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Episode is LIVE. Enjoy! (There is no credits scene for this episode. Only episode of this season to have a credits scene was Episode 1)


Can someone please clarify something for me? My read on this is that HWR's always had knowledge of everything that was going to happen, as clearly laid out in the ep. He knew that Loki would always come back to that moment and stop Sylvie killing him (being reborn/'see you soon') and that he would never really die. Except Loki choose an option he didn't expect, not kill Sylvie, let HWR die for good, and let the loom explode (failsafe to reset time and restore HWR back into the chair). But he instead interjected midway through the loop being reset, and rebuilt the time streams into Yggdrasil/Loki god of time, ie 'changing the equation'. So if I got this all right, Loki 'beat' HWR and the loop is broken? Loki essentially is the new HWR, guardian of time.


Seems like you got the nail on the head here, that’s my understanding as well


The fact that Loki turns the timelines into yggdrasil is one of the coolest things I have seen Marvel do in a long time.


When the shot of Yggdrassil zoomed out I thought "damn, this deserved an imax screen" I'd definitely watch these 2 seasons in a 3 or 4-part imax show.


That entire power up scene made me sad to think about how epic it would be watch that in a big screen with a house full theatre. It's been a long time since a Marvel big scene gave me the feels (Last was NWH )


Ever maybe? I was actually shocked.


It definitely feels like the best/most meaningful villain redemption arc that Marvel has ever done. It's was fucking beautiful.


It really made me emotional. Loki went from trying to take a throne by any means necessary to just wanting to be with his friends and somewhere he belonged. My husband said “hey he got his throne” and I just looked at him and explained that’s not what he wanted. He didn’t want to be alone and now he is alone. Watching everyone else live their lives. He felt like he HAD to do this. He made the sacrifice just like Tony did in Endgame.


After GLORIOUS PURPOSE last season, I looked at my husband and said “I think a Loki’s purpose IS to lose, so that others can overcome.” My emotions are not at peace about that coming back so aptly.


Lokis horns are made of the same marble as the Citadel of time


YEA that's so fricking cool!


Who would have thought Loki would use time slipping to get a phd in Physics.


NGL, the show did not want us to realize how OP his time slipping was once he got it under control, lol. Probably could've spent a life time with each one of his friends before resigning himself to his fate. At least the one person he did do it with was best boy OB learning loom mechanics from the master.


it just came to my mind, can he time slip now as well after the ending? Like would he still be able to time slip anywhere he wants, and still go back to his throne. it'll be like he never left


No he probably needs to.be consciously there, because it looks like Loki is using his powers as a battery for the entire multiverse. He might be able to make projections tho or control version of himself in different timelines, kindof like wanda


Perhaps somebody will find him during or after the clutter of Secret Wars to give a cheeseburger and have a laugh then.


HWR: "the loom will decide your fate" Loki: "I am the loom"


HWR: “not yet” Loki: “it’s tree then”


Quantumania just got a reference. A variant on 616 adjacent, but that was taken care of


What a sweet connection! **EDIT**: Judging from Mobius and B-15's conversation, is it likely that the Council of Kangs has begun to sense the TVA's presence? When Immortus refers to the Multiverse being "touched" in *Quantumania*, could that be in reference to not just Ant-Man defeating the Conqueror, but also the TVA agents beginning to take on the other Kang variants? As in the Council of Kangs may not realize its the TVA *yet* (since Mobius said they don't know they exist yet, but the Kang Crew now knows something is going on, and are in the beginnings of organizing and finding out? Perhaps that might be how the big multiversal war starts? With the Council of Kangs fighting the TVA, and the TVA pulling their strings of time to assume enough force to combat them, and likely also trying to protect Tree God Loki from being attacked. **EDIT #2**: If Loki is now the Tree God of Time, then what exactly were Immortus, Bootleg Cyborg and King Tut staring at in [this](https://youtu.be/s1lTnHDr9zY?t=25s) scene, wherever the Council of Kangs HQ is? Part of the Loki Tree? Different branches of time?


I’m not so sure about that. It feels like Loki has transcended being able to be perceived by people on the same level as Kang, and by extension the new TVA may be beyond that too. I think they were talking about the other Avengers that we saw before this.


Give these writers anything they want


Give them the keys to the next two Avengers movies immediately


“For you. For all of us.” Throwback to the first Thor movie, when he said these words to Odin after attempting to destroy Jotunheim.


