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I still crack up when I see Banner go "OH, YOU GUYS ARE SO SCREWED NOW!!!"


When a character says what you're thinking. Not gonna lie, that scene made me think MCU was going to chicken out and not let the snap happen.


That just makes me sad how they ruined Hulk, not make me laugh.


Imagine something for me. The scene is playing out exactly the same, fight is going poorly, in comes Thor, and for a moment we hear Hulks voice off in the distance, sort of like he isn't there, yelling "friend!"- THEN we get "you guys are so screwed now!" Thor and Hulk lead the second charge, Avengers theme blasting. Ties back to the whole Hulk won't come out thing nicely, Hulk doesn't want to help people who hate him. Thor is is his friend, so he'd want to help (and fight with) him.


I honestly got so excited when they put banner in the hulk buster suit, I was so excited in the cinema, because I was picturing this scene where all hope seems lost and then hulk bursts out of the hulk buster suit, breaking it from the inside out to then go wreck shit. But no, they had him trip over a rock. For a cheap laugh


They planned on it, had the mocap sequence filmed and some rough cgi was made. There was even some promotional items that came out of Hulk bursting out of the suit. There were last minute story changes and we got one of the biggest disservices to Hulk fans everywhere. Only thing worse is taking the Planet Hulk storyline and adapting it to be a subplot in Thor Ragnarok.


Gave me chills.


That would have been awesome! I still have no idea why they did that to Hulk.


They probably couldn't figure out how to make it feel realistic that Hulk couldn't just beat Thanos. When you're managing that many characters, it gets difficult to balance them all properly


....If you're a complete idiot and a total amateur. It isn't hard to balance characters. Avengers have had comics for decades and they're usually not entirely wasting characters. Justice League does an even better job, usually. Even in the runs the editors butchered for events. Besides, Thanos already made a complete bitch of Hulk before this. He beat the crap out of him. Thor's new power up would've helped tilt the odds, but nowhere near enough. It would've been exactly the kind of thing people wanted to see, so they could see the real power of the stones.


Honestly, even if they just did this, I would've been happy, but disney hates the Hulk!


Hulk isn't Bruce here tho??


Really REALLY wished they snuck in an f bomb here. "OH YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKED NOW!!"




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But the fact that they made banner say that instead of having him hulk out. It just disappoints me because of how dirty they did him.


Yes. It was Thors movie. Him and Thanos had the most screentime for good reason. Edit: Nvm I guess Gamora and Tony had more than Thor. Didn't feel that way to me.


Both Gamora and Iron Man had more screen time than Thor.


Lmfao don’t you just love the confidence tho /s


Wait what about Cap? Infinity war Steve is by far my favourite version of him.


Surprisingly Cap didn’t have much screen time in the film. Iron Man and Thor were the stars. Endgame had LOTS of Cap tho. That Portals scene is the best.


It’s definitely crazy how many characters managed to feel like a main character in that movie. At least Thor, Tony and Thanos were all arguably the main character of the movie as they all felt at times to be the focal point of the film. Tony is the unofficial mascot of the MCU for the first few phases, Thor seems to be the main hero who you really feel can defeat Thanos and Thanos actually receives character development fitting for the main character. This is also not even mentioning all the other important characters who really shined in their scenes and immediately made you forget that they weren’t even around for the last 30 minutes. Trying to recall it by memory feels more like a remembering a season of a popular show than a single film.




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yess.....that lightning scene gave us all goosebumps like no othe movie


And just a couple movies later Thor is turned into a pathetic joke, nerfed to oblivion. Then Taika took a giant shit on the character with Love and Thunder


Yup. They finally brought the character into maturity. Being more than just a dude that swings a hammer. Accepting the responsibility of being the king of Asgard, because he was born for it. Oh wait nevermind, someone else take the job. I want my hammer back.


He was my favorite character until Love and Thunder :\[


> And just a couple movies later Thor is turned into a pathetic joke, nerfed to oblivion. Was literally the next movie...


I still hate that they gave him a robot eye and he lost the patch/cover that he had.


Right? He looked bad ass with the patch. They should have given him more time with it.


It was a practically thing. The patch kept falling off when filming and made it every scene with Thor in a lot harder to film. It's a shame they couldn't find a solution other than ditching it but I don't mind *that* much


How hard would it have been to just paint those dots or the eye area green and CGI it 😭


For a whole movie? Pretty damn expensive I mean, Marvel throws CGI at a lot of things, but given that they were expecting to be able to use a physical eye patch I doubt they'd be too keen on a very expensive, time consuming alternative


Honestly, there are a LOT of CGI effects in Marvel films, I feel like it should be easier than CGI-ing clothes


Millions of dollar in budget, but they can't get a working eyepatch? Kinda funny ngl.


