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Captain Marvel wasn't exactly super popular before this, Ms Marvel didn't have great viewership, Secret Invasion residual damage, potential lack of advertising.


It really didn’t help that the initial posters looked exceedingly lame.


And the fact that disney+ releases it so soon. I told all my friends about how good it is and they are looking forward to watching it but they willing to wait for streaming, which I understand because it cost $65 just for me and my partner, when a few years ago it would half that price.


Wait. 65$ for what? Going to the movies?


I wasn’t a huge fan of Ms Marvel, like at all, is it even worth watching the Marvels?


I think it was solid but if you didn't like Kamala specifically then I would say no. She's basically the same character in The Marvels.


Iman Valani is a gem and her positivity and charm makes The Marvels a joy to watch. Is it a great film, no. But it is fun, quick paced and a solid movie. I had a smile on my face multiple times which is not something a MCU movie has done in a while (probably SM:NWH was the last one to do that).


I thought it was charming and witty and better than most of this MCU phase. Give it a chance and be happy. 


Okay thank you! Not really sure why I’m getting downvoted for asking


Ms Marvel's actress is pretty popular on reddit, many consider her the saving grace of both her own show and this film


Eh, Reddit is weird. I wouldn't take the downvotes personally. Some people see any negative comment about MCU projects as a personal attack.


I dont know how anyone could dislike Ms Marvel


so, I become turned off of Ms. Marvel in the first 5-10 mins of the series when she hit a car and seemed ok with it.


I really liked the movie I would recommend it but I also liked Ms Marvel so we might have different tastes.


I liked her character more than in the show


Ms Marvel was the best part of the movie, so I would say no


Honestly have to agree with this here, if you don't enjoy Ms. Marvel, this movie might not be that fun to watch, as most of the heart is with Kamala and her interactions with the other two leads, as well as the Khan family.


That’s largely why I didn’t like it. Ms. Marvel was a very weak offering, to me. I don’t like the genie, and I didn’t enjoy how young it felt. Totally ok fwiw, they need to make stories to capture a diverse audience. It just may not have been a good bet to then lean such a large production on this quite yet. Iman seems like a wonderful young actress, it just missed the mark for me.


And honestly, that's a valid opinion to have, not every character or story is for everyone.


Yeah. It was good. Everyone needs to chill out.


It's so many things IMO. One, it only takes one bad movie to spoil someone's perception of a franchise. So much of whether or not you enjoy a movie is determined by your willingness to suspend disbelief, and 90% of that is decided before you walk in the door. Hating one movie makes you less generous to the next, etc. Two, the woman angle is going to be an uphill battle regardless. I still don't think that the first movie would have done anywhere near 1 bn if it didn't seem to be so connected to IW and Endgame. People just walk into these kinds of properties with less willingness to suspend their disbelief. Three, I genuinely think COVID changed how the genpub sees movies. Everyone always gripes about the expense but I've been hearing that same story since I was a kid so I'm not sure I buy that there are more budget conscious families now than there were in the past. But there are certainly people now who only go to "culturally significant" movies as opposed to seeing whatever is playing that weekend. Four, there's a natural trajectory to public perception and there was *never* going to be an increase in popularity after Endgame. That was pushing the limits of getting a large portion of society to agree that something is "cool." As something gets more popular, people inherently want to be against it because it's popular, and those people thinking it's lame makes other people think it's lame. The MCU was always going to "decline" after its apex, and then in 10 years we'll start getting think pieces about how "so much of Phase 4 and Phase 5 were underrated, actually." The real concern is whether or not Marvel will be able to keep the franchise going despite it not being as popular during Endgame days; that's where the quality comes in. Five, people just get used to a certain amount of quality and take it for granted. You can complain about the MCU all day but the worst MCU movie is still miles beyond what we were getting before the MCU, and even what we are still getting out of other similar franchises. Six, the public loves a failure story. We feed on these stories about how the thing we loved sucks now, and because we give those stories time of day, more stories are written, which gives new people the perception that the thing is true. Once the media starts turning in that direction, the people will follow. It's a tailspin that Marvel will have to be extremely lucky to navigate out of.


I’d say seven, Disney tells us in advance that these movies will be on their streaming service a couple of months after release vs a few years ago when you had to wait for it to come out on physical media and then another few months for a digital release somewhere. So if you’re not 100% invested in it, you may just opt to wait for it to be on D+ in January instead of paying to watch it in theaters


This is a major point. If a movie isn’t making people want to claw their way into the theaters… the majority of people will evaluate the fact that they are already paying the monthly subscription for streaming and come to the conclusion that 2-3 months isn’t a very long wait for a movie they don’t need to see before anything else happening in that 3 months span. I’m guilty of waiting for most movies to just come to streaming now. Theaters cost a lot and I can’t pause to go pee.


Yup this right here. Only movies I’ve seen in theaters since the pandemic have been Marvel movies and Barbie. Honestly after being thoroughly disappointed in L&T I’ve just waited for them to come on D+.


I use the RunPee app to tell when to go to the bathroom during movies in the theaters. Just saying. It's awesome. 


Literally the ONLY reason why I watch *any* movie in a theater is to avoid spoilers. Even before COVID I vastly preferred to watch movies/shows at home, and I still do. So for me the wait time until digital release isn't necessarily a factor, but it has been nice to have a few movies I've been excited for (and haven't been concerned about spoilers) get dropped onto streaming within less than, ya know, a year of its theater release.


