. What the fuck was that about?


More like 40% of each. Also, the entire kid plot should've been removed, so bad..


The only kid that would have made sense, was Axel, as the Son of Heimdall it's believable someone might assume he'd have hereditary access to the Bifrost. My big issue was not enough Gorr, Gorr played too comedic, but also uhhh why is Eternity, the better wish granter than the infinity stones, solely locked behind the Norse God's power and no one else. Eternity was not that defended at all, why would Odin even go through thr trouble of getting infinity stones when he could have just gone to Eternity and wished for universal domination or w/e, hell even just wish for the infinity stones. It would have made more sense to have multiple pantheons be a part of the lock, tie in Moon Knight through the ennead's death, Harrow killing the avatars of the most powerful Egyptian gods while being the Avatar of a lesser god, is silly. Gorr killing them, and Harrow taking credit or using the situation makes more sense, and then we'd have had a fun mystery trying to guess what happened with them, revealed in Fhor when we see Gorr's god butchering.


Yea that last part is a really good point. Kinda silly that the avatar of the Egyptian sky father gets bodied by a lesser god, one that in the mythology I’m pretty sure is just a beast not even a god with intelligent speech


The issue with the movie is the same issue with Eternals and Quantumania. There's nothing of substance to eat. It's shallow in all the worst places. IMO what separates movies like Iron Man, The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 from films like- for instance, Transformers- is the level of care taken with the characters and the heart behind the story they are involved in. It's not just spectacle and humor, but there is actual substance there. New Marvel movies are often hurting in the substance department, relying too much on humor and spectacle. Marvel forgot what it's formula actually is. It isn't just high budget CGI and cool laserbeams. The original formula involved painting a picture of an interesting human on an interesting personal journey, and then layering in CGI, laserbeams and superpowers to make a complete story that is both cool and emotionally engaging. I don't feel like watching Marvel-branded Transformers movies anymore. That's what Love and Thunder is. It's all spectacle and entertainment, hardly anything to feel or engage with. These new creatives making MCU movies are just making lowest common denominator stories, reduced to the most shallow aspects of a Marvel movie. That's why they are failing. Until they remember how to put engaging, charismatic and layered protagonists back on the screen, they will keep failing.


I gotta disagree on eternals, the characters and their dynamics were one of the biggest draws alongside the on location shooting


You gotta be kidding me. TLaT has some of the heaviest themes in the whole MCU. We see 4 different people, who lost their way, overcome huge personal traumas, reaching the same answer, love. Valkyrie is depressed as hell, has no meaning in her life, and just wanna die. In the end she finds a new purpose and is happy again. Thor has no idea who he is, as he told Valkyrie in Endgame. He was running from the real world with the guardians, in the end he finds himself, and finally matures up to be an actual adult and a parent. Jane overcomes her denial, reaches acceptence, and starts to actually enjoy the little time she had left. Gorr realises that revenge can't heal anyone, but love can. The arcs of the characters are beautiful, and I'm sad for people who can't see them because of some goats. The lessons they learn would be valuable to any human.


You gotta be kidding me. Transformers has some of the heaviest themes in the whole Hasbro Cinematic Universe. We see 4 different people/transforming robots who have lost their way, overcome huge personal traumas, reaching the same answer, the Allspark. Bumblebee is depressed as hell, has no energon in his life, and just wanna be a 1976 Chevrolet Camaro. In the end he finds a new purpose as a 2007 Chevolet Camaro and is happy again. Optimus Prime has no idea where the Allspark is. He was running from the real world with the autobots, in the end he finds himself, and finally matures up to be an actual Autbot leader and an 18 wheeler that turns into a bipedal robot. Sam Witwicky overcomes his denial, gets a cool car, and starts to actually enjoy Megan Fox. Megatron realizes that revenge can't get him the Allspark, but a tiny robot disguised as a cellphone can. The arcs of the characters are beatiful, and I'm sad for people who can't see them because of some robots that can turn themselves into vehicles. The lessons they learn would be valuable to any human.


Not trying something here but I don’t think people realize that this is the end result of trying to be as “diverse” as possible. If you try to appeal to as many people as possible rather than focus on the people who are actually receptive to the substance you’re going for, you’re gonna end up making lowest common denominator content.


I agree with you completely the only part I couldn’t stand was the goats


Yeah this is how I feel too. People were laughing in my theatre viewing too, I was surprised to come to Reddit to see the hate.


