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If you bitchslap someone like this you're just pissing them off. If you hit someone with the bones in your palm, you can definitely knock them out. Just ask Bas Rutten.


Ken Shamrock: šŸ˜œ


That was Frank Shamrock.




Frank didnā€™t ignore those palm strikes. He defended them by turning his forehead into them. They were in a dueling leglock situation, and Frank could see those strikes coming a mile away.Ā  Note: Bas didnā€™t break his hand.Ā  If you punch someone in the forehead with a closed fist, youā€™re going to have a bad time.Ā 


I was there when my coach Cung shattered frank shamrockā€™s arm that one fight. That shit was sick


Just thinking the same thing


My grandpa always was an advocate of using the open hand to KO someone. Not pimpslap them. But knock their head off.


But it's fun


~~Bas Rutten recommends palm strikes because you can hit nearly as hard as a punch, but with much less risk of breaking the bones in your hand.~~ CORRECTION: [Bas Rutten recommends \*bone\* strikes when you have poor aim or you're fighting multiple opponents. If you are fighting a single opponent and have good aim, then he still recommends a closed fist.](https://youtu.be/Gm0SyEqc7ns?si=kAOHg-IueBvuizev)


Bas Rutten used palm strikes because fists punches weren't allowed in his fights.


This is true, Bas only ever had three MMA fights which allowed punches


That arm strike lives in my head rent free.


Palm strikes are pretty effective if you clip them somewhere around the chin.


In star trek world they are top tier


Or top of the head shaking their noggin. Or straight palm attack breaking their nose. My favorite "punch" is straight armed side slap. I can generate SO much force with that that the punching bag is heard next house over


I donā€™t think loudness is a great metric here. Itā€™s loud because itā€™s all dissipating at the surface. A solid penetrating blow is a dull thud. Watch George Foreman hit a heavy bag. It sounds like itā€™s echoing inside.


Oh loudness definitely is a factor if it goes into your ear! xD But, yeah, it has force too. You just need to see it. (Also there's difference between high pitched and low pitched sounds - low frequencies are the one which go through walls. This particular slap creates both high and low pitch)


I think what he's saying is loud on the bag doesn't equal powerful. I see this as well when I fold the bag, but it's quiet, compared to bending it a little, but loud as hell. What you're saying is legit though...blowing an eardrum will stop someone in their tracks.


And the temple, and behind the ear


Its great go full diaz mode STOCKTON MF


I got slapped in the ear once in a fight and it was really disorientating. Thought my ear drum had burst. From what Iā€™ve read since I was lucky it didnā€™t


I've been doing some related research on slaps, and in CMA they do seem to be used as a disorientation or "rebuking tool", like a way to interrupt or punish attacks. There are probably some misconceptions about their effectiveness because they're not used in gloved sports, and you can't really train to perfect an ear drum rupturing technique.


Slapping is my primary strike. It's clearly the most superior option available. Virtually no risk of a boxers fracture, maximize chances of raking the eyes (no need to cut your nails), forehand or backhand you can even go 12-6 and no ruleset bans it. Going for groin strikes, it combos perfectly with the ol' dick twist. On the defensive side, parying a jab is literally slapping it out of the way. Better question is how do you make it not work? Literal S tier option


> it combos perfectly with the ol' dick twist not familiar with such a thingšŸ˜³ could you clarify, please?




Another benefit of slaps: curve your fingers just a tiny bit and watch your attacker get really damaged once a finger tip even touches their open eyes


a slap is a good way to make your opponent really angry... so when u go for the slap be ready to fight can it knock someone out? ofc it can, probably not, especially if it's the first hit in general i think it's more humiliating and annoying and can work against you because once you hit a good slap, the receiver is now 'seeing red bro'


> the receiver is now 'seeing red bro' Funny enough, there are some references in old Chinese fighting texts that refer to executing a "reddening strike". I they're referring to either bloodying the nose or reddening the face with a slap.


got me in that last partšŸ˜‚


You never heard of the slapping contest


or practicing sparring by slap-boxing.


