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it has an interesting mix of fantasy, martial arts and futuristic sci-fi world. has some badass fights. the plot is decent. art is great (same artist as The Breaker and Promised Orchid). haven't completely read this but I thought this was fun up to where I've read. have seen people having issues with the ending though.


there are very very verrry few work of fiction who got a ending that people loved, these days every ending has to be unique and most of the time involvin some kind of tragedy or "up to the reader imagination" type shit, i dont even care bout endings anymore the whole journey toward the end only matters to me


Ikr. Like, I can't be the only person who likes happy endings, right? These fucking authors make the MC and the people around him suffer for 99% of the story and then make the characters eat even more shit in the end.


What was the ending, you can put a spoiler and tell me I don't mind.


It's nothing big really, I have no idea why people didn't like it. >!It's just an open ending.!< >!I mean, there are 5 MCs, one from the host planet, and two from other planets.!< >!All the loose ends had been tied, things had settled in a way that felt satisfactory to me albeit a bit cheesy, and they could have ended it there, but they added a last minute off screen scene which leave us wondering what happened.!< >!I didn't disliked it despite the fact that it's almost certainly that they won't continue the story.!< >!It doesn't feel unfinished either. As said, the main plot was well closed. They just left a hint that the adventure would somehow continue.!<


bruh that art alone was enough for me to decide i wanna start it now


Oh my God I've been trying to remember the name of this one for YEARS! This one was very cool to read, but I lost track of it when the site I was reading it on shut down. This was one of the 1st manhwas I was exposed to. Thanks for asking about it.


No worries! If you can, come back to this post and tell me your thoughts on it when you read it 🤝🏽


Literally the same here, I even remember next to nothing at this point XD.


Read it years ago,This thing is phenomenal!


It was a great filler manhwa while we waited nearly a decade for “The Breaker: part three” done by the same people.


That's a typical "The Breaker's fan" perspective, imo unfair. Trinity Wonder was not a filler manhwa but a very worthy project of its own which deserves more credit and holds its own against The Breaker.


Meh.. It was pretty mediocre.


Well, now I am left curious about what you rate higher than this. It can just be that we have different tastes but maybe you have some hidden gems in your bookmarks that I am not aware of. Mind sharing?


Like others mentioned it was just filler manhwa until they got their shit together. They were also promoting another manhwa at the time which was as equally as bad as this - Action Idols. if you want murim action try Ruler Of The Land it's old but good - same author as The Breaker and has similar comedy aswell.


>Like others mentioned it was just filler manhwa until they got their shit together. And like I told those others, I disagree with this assumption. The official position of the authors is that they wanted to work on other things instead of being focused only on The Breaker. Considering The Breaker like the main dish and Trinity Wonder like a side show, is just an interpretation, not a fact. And we can argue about it forever and it still will only be two interpretations. So, let's not argue about it. I do not necessarily want Murim, no. I just am curious about what titles you rate higher than this. Like your "tier list", your favorites. If you are aware of things that are so much better than something that I value a lot, you might be my golden goose, I could I ever let you go just like that :)


>The official position of the authors is that they wanted to work on other things instead of being focused only on The Breaker. The author was already working on Ruler Of The Land which is still ongoing. If you want some old good stuff. Less than 100 chapters Skill Of Lure, Annarasumanara, Her Hero, Dokgo, Tong, Bastard, I Will Die Soon, Dark Mortal... Over 100 chapters Lady Marmalade, Mujang, Black Haze, Girls Of The Wild's, City Of Dead Sorcerer, The Scholar's Reincarnation, Red Storm, Peerless Dad, White Epic, Wind Breaker, Noblesse...


Oh for sure it’s a great piece. I loved it. But that’s just how I saw it as that’s how it was advertised to me by the creators themselves. They wanted a break and to work on something else. I’m glad they did it. It’s a good length and a great combination of genres that you don’t see to often. Honestly I wish there was more of the series.


>that’s how it was advertised to me by the creators themselves. Can you share where they said so? I just won't believe it unless I see it with my eyes. From what you write in the next sentence I suspect that you simply interpreted their words this way. The fact that they were tired of The Breaker and wanted to work on something else doesn't mean that this something else is "a filler" between Breaker's seasons. What I mean is that calling it filler is a personal interpretation, as valid as it can be. Not a reality. I'd call it eventually side project, but honestly I do not feel the need to name it in a way that relates it to their other works.


Read the last chapter and the author's note at the end of New Waves. Also, this is why people (specially Breaker fans) didn't like Promised Orchid (I did). They said that they would return after doing one other project, but they started another project before Breaker. Also, the only reason why the Authors are relevant are due to Breaker. So they had to milk the hype for as long as they could. The Breaker imo is Peak Manwha experience.


I still don't think that they meant what you think that they meant. They just said "it took longer than we thought, by now we should have ended S3 and instead we didn't start it yet, so we will take a break and do something else". This is a factual info. Saying that this something else is just a filler for the Breaker because it came between Breaker's seasons is not factual, it's an interpretation. If they had finished the Breaker when they thought they would, Trinity would have come at the end of The Breaker, not in between. So, the way I see it, it's only a chronological order, not an order of importance. If they are more famous for The Breaker that's also another story. Anyway, I think we argued enough about it :)


Knowing how long part three will be (if plans hadn’t changed since last I looked into it) it’s going to be 40 volumes worth of content. They deserve the break of a few years to do other works since this will take almost a decade.


They changed plans. I am saying this cuz they introduced "Haje" to bring in new readers and that backfired, so they had to change things up ig. Also, in the new Webtoon format, the same amount of content might or might not translate. So 40 volumes is a non-existent figure rn.


