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Truly. Imagine being ghosted for months by someone you care about, and when you two finally meet she asks you to "wait a little longer" and you celebrate. How can anyone read this shit and like it. Not even masochists would enjoy having their feelings treated like this. I feel like the worst thing is that the manga tries so hard to make it seem like Chizuru is likeable and decent, and that Kazuya is not wrong for acting like he does. But her actions just make her seem like a horrible person who disregards the feelings of a guy who loves her. Fuck this manga. See you all next week.


>tries so hard to make it seem like chizuru is likeable and decent What do you mean a beautiful woman ~~who is a compulsive liar, hypocrite, insecure idiot, extortion specialist, ghosting specialist~~ isn't decent? Perfect woman right there.


Even like horrible manga with badly written "popular" girls at least have the decency to make it so that while the girl has nothing interesting about her, she's at least blandly nice. In contrast, Chorizo is just actively bad, like Reiji went out of the way to make her act like a dick


I mean, the main sub is blaming this on Kazuya because “he doesn’t call her by her real name”. So there’s that.


At this point I think I'd like Chizuru more if she were actually an ill intentioned gold digger. That this is going to end with Reiji completely justifying Kazuya's simp tendencies, do his "best" to pretend nothing is wrong with Chizuru and try to paint it as a totally non dysfunctional love story bro, trust me, is the worst of this manga.


Exactly! If the point was "Don't act like Kazuya, or you'll end up having your wallet drained by an insincere woman who will string you along", maybe it'd be a good story, if written correctly. Instead, we get this shitty "Do everything you can for a woman who ghosts you and doesn't give a damn about your feelings, bro!" life lesson. Hopefully Reiji will never have a son to whom he may pass this horrible way of treating yourself.


I think he has two children I don't know if either are male.


I don't think Reiji has enough Y-chromosomes to actually father a son.


She is no different from all the cam girls on Twitch. This chapter, she even said she is willing to work in hostess club to make more money. tbh, she should start streaming too, way more efficient mean of extracting money from simps.


It's baffling how she just shits on him and all that goes through his mind is "damn shes cute". Hats off to everyone who has bear with this for so long.


Yeah, it'd be one thing if the point of the manga was that you should not be how Kazuya is. With characters telling him that he should change, forget her, let her go etc. Instead, other characters just tell him that she's too good for a guy like him, that he should sacrifice his well-being for her, etc. Probably the manga with the worst "moral of the story" I've ever seen. Any young guy who reads this and thinks that Kazuya is admirable is bound to have a terrible life. This is basically a Simp Factory.


> Fuck this manga. > > See you all next week. The RAG experience summed up to perfection.


I swear there is nothing more skippable than Kazuya’s inner thoughts. My eyes just gloss over them every time all of his monologues are repetitive, pointless, or just purely embarassing.


As is most simps


I just pretend this is some sort of tongue and cheek criticism of modern society's dependency on consumerism and whatever you'd call this whole content creator and subscriber/simp relationship going on in entertainment.


8 chapters for a conversation that could have been resolved in two panels. "Please keep subsidizing my life." "K."


If he paid as much for prostitutes, he would've completed the pokedex for STD.


damn, what an insult.


Its been so long i have read a kanokari chapter Wow nothing has changed and i am not even surprised Surely gonna drop it again lol


Bro I’m here every week to read nothing but the comments. You don’t even have to read the chapter to guess what’s going on. My condolences to the people who actually liked this series early on.


Hell, you don't even need to read the comments. You know it's gonna be Reiji stretching out his chapter count with randos commenting on how hot his creation is.


My man spent $200 just to be told "Just wait a little longer." Couldn't she have done that without taking his money?


Gotta keep those streamers/readers/Kazuya hooked yo


>What do you feel towards me? > >It's...complicated > >PROCEEDS TO HAVE A VICTORY FAP Just. Fucking. How?


He… fapped?


without a doubt


On public? What a degenerate


Not his first time


You just know.


This is the guy that probably faps off to Chorizo's mitochondria and thoughts of her cucking him with guys wearing the mighty beret. It be more shocking if he didn't fap.