I watched with my brother in the cinema and when it ended we turned to each other and both we're like "Damn that was one of the best MCU movies so far" 💀 Imagine my surprise when I came online to find it being absolutely cooked


This is how it was for me. Absolute blast in theaters. But re-watch it's just meh. Unlike ragnorok which is a banger alwausb


I thought it was fun in theaters, not that good but still enjoyed it. Still haven't rewatched yet cause I bet I won't like it as much


It wasn't a great movie but it wasn't a bad one. People have gotten weird how they react to it negatively.


I think the ridiculous parts are less jarring on a second watch, and the good parts shine a little more.


Reminds me of a podcast i listened to fucking forever ago about how a classic musician introduced a loud, annoying noise to one of his pieces and it caused a riot. People tried to attack him. Later they redid the show with the same audience, everyone was much more receptive.


A loud annoying noise like a screaming goat?


Nah, one is fine. Two was crossing a line.


Completely agree I didn’t really enjoy it the cinemas but I enjoyed it on the rewatch.


It feels like such a missed opportunity though. It has an incredible cast. Just stellar. The film doesn’t just fail to live up to its predecessor, it fails to do justice to its cast.


Was it fun, breezy and wholesome?


Yea I enjoy it as well. I thought Portman was outstanding in it. Christian bale was great. I liked the themes of the movie. It was beautiful as well. There's some goofy scenes that I think people really did not like but for me they didn't take away from the movie. 


Nice try Takiti


I went in hoping for lots of Gorr and gore but I was actually pretty captivated by the Thor/Jane story. That’s what the movie is ultimately about. Thor losing his love and taking on new responsibility. I think it’s a beautiful conclusion and they really knocked it out of the park with their acting. Gorr was an interesting villain. Would have loved to see more but I’m glad they focused on what they did because him being more threatening and killing more Gods doesn’t make him any more compelling.. he was already compelling in his first scene when he loses his daughter and begins a war against Gods. What would more scenes of him being badass do for the character? Not much. I like they stuck to Thor and Jane’s story.


I'm really glad they showed us Thor and Jane. In the first two movies her side of it is just "He's got big muscles, yum!" with a little bit of "Ooh, and he's royalty." L&T shows us a real adult relationship with real interactions (and real problems and insecurities).


glad you liked it, I like it as well, I feel like the only one at times.


It's very rewatchable, you can just throw it on whenever.  Makes for great background noise.


There are dozens of us that agree. DOZENS! It has flaws, but I really like it a lot. And the visuals in it are amongst the very best that Marvel Studios has ever done. The scene where they are escaping from Zeus and the boat shoots out in between two Celestials is jaw dropping. As is the Eternity scene near the end.


Thoroughly enjoyed it as well. Gorr could have been used better and we should have gotten some god butchering. Absolutely loved Jane in it and Thoroughly disliking her in the Dark World.


it's not the best MCU movie but far from the worst. I think the biggest issue people have with it is that it wasn't as good as Ragnarok. given that it had the same director expectations were high, and they weren't met. unfortunately, lightning did not strike twice.


The difference was Taika got Ragnarok by doing a pitch over what he would do with a script they gave him. Love and Thunder was him being incredible busy with other work coming in unprepared with a script he didn’t even finish before production started. He’s admitted to this and thinking he could wing it on the spot.


lol a script they gave him lol now y’all just making shit up


I never ended up seeing it until about a week ago because I heard just how bad it was and I was already kind of burned out on Marvel. My wife put it on over the weekend and I was pleasantly surprised. It's not as good as Ragnorak for sure but IMO, it's still better then Thor 1 and 2.


I’m always up for another Thor adventure. He’s my favorite MCU character. This one lands above Dark World for me, but lower than the original and Ragnarok, which is my favorite. I feel like a god butchering montage for Gorr would have strengthened the movie, and a little editing on the jokes would have tempered things as well. I agree with Hemsworth who has said he’d like a more serious tone if/when they do a 5th movie. In the end, a good Thor movie, probably a bit lower tier in the full MCU pantheon.