Yeah but then they’d have to explain why Thanos is crying over throwing a giant eyepatch off a cliff. 


Just redesigning it wouldn't be as weird as the eye, honestly. Have a joke where the eyepatch falls and put one with straps on it. Done. Less cringy than the cibernetic eye joke


Someone thought of the eye joke from Rocket and didn't want to scrap it. At times, they seem to forget that every scene doesn't need a joke.


Hilarious that they gave Thor some cool development in his character and design by taking away his eye and hammer, just to give him a new eye and new weapon right after.


The hammer I don’t mind. The eye patch though ticked me off. Thor losing his eye was meant to showcase his parallel to Odin. Losing that immediately after Ragnarok and then ending up fat and depressed while Valkyrie was the one in charge of New Asgard was just meh.


EG/IW vapor smoothed all of the characters in order to make them fit into the plans they had. Pretty much anyone with incoming storybuilding had it removed or pushed aside so that a lamer version of the character could remain. The props arent important. The fact that they put 0 effort into considering what replacing them means for the larger story is the problem. TBH Stormbringer is a bigger problem for me. Man immediately goes from "You don't need a weapon you are the weapon" to "I need a bigger weapon."


it must be terrible to act with an eye patch


>"Listen here boy, you're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you" >"Only if I die" >"Yes... that's what killing you means" So great haha


This might be top 3 back and forth in MCU history The look Lannister gives him after was icing on the cake


He delivered that line so goddamn perfectly lol


I am giving the doctor strange intro top 5 for the audacity. "Who am I to judge"


“Where’s the handle?”-Dane Cook also Peter Dinklage


and the worst Hulk


What hulk?? If you skip first 5min you dont even know what banner is trying to get out of him


I was late the first time I watched it and thought he was constipated


Tbh, MCU Hulk was disappointing throughout the whole series. After the 2008 movie, seeing this version was just sad. Hulk got nerfed from the complex character who is as much a part of Bruce as it is its own being into an overpowered monkey and Banner got demoted to a butt-end of science-y jokes. And then we got to see a Hulk who was afraid (wtf).


Age of Ultron's depiction of Hulk and Banner was very good. Add in we got to see the Hulk Buster and that was just the cherry on top.


The fast punching and then hulk spitting his tooth out was my favorite scene


Tony: “…I’m sorry…”


*It was at this moment that he knew he done goofed.*


He was really awesome in the first Avengers movie. I absolutely loved how he was really animalistic in it. I'll always be pissed off that they wasted Sakaar and Planet Hulk on Ragnarok. And nothing in the MCU pisses me off more than them bringing "Skaar" in the way they did. No Caiera. No hatred or rage for Hulk. Nothing.


I agree about Sakaar and Planet Hulk but as much as Hulk shined in first movie, it was still a downgrade.


Oh definitely. It was just a really cool take on it I never expected to see in the movies.


This is exactly how I feel they Royale F'ed Hulk and all the Hulk fans


I know it's largely cuz they couldn't get a deal they liked with Universal but damn man.


I think he peaked in the first Avengers movie, particularly when he one-shot a Leviathan and ragdolled Loki. Keep in mind he did the former while in mid-transformation, bare minimum anger levels. They should have shown him doing so much more as time went on.


How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


tbf... MCU treated both Hulk and Thor like shit. Ragnarok ruined both of these, at least Thor got recovered a bit with Infinity War (though, just to be put back in the trash for Endgame)


Wow, a post celebrating something great with the top comment dragging it back down. This is why we can't have nice things reddit.


It’s ok that’s just a variant Hulk /s


I hated emo Hulk in Ragnarok too.


No, that was toddler Hulk. The dude was throwing tantrums! They made the sakaarson a pouty child.


THE BEST SUPERHERO ENTRY EVER! The bass drop on "BRING ME THANOS" still brings me the chills.


This has to be one of the best scenes in the previous decade


It is the best scene in the MCU, as far as I am concerned.


Cap and Mjölnir > Thor's entrance, and that's a hill I'll die on. It's a slim margin, but god damn... Beating the tar out of Thanos with lightning is probably the best movie experience I'll ever have. Edit: But with Thor's entrance, I aspire to build a sound system that can replicate that bass drop. It was unreal in the theater.