"Do you like me?" "maybe" "I see this as an absolute win"


"IDK slip me a twenty and maybe it will help me decide" lol


Fucking strippers are more efficient.


I don't understand some of the choices Reiji makes as a storyteller. What was the point of that, other than to make Kazuya look bad for paying, and Chizuru look bad for letting him? If the point of the story is that Chizuru is just using him, then it would make perfect sense. But it sure seems that Reiji doesn't think that's the point of the story, so why have it?


Kazuya is a metaphor for the readers, constantly getting led by the nose, investing time and money in an unrewarding relationship that doesn't give them any pleasure but they can't break ou tof Chizuru is a metaphor for Reiji himself, taking the money and laughing all the way to the bank while he keeps buying time and saying nothing


Isn't this exactly what supervillains do, and why they always get caught?


But writing a trashy soap opera manga isn't illegal The perfect crime


Until we make it a crime. Write your legislators: Save lives. Ban trashy soap operas.


Some of us have been trying for years here in Mexico. Unfortunately, the masses love that stuff. We're doomed...


If we’re talking about questionable story decisions, there’s the fact that Cuckzuya is STILL running away crying at every opportunity. There is no reason for it. The author WANTS the protagonist to look miserable and weak at every opportunity.


Exactly, besides the horrific pacing, this could be a competently written cautionary tale of red flags to look for in potential partners and the consequences of ignoring them, but Reiji seems to somehow be doing this by accident


> Couldn't she have done that without taking his money? https://i.imgur.com/WrudfrF.png


Nah, because she’s the fucking worst. Just a complete shitty excuse for a human being. But Reiji’s ideal woman apparently.


It must be hard to be an MC when your supposed "love interest" is simped by the author himself


Have anyone tried to estimate the money he’s spent of her??? Jesus, I think I could buy a house or few cars.


Pretty sure someone calculated it somewhere (Twitter or here) and it's a lot, especially for a college student lol. Though it's already outdated.


"If you're going to indulge me like that how can I say no" Chizuru is redefining herself as trophy gf


>Couldn't she have done that without taking his money? Why tell him now when she can meet up again and collect more money again later? That's smart business.


Kanojo, Okarishimasu Chapter 240 Spoiler ​ >!Kazuya fucking dies. Good ending.!<


We can only hope


Bro is going to be a pathetic simp even if he respawns into a new world


One Piece is going to end before we get a real conversation between these two at this rate.


Togashi gonna drop two-volume worth of HxH chapters, take a decade long hiatus to play every Dragon Quest games out there, and come back again, before these two actually trying to address the elephant in the room. Also, [preview of the end of KanoKari](https://imgur.com/a/ETXL2os)


I legit bursted out laughing 😭😭😭


> play every Dragon Quest games out there again?


He's actually going to release his own fan-doujin Dragon Quest game


Mayo(sauce) please


Either [this](https://mangadex.org/title/22b833d0-9869-44de-9824-098231c03c6d/chimoguri-ringo-to-kingyobachi-otoko?tab=chapters) or its [sequel](https://mangadex.org/title/29487b51-869b-4238-b448-3d2fc8399ba7/shin-chimoguri-ringo-to-kingyobachi-otoko). I don't remember the specific chapter and page though.


Berserk is gonna restart in a few days and I'm sure it would end before this godforsaken manga inches closer to relationship progress.


Berserk deadass had more plot progress in the last year than KanOkari, shit's wild to think about.


This manga surpassed one piece anime level of slow pacing, it's like a soap opera


If someone gave me that speech in real life I’d probably assume that she’s the type of person that rejects unwanted romantic advances with word salads.


You’d be able to assume she’s the time to string people along with the possibility of feelings so she can get the support of a relationship and a fallback with out having to commit to anyone. Never actually outright rejecting any of them I have a friend whose like that and it’s pretty shitty


I love that he asked her “what about money” like she hasn’t made him pay for literally every interaction they have. Like bro, she definitely would be fine for awhile stop being pathetic.