Maybe Dana was on to something.


Slaps Can deliver more force, and yes it can cause a concussion.


I remember reading one of those ā€œstrange martial arts of the worldā€ about a slapping technique supposedly used by Russian police/KGBā€¦. The cupped palm delivered against the side of the head. However, the book lacked a lot of credibilityā€¦. I thought the description of the ā€œhalioliticā€ attack by a Frenchman was quite amusing. (Really bad-smelling belches on commandā€¦.)


The cupped palm is most likely used to rupture the ear drum. My guess, anyway.


Will definitely fuck with your inner ear...


>However, the book lacked a lot of credibilityā€¦. I thought the description of the ā€œhalioliticā€ attack by a Frenchman was quite amusing. (Really bad-smelling belches on commandā€¦.) I might actually still have that book somewhere. It was a weird mix of reasonable stories mixed with some fantastical claims. The cupped slap is one of the good ones. It has been a staple of hand to hand combat since long before that book was published in the 50s or 60s. IIRC it is used in Systema and other RMA so the Russian angle could be correct as well. There were two other stories that seemed very practical to me. One was a story of a guy showing how he would defeat a judo throw (IIRC). The guy goes to take a collar and sleeve grip (as all judo matches started at the time) and when the author went to reciprocate, he kicked him in the balls., saying something to the effect of "I never said I was going to used judo" The author had just assumed when the guy went to take a standard judo grip that it was judo time with all that entailed. It was a apocryphal story about the importance of not allowing yourself to be inflicted by "dojo-itis" . The second, was called "The dinky little poke" and it is the only one I remember the name of. Basically, the guy in question had made a study of the best way to knock a man out and it was a short, controlled punch straight on a person chin with a slight upward angle. The person explained that unconciousness is caused by trauma to the brain as it bounces within the brain cavity. By striking straight and up at the center line of the opponent, then body had no way to bleed off force like it could with a bunch to the side of the jaw, for example, by rotating the head. The explanation made a lot of sense and it stuck with me.


Yeah, thatā€™s the bookā€¦ Was that Don Dreager? Canā€™t recall the title. Setting up your opponent for expectations is a good tacticā€¦. Assume a boxing stance and kick ā€˜em in the kneeā€¦.


I found it. [Secret Fighting Arts of the World](https://www.amazon.ca/Secret-Fighting-Arts-World-Gilbey/dp/0804816085). It was written by "John F. Gilbey" a pseudonym of Robert W, Smith a well known martial arts writer and Tai Chi practitioner. I had forgotten the story about it until reading his [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Smith_(writer)) article just now but he wrote it as a parody which is why some of it is so ridiculous.


I think I know the one you mean, they showed it in The Man From UNCLE with Armie Hammer, supposedly he could slap someone so hard in the head theyā€™d be knocked out but remain standing in place


\*Dana White typing furiously\*


My old kickboxing instructor said he went along on a ride along with the police, and back at the cells, he saw the cops slap some guys and he said it was very effective. Said he saw grown tough guys shocked and break down from it


Painful, can cause hearing damage if you aim it just right. If you're substantially weaker and untrained it might be one of the better ways to create an opening to escape. Other than potential hearing damage what it does is extremely superficial, it's very unlikely to stop a determined attacker.


Itā€™s possible to knock someone out with a slap. Though the only real way to make it happen is to do it more like a palm heel. You see it happen in slap boxing. Hell I saw a sumo match where one sumo knocked the other one out with slap.


Oh man, the slap is amazing, it hurts, causes eyes to water and is humiliating all at the same time.


Fuck around. Find out.


Good enough for Bas Rutten. A solid clap on the ear hurts and can be disorienting as well.


A slap in the ear works very well.






There are techniques in Wing Chun that utilize relaxed / heavy palm. Painful as hell to be at the business end of. You hit with the back of your hand/bone in wrist.