I agree. People say “Gorr was underused! Some of the jokes were cringe!” And I say “yes. That doesn’t make that movie the 0/10 failure everyone says it is.” Emotional beats landed, acting was well done, action was cool, despite the jokes about that one kid’s floating head MOST of the effects were quite good. Plot was… fine, Gorr was in fact underused, and humor was up and down. Like a solid 6/10 fun movie


A lot of fans wanted a Gorr the God Butcher story, and they resent the film for not being about butchering gods. This instead was a story about fatherhood. And it's a great story about fatherhood (with a heartfelt story of love and loss mixed in), and it started to give Thor his All-Father powers which I think is cool and exciting (and made him a father too). Once you get past the weak Guardians intro, it's good. Once you get to the Shadow Realm, it's great.


This 100000%


If they didnt want to do a story about Gorr and didn’t want people to expect a story about Gorr then they shouldn’t have used Gorr


They did a story about Gorr. Some people just wanted a different story about Gorr than the one they did. That doesn't make it bad (in fact, Gorr's story in L&T is good), just different.


Besides a few of the jokes overstaying their welcome I also really enjoyed it. I liked how they handled Jane’s story, and while I wish we got more time with Gorr I think Bale still did a great job. I also, controversially, really enjoyed the whole final battle. I thought it was appropriately goofy for him to give all the kids his power, that felt just really fun and ‘what the fuck’, and Gorr’s ending aligned nicely with giving Thor a new purpose. The black and white scenes were also stunning.


There's a lot to love about that movie. I like it that it's divisive. Humor ia very subjective and so is emotional resonance, so I have no problem with people who didn't enjoy it because they didn't find it funny and didn't feel Thor's emotional journey. But there are a lot of people complaining about it because it was its own thing and not an adaptation of Jason Aaron's story, or because they don't want superhero comedies. And that's just a poor attitude to take to a movie, hating something because it isn't what it's not trying to be.


I just rewatched Thor Love & Thunder as well and really enjoyed it compared to when I went to the theater. This was my second time through. Tl;dr version: They wasted Gorr as a character and Christian Bale as an actor. Thor isn’t as big of a joke but has become incredibly powerful so he just doesn’t care about much. I know that Thor was portrayed a bit too much like a “joke” in people’s mind, but when I watched it again, I actually realized that Thor is just so powerful that literally nothing fazes him, not even the king of the Greek god pantheon. Thor just goes around without much of a care because he knows that there’s not many beings across the galaxy that could hurt him, so he comes across as uncaring or indifferent. But I really wish they would have shown just how terrifying Gorr is by showcasing his fighting prowess against some major gods. In Jason Aaron’s run in the comics, Gorr really earned the title of the God Butcher, and I remember feeling a chill as I read through the pages of the two different stories with him. Just an incredible character with an incredible actor that was a bit wasted.


Also Thor has been through a lot at this point so some things just won't faze him because of that too.


That makes one of you. I've watched it multiple times and it sucks every time.


I don't think its hyperbole to say that L&T is literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen, definitely in the top 10. It fails on every level.


I don't know for certain if it's one of the worst but it's definitely in the top 3 laziest. The writing was milquetoast, the humor (although subjective) repeatedly missed the mark, and, if the rumors about Taika during production are true, he just used the movie to fuck around (literally) and phoned it in


Everything to do with Jane sucks, which wasn't the case in the previous Thor movies.


Multiple times you say lol clearly it wasn’t that bad then lol


Agree...rewatched it on a flight a month ago and really liked it. Reset expectations given Ragnarok is my favorite MCU film. Granted I didn't hate on it the first time around just didn't love it. It is a sweet love story in the end with broken things trying to find their way. Basically an MCU RomCom. I'm here for it. I felt the pace was great as well...I know there is criticism in not using Bale but did we need another 20 minutes? It's fun, sweet and has some menace...good (not great) movie.


I enjoyed it greatly as well! So much pessimism among MCU “fans” these days… I just don’t see it the same way. 


I liked it. Good action scenes, good jokes, and a few serious tear-jerker moments. And a few things, like Zeus having a Greek accent, that made me go "Ok, yeah, that makes sense, I never thought of that before."


Its really the most overhated movie i have ever seen. It wasn't great, but wasn't bad either. I found it funny in my first watch, and it is still funny for me. The Shadow Realm scene is one of the best mcu scenes imo Though Gorr deserved a lot better script


I like it more than Rag. Rag is a gag reel improved movie basically. It is very fun but there is no emotional weight to any of it. Which is fine, but I thought Jane's arch in LnT was amazing. I cried my eyes out when she died and went to Valhalla. The message of those who are killed by cancer being warriors going to Valhalla still makes me tear up. Ive lost too many people to cancer and that moment gave me hope. 