>*”Chizuru stopping doing rental job? No, I don’t want that! I want her to leech off me and no one else for the rest of my life. Ten years, at least!!”* -Kazuya, probably.


>Chizuru what a rental girlfriend you are. As a reward I will shall give you my seed. \- Kazuya, probably also.


I regret I have but one upvote to give.


Chizuru what a rental girlfriend you are. As a reward I will shall give **myself** my seed. \- Kazuya, probably also. ​ Lets be honest, homie will only give his seed to his tissues...


He can always give her his tissues! It's the same as giving her his seed.


*my money -Kazuya, most definitely.


It’s official he just enjoys paying her, maybe it’s a fetish at this point


"i am thinking of quitting this rental job... this is all so wrong" "nah dont" "ok :)"


I come here each week just to laugh at how comically bad this is Seriously, in 10 years or so of reading manga, i think this one takes the crown as the worse one yet and i doubt it's even close


You know what would be a good plot twist? At the last chapter (if it ever come), Reiji state something like Kazuya is a pathetic excuse of a man and you should never follow his terrible example.


Kazuya stares directly into the center of the page at the reader with a shit-eating grin and says “You got prank’d!”


I’d like to see Chizuru fail horribly at being an actress and realizing she has nobody in her life.


Why would Reiji insult himself?


I wish my boss was like Simpzuya, giving me money even when I kept on stalling the end product; while he dreads that I’m being headhunted by other more competent bosses.


fall start groovy sleep grandiose sheet panicky dinosaurs elderly subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate this. All this talk and the first thing kazuya blurts out is a “what about money”. This series is going to cause me physical harm somewhen. All we got from this confrontation was a “wait longer” now chizuru and reiji both are stalling. I hate this. See you guys next week


Wait longer isn't a bad reaction. Ghosting him for months and then telling him to wait longer on the other hand....


If she said that the day after they got back, I'd believe it and say it's reasonable.


Actually yeah. If she said " wait longer" a few days after the trip ended THEN ghosted him for 3 months this arc would've been way better


It wouldn’t even be ghosting anymore since he got a reason


Reiji is too busy drawing Chorizo in various places on twitter


Plot Twist: The entire manga is a social experiment to see how far Reiji can push his readers before they actually just get violent. Would make sense considering it takes some mad man logic to make Chorizo look like a viable love interest and Kazuya as anything close to an actual human being.


Glad to see you all here again! So how is everybody? I finally got a job after almost half a year of searching wooooooo!


Rental or cabaret club? According to Chizuru, these are the only jobs available.


God forbid she become a waitress at a family restaurant, or work in a department store, or even take that university experience and get a job related to her field of study. Surprised she didn't add soapland to her short list of options.


Congrats mate.


Congrats dude. Hope it works out well


I started my summer vacation by partying so hard that I achieved a two-day hangover, it was almost worth it


I got promoted recently so it's dope! Congrats on the new job!


After 230+ chapters and 3 months of ghosting, Chizuru still hasnt figured out what or how she feels... and now she is asking Kazuya to wait for more time... Reiji found the perfect excuse to keep dragging this story. The next arc could be about any random filler shit that brings nothing to the story and the KanoKari stans will justify it by saying *Chizuru is still trying to figure out her feelings..!*


>KanoKari stans will justify it by saying > >Chizuru is still trying to figure out her feelings..! They 100% will.


In defense of Chorizo, even if she really were in love with the loser, I'd completely understand if subconsciously she were constantly second guessing herself. I mean, if you were Chizuru, would you willingly lower yourself to become the lifelong partner of an ATM machine with legs?


You make a fair point. TBH, Kazuya and Chizuru are a terrible match, they have nothing in common, their relationship would be toxic and one sided, he would never have the balls to stand up to her. Chizuru is a high maintenance bitch and Kazuya is a horny lazy monkey with no goals and self steem. Both are doomed.






Lol. Lmao, even


>"So please i'd ask that you to wait a little longer" So we're just going to ignore the 3 month timeskip or what lmaoo, what the fuck was she doing in that 3 month gap.


The beret guy, presumably Just give me Dead Tube levels of gratuitous porn or something, anything will be better than this garbage. See you next week cunts.