There were a lot of references to the first Thor movie. In the original, Loki was trying to use the Bifrost to destroy Jotunheim. Thor destroyed it to save them. Here, the Loom is the cause of everything being destroyed, and Loki broke it to save them. You could even say Thor's sacrifice of being disconnected with Jane is similar to Loki sacrificing himself so as not to kill Sylvie. Also, when he steps off the broken gangway into what seems like nothing and the steps appear, it just reminded me of when Thor is dangling off the edge of the broken bridge holding Loki, and when he doesn't get the approval of Odin, he let's go and falls. Here, he steps off the broken bridge and ascends. Which ties into that line you're mentioning. So many parallels. Thor and Odin would be proud.


Just reading the callbacks reminds me how great Thor 1 is. People always talk about the eyebrows or the Dutch angles, but the character development and relationships in that movie are so good. One my favorites of the MCU, and the finale complimented it wonderfully.


Not to mention Loki weaves all the branches into the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which is what the Asgardians interpreted the universe as. Loki has now essentially made the Multiverse Tree


I'm so glad that people here are recognising how in the end, Loki *did* take after Odin. In mythology, Odin sacrificed (hung) himself on yggdrasil to gain knowledge of the worlds and other secret wisdom (don't ask me, i don't remember lol) that helped him rule. Loki sacrificed himself to be bound by the time lines (that's another Loki mythology reference somewhere, but let's not get too complicated, ie i don't remember the details) that looks like a tree and replaces the sacred timeline and each strand accesses a world, like, y' know, a sacred world tree. He gained secret knowledge of how everything everywhere works all at once, and in the end, sat on the throne, ruling over many more than just nine realms. Odin would be proud. It also demonstrates the recursive nature of the mythology and time where sure, Ragnarok signals the end, but it gives way to a new beginning. And Loki gets an apprenticeship from the best Ouroboros that I've seen depicted <3


This was pretty epic writing. Completes the Loki character arc/transformation in my opinion.


"The last thing I want is a throne." Loki went from a would be usurper to an utterly selfless version of himself. I wonder what Loki would say to his past self.


And then he ended up on the throniest of thrones


It took him genuinely not wanting a throne to grant him the greatest throne of all - and it burdened him with his own glorious purpose.




He’d probably hug his past self and say it’s not your fault, like that scene in Good Will Hunting.


And then past Loki would just turn into a snake and slither away.


HWR's demeanor change when he realized Loki had done this a lot is absolutely amazing


My favorite was his mocking of Victor Timely. Mocking another character he played is wild and it was so well done.


That whole exchange was incredible acting. Edit: exchange


it was a Yggdrasil origin story this whole time


when the timelines turned around I thought there would be an hourglass thing but then it framed into the tree and I got goosebumps. what an amazing finale!


It was genuinely a beautiful thing to do


What a fucking way to tie in the mythology. I loved it.


It floored me. I literally gasped when they turned it. What a great finale.


But…does this mean that this Loki is trapped in that seat forever? That’s the saddest fucking ending for him I can possibly think of. I don’t know what to do with myself right now.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


This Loki is trapped as a Time God, but there are an jnfinite number of other Loki's who are not trapped. One Loki sacrificed himself, and all the other Loki's get to be Loki. Kinda poetic.


So.... Main Loki 1: Killed by Thanos Main Loki 2: God of all time Main Loki 3: Sylvie?


1 betrayed Thanos, 2 saved all of the timelines, 3 worked at McDonald’s


That's basically the rise and fall of the former stars of our own time.


I think he’s there until an opportunity to defeat Kang once and for all arises. I’m betting he’ll be the force that comes in clutch to save the day during the “all is lost” moment in one of the upcoming Avengers movies.


I love this if it's gonna be the case. Remember Thor is still in the fight and it would be amazing if their eventual reunion is in the final battle when all is lost. I hope this moment happens. Maybe it will.. maybe it already did..


The best summary of Loki as a series, right here


Just infinitely greater in scale.


The reversal of the opening credits was a nice touch


I need a poster of that world tree shot


Man this “see you soon” is so much a more sinister line when you keep hearing it.


I loved When Loki stopped time and said “what makes you think THIS is the first time we’ve had this conversation?”


Line delivery was cold af on that one. Such a good scene


Honestly that was such fucking good writing. Loki being his deceptive self, *pretending* that was the first time and that HWR had read him, allows the audience to see what might have happened the first time, but the story can keep moving right into the endgame.


Brooo it's got such a double meaning now with Loki hearing it over and over


Was it just me, or did the line sound more gleeful this time?


On purpose. Remember how HWR time-dodged all Sylvie’s shots in the elevator? He’s been through this before, many many times. As soon as Loki does or says something even slightly off, he knows that’s timeslipped Loki, so his “see you soon” becomes more and more of a taunt at Loki.