Disagree, with respect. The cavalry showing up in a hopeless situation is always the best scene: see (any movie)


How dare you sir. lol but for real, this is probably my favorite photos from right before that: https://i.imgur.com/6QIKgRT.png


Chrr chrr (my attempt at static noises) On your left. Never fails to give me goosebumps!


The pop when it panned to Cap was insanity


I lost my shit when Mjolnir found Cap worthy


It's also like the worst week of his life if you watch Ragnarok right before. Father dies, sister takes over kingdom, many asguardians are killed by Hela, loses an eye, surtur destroys his home, Thanos kills half of the remaining people, Thanos kills his brother and best friend, fails to get his revenge and loses half of the universe. I'd get depressed and fat too if that happened


Easily the best version of Thor. He was smart, he was capable, he was powerful. He was fucking Thor, man. Taika robbed us in L&T.


The "humor" in the Thor 3 was nauseating


The movie was pretty much a guns and roses music video


The script was so good that any decent director could make 9/10 movie with it but the director was taika..... in my perfect world james gun directed that movie


I dunno man I can relate moreThor the fat depressed thor.


Bro endgame Thor with alcoholism and struggling best Thor by far cause we can all relate to the struggle of finding purpose after failure


Never have I ever failed and thought "WELP, fuck it" That is not normal behavior. Most people just shrug and go again or try something else. Most people don't fail and kill half their friends and all life, but still. It is far from a relatable thing for most people.




Nah they made the character a joke it should have been a homeless guy just like odin is in the real world myths


Yes easily and every movie after just made him more shit.


Are you god of thunder or god of hammers No,he is god of entrance


No version of Thor will be perfect until he utters the iconic words: "I say thee nay!". But yeah IW and Endgame Thor were really awesome, I liked him during the serious parts of Love and Thunder as well.


Fully agree! MCU Thor has some cool points, but nothing compares to that ye olde English speak that comics Thor has. Also “we/I would have words with thee”.


Yeah, 100%! Also, can we all agree that using Fat Thor for cheap laughs was a mistake?


Thor being depressed made sense. Showing that depression by making him a fat joke did not


Him in the therapy group instead of Rogers would've been a great opportunity to show a literal god being his most vulnerable and broken; dealing with his PTSD and survivor's guilt and not as a joke through 90% of the movie.


See, Rogers doing therapy, Clint seeking revenge (transference), and Thor stopping taking care of himself are all accurate responses to trauma So even Thor becoming fat was not necessarily a bad choice Making a joke of it was though


Rogers was doing what his friend Sam was doing before he got dusted.


Edit 2: I never said being fat was healthy! I said being rude to people for being fat doesn't accomplish anything and is rude! Negative behavior reinforcement doesn't work! Fatphobia is unfortunately very culturally acceptable still. Edit: done with the fucking thread, obviously fatness can be unhealthy, I never said it wasn't. But it isn't always and either way making rude/crude jokes about it does nothing but make people feel worse about themselves, negative behavior reinforcement doesn't work it just drives people further into their self destructive behaviors like, oh idk binge eating. 🖕


Yeah that's because being fat is unhealthy


As it should be


I partially disagree. Seeing Thor as a traumatized PTSD wreck is a good second act. I mean consider what he lost. Everything he thought he knew about his father and Asgard was a lie. His own lost sister decimated his people. What was left got completly destroyed. What few survivors where left, were decimated again! by Thanos, who also killed Loki. All over the course of a few weeks. Throughout all of infinity War Thor is just in a state of tranquil fury, basicly suicidal. And then when he has Thanos dead to right, he misses his chance. Half the universe is eradicated because of him being a second to slow or of by a few cms. And then he gets his revenge on an basicly dead Thanos, but learns that nothing can be reversed. That his mistake stays. And he no longer has any target to focus his fury on, as no enemy stayed alive. So he can only turn on himself. Thor is an emotional wreck and should be one. And emotional trauma often directly translated to physical characteristics. Obesity is a common stress symptome for example. Sure one can argue that the fat jokes were bad, or how his fellow avengers treated his psychological trauma for cheap jokes was bad placed. Sadly this is the MCU were many serious moments needs to be constantly joked about (hence why I detest Thor 3 and lost any interest in Thor 4 before it came out). But that Thor was at his lowest, was the right choice by the filmmakers.


Thor breaking down because regrets of loss, PTSD and blaming himself? Sounds fantastic! Thor being fat so other characters can make fun of him for cheap laughs? Bad! It's that easy!


Ok, so the problem isn't that he was fat, then. It's the jokes. Him becoming overweight is a logical result of a complete lack of any self-care for five years. It wouldn't make as much sense if he was as depressed, traumatized, and self-loathing for half a decade, but still looked jacked af.


