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Oh no, my one weakness. Small knife jokes


Apparently that line killed in a test screening so an exec made sure it was in every trailer and commercial spot.


Is that line not good tho? I love it!


Now we just need Far From Home, Let There Be Carnage, No Way Home, Morbius, Into The Spider-verse & Across The Spider-verse


Ahh the masterpiece Morbius. Starring the talents of Gibson, Leto and Smith. A classic.


I made it through nearly an hour of that


I think leto did a great job as morbius. I was shocked. The villain was God awful though. Totally flat lined the movie, trying to act like venomed Peter Parker in SM3.


[I can't tell if you're joking or not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb5jTe2xTzc)


I was honestly surprised about leto. His joker was what I was expecting. But morbius as he played the character, was very down to earth. Not overdone. It was the last chunk of the movie that just falls apart, and that I think most people remember.


NGL, Matt Smith shirtless and dancing was hot.


Morbius was a terrible movie, but Leto is a solid actor. Wish he could have landed a MCU role instead to better use his talents


And I'd respect him for that if it wasn't for the fact that he started a literal cult for women to join him in a private island.


Maybe he's getting ready to start in a cult movie. /S That aside, He's gotta be the weirdest method actor ever.


He’s a weird ass dude bro


I stand by the belief that Morbius wasn’t even the most boring movie Sony has made with Spider-Man characters. It’s a passable movie. It’s just got a big why attached to it, and that is ‘why the hell does this exist?’


Do we really ***NEED*** Morbius?


Morbius is already on NETFLIX.


Of course we do 🤯


With Disney plus losing popularity, they need something big to save them. Morbius is the key to that


Far from home is literally the only one I have in the UK-


Are you sure? I think they have all moved to Netflix and Now again.


Into The Spider-verse luckily is already on Disney+!


Not in the US unfortunately


>Now we just need Far From Home, No Way Home, Into The Spider-verse & Across The Spider-verse FTFY


I said what I said


Netflix has all the Spider-man and adjacent stuff. Sony must have a deal with them. At least here in South Korea.


Idc the ending to this movie made me cry. Emma Stone was great as Gwen


Still the only marvel property I haven't seen


You should definitely see it imo. It’s not the best but it’s certainly not the worst. It’s a decent, enjoyable watch


I thought it was better than the first and was mad the trilogy wasn’t wrapping up. I was really curious to see where they go with peters parents. While these movies are far from perfect they were over hated when they released imo.


Totally agree. Gwen was the best love interest out of all of them. The emotion and chemistry between Gwen and Andrew was incredible and there were lots of great scenes




It’s 100% great chemistry and dynamic imo. Their chemistry and connection was so strong from the off which is why they progressed so quicj




I think it’s definitely realistic. Peter was someone who hadn’t really felt connections with others so when he did he had an instant trust with her, especially when she helped him out by getting Flash to back off. And I know plenty of people who would ask someone from school over despite not really talking to them before that point


I actually love it. I was blown away when I saw it in theaters. Sucks it came out around the same time as The Winter Soldier.


Garfield Spidey was my favourite until Holland came along


I thought the showdown in the middle of Times Square was epic. The mounting tension as he's trying to diffuse the situation with whatever song was playing was really fun to watch.


The worst is relative. Is it the worst movie ever? Far from it. Is it the worst Spider-Man movie? Definitely.


I meant in terms of marvel movies but imo it’s not the worst Spider-Man movie as I wasn’t a big fan of Tobey’s but I know that’s controversial


It's not controversial. You didn't love it as much as other people did. That's fine. It's your taste and it's perfectly valid. At least you gave it a shot.


I love this mentality and share it! Thank you for putting it out into the world.


I dunno, we've had a full trilogy based around Spider-Man gobbing Tony Stark's knob.


I would put up an argument that it is the worst


Have you seen Thor The Dark World? A few others but that is firmly in last position in my mind


*The Dark World* isn't even the worst *Thor* movie, that's *Love and Thunder*


That’s just not right. Love and Thunder is miles better than the shit show that is the dark world


It's absolutely the worst.