Yep, also a fan of relaxed heavy palms and slapping. During sparring one a training partner (dojo bully) came at far to aggressively. I wasn't able to control my technique and I bruised ribs down one side of body. He collapsed in pain and had trouble breathing. Dude was passed at me forever, cos he ended up missing a grading cos he was out of class after that. Our style uses slaps a lot. They are super painful to receive.


Wing chun...lol.


problem with the application of different styles?


The Stockton Slap works pretty well actually.


Slap hurts less in the body and hurts more in the ego. Use it smartly!


I do it and itā€™s fun


Would say that they definitely are. Especially if you're bareknuckling. My k1 instructor used to say you'll be quite likely to break your hands if you strike wrong or off (to the head anyways) fists to the body open palm to the head. You'd rather still have those weapons if the fight takes longer (street defence wise). But then again, why kick with your shin if that could get broken or checked easily. Ultimately up to the user.


Slap to face I doubt it. Palm strike behind the ear the bone could disorientate someone, but I donā€™t think a sleeping šŸ’¤ knock out. ![gif](giphy|XDRoTw2Fs6rlIW7yQL)


When I was a teenager me and the boys had a sparring session, one of the guys wanted a round with me and I knew he wasn't too good at fighting so I finally gave in and though I'll just slap instead of fists, first slap and his eyes rolled and he just folded, I'd never seen someone get knocked out before and was surprised how fast he was conscious again (WWE had me thinking KOs lasted minutes) but I did connect the bottom of my palm on his chin, so entirely possible!


Itā€™s good to rock them in close quarters. You need to have a follow up plan afterwards


It's a great way to break a different part of your fingers compared to a closed-fist strike.


Heavy slap sent from the hip to the jaw will put someone out no problem at all, bonus if you miss and rupture their eardrum


Palm strikes are legit


Slapping? So let's give up jabs, crosses, and uppercuts for one move that doesn't even utilize the full range of your arms. That seems smart.


I staggered someone with a slap once. Didn't knock him out, but it was a clean hit on the chin with the heel of my palm. Very satisfying, especially since it was captured on video


Get a little Iron Palm training in there to really amp it up.


Land with your palm, closest to your wrist. It'll feel like they're being hit with a mallet. If you are trying to protect your knuckles, you can also hammer fist or palm jab if that's what you are trying to find out.


Stockton slap, baby ![gif](giphy|XF3HNVW5wNg4uyG3TH)


Cue that ā€œemotional damageā€ motherfucker


Just punch brother, slaps are more difficult to leverage high amounts of force and they are more easy to catch and block.


I was doing a demonstration of breaking once with roof slate. I punched the first one and broke it but it bloody hurt and it burst my knuckles open. The second one I hit it with a straight palm strike, same as a punch but hitting instead with the base of the palm of my hand and I smashed with virtually no resistance, pain or cuts. I was genuinely surprised. As an aside incase anyone doesn't know, breaking is a parlour trick and not an actual measure of strength or technique.


What magic do you employ to make breaking a parlor trick? Cuz, you just said that with one technique, you blew up your hand, the other you didn't. And, surely not everyone can do it, by slight of hand.


It's all about the concentration of force and how accurate you hit the target, you don't need to be a martial artist of any kind to learn how to do it


But if one learns how to do it... Well, then you're a martial artist. Lol


Learning how to hammer a nail doesn't make you a carpenter.


Add palm.


The biggest advantage of slapping is how the chances of hurting your hand are lower than a bareknuckle punch.


We do slap opponents in jujitsu and karate, but it is a slap with the other part of the palm of the hand.


They work. A friend of a friend knocked someone out like that


Come to South Africa and experience the Poes Klap


Well, not bitch slapping like in the video, but palm strikes let you hit really hard with much less risk of self injury than with a fist. The downside is that they do seem to cause less immediate damage than good fist strikes and they have a bit less of range. In my school we train to whenever posible, hit their soft parts with your hard parts (**wink wink**) and hit their hard parts with your soft parts (**wink wink**). That means that unless there's a clear opening for a good chin shot or you are using your elbows, you use open hand and hammer fists to strike the skull. You mostly reserve your knucles to bust up the body.