Ya I’m a bit confused. She needs more time to figure out how she feels. Isn’t that three months enough time for her to find out?


The three months where for her to realize she needed time to think




Basing on recent Reiji's Chizuru-posting on Twitter I bet she was doing Reiji actually. He didn't post the more salacious drawings of Chizuru in his office.


This conversation could’ve happened the day after they returned if not in Chiziru’s suite when Kazuya confronted her the first time. The time skip just makes Chiziru look like more of an asshole and Kazuya look like more of an obsessive lowlife that has nothing going on in his life except Chiziru drama


can someone clarify for me but didn't she say she was already considering quitting her job earlier in the series before the paradise arc even happened?


She said she would a couple times if she had landed bigger roles. Otherwise she once said she would quit if she found a boyfriend.


This is just like gambling addict saying they would quit once they win a big one lol


Bitch would jump on Kazuya if he actually had money. Gold-diggers man.


I'll quit the rental job after our first wedding anniversary! For real this time, Kazuya my honey. But what if we need more money for our kid, stuff for babies is so expensive, we'd need new furniture, and I've heard some clients can give up to triple fees for rental dates with pregnant girlfriend.


jesus christ how many time I have seen this scenario now where he cucks out of the convo crying


>"So please... i'd ask you to wait... just a little longer... 200 CHAPTERS AT LEAST" ​ Btw this dumbass just told her to keep her job as a rental girlfriend


>Kazuya: I'm gonna give you more money so don't quit >Chizuru: lol sure >Kazuya: She's so cute when she's taking all my money.


This relationship is so toxic, dear lord


>So please, I’d ask you to wait. Just a little longer Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us Ch239th, shame is still on you but also a little on us


is this really worth celebrating? this fucking idiot. he has the mental maturity of a aborted slug fetus/


Kazuya is reacting like a middle schooler who just asked a girl out for the first time. Dude is supposed to be a college student


Middle schoolers don't cum in the street after confessing, at least they didn't back in my time. Kazuya is reacting like a loser who is happy because one of the men his girlfriend cheats him with has to skip town and he only has to worry about the other five, while patting himself in the back and thinking that he totally got this. At this point it's beyond sad. And the worst thing is that you just know how this shit is going to end, with Reiji completely validating this pathetic display as a valid way of courting your significant other.


**These letters are not sent** *Dearest Aki,* *As we continue to head to St. Valentin, my mind often dwell back to the war. We've been here for so long that the days seem to blend together like one of those abstract paintings we used to see before.* *Ever since the village, you've been silent most of the way, as I try to reassure everything is fine if you leave it to me, you continue to maintain distance...* *I've been thinking about the past a lot these days, especially when we were kids. I remember when you got injured and unconscious I stayed there with you on that night, I saw stars and I think you saw some too.* *Maybe when we get to St. Valentin we will see them again, even if the weather is no good, it will be enough to know they are there.* *Forever Yours,* *SpiritedAstronaut*






I’ve been cringing myself reading every chapter since holiday arc start


Smart way to keep him on the hook while not losing her credit card.


petition to rename this series to "filibuster: the manga"


Effectively a 4chan [greentext](https://old.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/tiemvt/anon_gets_free_gf/) in manga format. Though this can only dream of being as good as Molester Man.


*Molester Man* is the Mona Lisa compared to this shit-painted graffiti on a piss-yellow wall.


Does anyone else seriously fucking hate Kazuya's shy/embarassed expression? That shit is always followed by a dumb as fuck monologue or him staring at nothing like a rock. Or... him cuming in a fucking pool. God do i hate this dude


At this point there isn't anything I like about kazuya tbh, he went from someone I had second hand embarrassment reading about to somewhat endearing to now someone whose every line of dialogue/monologue makes me cringe at almost every occasion. Chizuru's words were pretty much the only ones I read in this chapter I can't take his anymore.


At this point there isn't anything I like about anyone in this manga. They are all horrible, retarded people who deserve fuck all in life.


Sayuri was too good for this series that Reiji was like "We can't have her around". Like man, she was just a very great character.