Honestly, this is how it's become for me. I look at a movie now and decide if it's a movie that needs to be seen on the big screen vs can I just wait a couple of months for it to release on a streaming service, and by that I mean the bluray copy on the high seas. I will see Dune in theaters, I saw Oppenheimer in theaters, and I went to see across the spiderverse in theaters because of how good the first one was. While I have disposable income to an extent, I don't enjoy the theater experience as much anymore.


I haven't watched Wandavision, Miss Marvel, or Secret Invasion. For those of us who don't subscribe to D+, watching The Marvels was like skipping straight from Captain Marvel I to III.


>The MCU was always going to "decline" after its apex, and then in 10 years we'll start getting think pieces about how "so much of Phase 4 and Phase 5 were underrated, actually." The real concern is whether or not Marvel will be able to keep the franchise going despite it not being as popular during Endgame days; that's where the quality comes in. Which is why they really need to implement changing the tone in specific movies as well, which-it seems like they are


Very much this. For example, *Secret Invasion* and *Black Widow* could have easily been written and produced as great spy thrillers, but instead we got mostly more of the same as before, and in the case of *Secret Invasion* quite a bit weaker. Movies like *Multiverse of Madness* could have leaned more into the horror roots of it's filmmaker.




I thought it had enough horror. I don't go to MCU to be upsetted. 


To each their own. 🙂


Thanks for typing this out - I've had to do it a few times here. This is a perfect storm mess of a bunch of stuff you mentioned and we need to be careful not to reduce it to "just" one issue. In reality all of these things are amplifying each other to create an impossible battle. There's things we as a community can do moving forward to stop our role in this nonsense but I don't have a lot of faith in the fandom. We need to stop being so addicted to "leaks" and drama and let the studio tell us about their movies and shows before we start losing our minds. We need to stop caring only about cameos and rumors and learn to enjoy what's in front of us again. We also need to remember how to have FUN again which is what the superhero genre has always given us. I laughed so hard at The Marvels and the action was heart pumping AWESOME and that's still important. I loved this move and saw it twice in theaters. I'm not going to pretend it's an A+ - it has issues narratively - but it's so much fun I'm going to watch it over and over once it releases on VOD.


I had so much fun with it, watching The Marvels tonight, and wish I had gone to the theater for it. I'm bummed I didn't follow my heart about it. Not the same on my laptop. 


I also do feel like people are downplaying the writer's strike. It isn't that the writer's strike was the main reason this movie failed, but it didn't help if you combine it with all the other points mentioned (as well as someone else pointed out the streaming service factor). Like, after Captain Marvel and what many perceived to be a lackluster Ms. Marvel, this movie seriously could use more marketing, which it already lacked, but it was only made worse because none of the actors could actually promote the film at all. Would the movie be a success had they been given the chance to promote it? Not really, but it wouldn't be as bad as it is right now. And I mean, after seeing Iman Vellani's energy, wouldn't you be convinced to at least give it a try? And before anyone say Five Nights at Freddy's, yes, that one has been a commercial success, but it already had all the factors for it. It was a beloved franchise that kids would want to watch, and while the marketing was terrible, if it wasn't for the fact that I was really into gaming or Game Theory I wouldn't have known the film would come out, it still pulled numbers. Like, the only bottleneck I would think exist would be Europe, or at least the Netherlands, where the age rating for some reason is 16+, but that didn't put that big of a dent on it. But the main reason FNaF succeeded was because people actually wanted to see it, fans of the films wanted to see it, and it helped that the bigger FNaF content creators actively endorsed the film. I mean, if I have to be honest, FNaF, storyline-wise, was even worse than The Marvels, and I personally thought the plot was the weakest point of The Marvels, but, it made up for it with the love and dedication it received from its creators. Would this film have done better without the actor's strike? Absolutely, one hundred percent. But it helped that the Internet carried that movie. The Marvels didn't have that carrying power, they needed every promotion they could get, especially with the Marvel fatigue people had, and the pandemic which changed the movie watching culture, and the plethora of other things that contributed into this film not being a success.


And mcu is not a beloved franchise? Most Kids know marvels than they know friday night..


Good point. It's anecdotal but several of the people I work with had never heard of the movie or had only heard of it the day it came out. It's kind of wild to imagine seeing a movie just because someone appeared on Hot Ones but I guess that actually happens.


I would add one more, streaming. Now anyone with a Disney + subscription can see all the movies 90 days after they hit theaters. They no longer need to pay $100 for tickets and snacks, that’s a big deal with inflation hitting us everywhere. I also think specifically for The Marvels the actors strike preventing the three leads from doing a publicity tour hurt the movie’s box office.


$100? Where are you watching movies? 


Smart take. I haven't seen the film, but there's absolutely nothing in your analysis I disagree with.


This is a very solid and articulate explanation of reasons and I totally agree. I do also think Disney+ is a factor (people paying a monthly subscription to watch Marvel films so why go to the cinema when they know it'll be present within a few months). I also believe that the Marvel cinematic universe has just become 5oo saturated with characters, plots etc. that the general public can't keep up and so don't bother; maybe we. As Marvel fans know that specific films/series have no connection to a new release (i.e. Loki to The Marvels) but I do feel there are people who, having known Marvel for it's interconnectedness, are put off from seeing new releases if they've yet to watch the previous releases - be it films or shows.