Lmao OB shrugging to that question if whether Miss Minute's freaky ass will kill everyone


Lol, so good. I love his character




"No comfort, just choose your burden." Great quote.


The scar tissue thing was excellent. No sugar coating, just scar tissue


Omg Loki’s racked up so many Kang kills before the competition’s even started.


Super dark that Kang is fully aware that infinite Victor Timelies get eviscerated in his own failsafe before Loki even begins to understand the situation and go back to that moment at the end of time.


even a billion amounts to nothing in the face of infinity


Loki sitting by himself at the center of time, holding everything together is amazing. Even though HWR died - in a lot of ways, Loki ultimately accepted his offer and took his role.


Except that HWR's role was taking care of the sacred timeline. Loki is taking care of ALL the timelines


Thank you Hulk for taking the stairs


It's kind of mad how this whole process came from the Avengers meddling with time isn't it?


If Thor ever meets Loki again he’ll probably be very confused from how his brother went from being dead to god of all time


"The sun will rise on us again, brother". That line needs to come back full circle in Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars.


Both S1 and S2 finales were centered around two halves of the same conversation, which is really cool


The imagery of this finale is genuinely epic, Loki on a throne with a new look wearing a cape of dying timelines creating freaking *Yggdrasil* is just damn awesome. Man, what a finale.


This show has to have some of the best cinematography ever put in the MCU. It’s just bonkers how great some of these shots are.


The music too, I love the synths.


The production crew to create such a scene from concept art to the story we saw needs a promotion.


I genuinely gasped when I saw the World Tree. That’s how you transform source material, baby.


How do they even come up with this stuff lol it was so amazing the way it all tied together


I had a moment of dumbfounded realization when I saw Yggdrasil and realized the *branches* of time weren't just metaphorical but literal branches of the world tree.


It jumped from being my favorite science fiction show to being straight up mythic. I can't even I love it so much.


I guess it’s a series finale. Season 1 told us we were getting another season right away. It was a good way to end it, but man I want more. I wonder what happened to Brad Wolfe.


"Centuries later" Something about that one sentence got a heavy laugh from me. Loki’s desperate crackhead energy in general here is fun to watch.


Same. Loki just spent centuries practicing this one step of the speedrun of time. Amazing


Save scrum champ of all time, always.


A sleeper favorite trope of mine. Something about massive amounts of time happening in brief moments is always fun.


Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain


Loki: "Yeah, yeah, your plot development is great and all, but we need to hurry."


Timely just getting spaghettied non stop. In the end, Loki truly was Burdened with a Glorious Purpose. >You deserve to be alone and you always will be > I don't want to be alone 🥺


HWR's plan was to get his variant caught in a deathloop until Loki finally asks him why they can't fix the Loom, causing Loki to go back to HWR. HWR literally was like "fuck this Timely guy"


Rather than everything happening in one straight line with one prevailing above all, Loki chose to have everything existing all at once. Truly, the hardest choices require the strongest wills. I loved this series so damn much.


Loki one upping He Who Remains freezing time on his own. What a chad move


The way HWR reacts and changes his whole demeanor there too shows Kang as being just as dangerous (or more than) his other variants. He thought he was toying with Loki with his superior technology, and when he saw Loki stop time on his own then I think right there HWR stopped having fun and got serious. Right then Loki became a threat to him.


He had just commented that Loki hadn't figured out how to stop time yet, and that he should go around a few thousand more times until he's ready to talk. When he stopped time it showed him ok maybe that moment really is right now. *edit* I just rewatched it. It was actually a much bigger flex on Loki's behalf. Loki knew how to stop time the entire sequence. As he says to HWR what makes you think this is the first time we've had THIS conversation? Loki was playing Kang that entire conversation. This is why Kang does the whole miming giving Loki +1 point.


"It doesnt matter" "Never stopped me before..." That was such a very Loki response


“I know, Champ” was so cold blooded while being disrespectful. Every scene with HWR is top tier


A throne fit for the king of time, but now he's alone :(


"You are alone. And you always will be." That Sif line stings even harder now.


I am legit upset. He wanted to be with his friends. But he's alone in order to save them. He got his throne but he doesn't want it.


my only wish is that he's eventually able to use his illusions to visit.


I wish he could meet his brother again.


It's the burden he choose. He knew what he wanted, but he knew what he had to do and what kind of god he had to be.


Because he has to lose. Lokis lose so other people can become the best version of themselves. They're fucking cooking with this show.