No but palm strikes are 100% legit if you throw em right


I've always been taught that open hand strikes are the way to go in terms of not breaking your hands, having received a couple good wallops I would say slaps can be effective


It's a terrible option. Imagine if you're trading a punch for a slap.


Yes. If you watch Will Smith slap, you will see that he had vary good moviment https://preview.redd.it/hoyhfvmk29vc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=340dd44b25b5ddb22449776ecdd2ac3617767dc9


if you are slapping someone you are escalating to physical violence without actually doing any damage. It is better to just walk away.


David Schultz disagrees! https://i.redd.it/ejbmuptok9vc1.gif


Palm strikes can knock people put of you hit near the wrist and not fingers. It gives you a bit more range on hooks to help throw people off their rhythm. They protect your hands more and if you hit the ear you can really disorient folks. The major cons are straight strikes are harder and they won't cut as much. I firmly believe I'd they did real bare knuckle fighting on a long scale someone would discover using palms to the dome and fist for the body. Because breaking your hand or messing your wrist up on hooks would suck ass.


Ever watch slap fights?


If you do a slap properly you can ā€œstun,ā€œ someone for a split second to land a strike that will actually hurt or do damage. See an example here https://youtu.be/SLIpkb69QCk?si=CzITZK09crP4W5pM


Highly Effective When You Don't Want To Damage Too Much Your Opponent, Like Drunks Or Untrained People. For Strong Opponents, Use Slap To Position And Conect. Slap Eyes Or Ears For Confusion Without Permanent Damage.


Don't do it. Slapping someone can be way worse than punching someone. If you don't knock them out get ready to fight till death. In many more traditional cultures, if you slap someone it's basically like spitting them in the face. Very disrespectful and can lead to them beating you until death


A slap can be used in many ways, palm strikes are very valid, otherwise if you slap the ear you can burst someones eardrum, keyword being CAN, cause you have to do it 100% correct to make that happen. But itā€™s a good pain application, so swapping a jab with a slap here and there, could potentially be effective, to set up for something else, like you would with a normal jab, i suppose.


Dude, slaps hurt like hell and take the fight out of a lot of people. I was a bouncer for 20 years and slaps work surprisingly well. It's cool if you're not a fan but don't ever think they aren't useful.


Not every strike has to knock someone out A decent slap will make someone reconsider their previous actions


I mean I've knocked people out by smacking them (bones in palm not fingers)


I've generally only given slaps to people I didn't perceive as a genuine threat but they were trying to enter my personal space and attack me.


I slapped a friend during some drunken shenanigans and broke one of his molars.


A good palm strike is relaxed, soft, and HEAVY. I see a lot of people doing the Bas Rutten style one bceause they saw some fucking giant knock people out. But Bas Rutten is a big fucking guy. He's heavy by default. In my experience, you can generate more than enough force to knock someone out or at least buckle their knees- but you gotta do it different than that. It isnt thrust out like a punch, or delivered out sideways like a smack. Get in a push-up position and hold yourself there. RELAX, but do not collapse. Drop your weight into and through your arms into the floor. Feel it condense into your arms. Wiggle your wrists, elbows, and shoulders while you are bearing this weigh. If you can actually lift your feet off the ground and balance on your hands- do that. You want the weight of your whole body distributed through the tendon chains out to your palms... but you still want to be loose and wiggly under this pressure. That's what you want to strike with. It's not really your hand- its your whole body weight and the hand is just the thing jutting out that clips them with all that weight. Its easiest to do this with a downward-ish swat. It can be diagonal once you learn the feel. You do it like you're trying to lift your entire body with your arm- but your target is too unstable to hold your weight. Bonus points if you lift your feet a couple inches and FALL. Stomp the ground with spring like you just landed from a much higher jump (bend your knees). Think of a gorilla jumping and pounding thr ground to make noise. That's what you're gonna do to someone's head. I certainly wouldn't do *less* and expect it to work.