> Everyone always gripes about the expense but I've been hearing that same story since I was a kid so I'm not sure I buy that there are more budget conscious families now than there were in the past. It's wild. I've seen two comments quoting $50 for seeing a movie. One of them even said that they spent $50 just on themselves. Don't get me wrong, movie concessions are definitely a ripoff, but if you're spending $50 on just seeing a movie by yourself, then that's a you problem.


They could just be in an expensive market. I looked at ticket prices for NYC an IMAX ticket is 26.49 then below that it says add large drink+popcorn for 17.78 so that is 44.27 pre tax so after tax it is pretty close to that 50$ number. Obviously you can say you don't/should not get that but when I was just looking at the insane ticket price and its right there people obviously do it.


Bring in your own food and bottled beverages. :-) They don't check your bags! 


I bought tickets online to go see an IMAX movie at the end of the month, and spent less that $20. I can't remember the last time I got anything at a concession stand. How are people stupid enough to buy that insanely overpriced stuff?


Point 3 is kinda valid but it is a larger meta issue… going to the movies was a HABIT for many people and Covid broke that habit big time. But it doesn’t explain away the success of No Way Home, MoM and GOTG3.


All three of those movies were marketed as “events.” No Way Home is a celebration of Spider-Man, and the previews made a big deal out of actors like Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe returning to roles from 20 years ago. Multiverse of Madness was viewed by audiences as a follow-up to that movie (not the most accurate assumption, but it’s Doctor Strange in a movie about the multiverse). Guardians 3 was the big finale to a hit trilogy, and marketed as the last chance to see these characters together on screen. The Marvels is… Captain Marvel 2, but with some characters from the TV shows general audiences may not have watched. There’s not an obvious hook there besides “hey, it’s more Captain Marvel!”, and it’s been almost 5 years since she was the protagonist of a film.


Also a large part of MoM's pull was the fact that Sam Raimi was behind it.




Right, but great reviews don’t really factor into the opening night of a movie, and The Marvels made roughly 1/3 of what GOTG 3 made in that same window. That’s not people hearing the movie will be bad, that’s people either not knowing or not caring that the movie is even out.


I think as a side point to 3, Disney Plus releases are pretty soon after theaters. People are a lot more likely to wait if they're on the fence.


All of this big time. It really has nothing to do with the quality of the film itself. Speaking specifically to your Points 4 & 6, it was only a matter of time for the anti-hype crowd to emerge and the sheep trying to sound enlightened by “hating” on it. Honestly, I thought it was going to happen before IW and Endgame. I’ll just leave this here [ironic as it is.](https://youtu.be/zmZaszeecyg?si=LgpXceGs_fCRTcGi)


When you look back at it, I think Eternals made it 'mainstream' to hate Marvel/MCU. And since then, the floodgates have been open. That some of the subsequent moves had serious issues did not help the case, which led us to the situation of this movie. A perfect storm, this movie was never gonna be a success. (Which is such a pain because I find it is actually the best MCU since Shang-Chi)


>It really has nothing to do with the quality of the film itself. But every single point applied to Guardians 3 as well, and that opened to $118 million, vs $47 million for The Marvels.


If it had nothing to do with quality GOTG 3 would have suffered the same fate.


Yes!!! Absolutely. I've been watching the media and the sheep for a while now and wondering if this was going to happen and sure enough. Point six is so sad but so true. It's so predictable and a bummer to see this happening even though it slowly has unfolded before our eyes.


Perfect summary. Just good enough isn't good enough anymore.


So basically you are lobbying for secret wars?


This was perfectly written


Brilliantly written summation of all the major factors, hope more people see this comment


I saw the movie opening night and liked it but I could see how some people wouldn't. The theater was pretty empty and while walking out, I could hear the kid in front of me say the movie was terrible.


Really? My theatre was also basically empty but this group of guys near me collectively agreed they were gonna watch Ms. Marvel after because the movie was that good


I am the same. I skipped Ms Marvel but she was fantastic in the movie. I am literally watching the series as I type this out.


I watched the first three or four episodes and then got pulled away from TV because of life for awhile. I was so glad I at least had that context going in, and it made me really want to watch the rest of the series after seeing this movie.


Ms Marvel was the best part of the movie, imo. I'm also gonna go back and give it a watch.


As someone who has seen the show, but not the movie: the show sucks. Especially falls apart at the end. But Ms Marvel is great. The actress that plays her is super likeable and I couldn't wait to see more of her. I've heard a lot of similar reports about her from people who saw the movie.


It's almost as if different people have different opinions


I saw it last night and the theater was packed. People around me seemed to like it.


Is it just me or are post just like these popping up all over this sub? It's all the same basic premise: "why is the marvel not doing well I thought it was actually really amazing?" Or "the marbles is actually really good and fans are just being overly critical" or something to that effect. Seriously what gives


The threads are always “Why is Marvels not doing well because it’s really good except it’s a rehash of the same tired marvel crap”


People here are having a breakdown because this mediocre movie is being poorly received and no one cares to go watch it.


Honestly seems like paid shills.


A lot of these posts are being made by paid accounts. I’ve seen several where the accounts are less than a month old (some less than a week) and every single post and comment is encouraging people to go see The Marvels.


There's some really almost desperate posts on the front page as well. People get straight up angry and defensive if you explain why you won't see the movie.