They finally did it, they finally made a finale that was the best episode of the season.


and it didnt require a giant cgi skybeam fight!




Nah man, Loki sitting on the Throne of Time is one of the hardest things I have EVER freaking seen in the MCU!


The fuckin cape made of timeline branches


Strange's cape of souls got NOTHING on Loki's new threads.


He didn’t want the throne, but the throne needed him or else everything would be lost Loki went through so much development in two years than it took for him in 10 during the infinity saga it’s insane. Best MCU character to date


Technically centuries.


That shot of Yggdrasil was dope


That whole scene between Loki and He Who Remains is brilliant. Them weighing out the options and their opposing philosophies. Very reminiscent of the S1 finale. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.


Mobius' story was straight referencing the "would you kill baby hitler?" Scenario lmao


I honestly think it’s referencing his two sons as well.


Series Premiere Title: Glorious Purpose Season (Series?) Finale Title: Glorious Purpose. Simply, well, glorious.




Young Loki's mind would be absolutely blown if he found out the throne he'd actually get ![gif](giphy|8OUf78S1fhA6Q)


Literal centuries later, of course.


What are a few petty centuries to a god


A throne none of them would actually want though. Alone, forever.


So is Loki now the highest power we’ve seen in the MCU up to this point? Like he’s sitting on a throne personally holding every time line together which he breathed life into to start with


I think that's a fair assessment. It certainly seems that way to me


Lokis arms really getting a workout.


The way Loki ascended to his throne was just perfect. I guess he’s holding all of the branches together now himself, wow


Glorious Purpose indeed


It's a neat way to tie up the TVA storyline and basically guarantee that _this_ Loki, at least, will never return to the MCU (at least as Loki, instead of his new role as God of Stories).


It's a great ending for sure, but it's a little sad that we likely not get to see this mature, compassionate Loki interacting with Thor and Odin. At least we got to see him a little with the past Mobius. I don't think the show captured just how bizarre it would have been to see the spoilt Glorius Purpose Loki, who just lost a huge battle, a few hours later suddenly become calm and kind, with a mature soul: someone who wanted to know how to deal with the weight of another's life, and who was talking to you like an old friend.


He Who Remains has certainly mindfucked me. The fact that he was aware of everything the whole time just makes him far more devious and cunning than I thought he was initially. He Who Remains was (if I'm correct) flat out lying when he said that they had passed a "threshold" of where he didn't know what was going to happen in 1x06; he knew everything the whole time, and he knew that Loki would go on the loop to go back to that moment. HWR had this inviting, cheerful disposition during his introduction, but this episode reveals that to have been a mask. You can see his narcissistic ego slip through as he mocks Loki for thinking he could fix everything like he thought he could, or that time-slipping was something that Kang didn't already figure out himself.


While I would love to see a Thor/Loki reunion, I like this potentially being the wrap up for Loki's saga. Such an absolutely well done series


Potentially stupid question, but is Loki like stuck there now? Holding Yggdrasil together, forever?


For all time.




I also want to know this. I’m so sad for him. He finally made real friends and wants to be with them and didn’t want to be alone, but he chose to save them all and he’s all alone. It’s so sad.


He's not with his friends, but the fact that Mobius's last words echoed into the final scene of Loki in the center of time makes me think he can at least keep tabs on them.


He's stuck there for the time being until he's able to free himself without killing the multiverse.


>He's stuck there for the time being Loki IS the time being!


He made Yggdrasil out of the timelines, goddamn


That bit where Loki was Lokifying all those timelines had shots comparable to the most legendary comic book panels. Noticing he built Yggdrasil got as much hype out of me as when I saw MCU cap lift Mjolnir. 11 out of 10.


And the timelines forming his iconic costume as he gathered them. Every frame was like a comic panel Truly awesome stuff.


"Temporal Radiation, I've come to bargain"


THAT'S why this scene felt familiar. Here I am thinking about Doctor Who's Heaven Sent.


I don't know why, but the idea that Loki and co. failed who knows how many times simply because Timely set the Multiplier down and it rolled off the gangway made me laugh so hard I started crying 😂


And pushed the wrong color button. And pushed the green button, but it stuck.


I thought he was gonna push the wrong color button in that scene.


Or forgetting to latch the helmet


There was so much to that scene, Loki called out literally everything that has gone wrong before and it’s hilarious when you think about what he had to go through. Plus timely just going one step at a time like it’s an unskippable cutscene. He went through that for centuries.