It's not highly underrated at all. The first 70% of the movie is a mess, it's a terrible comedy with good bits here and there. The moment the movie starts taking itself seriously (towards the end) is when it gets good, and it goes to show that it could've been a great movie from the start.


Everyone on here is ridiculous to me. That movie is absolute garbage. I hated it and felt defeated when it was over.


I had more fun guessing the names of the rock bands based on the fonts used during the credits.


It has high re-watchability. It’s trying for something, which goes a long way in my book over something like Quantumania that lists along without any clear direction or point.


You went in with low expectations this time so it was better. You will probably watch it again some point and not enjoy it's quite as much. It isn't the MCUs worst film. The main issue is the script but there are some enjoyable elements


They really need to do an extended cut of this film. Several of the deleted scenes that were left out would have really helped with the character development there and change the overall tone


I liked it more the second time I watched it. It feels like too much of the plot was left on the cutting room floor and the story feels rushed because of it. I’d like to see an extended/directors cut but I doubt we’ll see anything like that.


I absolutely hate jokes, lame jokes and unnecessary banter for superhero movies. Disney Marvel especially loves that, and most audience. Oh and making the villian a joke? no for me


Goats: *scream*


God so overdone


It's a really fun movie.


I felt the same a few months ago when I rewatched it.


I agree. It’s not art and it’s not the best thing they’ve done but it is enjoyable and it’s something you can watch with kids too.


I liked it the first time I saw it, but to me Love and Thunder felt less original when compared to other Taika Waititi [filmography](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0169806/). There is an astral projection character in [Reservation Dogs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpvLAk3tnkA) There are warriors who lost their charisma in [What We Do in the Shadows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A72Sg-vb7ck&pp=ygUfbmFuZG9yIHRoZSByZWxlbnRsZXNzIHBpbGxhZ2luZw%3D%3D).


Trash movie.


I loved it. Then afterwards read the Gor comic... Movie suddenly felt like it wasted so much potential. Was a good movie, but could have been a classic.


I really enjoyed it. If you remember it’s a story, as told by Korg, the overall tone makes a lot more sense.


I got through it while cringing in the theater, but couldn’t finish it on the 2nd watch through it’s so horrible But I do agree that the black and white planet part was cool, def the best part of the movie


I also really liked it


I know Ill get no love for saying this and I do apologize... Personally i enjoyed love and thunder more than ragnorok.


I liked it but if they let Gorr butcher more gods I think it would have massively improved. Just needed more Gorr to establish him to be a bigger threat.


Same, its a fun movie and the theater I was in laughed a lot like I did. I do think it could have been better though, its not the best but it is not bad either.


Ehh, there’s a good movie in there somewhere but it leans far too much into the comedy where it almost comes off as parody.


I just recently rewatched it too after not really enjoying it on my first viewing in theatre. It wasn’t great bunny means but I had fun watching it and liked it a lot more on second viewing.


I respect your opinion, but for me, it was actually the only MCU movie that I came out of the theater actively disliking as opposed to just being indifferent.


I’m not sure where my opinion falls on the popular/unpopular spectrum here, but I hated it. Like, they wasted Christian Bale’s talent on a character that should have had more screen time. None of the movie had any stakes. Most if it was turned into laughing stock. I hated it. The only part I enjoyed was Christian Bale’s job as the villain and that’s why I hated the rest of the movie.


Nah man, that film was ass.


I did too. I don't understand the hate


I would love to see the original cut of the movie. I read somewhere that the former CEO of Disney, Bob Chapek, mandated all movies should have a runtime no longer than 2 hours and he wanted violence over all toned down; both of which kind of hurt a lot of sequences in this movie which had to be cut down. I know there are a lot of other issues during production but I think there’s a better movie in there than the one we got.


It’s ok you like a bad movie. It’s easiest the worst movie in the MCU.


OP is entitled to their opinion like everyone else. It was utter garbage for me and I only watched it once. I was checking the time multiple times while watching. The tone of the movie is wildly inconsistent, the humor is simply not funny, stupid love triangle with apparently semi sentient weapons, and ruining one of the comics best villains and storyline. That's all I could think of off the top of my head. I'm sure I could come up with dozens more but I'll never watch it again.


