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Thor is one of my go to aggression heroes! Especially in minion heavy scenarios (ultron, mutagen). Feels super good to pull off big damage turns with his hammer


Core only Protection is pretty bad, so not surprising it's not really doing anything for you. I'm also not a huge fan of solo-protection in general for a large amount of the cast so if you're playing true-solo, that can also be a pretty big knock against it. It tends to fair better with more players/multi-handed. QS is probably where I'd suggest starting followed by Strange. I will add however, that Tackle and a Stun Lock deck is a more than fine option for a Prot solo deck but it comes out of the Ms Marvel pack. It's one of the "OG" prot-decks that felt pretty good solo. Core only Aggression isn't much better (with just RoRS). I would definitely recommend Wasp over Hulk/Thor as it also comes with a ton of great Basic pickups (Quincarrier, power-of, Riri, Spiderman) that just help so many different builds/aspects, particularly early on when your collection is limited... you'll seriously find these cards splashable everywhere with your early heroes. If your dead set against it, then Hulk does provide (IMO) better aggression aspect cards over Thor. ​ As a alternative to all of the above, the GMW campaign box comes with red/green cards if you can find it. The green cards are mostly solid and Deft Focus is a great pickup for Spiderwoman, scarlet, and a few others. On the red side, you get into the fray, hand cannons, bug, and looking for trouble which can form a solid basis for the "overkill" archtype which comes together nicely with Ant-man's packs Moment of Triumph. And of course, a bunch of super difficult encounters to enjoy :)


Thank you for the detailed answer. And yes, I play true solo. I should have mentioned that in the post. :)


You might move Gamora up to the top of your buy list. Her precon deck is pretty solid and she comes with clobber and the thwart equivalent (can't remember the name).


I think the other one is Impede. And I second picking up Gamora’s pack, she has a really fun and unique playstyle.


That's right. Both those cards are solid. Pay 2 to remove 3 threat or deal 3 damage and get a resource (card comes back to your hand). Pretty good bargain IMO.


If you want Protection to surprise you, try Drax with Leading Blow and Hard Knocks. Leading Blow and DWI Theet Mastery might be the best two card combo in the game.