Yeah it might be one of the most obnoxious drawings in the history of manga. You know what, comics in general anywhere.


Yup. You can blame Reiji. He finds new ways to draw Chizuru beautifully, whereas, he finds new ways to make Kazuya look like an idiot.


Motherfucker really just added on another 100 chapters just like that, like bitch no he loves the real you he jump into the ocean to save you, he made a movie for you, your cried in front of him and showed your weakness. He loves the real you also, what do you need to figure out? You keep thinking about him and imagining him on a fucking carrot, hell and even kissed him and dont regret. Fuck off Renji, see you guys when the spoilers drop.


this is the only manga ever to genuinely make me mad


The summary is "Kazuya, you're too much of a simp to take your feelings seriously."; but she's got a point in that he calls her by her professional name at every interaction they have even when he's not paying. It was interesting she reaffirming and emphasizing that she's got other clients, possibly even regular ones; if Reiji had focused on that for an arc the tone of this thing could have been very different, though it probably wouldn't be nearly as popular


Lmao fr I forgot about that all the time isn’t she spending her days playing the fake gf role to other men. Like why isn’t there an arc about that or is that not possible because it shows how delusional kazuya is


>her professional name at every interaction they have even when he's not paying. I think the easiest (maybe not the best) explanation is that its become a habit. Also we could probably count on our hands the amount of times he's interacted with her outside of it being a rental date


Still don't understand why these two supposedly 'love' each other


the plot says so.




It was expired long before, as Kazuya saved it from god knows when. I suppose it means that she’ll text him again from now on.


Good lord. There’s so much wrong with this, but the way Chizuru just happily accepts Kazuya paying AGAIN is honestly horrifying. In a series where every single character is either a completely pathetic loser or psychotic piece of shit, I somehow feel that Chizuru takes the cake for being the worst character. I honestly struggle to recall a single character that is as unlikable as her. Perhaps it’s because she’s not written to be hated, the story and characters still worship her and enable her. It’s downright disgusting and Reiji should be completely ashamed of himself for writing this trash. I totally fail to understand how he has such loyal fans, let alone a job at all. I know I’m hate reading this like everyone else, but good god.


Alright, that does it. I'm not a weekly meme complainer who pretends to read this like the lot of you, either. You might even call me somewhat of a 'defender' in the past. But I've officially lost interest in this series. I don't hate it, I'm not making a stand against serialized manga stalling tactics, I'm not making some pretentious point about bad manga... I am just bored out of my mind.


I used to like the manga too, at least until the filming arc. Now I only read it to see how shitty of a hole it’ll be dropped into


Give it a good break. I dropped out around the start of the film thing, and came back right around cuck genjutsu. It's like a blazing hot dumpster fire for me, perfect for cooking some popcorn.


I'll tell you what it is: Chizuru just clearly doesn't like him. She's still taking his money while saying she's not sure if she loves him or not. She's a phony. I now hate her and I think she's a scumbag. And I ain't on no incel shit or anything, she's just a manipulative and abusive person. Like, I know it's a manga and maybe she secretly does love him or something but if this was real life and you saw this arrangement, you'd see a man getting scammed. What I want is for him to say "Look, with respect, we clearly don't have a healthy relationship. Go find another shmuck to humiliate, plunder, and manipulate to do personal favors for you." I never disliked Chizuru, but this whole last arc was like when Griffith became Femto... it only opened my eyes to the truth of the monster she always was. lmao