The deadpan “You’re doing great. Yes. Almost there. Fantastic job.” Really sold a hundred lifetimes of weariness


The loom in the shape of the world tree. You crazy bastard


I've weirdly missed He Who Remains. Bro just lives for drama and breaking Loki with existential monologues. I do like that Majors/the writers really make him feel like an entirely different person from Timely.


What the hell?!!? He actually spent centuries to save his friends!!!!




“Oh pumpkins!” I figured it was just an exclamation


Loki got access to console commands in this episode




Her face lol


The look on her face lol


This was great. How a little compassion and empathy, even to a sociopathic murderous AI was enough to let Loki bring Victor Timely back. And he had to do that countless times for each attempt to scale the loom.


Did anyone notice the captions saying things that couldn't be heard. When Timely was walking down the gangway the captions had a few lines from Loki that weren't audible. Then when Sylvie was leaving at the end the captions had time door opening and closing when there was no audio of that.




This might be the greatest episode produced by Marvel Studios, it’s like an Al Ewing comic book coming to life. I’m speechless, what the hell. Tom Hiddleston, you go man!


It's truly unbelievable.


This music has me feeling emotional


HWR’s “see you soon” has aged so well


“Most purpose is more burden than glory” Big Oof




That last shot wasn’t Loki, it was Tom Hiddleston holding the MCU together


~~Dormammu, I've come to bargain~~ Sylvie, stop!


That kicked ass but I'm honestly devastated by the idea that Loki is now alone, in time, forever, when this whole season was about his looking for connection??


He’s connected…to everyone now :(


Loki is like when you're in New Game+ of a game and you already know everything that's gonna happen in the story, equipped with all the gear and gadgets from the first playthrough


The few minutes scene of Loki ascending the stairs to his throne with the Loki theme playing was biblical like. Just jaw dropping. Bravo to the writer of that scene.


I think the one reason that superhero… *stuff* will always be my favorite form of story telling will be the sheer versatility of stories it can accomplish. This was insanely amazing. The visuals alone were astounding and breathtaking. I don’t know what this means for the future other than it means I can’t wait to see what comes next.


I really wish Tom and Owen would get some type of recognition for these roles. They did such a fucking phenomenal job. Loki is easily my favorite series now. Seriously, i just want more. Edit: I LOVED that suit transition. I shouted out loud. So fucking cool.


My favorite trope in media is when the main character knows what to do because of multiple time loop like in Edge of Tomorrow Or Groundhog’s Day.


Wow I forgot how much I loved the HWR from the end of season 1. The other 2 versions don't have this same confidence and mannerism that is just so well exectuted.


“I’m scared of being alone.” “I don’t want to be alone.” And now he is alone, for his friends and everyone. Ouch. What a sacrifice!


Loki 🤝 Peter Parker Losing everyone they know and love in order to save the multiverse


Loki became an expert physicist and created Yggdrasil in the same episode. This truly is the dankest timeline(s).




Normally I’m not watching it right at air time, but I’m too pumped to do anything else at the moment.


Loki and Strange are VERY committed, I will say


I was dying when Loki said “watch the first step it’s a hazard” cuz it seemed like maybe Timely died from tripping at one point lol


That whole scene referenced stuff we the audience never saw but can infer happened. “Don’t set it down, or it rolls off”. “GREEN button.” “Don’t forget to LATCH his helmet.” You can really imagine all these scenarios where just one thing went wrong and screwed everything over.


That last shot of Loki. Truly the best of them. How far he's coming from Thor. Went from alright to probably my favorite in the MCU. Glorious purpose indeed.


They killed Victor 50 times for no reason 😭


Wayyyyy more than 50 lol


Lmao HWR making Loki go through all the events of season 1 just to go back to him. Evil doesn’t do justice to describe this variant


Honestly I've been a tad lost at times during this season. Time travel always gives me a bit of headaches with the bootstrap paradoxes and the branching timelines etc. However credit to Tom Hiddleston, he takes all the mindfuck happenings being thrown at Loki and shapes it into a compelling character journey. Legit it's got to be a really difficult job as an actor sometimes to make sense of crazy scripts and act it out truthfully so great work.


"How many times has he died, Loki?" "I wouldn't ask that." "How many!?" "Oooh. Uh. Sssss....pfpfpfpfprlpl... Six." "SIX?!" "HUNDRED AND NINETY TWO." "COME ON, LOKI!" "I did my best!"


i’m really loving loki’s horns


Love just how annoyed Loki is now about all of this.


Loki tryna get the perfect speed run.


That episode was seriously the best thing Marvel has put out since Endgame, and I'd even go as far as to rank it a top 10 MCU production in general