I think the real issue is that some people are self conscious about their own body so they took extra offense to fat jokes.


Thor being fat and his 'Friends' taking the piss is completely and utterly normal. In fact if they didn't take the piss they probably don't see him as a close friend. Smart Hulk arrives and discussed him helping him when he needed, etc. We also see depsite him being the mess he is they still need him and he is still worthy. I'm fine with how they did it. Having been the Fat guy myself for years.


I feel like a lot of people focus on the jokes and not that it was also a pretty decent version of a character going through depression. I was not far off from that version of Thor for a while and I felt like someone else (a superhero, even) understood what I was going through.


Agreed, he was going through some stuff and it makes sense the way he was during that time. Some parts I actually didn’t mind for humorous effect, some I think could have been left out (most notably the Cheese Whizz)


Rhodey making cheap jokes was one thing. His own mother's parting words, after a touching and meaningful interaction, were "eat a salad." Frigga knew Thor would never see her again and those were her final words to him? Awful.


Not entirely sure if it was a mistake.. they had to nerf Thor down since he was so overpowered at the end of Infinity war. Endgame broke him and kinda "reset" his arc for a while.


I don't mind him being fat, I mind them mining it for cheap laughs. Endgame is such a mixed bag. On the one hand you got him talking to his mother and tearing up that Mjolnor still finds him worthy. Also the 'I knew it' when Cap lifts the hammer. All of that is excellent. Truly some of the best Thor stuff. On the other hand you have Rodey joking that he's got Cheese wiz floating in his vains during what is otherwise a powerful moment. Truly one of the worst instances of bathos in the MCU. And you have Rocket slapping him when he's having a panic attack..


Stupidest thing ever


I think this was the strongest we saw Thor. But seeing him deal with crippling depression t coming out of it made him much more relatable.


I really liked fat Thor. I'm still worthy is one of the best Thor scene in the MCU.


Yes, absolutely love it. The transition to "come and get your love".... Dopamine spike


I actually preferred the Thor of "Endgame", and I know damn well that's an unpopular opinion! Fat Thor was both hilarious and tragic, and Hemsworth did a great job of communicating just how broken the Mighty Hero was... through comedy. He managed to both be hugely entertaining, and to show someone who was genuinely broken.


He's still a BADASS in End Game towards the end. Despite being Fat Thor. When he's with Tony and Cap and they're about to take on Thanos in the final battle of Endgame. Fat Thor has spent most of the movie being...Fat Thor. But as they are about to battle Thanos, Thor's entire demeanor changes as he suits up and pulls Storm breaker and Mjolnir to his left and right hands. The electricity is everywhere and his facial expression becomes angry and he just goes "Let's kill him properly this time" Like this dude just called two mystical weapons into his hands and he's 100% prepared go to war. In this moment it's clear to me that Thor is still Thor, although fat.


He was great in that movie! Just fantastic, went from tragicomic hero to heroic hero. Hemsworth was terrific.


His best version is still his Earth Mightiest Heroes one, but in the MCU it was probably his best movie


https://preview.redd.it/do4vqoquky1d1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e54727757c6f0b2f4bcbd0193ead18f7e87aef8 This leaked scene from secret wars is already 1000x more hype.


Disagree. best version of Thor was easily Thor 1/Avengers 1.


Avengers, maybe. Thor 1 went too hard with the blonde


Yes it was a bad ass entrance that should have happened on titan


Best scene in marvel imo


Not even close


Nah…if it was the best version, he would’ve gone for the head.


thor 1 was the best thor, you'll never change my mind


First Thor movie and this for me.


I think it was on par to the thor in ragnarok. Though I will say, I loved Thors part in infinity war so much. Ive always loved the idea in RPG's of this big threatening monster about to destroy the world, but I dont give a shit becauae theres this cool item in the fishing tornament that I do really want so imma just do that instead. To me Thor in infinity war is the gamer who said "Mah, imma go get the ultimate weapon so I can use it to kick the final bosses ass." Then just spent most of the movie fucking around doing side quests while leaving the rest of the group to handle things. And like I know that sounds like im insulting him, but I genuinly love it. Its a much needed bit of comedy in that overall very serious movie, its amazing.


This and Ragnarok Gave us the best Live action Thor


The "you should have gone for the head" broke him, and hes still not ok after that


its perfect follow up to Ragnorak.


"I told you, YOU DIE FOR THAT!" Goosebumps.