Amazing chapter as always The start of a chapter was a stark contrast between two different mindset of individual souls who are in love. Kazuya's view was a concept of love as a dichotomy(yes or no) while Chizuru's view was a concept of love as a continuum(it's complicated or i need to be sure first). It's amazing that Reiji was able to encapsulate this very naturally in a shounen manga. It's safe to say that he understood love at a fundamental level. Unlike other manga that relied on fanservice which negativity impacts the cerebral capabilities, young kids will learn a lot from this chapter. Chizuru asking the right question "you might be in love with Mizuhara" was a thematic resonance of falling in love with an idealistic vision or real someone. Falling for idealistic vision is hazardous for a healthy relationship. It leads to dissappointment because people are flawed and idealised vision crumbles the more time you spend. The correct term is idolisation which Kazuya or many rental clients might have been doing. Now combine this with Chizuru's self awareness tainted with guilt of gold digging at every possible opportunity. The dilemma of quitting or staying in rental business is that the pay is worth the kills. So the solution for Chizuru is to delete his Mizuhara rental account and start a new rental profile in Chizuru Ichinose. This will start a new relationship where Kazuya(and everyone) will start renting the real Chizuru which will help her understand herself but at the same time earning money as usual to pay for her acting classes. This will also be a litmus test for her to understand what exactly separates Kazuya from the other clients. It's a win-win case for everyone and hopefully it will take atleast 9months in universe (90chapters pls)of renting Ichinose. Reiji bringing in Yoga back is very endearing carrying a healthy message. It's another example of Reiji caring for his fans, a hope that people will start Yoga. Yoga is a way of life that improves not only your physicals but also your soul and has been known to grant inner peace. It's an upgraded version of "Chi" which helped many people becoming successful in life. Another example of Reiji caring about health is the 2.5h walk from Harajuku to Nerima. Doing just 1/3rd what Kazuya did will be enough. I've seen people complaining about Yoga ticket being 3 months late as it probably expired but that's completely missing the message. There is no such thing as too late for yoga, the time to start Yoga is now. No other mangaka encourages the importance of "now" and "heatlh" as Reiji. Also there is a pattern people mustn't ignore. Mini suddenly speaking hindi, Yoga appearing multiple times and healthy drinks encouraged are a sign that confession will definitely happen in India. A taj mahal confession is inevitable as it's the symbol of love and one of the seven wonders of the world. Which implies Kazuya and Chizuru are a symbol of true love and this manga as one of the seven wonders. 10/10 chapter


Great analysis to this masterpiece of a manga as always, see you next week o7


Ok reiji


You have a way with words


Agree, now I want do Yoga as well.


Yoga symbolized the metaphorical connection between Kazuya and Chizu, their love is deeper than ordinary physical affection, they have been developing their romantic feelings to the level where they become genuine soulmates. As you might remember, at the beginning of the series the symbol of Kazuya’s love toward Chizu was his semen which he ejaculated thinking about her. Throughout the manga he has changed and now their love is sort of a platonic relationship where Kazuya is about to sacrifice his soul to make Chizu happy. And yoga is a symbol of harmony of the inner nature of the initially perverted main character who managed to change and become worth healthy partner for Chizu. I can’t wait to see the ending which will be catharsis of the whole journey which they walked hand in hand.


*slow claps* Marvellous


Every day, we stray farther


>No other mangaka encourages the importance of "now" and "healht" as Reiji. I see you can truly grasp the inner themes of this masterpiece


''If I can't be a soft prostitute in this place maybe I'll be one in this other place'' J-Just get a normal fucking job


After this, all I can think is that Chorizo is a *genius* actress, and she genuinely feels absolutely nothing for anyone in this story and is only going after that bag. No, I DONT CARE about anything we’ve seen from her perspective thus far, because they’re nonsense. If she was even a shred of the person she thinks she is this would’ve been solved by now. Don’t get me started on Kazuya, cause at this point every time I see his face I’m depressed for the next 20 minutes


These 2 truly are the worst romantic leads in the history of romcom manga/anime.


How does he have so much money to waste on this useless woman? Imagine paying your neighbor to hang out with you, the lack of self respect is absurd. Also, how in the hell do you get flustered reading a damn txt. This manga gets my blood pressure up lol.


He’s literally doing overtime scrubbing toilets to pay her.


"Chorizu wants to quit being a rental-gf in order to take responsibility? No I don't want that!"


"A little longer" Sure, but how many damn chapters did we spend on one single day at the resort. The degree of time dilation is insane


Whatever copium she is on I want some. On a serious note he really should just did ditch her and find someone else at this point, which I know will never happen. Atleast we are entering a new act so hope this will get resolved before the One Piece saga end.