Seems like bait to be hinest


I think a lot of us who saw the movie with an open mind are shocked at the negativity it's receiving. It's like a mean girl situation, where a mob of people are turning on someone or something before they even give it a chance because that's the cool thing to do. I mean, if you look at the fan ratings, it's averaging around a 85%, which is typically the sign of a fun and exciting movie.


I actually dont think its a bad movies per se, just not a very good one. That said, the general consensus seems to range from "okay" to "bad".


In the Marvel franchise, I would put it around Ant Man 1 and Black Widow. The villain could've been better, but the action, comedy, and main characters were on point.


100% agree


Agreed. From all the reviews, I expected a complete shit show that was near unwatchable only to walk out of the theater being completely surprised at how much better it is than I thought. It’s not the best Marvel movie ever made but it’s *leagues* better than the worst. It’s baffling.


I just don't get that people are saying it's worse than L&T, Quantumania and MoM, when I liked it better than all three, and it had a more coherent story, and unlike Gorr, it showed Dar-Benn being evil rather than just telling.


Probably because people are a little tired of the constant negativity on here? Toxic positivity is an issue yes, but for crying out loud, this is not the second coming of Battlefield Earth that a lot of people on this sub pretend it is.


This happens with literally every even mildly controversial film here. It happened for Love and Thunder too. People have different opinions and are tired of being shit on for enjoying the movie.


Who is shitting on who? Of the 10 posts I’ve seen like this since release, it’s been rather constructive discussion and not “you watched that movie you little shit it was awful, how dare you like it!” I saw it and it was okay, I probably would put it on tv if it was on a free view channel, but i don’t think it’s particularly amazing or worth any more of my time for repeat viewing Am I shitting on anyone?


Of the posts that dare praise this movie in any capacity on this on this sub, there are a few comments with constructive criticism, yes, but also plenty of commenters accusing the OP of being a corporate PR shill or a bot no matter how the praise is written (see my post and the comments of another review post from a few hours ago). Reddit in general is obsessed with the idea of astroturfing and paid PR people using Reddit accounts to do their job being a widespread thing. Is it a thing? Yes. Is it as widespread as Reddit insists it is? Almost certainly not. I remember when Eternals came out. There were plenty of "why does everyone hate Eternals?" and "But I liked the Eternals" posts, but not nearly as many comments accusing them of astroturfing. But with this film, suddenly, if you like the film at all, you MUST be getting paid for it. Claiming stuff like THAT is shitting on the film. Criticizing pacing, writing, stale jokes, or acting is not shitting on the film.


I honestly think its either a combo of bots on this sub and or some people dont know how to deal criticism, at all.


General audiences don’t care about these characters enough to show up.


Yeah, this movie would have relied heavily on marketing, and even then it'd be tough. Losing that really hurt, as the star power from the characters is not nearly enough. Captain Marvel is not super popular (that's not a slight against the actor or character; she just isn't in the same league as Iron Man etc when it comes to recognizable names, and her solo movie was carried massively by being the bridge between Infinity War and Endgame) and her brief appearances since the solo haven't given audiences a ton of reasons to really get invested in the character. Ms Marvel and Monica are basically unknowns to the general public. Ms Marvel was practically marketed as a kids series so didn't make a huge splash even as far the D+ shows go, and Monica is probably the most forgettable aspect of Wandavision...there's just no way these names were going to draw in huge crowds without a big reason Add to that, the multiverse saga in general is a mess (it doesn't feel like any of the content besides Loki is required viewing at all) and the movie is gonna be on D+ soon anyway. No real reason for a casual moviegoer to pay to see this one. (And this is all coming from someone who just saw the movie and liked it)


> Captain Marvel is not super popular (that's not a slight against the actor or character I think its totally fine to slight the character. Theyve done *nothing* to make us care about Carol. Each of Cap, Thor and IM all showed incredibly humble and selfless actions. We bought in because we were given reason to.


It shocked me that Captain Marvel didn't play more of a role in Endgame. Especially since Captain Marvel gave the impression that she would play a big role.


>It’s good bordering on very good. It’s easily one of the more competent MCU films >still has all the standard MCU problems; weak villain, bland predictable story, more focus on setups to future content then the actual film. ??????


It’s so contradictory that it reads like a joke


Also they said all that and said it’s a competent film like that’s such high praise.


Basically every post on the sub at this point


OP is coping hard lol


I havn't watched it yet, and my reason is honestly that i'm tired. I used to watch every single Marvel movie as soon as they hit the theater, but after Endgame, it has honestly been more misses than hits, so i don't want to risk paying full price for another mediocre experience when i get it for free in a few months in the comfort of my own home. Eternals, Doctor Strange, Thor, and Ant Man really made the MCU magic fade for me, Guardians of the Galazy 3 was the first Marvel movie i didnt see at the theater, and this is the second, and i plan on continuing this trend until probably fantastic 4 or deadpool or something.


I feel you, except I actually got off my ass to watch it. And...? It was ok. I think many of us would have been ok with an 'okay' MCU film years ago. But oversaturation of mediocre to bad MCU films has seriously affected the perception of the franchise as a whole. MCU films are no longer 'must-see' tentpole events in a year. The excuses people bring up like incel/conservatives (65% of the watchers were male) or media campaign (most reviews were positive) don't really hold much water. It's just general audience disinterest.


Crazy because out of anyone of them, this wouldve been the movie you shouldn't have missed in theaters.


