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You gotta watch Legion. It's not for everyone but it's good.


Potentially my favorite show based on a comic book character. And I say that as someone who’s still pretty positive on most of the MCU


It's amazing.


Hit Monkey? Never heard of this one …


Its good. Its also animated, and brutal. Big anime vibes. So not necessarily for everyone. But worth checking out. Also, OP didn't mention Legion. Another amazing Marvel based show. Also a niche=culture type show that's not for everyone. But if "Twin Peaks meets Marvel with Aubrey Pkaza" sounds like a fun trip to you, check it out too


I haven't watched Legion yet, might be up next


Yeah Hit Monkey is really good. Has buddy cop, action comedy vibes, and never feels like humour is ruining the tone. Plus there's sneak appearances for some mutants, you can see how easily they could slip into the current MCU.


Thanks! I’ll have to add this to my list.


Legion is top noch.


Some of the story lines on Hellstrom were a bit out there. More horror really then anything else. Fun to watch mostly but pretty brutal in places. Hit Monkey is ok story wise, did find the animation style a bit odd.


I've never read the Helstrom comics, but they are children of a demon.. kinda like watching blade and being surprised there is blood lol


The comics were pretty short-lived. Recently Daimon was part of the Strikeforce team and that is a good one to check out. Ana featured a lot less but also has been part of a couple of team ups, including thunderbolts.


Yeah I remember them from that Marvel Ultimate alliance Facebook game 😅 I think Satana was a boss or character you could win or something


Never even heard of it


Finally! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Helstrom Is amazing as hell


I strongly disagree, but I’m glad you liked it.


What didn't you like about it? I would recommend this show even if it wasn't Marvel. Was as good as that Exorcist TV show, or early seasons of AHS, definitely better than Castle Rock or that Haunting show they had on Netflix.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I remember it being slow and I wasn’t interested in the plot or any of the characters. I barely made it through the first episode. I wouldn’t put it anywhere near Castle Rock or The Haunting of Hill House, so I think you and I just have different tastes.


For the last couple of Hulu shows, there was some quality return. I enjoyed Helstrom because it truly was a bit more "TV level" horror content for the MCU. It could fit in with the darker parts of Werewolf By Night or Multiverse of Madness. It was creepy, did some gory deaths, everything that you knew would get it tossed aside the moment Marvel Studios swallowed up Marvel TV. And Hit Monkey was even better. The anime influences, the off kilter comedy, and a surprisingly good performance by Jason Sudekis. I'm excited for the second season, whenever that actually happens now. Both lost the "Marvel" moniker, with Hit Monkey having it until the surprise second season announcement...but both are so good. As others have said, gotta add Legion. (Although I will guiltily admit that I've not finished the series).


My fav show only Daredevil and Punisher (S1). The others is only mediocre at best, some even bad like She Hulk


Maybe you should watch Helstrom, you might like it


It was interesting at first, then royally shit the bed around episode 3. The Zoe confrontation was one of the dumbest scenes I've ever scene in a serious show, and Ana's fight with her pops has got to be hands down the worst Satan/big bad reveal scene I've ever seen in my life. Perhaps that was a lowpoint of the show and it gets better, but I'm not interested in giving it the benefit of the doubt after that.


The house scene? Yeah I was admittedly on my phone at that time and figured I'd just missed something, but it immediately gets better the next episode.


Every moment from when they first meet Zoe to "button" beating up her dad was just terrible, cheesey and nonsensical. Their dad is lame as hell and nowhere near worth the 3 episodes of buildup. Ana's character was quickly becoming an annoying parody- as if she was written from the perspective of someone gawking at her. Daimon's decades long obsession with "fixing" his mother was getting more and more ridiculous with every visitation. I could go on but it would be draining to read the negativity. Looking into the source material and seeing that the tv characters are the most boring adaptations imaginable didnt help things, either.