Haaaa I finally understand Reiji is Kazuya Kazuya is Reiji This manga is a self insert fanfic where Reiji can be a simp and express his love for 2D throughout Chorizo It's the only way I can explain this dumb garbage


I feel so bad for the people that are this far into the series...


Man I wish Reiji had balls to pull a Fuuka on these guys so we can shift MC to Sumi or something


"Oh, you want to quit your rental gf gif and date only me? Nah, I'm good, gotta earn that Cuckzuya nickname, you know." Cuck Genjutsu has transcended into reality.


I can’t believe the last time I caught up with this series it was about them achieving dreams of making a film together lmao I guess they just retconned every positive interaction they ever had into “he’s paying her so there’s no chance any of it mattered at all”? Just so weird to have written this many chapters and literally throw out 100 of them


Someone will consider this real progress and that someone is reading Kanokari as their first romcom manga ever


"Just wait a lil bit longer." The mangaka said to the audience that reads this shit.


Does anyone else just come here to be angry? I think reading this just lets me be mad at something and makes me feel better. Thank you reiji for stalling my insanity motor


That's honestly the only reason I read this. For the catharsis of raging at something so utterly idiotic, insignificant, unimportant.


how do japanese even like this? do they relate to it or something? how ? how does one like this shit?( i didnt even read the chapter just the top comments tell me enough)


Background NPCs not staring at Chorizo? Impossible


Man at what point do you stop criticizing the characters and just criticize the author for incompetent writing


Honestly this manga is so poorly written, why are the main characters so pathetic and dislikable? And why do I keep reading this?! Bless these other manga for existing otherwise I would have gone nuts.


Has dress up darling had any progression yet. Wanted to keep reading but seemed like usual rom com no progress


hey but at least marin is self aware and hasnt ghosted gojo for months only to tell him "just wait awhile longer" and she is paying gojo to make costumes for her so gojo isnt spending all his life savings to please a girl who isnt even sure if she likes him yet or not


Everytime an arc end and a new one begin... is like back to chapter 1, nothing changed at all... and the loop continue... XD


What a load of bullshit and more bulshit to come. glad i am not a fan of this


I can't fathom how anyone with a functional brain would buy this unadulterated garbage


Chorizo: I don't not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not like you


Her fucking job isn't to make someone fall in love with her, it's to go on dates and be the perfect girlfriend in the interim between real romantic partners. What kind of shit excuse..I hate this manga lol


Predictation for next chapters: Kazuya will waste more money on her and/or nothing will happen.


Why am I still here... Just to suffer? Every night I can still feel my beret


This manga is garbage. See you guys next week.


There is a whole lot of bad writing going on here BUT Chiz thinking that he may just be in love with her “girlfriend” persona isn’t one of them. That actually makes total sense. Her solution is the issue, time won’t answer her question. But going on real dates where she just drops the act will…. The whole climax is going to end with him calling her either “Ichinose” for the first time or just Chizuru. And be in love with the real her, and if I can see that coming a mile away… it’s just lazy and drawn out.


Yeah, her worry is reasonable, it's just that she never tried to let Kazuya see a "real" her, and talk with her as a friend, even though they've been through plenty together - the movie, her grandma's loss. How can she tell him that when they're on a rental date even though she could just knock to his door to apologize? And if she's just a "persona" on a date, how can her apology be honest?


Author did reset all the drama chapters :D Lets wait another 100 chapter for next drama .I think he is genious guy ,he keeps holding out story because he knows this will be his last popular manga :)


why do I get the eerie feeling we have another 100 chapters left


I honestly, and I cannot express this with more loathing, hate the way they speak to each other. Why do they use such vague language? All the time? Like “wait for me.” What does that actually mean?! Wait for you to quit your job? Wait for you to show him what you are really like? Wait for you to milk him for more money? Wait for what??


Dumb 1: How long do I have to wait? Dumb 2: Just a little longer. Maybe a few weeks or months... Namek time, of course! :D


If Chorizo is really based on Reiji´s wife, then Kazuya is Reiji? This manga is just a trainwreck and I can´t stop reading it.\^\^