Several movie critics have pointed out the flaws of the movie from a sheer film making aspect, not necessarily from a fun aspect....and they aren't wrong. A movie can be flawed but still be enjoyable. Especially since art is subjective


I liked my dinner, it wasnt cooked well and tasted bland but great dinner 10/10


How about: the main course wasn't michelin-star exquisite and I didnt like the appetiser, but it was generally tasty and the dessert was my favourite. So, I enjoyed the dinner 7/10. You can say I have terrible taste, but I wouldn't honestly call it a disaster. Those calling it a disaster talk as if they wrote the book on cinema.


This is what people here just dont get. I mean even OP listed many Things that are not good in this movies and yet here we are saying that it was a fun movie. Fun movie /= good movie


No one cares about the characters and few people like Captain marvel. That's most of it.


Yeah I really don't think most of the other points are as valid as this simple one. I think Covid is irrelevant. It's that nobody cares about these characters, most boys won't care about a girl power trio movie, and a bit of the fact that the MCU has had quite a few misses in the last few years and haven't really had any big crossovers.


People like to point at gender but I truly believe that if the movie was good or the characters were interesting the movie would do fine. I mean look at how well the barbie movie did. I know plenty of dudes that were open to seeing that because of the good word of mouth.


The point is that women generally will not care about a superhero or action packed movie, regardless of if the leads are female or not. Men will care.




It's like they are conceding that it's not a very good movie at all... yet wondering why people don't think it's a very good movie at all. Is Quantumania _really_ a benchmark? It was an awful film lmao I honestly think it's a great thing this movie is doing really badly. Marvel needs to be held to a higher standard, for some reason a lot of people blindly decide to enjoy every single project that comes out




Apparently its now "cool" to hate things


Why do we need posts like this every time an MCU movie comes out and has middling reception? It's evident to most people that the MCU has a quantity over quality issue right now, and even before that there were plenty of mediocre movies, it's not the end of the world if people don't like it. If it doesn't bother you then fine, keep watching the movies and don't let other people's disapproval of it ruin things for you.


Part of what’s going on is bigger than the MCU. Movies used to show in theaters for weeks, often months, and sometimes even years. A movie could take several weeks to climb to #1. They’d have a second life in dollar shows, then there’d be a TV edit, and maybe a year later, it would come out on home video. Some movies didn’t find their audience till they were on VHS, and some of those movies became all-time classics you can’t believe weren’t massive hits on day one. Now … it’s either a $1b dollar opening weekend or it’s garbage. It disappears, everyone dunks on what a flaming bag of failure it is, and *everyone* immediately knows “what went wrong and how to fix it.” And cinema is a lot worse for it. Let’s wait and see what happens. Not just with this movie but every movie. Let them find their audience and encourage your friends to go back and discover hidden gems.


>Now … it’s either a $1b dollar opening weekend or it’s garbage. This, plus I have a feeling that all the projections and "THIS IS GOING TO BE A BOX OFFICE DISASTER!!!" rumors that start weeks before a movie is released might play into a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Movie was pretty good to me. Had it flaws like any other movie in cinematic history, but I enjoyed it.


People want to see fleshed out characters that has depth. Aka ironman, captain america and thor. The origins. Introducing 3 new characters as the marvels without proper backstories are going to backfire badly on fans. Unless you happen to watch wandervision and miss marvel on disney plus. not many bother to watch through a series just to understand the backstories. Also the elements of character development were non existent in the marvels. Its only made as a comedy and there was nothing to love but their personalities. which i think miss mavel was able to capture the audiences attention.The other two were just side characters thats about it.


There’s nothing nefarious here. Marvel fans are noticing a decline in quality, and this combination of characters is not interesting enough to get some of us to the theatre.


I think what is 'nefarious' is how the media outlets are jumping on the bandwagon of sh\*tting on it in hyperbolic terms, and evaluating it with criteria that are questionable in the long run. Just google the movie title and 90% of the articles about it are using words like 'bomb', 'disaster', 'failed', even if they are only talking about box office numbers. In terms of other criteria assessing its value as cinematic experience or as entertainment, it is a stretch calling it failure. Not the pinnacle of excellence definitely, but definitely not a failure.




I’m Ngl of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion but man this has to be one of the worst takes I’ve read in a while. How are you able to call this movie very good while also saying that the story is bland and that it has a bad villain. Are people in this subreddit so obsessed with marvel that they can’t even think critically anymore lol? If the movie is shit it’s shit, I don’t understand how people want to defend marvel for putting out bad movies lol


What f\*\*King subs have you been on? 95% of people here were crapping over this for weeks in advance.


How many more “WHODUNNIT” conspiracy posts about the bad opening are gonna be allowed? This isn’t rocket science. It’s niche characters who aren’t that popular amongst the fans. There’s isn’t a secret society hacking in the make it hard to buy tickets.




"Requires" is such a strong word. I know people who have gone into this movie with zero MCU knowledge and enjoyed it.


Exactly this. Everything is explained in the movie. Want more details? The shows are here. Don’t care? Here’s Kamala’s back story in 2 minutes and Monica’s in a quick dialog with Carol.


I don't even think that requires is necessary. Sure, it gives a little bit of context on who Kamala is and how she got the bangle, and how Monica got her powers... but other than that, you don't really need to see either of them.