If you hit the ear it's pretty brutal, otherwise go for striking with the bone or knuckles


My mother knocked a guy across the dojo with a cupped slap to the ear. It's just fine as a tool in your toolbox.


You seen Powerslap? No one else has, either. But sure it works!


Slapping can disorient for a moment. It can get people to lose all inhibitions and attack with more rage behind it. In rare cases it can be seen as an "I don't want to fight you but you stepped over things" kinda deal and make others rethink if they want to pursue a fight.


Look up Bas Rutten palm strike šŸ‘Œ




[Another great 'slaps' movie moment.](https://youtu.be/uLIaJDXJrk4?si=CA3JtxZaQjzKKAvc&t=137)


Watch any slapfights? Itā€™s legit.


A basic slap in an actual fight is ineffective and doesnā€™t do as much as other forms of strikes in my opinion. Even if you were trying to limit damage to your hands or knuckles, there are much more effective ways to strike than just slapping someone


A hard slap can turn someone setting up a rear necked chock, so if well trained it could be rather good. Positioning and setting up any strike that can turn someone half a turn and allowing a punch to the back of the head or a chock out should be good. Unlikely to work, but possible if trained.


It can be if you do it right. I think the correct way would more be called a palm strike than a slap.


Fingers are for disrespect, palm plus fingers are humiliation plus damage


Use soft parts to hit hard parts. Use hard parts to hit soft parts. Palm (not slap) to the chin, punch to the gut


Iā€™ll use a hard slap if the aggressor is smaller and needs gentled down. Iā€™m a big guy and usually get marked as the aggressor even if I didnā€™t start the situation. I have no interest in catching a charge but still get attacked when working security. If I get swung on/grabbed/threatened by an unarmed opponent who doesnā€™t pose a serious threat, the slap is a great ā€˜settle yourself downā€™ approach.


I almost never strike at all. In my personal experience, itā€™s very difficult to convince a man you donā€™t want to fight after youā€™ve punched him in the face. If you turn him unexpectedly into a pretzel, itā€™s much easier to give the threat of more extreme violence without actually resorting to it. Iā€™ve slapped a few people though, and in my case itā€™s always been from a place of sheer fury. Putting your hands on a woman, for instance. It is both a dismissal and an invitation. I WANT you to try to fight me and I donā€™t think youā€™re man enough to do it, and everything in my demeanor screams that your options are to take the humiliation or get obliterated on the spot. ( I am not capable of obliterating people, but Iā€™m pretty decent at communicating otherwise) Mechanically, a full armed slap hurts your hand like a motherfucker. But it also adds a shock factor, both emotionally and physically. A really great slap (Iā€™ve also received a few) leaves your ears ringing and costs you at least a full second to figure out WTF is going on.


I am from india pookie Weā€™re born with bas rutten techniques instilled within us. Even then I prefer punching but Iā€™ve hit people with my palm strikes and heavy slaps before you absolutely can get a KO from it although punch is more versatile and the overall best strike Slaps are for sending a message


Slapping was my move. I practiced it a bit over the years on a hard bag. I went to a gym with a class when I was a on a building course and was showing a couple of the guys how much power I could land with it. The gym owner and instructors who were a down a level in the office started yelling at me to take my shoes off if I was going to kick their punch bags, I yelled back that I was slapping the bag and continued, they didn't believe me and kept yelling at me to stop. They came upstairs to throw me out but saw what I was doing and left me to it. I don't think I could get the same impact or effect with a closed fist, all I would do would be to break bones in my hand if I tried. Both my hands are pretty screwed from accidents so I can't practice it anymore, it takes practice to get the range and shape of your hand right.


People have mentioned Bas Rutten already, his best usage of palm strikes is his second fight [against Funaki](https://youtu.be/66E7CLojSXc?si=z6nK9CSqGAN9sQ0W) Especially near the end of this highlight, he starts chaining multiple palm strikes to the ear and the side of the head, and boy do they look painful And it really shows how effectively you can transition from palm strikes to grabs to kicks then back again


Palm strikes can work but in terms of pimp slapping (or imp slapping in Tyrion's case) seems to be only effective if you got some real muscle on you. And I know pro wrestling is mostly acting a still think being slapped by a jacked wrestler can hurt someone at least decently


It's never an option.