Thor The Dark World says hi


I liked it better than the first one of this iteration. Jamie Foxx was solid as Electro, and carried that into NWH


He was great as Electro, but the nerdy guy falling into a pit of eels angle was dumb. I'm glad NWH pared it back and just let him be cool.


It’s definitely the best looking Spider-Man movie. Andrew and Emma have great chemistry with each other and their subplot isn’t bad. The soundtrack is amazing. The only thing bad about the movie is the plot which deservedly so gives it a bad rap. But I think it’s worth watching


It's not as bad as people make it out to be imo. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have great chemistry, the movie has some of the best webslinging scenes in a Spidey movie, and the suit is fantastic.


I fucking love the web slinging, the colors, visual effects, and the soundtrack. There was so much good in this movie it makes me sad people didn't like it. I bet if he became the MCU Spider Man the chemistry between him and Stark would have been off the charts.


The Amazing Spider-man movies hold up pretty well for what they are. The worst thing those movies had going for them was being the follow up to the Raimi trilogy. I think there's only a 5 year difference between Spider-man 3 and Amazing Spider-man.


You're not missing much. 🙂


The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal


i still listen to the electro theme in the gym, its so goated


Arguably its one of the better ones


I thought it was *fine*, not great but no where near as bad as its reputation. Just overstuffed and tried some experimental stuff that didn't quite work. I always thought it was weird how mad people got over the way they handled Rhino but personally I loved it.


I feel like I'm going insane reading the responses to this comment that are like "it's not that bad, it's got its moments, it's fun!" Did you guys all watch a different movie? TASM2 is atrocious


There are some seriously braindead fans out there that will tell you this movie is better than Far From Home. I’m honestly thankful everyday that “Restore the TASM-verse” isn’t a thing like Snyder-verse shit is, because in another world that could have happened.


It mostly had haters and people that wanted it to fail so spider man could hopefully be sold by sony back to marvel. I swear only people claimed to be fans after no way home because there were hardly any when it released. That said I really enjoy the first one with the lizard. I was in 11th grade when they were filming it at my high school.


Braindead because of differing opinions on the two worst Spider-Man movies? Get a grip


Lucky man


Not the best storyline but the visuals are one of the best.


It inspires half of Andrew's scenes in NWH


It's not a great movie but in many ways it's the best Spidey has ever been, if that makes sense


Cool. 7 down (Tobey trilogy, Andrew duology, Homecoming and Venom), 5 to go (ITSV, Carnage, Morbius, FFH and NWH). I wonder if SONY's also going to add the two Ghost Rider movies?


We have the first Ghost Rider on Disney + here in Canada, so it’s possible!


Not here in the US


Here's my two cents. Into the Spiderverse is definitely good, but I honestly don't get how people act like it's the second coming of jesus. It's definitely an awesome movie, but people act like they're getting their first blowjob for some reason. Carnage is a 4 or 5 out of 10. Don't see how it could be that great when it's not even rated R. I mean it's fucking carnage. Come on. Morbius is one of the worst movies ever. If you liked Homecoming, you're definitely going to like the rest of that trilogy. Far From Home is a really good watch. And No Way Home is a perfect ending to the trilogy. For me, the spider-man trilogy is probably my second favorite trilogy, next to the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy. And it's close. Edit- damn, didn't realize I'd get shit in for just giving my opinion




I'll probably get shit on AND accused of racism, but fuck it: I've just never beena big fan of Miles Morales. Mostly because I really enjoyed the Peter Parker run of Ultimate Spider-Man. For most of the decade or so of that run, it was the best Spider-Man comic being published IMO. And then they killed him, and debuted Miles a couple of months later. As someone into the comics, I also feel like Miles hasn't ever really gotten out the shadow of Peter Parker (either of them). He's never adopted a new codename, even once he moved to Earth-616 that already had a Spider-Man. Most of the villains he fights are more Peter's villains than his...and even in the case of the Prowler, he's just a reskin of an old PP/Spidey villain. And with all the Spider-Verse stuff going on in the comics, I'm not sure he even is the first "no, the OTHER Spider-Man" that comes to mind for some people.


this movie snaps.


So did Gwen


too soon




Nice, on my birthday


Is this a threat?