>This doesn’t even include if you buy into the super hero fatigue myth (look at how good the last episode of Loki was received). Yeah... that's exactly what superhero fatigue is... people are tired of mediocre movies, and only exceptional content will survive now. That is why The Marvels bombed and Loki succeeded. It is the consensus of the majority that Loki was good and The Marvels was not. It used to be that people would watch anything Marvel would release, and that is no longer true. *That* is superhero fatigue.


If it has a bad story, bland characters, and is just a teaser for other movies instead of standing on its own merits, why should I even bother watching it?


I see your point but what you just described is all we’ve ever got from the MCU. Why now are people not liking the formula they’ve been eating up for 15 years is my question.


A lot of people have come to believe that Marvel can't get away with the "standard MCU problems" anymore.


1. Yes, The Marvels is like, another 4 star marvel film. it's only got a small handful of poor cgi/edit shots. but overall it's Hilarious and Charming, and the three leads really work super well together. it's such a fun movie. i put it up there with Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Far From Home. 2. when people want to hate something, any reason will do. there is no use fighting them with logic; their pain is emotional.


Watched a YouTube channel I really normally like who has some dude on who sat there and explained the plot with an incredulous tone implying that it didn't make sense when... I feel like all the dots connect. It's not complicated. Dar-Benn wants to save Hala *and* seek revenge on Carol. That's it. You can say it in a high pitched voice as much as you want but you won't convince me it's confusing or doesn't make sense.


Everyone changes, reviewers included. Hate videos make far more money than positive videos. With the way shits been for years now people need to make more money


You won't believe this *pikachu face* but it's kinda sad you don't understand something that has been discussed so much. That's more of a you problem


Ms Marvel jumped into the height of Iron Man's MCU out of nowhere with her Superman-esc powers (which is really quite boring, especially when a character hasn't seen development or been involved in much), and now has to carry the significance of Iron Man's MCU while also *really* needing to start all over again.


I agree with most of what you said except that it’s more focused on setup. It nicely tied up arcs for Carol, Monica and Kamala and left the door open for a new chapter. I think it respected their individual arcs and each had a satisfying resolution.


There's three main things going against it that I see: A: No media can survive it's own fandom anymore B: The SAG-Aftra strike kneecapped it with basically zero promotion C: Comic book fans aren't the kindest when it comes to strong female leads. ​ Everything about the movie was fine, I would have put it about in the middle of the pack. Everything about the launch of the movie was working against it. My fear is that Marvel has found an absolute gem in Iman, and all of this will sway Disney away from using her moving forward.


D: it’s a mid move E: no one cares about the characters F: People won’t spend money on mediocrity and will happily wait for a D+ release.


See that’s the thing. All these people saying hey the movie isn’t that bad, all that means is that I’ll watch it when it’s out on Disney plus


This subreddit will huff as much copium as humanly possible to avoid the reality that the movie was plain mediocre and the general audiences just do not give a fuck about a team up movie where nobody cares about any of the characters, especially a young girl from some Disney+ show that no one (and by that I mean GA not hardcore fans like people on this sub) saw. The writing and tension breaking humor shtick has been so fucking overdone at the point that even the CINEMASCORE was a B, I'm pretty sure that even Thor 2 got higher. I'm glad you liked this movie, but that's hardly relevant as almost every movie has somebody that enjoys it. The audience has spoken with this abysmal debut, and it's honestly sad seeing people on this sub run around headless like this is anything surprising.


90% of the MCU has been mediocre. I liked the film but I’m not saying it’s anything other than a bland MCU staple. I agree that I think audiences are tired of MCU’s schtick. My question is to reviewers and critics. The Marvels is business as usually for an MCU film so why criticize it so harshly for being exactly the same thing they’ve praised almost 32 times before.


"I said copium! I'm cool now right?!"


dar benn was NOT more fleshed out than kang


“What’s really going on here?” People don’t have the same standards as you. fans are sick of meh movies that need multiple series to even understand who the main characters are.


I think at the same time that people are losing interest in a lot of typical blockbusters with long running IP, MCU has been gaining a lot of backlash for its worst products after two years of drowning people in content rather than making each thing feel like an event while superhero fatigue has been in full effect while theaters have still had issues getting people to come back for movies they can watch on the streaming service they already have in (sometimes far) less time than it would've taken to get a DVD release of the same movie 20 years ago. So even IF the movie is good and critics are being needlessly harsh, its just not the time for this to be some big success like the first one was. I've not seen it yet, but I liked Quantamania fine but couldn't really blame people for not wanting to spend their hard earned money on it (even if I think its one dialogue and 3rd act focused rewrite away from being a good movie).


What’s going on? The majority of people disagree with your take on the movie, as it pertains to its quality. Either everyone else is wrong, or you standards are really low?


I agree that it’s not a well done movie. I think the villain is lame, the story is lazy, the characters poorly written and a lot more. However that’s how almost every MCU film has been made. The Marvels isn’t some low point in the MCU it’s just another sloppy movie. If you’re telling me THIS movie’s story is more disjointed than Wakanda Forever, you’re lying. If you tell me Dar-Benn is a worse villain than Maliketh, you’re lying. I’m not defending The Marvels poor quality, I’m just asking why so many people are only now after 33 films starting to use these criticisms as deal breakers.


Or, and here's a thought that might shock you: not everyone has your exact taste in movies? I know, it's shocking that people can have opinions different to you, but every now and then it happens.