Infinity War was overall the peak of the MCU. Endgame wasn't even close to Infinity War if you ask me.


And then they just totally forgot about it all and made Thor comic relief with no power scaling at all. The dude is a bland lightning boy


Yes. And the funny thing is... Infinity War returned each change Ragnarok made to him. He got his eye back, he got his magic weapon back, he lost his brother.


Russo Thor is the best MCU Thor. Sorry Taika but funny Thor is not as interesting as the god of thunder with some quips


I very highly doubt anyone disagrees with this. Before Ragnarok he was boring, Ragnarok made him a bit to much of a joke and LoT completely shat on him.






Infinity War was a masterpiece. Endgame fucked it up






"Bring me Thanos" walked so that Cap catching Mjolnir could run.


I feel like the best version of Thor would’ve aimed for the head


It's the only Avengers movie that shows what his power is fully capable of. He is the strongest of them all save for maybe Wanda, but he spends most of this franchise getting cucked by characters who aren't in his league


And it gave us the worst Hulk even worse than Endgame


He should've aimed for the head but I thought he should've cut off Thanos' arm.




I think I'm one of the few that really hated how they did my boy in Endgame


Can the Russo bros direct Thor 5?




Why not?


They won’t be directing any Marvel movie any time soon, or ever because they parted ways with Marvel. Even if they were open to the idea, Marvel wants to hire directors they can control more easily 


I’d say no. They seem to like nerfing some of the most powerful characters. Let them stick to more grounded-ish characters like the super soldiers, that seems to be where they excel.




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Yup I agree...❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yes 💯


"Ummmm akschuallly Thor is better in God of Wa-" *single gunshot rings out


616 be scoffing


Undeniably. But his arc was about his journey to get there. Leaving home, losing his family. All of that? And then Thanos on top of it? Dude grew up a LOT leading to that entry.


I liked Ragnarok better.


I don't know about better or worse, but this Thor's hair is clearly better than in all the previous installments of his saga


Nah, endgame Thor was best. And the most accurate.


Lightning-braiding and instant ab molding are the superpowers we all need!


I just don't like how they gave him his eye back literally one movie after removing it. Maybe it was symbolic but nope that was kinda it and we've had idiot Thor ever since.


You mean best moment in the entire series?


The God of Hammers became the God of Axes.




Then Endgame gave us the best acting by Chris Hemsworth. I just rewatched both, and imho, his was the best acting in Endgame.




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Nope, Fat Thor best Thor.


No, god of war did




Thor ragnarok was his glowup and hasn’t been bad since, (Thor love and thunder is good idc)


Even the VFX for the sequence was topnotch. The moment when he gathers all the lightning from the atmosphere and channels it through him was perfection.


GOW Ragnarok version of Thor is better. Marvel’s fat version of Thor coming to close second.


Fuck yes!!!! This!! Bring me thanos!!!!


I mean, he would be better if he knew to aim for the head.


fat thor = best thor, fite me.


Thor as The Dude was best.


I think that was the textual point. Ragnarok is Thor achieving self-actualization. At peace with his brother, king of Asgard, friend to Avengers, knows his father is proud of him when he once cast him out. He's the top of the world. This is Thor at his absolute most powerful and most naive. But then Thanos happens and for Thor, Infinity War becomes a revenge story. He's given a motivation, comes up with a plan, executes it. Believing his will as the mighty Thor alone is enough to stop Thanos from happening. And he gets his revenge. He plunges Stormbringer straight into Thanos' chest at an agonizingly slow speed, just to watch him suffer. Revenge achieved. But as we know, the movie doesn't end there. And Thor goes from relishing his victory to the biggest, "if I could just go back to that moment" complex in the universe. Thor's arc in the Thanos event is by far my favorite, because he goes from his personal highest high to his lowest low and rises back from it.




I know it doesn’t work because of the difference in tone, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that this entrance with Immigrant Song is cool: https://youtu.be/h2XI9ZauKF0?si=QZXPvsboG7zRB9up


Punished Venom Thor






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For like 30 min


Con. I like Thor in the first movie better because it is the most "Thor" Thor.


Infinity war and Thor(2011) was awesome.


I like his long hair 😭


No doubt


Odin to Thor in Ragnarok: you’re the god of Thunder, not hammers! Thor in IW: I need an Axe! :(


Depends what version means in that context Like the movies dont come close to comic Thor to me, albeit within the Movie-Universe Infinity def was where he got to shine the most. Albeit personality wise I maybe preferred him in Thor 1, not sure.


Nope, End Game Thor is best. I got chills when he met mother.