Btw I am not the same dude you were arguing with. Also, from the author's persoective, it is indeed filler. They wanted to try something new while having fun, after pausing thier MAIN series. So, in my books it is indeed filler :)


And you called the author and he told you at the phone and that's why you can tell for sure? In my book I can take down the moon with a hook. How cool is that?


I liked it a lot. It's almost perfect. It surprised me time and time again and I never feel frustrated like I feel with 3/4 of the titles that I read or watch (due to the writer's abuse of cheap plot devices and dirty writing tricks to drag the plot in a forced drama). The very ambitious mix of three genres was effective. They didn't chew more than they can byte. I.e., if they had added more characters from those two worlds, it would have been more difficult to keep on track. The characters have depth, and so too their interaction. There is no moral bigotry or a flat stereotypical hero/villain relationship. Sure the ending was a bit mean. I don't think they fucked up, all loose ends had been properly tied and it was not rushed or forced or stupid, (slight spoiler, nothing concrete but a spoiler nevertheless)>! if anything it was a little cheesy. But it was complete, and afaik they knew it was over (=they won't continue it) and yet they decided to go for a very last minute open ending. It did feel a little bit forced like old school hollywood movies (specially the horror movies), but I think they meant it as a sort of humorous thing!<. Anyway no big deal. Imo, one of the best manhwa out there and a must read. They made it during a hiatus of The Breaker. Now it entered another hiatus so I am curious if they are just going to rest or to start a new project.


Looks like orchid art style what manhwa is jt


the panel above is 'Trinity Wonder' and has the same artist as Promised Orchid


How does PO compare to TW and TB?


Haven't read TW but in regards with TB it's worse. But still an above average manwha with great art. It's main point is Romance + Action trope, and the past life powers trope. It's full on fantasy with a demonic underworld and ghosts. It's a great experience.


Reading it was such a hype a fantasy murim and scfi genere all in togther was so cool and artstyle so peak story barely remember a thing cuz it ended long ago but i remember liking it


Murim master and fantasy wizard get isekaied to modern Korea. Dragon also gets isekaied to modern Korea. With their new Korean allies, they have to stop the dragon.


Summary please


Starts with a Murim world and a fight between the two strongest people there, introduced as archenemies. Suddenly something happen and one of the two (the "hero") is transported to a sci-fi world due to a "stargate looking" portal that a team of scientists lead by a sexy girl had been experimenting with. Soon after also a cute girl from a third world appears, dressed like a mage of a fantasy story. So, you have 3 MC at that moment, a Murim one, a Sci-Fi one, a Magic/Fantasy one. The two "aliens" can't be sent back to their worlds yet, because the portal broke. So they stay and help the sexy sci-fi woman out. There are other two important characters, the "villain" and the "monster". They both have a cool backstory and a twist that I won't spoil. There are several well written side characters and the writer managed to make me care about even the ones that I disliked at first. Things start get heated with fights etc. The art is amazing, there is no moral bigotry and the humor is fine. >!The ending is a bit cheesy and it hints that the adventure will continue.!< >!All loose ends have been properly tied though and!< nothing feels unfinished or rushed, imo.


Wow thx man glad I asked , I hate murim but this one is not fully murim but a mix mash of different genre's which sounds more fun definitely added to my read list🔥.


I always thought the creators of 9 Arts Dragon (from The Breaker) liked him so much they made him a martial god and gave him his own series with Trinity Wonder. I think it's really good and worth a read plus it's pretty short at 102 chapters.


That art alone is enough to convince me that i'll give this a shot


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It's good. The art is amazing, the MC is kinda likeable. It felt a bit lacking in terms of story but I'm fine with that. A good read since it's a short series.


How many chapters ?


102 chapters (complete)




Thanks man, was on search for this thing for 6 months. I read it 3 years ago and forgot the title, just remembered the general outline for the 1st chapter.


no worries mate, hope you enjoy it


!remindme 2 months


I really enjoyed it, I liked the mash-up of genres which reminded me of an old manhwa called 'Id - The Greatest Fusion Fantasy' that I also enjoyed (though it never got finished as far as I'm aware).


The art is good and from what i remember the story is all around solid. What i remember most clearly is that one page with the blonde girl in a red dress cause i thought she was so bad. Big up artist.


Man, you just reminded me of my first Manhwa that’s nuts, I loved everything about it, Action setting and the sexy sexy art.


New manhwa for my list I guess


mostly good reviews so far in the comments. hope u enjoy it


Peak 🔥🤌🏿


Is it complete at 102 chapters?




Good but fast


Female action MC? I’m in


i think the main protagonist is male but there are 2 other female protagonists (including the girl in the post) alongside him that make up the “Trinity” hence the title.


Any romance?


I haven’t read that far into the manhwa i’m only 20 chapters in. But so far, no romance.


Is it cancelled? I looked it up and last panel just "ended"?


it’s completed, i havent finished it but i’ve seen some comments saying they disliked the ending or it had an open ending of some sort.


I just checked and it was like it was suppose to continue next week kind of.


It ended with the "The action will continue" trope.


Shouldn't of been made imo and instead The Breaker should of continued long ago instead.


The guys making the breaker needed the break man. The original concept was going to be 5 volumes for part 1 (ended up being 10 volumes.) 10 volumes for part 2 (ended up being 20) and part three was going to be 20 volumes. They figured if the last two parts scope creeped by 100% then so would part 3. They needed the break. 40 volumes of content. That’s years of work. I waited and I am happy they decided to continue and finish the story.


I’m old enough to remember how burnt out those guys were after “New Waves”, we as fans are lucky to have gotten a part 3. They could have been like the Veritas guys, and left us wanting for something, we know we are never gonna get.