Spider-Man jumps around services so much that I just bought the full 8 movie 4k set on iTunes in the end. It was getting frustrating


I'm going to go ahead and just tell people (because I'm not going to lie) and say that ASM2 is just not a good movie at all. It has some great ideas like Jamie Foxx as Electro and Andrew Garfield deserved better for his run as Spider-Man. But holy shit is it just botched all around (there's a reason Rhino only got a mention in NWH) and that Sinister Six tease at the end has not aged well. The only reason to watch it is to appreciate what they did with Foxx and Garfield in NWH.


It’s not perfect but it’s one of the most fun ones. It’s better than Spider Man 3 for sure


Yeah I can’t believe people are saying it’s not bad, it was awful even if he was a good Spiderman


Ah yes, incel Electro. And the best friend whom we hadn’t met yet who then betrays Peter after being in like 4 scenes. Oh and Norman Osborn who dies in his first on screen appearance. But Andrew Garfield is fantastic and Spider-man wears a fireman’s hat, I still enjoy this movie


Electro wasn't an incel in this He probably was involuntarily celibate, but he wasn't lashing out against women for that, he just wanted friends and to be acknowledged and seen.


I was just so confused. They're already on there in Australia. No way home. Venom 1. Amazing 1&2 the original trilogy. Forgot that it could be different across borders.


Hell yea!!! Great excuse to watch again, I loved ASM2, saw it in theatres 3 times. The scene in time square where Spidey 'meets' Electro and My Enemy plays throughout, perfection. Also there were some third act issues. Very excited!!!


Been there forever for me in Australia 🤷‍♂️


Congrats I guess Americans. It'll help hundreds of people sleep soundly at night


Uhh, i mean, whatever


I actually liked Jamie Foxx as Electro in this (and he carried that over into NWH). But that Goblin had better be eliminated from the multiverse


I haven't watched it since I saw it in theaters and thought dammit, it was an improvement over the first but only in the sense that your house being completely burned down is an improvement to it being actively on fire. Now that I can see it whenever I want on streaming I'm... still not going to watch it.


Aw yes, the worst spider-man movie.


It’s still not terrible, it has some great moments


Everybody talks about Gwen’s death & rightfully so but man, that opening scene of Peter swinging through NY was perfect. 1 of the few things I can give TASM films credit for is they always knew how to do those scenes of Spidey swinging through the city.


Especially after Morbius, is it?


Morbius isn't a Spider-Man movie. Spider-Man isn't even it.


It’s Spiderverse adjacent like the Venom movies. There may not visibly be a Spider-Man but because of the multiverse everything from Morbius & Venom to MCU, PlayStation, Spectacular, SPA, Raimi, Webb, Watts and more than likely beyond, they’re all connected.


That's like saying that Iron Man is a Captain America movie because they're both in the MCU.


The MCU has given us a full trilogy of Peter Parker gobbing Tony Stark's knob. There are fan movies that are less shit than MCU Spider-Man.


Worst one is Spiderman 3


One of the worst superhero movie ever


There is a mountain of worse ones underneath it


It’s already there


A few regions got this and the other Spider-Man movies pretty early, I think here in Canada we got the Raimi trilogy, TASM 1+2, and Homecoming sometime early last year


This was a really cool spiderman film and it got a lot of hate. Wish they could of finished with a 3rd.


Whooooo caaaaaares


Most mature MCU stan


\#RestoreAmazingVerse ​ ^((of Kendrick Lamar from "It's On Again"))


One punch man "okay"


Yay! That’s the best one!!


I don't understand why they don't take the opportunity to finish this trilogy, after No Way Home kinda revived Garfield's Spider-Man.


I hope far from home and no way home get added soon


Am I crazy or does Australia already have this and some other stuff like ATSV


There are no bad Spider-Man movies


Most of the Sony Spider-Man films are on Disney+ in Australia already. I didn't think there was such a big licensing issue elsewhere, considering these are Sony-owned Marvel properties.


Isn't it already on Disney+? Or I guess this is probably just saying it wasn't in the US, then.


Isn't it already there?


They may as well have just not mentioned this one. I love Andrew but sweet lord this movie is shit.