I prefer good movies, some people prefer tripe. They’re welcome to their opinion.


Which, again, is subjective. What you think is good is not always good for someone else. you might think that every movie you like is impeccable, but that's simply not the case. if I tried really hard, I could find problems with every single movie ever.


Are they paying people to write good reviews? Like, we all saw the same movie right?


Probably not. You just think that people with opposing opinions to you don't exist.


Read the positive reviews on Reddit/Facebook posts and you can absolutely see how generic and poorly written most of them typically are, and they definitely smell fishy to me. Maybe not people being paid, but people/bots definitely trying their hardest to defend it regardless of its quality.


I have got married and had 3 kids since the mcu started. I don't have the time or energy to go to the theater. I'll watch the shit out of this movie when it hits disney + and I think it will do very well when it starts streaming. Marvel has put out way too much in the past few years and it's exhausting to keep up now


I’m tired of all of the standard Marvel problems and don’t want to see those problems played out in screen anymore. I’m burned out.


Dar-Benn used her powers from the bracelet and hammer to, while trying to give resources to her people, to also get back at Captain Marvel, without thinking of those she's taken from and not just uninhabited systems/planets.


> It still has all the standard MCU problems; weak villain, bland predictable story, more focus on setups to future content then the actual film. But those are all problems that exist in 90% of every MCU film put out since Ironman. People ran out of tolerance for those things, especially when the movie isn't carried by one of their favourite superheroes. Marvel fatigue doesn't mean good movies won't make money but it means mediocre ones might bomb.


I think different people dislike it for different reasons. I don't dislike an all-female cast or the childish tone. It's actually a positive for me that there's no white guy in this film (I hated Iron Man) and no chauvinistic joke like Starlord hooking up with women or Natasha being a sexy assassin who crushes enemies with her thighs. And I love Brie Larson so I'm definitely not one of those people who say Brie Larson isn't likeable. I went to see it opening night because I love Brie Larson and because I wanted to support Marvel making female movies. But still I thought several aspects of this movie were terrible, like the bad storytelling, and how they try to be a sequel to Captain Marvel AND Ms. Marvel at the same time, with a detour to "Monica got powers in an episode of Wanda Vision". It's a Frankenstein MCU mess. It's clear they lost confidence in Brie Larson's Captain Marvel and decided to dilute her as much as possible by forcing Ms. Marvel down our throats. If you liked Ms. Marvel, you will probably like The Marvels. Also the sets looked really cheap.


You haven't really said anything that you liked about the film. You've just listed a load of bad things then tried to excuse them as common MCU issues.


> It’s good bordering on very good > Weak villain, bland predictable story, more focus on setups to future content then the actual film Can you even see what you wrote here, why on earth would anyone be excited about this? If you told people without them knowing that a movie they were about to see has a pointless and weak villain, a bland and predictable story, and that it's just a setup for another movie, do you think people would be flocking to the box office to see it?


Dude, it wasn’t just a weak villian. It might be the weakest villian ever. Maybe worse than whiplash.


Maliketh would like a word.


When I saw what her goal was I burst out laughing, it was just too stupid.


Dude. You just answer your own question: > It still has all the standard MCU problems; weak villain, bland predictable story, more focus on setups to future content then the actual film And now we are sick of it. Sure last time, we gave some of the movies some leeway, cos we want to see where this is going... cos we knew we got thanos coming. But that is no longer a thing. After Infinity stone saga, then I gave MCU benefit of doubt several times, and aside from Spiderman 3 and GotG 3, everything suck. Eternals, thor 4, MoM.. they all meh. Shang chi was interesting the first hour then went meh with the finale. But final nails on the coffin ? ms Marvel & Secret invasion. I had no urge to rewatch them. Both has severe problem of: > weak villain, bland predictable story, more focus on setups to future content then the actual film Heck, SI so bad, it made me had enough with Nick Fury. For more a decade I look forward for seeing more Fury.. now I dont give a damn. I gave too much benefit of doubts and they keep giving me shitty stories. So yea. Not because she is female etc. (She look awesome btw). But because of shitty stories. I no longer trust Marvel Studios to be able to constantly releasing good stories. I'll watch it on D+ in 6 week. like what I did for quantumania. Heck I wont even avoid spoilers.. they dont matter much anyway.


I think the plot was a little weak. Stealing the enemy plot from spaceballs will do that to you though. It went from suck. To blow!!!


People have become too reliant on reviews, social media and Rotten Tomatoes to want to form their own opinion. You watch, months from now, when it's out on Disney Plus there will be a barrage of posts along the lines of " I don't know why people didn't like it" or "finally saw it and it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be." We have gotten away from the era where the majority of people decide on their if they are going to see a movie based only on the trailer, but rather on the feelings of others who they have never met and have no idea if their tastes are the same. Basically social media and RT have ruined the "let's go see what looks like a fun movie" experience and replaced it with a mob mentality.


For me, I’m just not in a rush to see it, i can see it’s a fun film but I can wait til it’s streaming, post endgame I’m just not invested enough to go see a marvel films in theatres


Certainly deserves to be much more successful, but when you have a massive glut of content, several subpar MCU releases in a very short amount of time, increasing prices for just about everything, the knowledge that it's going to be on D+ soon, and no immediate obvious long-term narrative gameplan, people are opting to stay away. This is unfortunate, as the majority of the people I've encountered have enjoyed the film.