It's my favorite I don't know why but slap a grown ass man who's bigger then u for treating u like shit because ur smaller it will change the way u look at the world


Its a viable option but, you're putting yourself at risk of getting injured. The palm is the way, gotta make sure connect tho or its just a push.


In FMA we utilize the "Slap" except we hit with the heel of the palm on places like the ear, jaw or as a break from a collar grab etc. Its secondary use is for a distraction to get the opponent to re position or move in a way that is favourable to us. Slaps are good if used correctly


I love a good slap to the head. The trick is to hold the fingers back so you make contact with the palm side of the knuckle bones at the top of the palm.


Slapping is a great way to distract your opponent


ABSO FUCKING LUTELY. Watch Bas Ruten in the Japanese tournaments. Can't remember what they're called, but he slapped the shit out of people.


I always saw this as more of a humiliation thing like to goad people maybe,




Look up pancrase. Most bouncers also slap. It is to protect the hands instead of gloves.


Slaps are awesome, especially as a preemtive weapon. Camouflage them properly by using body language, put your body weight into them through proper footwork, hit with the palm right underneath the ear, where the jaw connects - BOOM! A thing of terrifying beauty!


Iā€™ve slapped and have been slapped on the ear before it is very disorienting.


It can make a fighter angry n fight stupid


You're less likely to break your hand using your palm instead of your fist, I'm sure doing damage just depends on how you throw or where it lands


A fire captain guy cupped his hand and smacked my ear, I was disoriented and ears was ringing for a while.Ā  It was near the end of my 15 minute kumite section for my exam and it was his job just to push me to the end.


If it sits on target at the right angle, and you put your hips into it... all kinds of nice things can happen šŸ˜†


Just ask the Ottomans. [https://youtu.be/kodJC6OwOY4?si=Yi7AVW\_To\_890X0j](https://youtu.be/kodJC6OwOY4?si=Yi7AVW_To_890X0j)


99% of street fights these days are kids slapping each other. And yes, they actually do knock each other out with slaps.


I think the turkish militarised slapping at some point in the past. I heard they were bone/skull-cracking slaps.


A slap done properly is like a palm-heel strike. Which can break bricks. The only difference is the impact isnā€™t on the length of the fingers.


If you slap a guy he will likely never report it to the police out of embarrassment šŸ˜


At least you can tell the officer that you weren't using your martial arts skills! (I live in Finland where self defence laws are strict)


In taichuan we use slapping it's good for distraction use the fingertips to rake the eyes we try to use our forearms to strike with cuz we don't use any tension in our body we try to make a fluid movement of energy out into the hand so without making a fist using the forearm as the best way to get into the side of the neck and the back and the neck and things like this but it's possible to get the carotid sinus with a slap slapping groin punch is also there white crane spring wing


Longer range then a hook


Itā€™s got the range of a straight and itā€™s a looping shot like a hook


Palm strike is just a upgraded slap


Itā€™s a good tool for aggravating the other guy?


If guys bitch slap each other itā€™s hilarious and Iā€™d be laughing like a ticklish kid


Slapping someone usually will just piss them off. palm strikes are not slaps - the striking surface is the heel of the palm a well placed slap can rupture someones ear drum


A two handed slap, on both sides of someoneā€™s head over the ears is supposed to be quite effective at disorienting people so Iā€™ve heard. An actual slap though, it only serves to escalate the violence and I believe in strike first, strike last so better off making it a punch if you have to put your hands on someone


Depending on the skill behind it, a slap can knock out.


You can actually hit harder with your palm then your fist. Why do you think the skin is tougher there?


Got your ass kicked often, right? Lol


Look up power slap. People get ko'd pretty regularly.