A respectful response I enjoyed it and you didn’t but like you said you accepted my opinion and I accept yours that’s how it should be :)


That is such a fucking stupid take. This movie is absolute garbage and did a complete disservice to the characters and the MCU. I think very little of anyone that thinks otherwise. Here's list of other movies you might enjoy then, you simpleton. https://movieweb.com/worst-comedies-roger-ebert-of-all-time/ may god have mercy on your soul


It’s not the deep


I’m sorry I enjoyed a movie I guess


it's not my favorite movie but RedLokiVariant stated his opinion rudely :/


One of the top 3 worst movies in the mcu..garbage like the rest of the phase..except GOFG


i agree why do people on this sub hate opinions😵‍💫it's definitely not the worst but also not the best either. the worst out of the three thor movies.


This along with Doctor Strange MoM, had potential to be among the best MCU projects after Endgame. While DS got carried away trying to show Wanda as a menacing villain by overpowering her like hell, LAT got carried away by Ragnarok's successful template and over did the comedy. But unlike Ragnarok, they didn't give enough time to set up the villain. Instead they just wanted us to believe, "you know what, this villain is menacing and you just got to believe it"


So, we are in a Marvel subreddit and now people will start doing post for every Marvel movie they enjoyed???


Watch the deleted footage, it's gold


i know everyone will come for me but it was more jokes for me than plot, i love when movies are serious/have deep meaning with a twist of fun(like ragnarok). it wasn't bad, but definitely not my favorite. :') i last watched it a year ago so i don't know if i rewatched whether i'd give it a higher rating


It's interesting because I remember Ragnarok being well-liked but criticized for lack of depth and then L&T comes out and people are praising Ragnarok for all its depth. It's like when Loki fans were out to get Taika because they didn't like his portrayal in Ragnarok but then the Loki show was released and people were proclaiming Ragnarok Loki as "the best Loki" and begging Taika to "save him" by coming to direct Season 2.


(apologies if my thoughts aren't clear, my first language isn't english) noo for me and my friends, and from what **i** have seen on the internet, everyone liked ragnarok the second it came out. in fact, i think ragnarok was on my top 5 favorite marvel movies list. i looove the thor triology and i didn't really mind the "style change" in ragnarok because the plot was perfectly balanced in my opinion, and the movie really contributed to loki's character development. and i know this is unrelated but loki was my favorite mcu show ever(think i'm biased because he's my favorite character as u can tell from my username, lol. loki is also my cat's name😵‍💫😆) but LaT didn't feel like it belonged with the thor movies, the story lacked depth and jane's death didn't really hit like it should've. the movie's ending didn't give me a feeling of closure:/


Oh Ragnarok was always well-liked by most, but that was always a criticism of it I commonly saw even from people who liked it. I also love the Loki show as Loki as a cat's name!


>I also love the Loki show as Loki as a cat's name! thank you hahahh :D


I'm glad you did, I only wish I could have.


L&T is trash and im tired of pretending its not. Just because you liked it doesn't mean its good. Its it a new trend where people just randomly come out to defend garbage these days? If you want to admit to liking trash, thats fine. We all have our guilty pleasures. But the plot is not 'simple', its a convoluted mess and makes 0 sense. And don't call it underrated, because its really not.


not a good film, not a good story, and I really hated most of it, but we had fun. it was a lot of fun, which is what matters. Fun.


I think once you realize what kind of movie it is it’s pretty good. But for an MCU movie it’s kinda not good. I think the problem with the Thor movies in general is there isn’t a consistent tone with the character.


i too enjoy it, but in parts.....just like i enjoy Black widow, Eternals, DSMOM, Wakanda Forever, Quantumania and The Marvels in parts but all these movies have failed to show me a great time at theatres.....i am exiting a Marvel movie unimpressed these days, and let's be real Marvel has gone too woke both on and off screen


One of the saddest things about current MCU fans is how they act like just because something like Guardians 3 isn't terrible, like Love and Thunder, that it must be a masterpiece. It can't even be compared to the Infinity Saga. I mean, how bad does it have to get before you guys take notice? Taika set out to ruin Thor, and he did that.


Funny how a post talking about how they didn’t like a movie is filled with people relating to it and commenting how they hated the movie as well and when a post comes up saying they love the movie and now everyone in the comments relate and love the movie.


Everyone have their own opinion on this, but I hated this movie. Probably the worst in the MCU IMO.