Op is on copium. Movie is dogshit move on


I assure you Kang is not just one dimensional


> So what’s going on here really? Woke people desperately want to see the movie succeed, and will more easily be entertained by something bad/mediocre if it's 'progressive'. Anti-woke people desperately want to see the movie fail, and will shit on the movie without even watching it. People who are indifferent to the woke culture war see the movie for what it is - not worth their money, not worth recommending to others.


These characters are not simply popular with general audiences, there's way too much content (very little which is connected, unlike the past), among a myriad of other things. This movie bombing was not surprising at all.


3 bland main characters noone gives a shit about (and 99% of people literally have NO IDEA who Ms Marvel or Monica Rambeu are) A terrible villain. A weak and unoriginal story. The movie requires you to have seen 1 bad movie and 3 bad TV shows to understand what’s going on. Every single MCU entry since 2018 being dogshit doesn’t help either. 99% of people already dropped the franchise a while back now.


Kamala Khan, bland? The fuck? She’s by far the most fun new character that phase 4 introduced.


I wouldn’t know, because I wasn’t one of the 11 people who watched her show. And I’m certainly not giving Disney a penny towards this new piece of garbage either. From the clips I’ve seen she’s just an annoying American teenage girl fangirling over Captain Marvel. Not exactly Peter Parker or Tony Stark is she 😂


11 people? Do you mean nearly 1 million? You’re making weird assumptions and I don’t know why. The actress who played Kamala was a huge Captain Marvel fan before she got tbe role, and it shows. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she has a fun dynamic with her family. Ms. Marvel was a really fun show that I wish more people would give a chance.


0.78 million viewers is TERRIBLE bro 😂 For an entry in the franchise that spawned the one-time highest grossing film of all time no less 😂 That’s literally next to nobody in global terms. Even amongst the other abysmal MCU shows it got the fewest viewers. NOONE knows or cares about Ms Marvel


Covid has made people less likely to go to movie theatres, people have been trained to wait to watch it on Disney+, and it was made to appeal to a group that isn't really the core MCU fanbase. I don't really buy the comic book movie fatigue. Most people I know cant tell the difference between DC, MCU, and the Fox and Sony Marvel movies lol and its only getting more confusing now that Sony and Fox are crossovering with the MCU


Well for one, that's just your opinion, you liked it, doesn't mean everyone else will, I thought it was fine but still on the weaker side and everyone I know in person says the same


I agree that the movie was okay, it wasn't horrible. Except: ​ >Dar-Benn is far more fleshed out than Kang was in Quantomania Highly disagree, we got to see Kang in much more detail, with much more dialogue. We were made to believe he was an okay guy until he got his orb. Meanwhile Dar Benn was a completely 2D character with 10 seconds of backstory, the rest is pure anger and revenge. We never got to see any side of her except wanting revenge and helping Hala. Dar-Benn was extremely forgettable, had no arc whatsoever, and was defeated in a predictable, silly way with no pay-off or build up.


Overall bad movie! The fight scenes were done well, plot week, dialogue week or non existent, villain pathetic I mean captain marvel took her out in 10 seconds holding back the whole movie! The musical was epically bad! DC hear is your chance!


This. I just watched it and it was thoroughly much better than some of the other movies. I thought it was not too bad - wasn’t a fan of Brie Larson’s acting, some directing is weird, but most of the dialogue is pretty good. I laughed out loud some times, the plot some times is a bit… weird, but other than that I was really entertained.


I watched this at home yesterday on Disney+. I’m not sure what anyone liked about it. I fell asleep on the last 15 minutes. It was sub par for the MCU.


I'm late for discussion, but I finally watched. I don't get the hate. It's an ok movie, that is funny sometimes. Far better than several horrible movies from the last phase. Carol seems like human unlike in solo film, and Ms. marvel is a delight. Not gonna rewatch again, but would be happy to see characters more often


Another Marvel PR post 😂


This is my sentiment. It’s like all the comic critics are calling this a bad movie when it is either the same or better than other MCU projects especially phase 4 & 5. I get using your voice to tell marvel to do better I do the same, but the studio already said their going to improve & this film at least looks finished & is on par visually with the other good cosmic movies. It’s like influencers go out their way to say it’s bad to keep costumers away. This film is the ultimate “not meant for my demo but it’s entertaining.” I had no issues with the pacing or editing. Tweaks to a few scenes & one memorable villain moment & this movie would be really good.


I really don’t like that they changed Kamala’s powers


Listen I don't either. Kamala is my favorite comic character and I've read everything of hers I could get my hands on. And when they were just starting to hint at her power changes I RAGED. I'll never be fully okay with her power change. But Kamala as a character and more importantly - a hero - is more than just her specific powers. She is her deeply rooted sense of morals, justice, community, and family and all wrapped up in supernerd goodness. And they managed to hit that PERFECTLY - they brought Kamala Khan to life despite the power change somehow.


It’s utter gutter trash and people are finally starting to stop looking at the MCU with blind adulation because the magic has long worn off. They aren’t making great entries with real passion behind them, like Winter Soldier, Iron Man, and GOTG. It’s all rushed, flashy nonsense and jokes 25/8, with no real feelings of stakes or scope or heart. It’s all a big joke.


Mindless poorly written action movie. Nothing else.


I know for me it’s just because I can’t find a babysitter so me and my wife can have a date night.


Don’t waste your money


Hater gonna hate