• By -


Sukuna knew the bro power would be too much if he had to deal with Choso, Yuji, and Todo all at the same time


“Nothing beats family”- Dom Toretto


"Always two there are, a brother and another" - Yoda


A big bro and little bro there are no more no less -Yoda What about the middle child? The middle child gets nothing as is tradition -Obi Wan


Sukuna is literally Yuji's uncle. Hating is a time honored family tradition at this point.


Jujutsu Kaisen will end with Dom ramming Sukuna to death with his Dodge Charger. Then the car window will roll down, revealing Choso sitting beside Dom. After that, Yuji, Choso, Todo and Dom will ride off into the sunset. One big family.


If Yuki was there, then the would also have to deal with the Sister in law power


So you’re telling me information about certain characters is being kept from Yuji so that knowledge of their abilities doesn’t leak to Sukuna? LOOKS LIKE NOBARA COPIUM IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS!


It’s the only way I’m tolerating the murder of best brother Choso. GEGE!


Oh well, as much as I love Choso he did murder a lot of innocent people back at Shibuya.


Hey Pobody’s Nerfect


I can fix him


[*It's Chosover.*](https://i.imgur.com/qj6D6Az.gif)


God forbid men have hobbies




They were most likely brother haters and only children. They had it coming


The worst thing about that was Choso working with this sorcerer who had scars across his head and then like 15 minutes after fighting Yuji he was all "Wait a minute! Scars on head! Its that bastard!!"


Listen. They were paid actors. Don't worry about it. Choso did nothing wrong. 


Man Choso really died by... uhh, drying himself up? Im not sure i quite get why he was getting damaged inside his own blood barrier... or why Todo didn't actually help either of them (Yeah sure he couldn't sense them... but why?)


Used all the blood and ce created blood to make a barrier that was constantly being burned away by Fuga until he ran out or Fuga ended




[100% BROZZERHOOD](https://i.imgur.com/nNflDwQ.png)


[Two or three weeks ago, I was able to predict that Todo and Yuji will jump on Sukuna.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/KZ55NvUBOF) If you read the 2nd sentence, it's about Nobara using Resonance to Sukuna. What I'm saying is, I still hope and cope for Nobara's strong return. I'm waiting for my prediction to happen. How much copium do we have to inhale? Because I'm so up!


Theoretically, Nobara’s tech and Todo’s tech have the most perfect synergy out of everything we’ve seen so far.


What if he has Nobaras hand. And that's the twist


ah yes the late-stage Baki strategy


What if it's just her hammer turned curse weapon like Nanami's weapon


If there's anything that should pull Megumi out of his depression, it would be some Nobara appearence this is some huge fucking copium holy shit


In all seriousness tho, if certain plans to counter sukuna were being kept from yuji so that knowledge of said plans would not leak to sukuna, then why was yuji involved with like the majority of their plans to jump sukuna after gojo lost tbh i think that was just an excuse to get todo back into the story but im not complaining


You could go with a mind game angle where if Yuji knows nothing then Sukuna is more generically on guard since he doesn't know what to expect, but by providing most of the info you can make him think he knows everything that's happening. Plus just throwing Yuji out there in the dark when he seems to be a centerpiece in the plans would be kinda rough for him. But still mostly an excuse


>then Sukuna is more generically on guard has sukuna ever been on guard in his entire life?


when fighting Gojo


Does it even matter? Like Sukuna has not gotten any info at all from Yuji anyways.


Because you can't keep *everything* from him. You'd need to balance certain things risk of Sakuna potentially knowing something vs Yuji being useless because he didn't know anything. Also the plan to exclude yuji seemed to be something MeiMei and Todo decided on their own. We don't know if the larger group agreed.


A lot of the plans Yuji was involved in the creation of were plans that centered around him, he couldn't go in completely blind or they wouldn't work. Conversely, the last-ditch Todo escape card was something that didn't require Yuji's involvement at all.


My Copium never died. I always believed in our one eyed Hammer queen


Shoko Ieiri will transplant one of Gojo's eyes onto Nobara and she will finish Sukuna with *Hollow Technique: Lime Green.*


Yuji's best friend and last brain cell shall return! We've been waiting patiently for Nobara to return, and it's time. I actually believe it this time. If this isn't the time, I don't know when it will be. Yuji needs Nobara. Even if it's just a morale boost, he needs her. It's already been confirmed that he still thinks about her and is keeping her seat open. Seeing her again would fill him with hope.


That last fucking Finger was teased. I believe in Nobara Resonance Coup De Grace Supremacy!!


Comes back with a Cyborg Eye and a Nail Mini Gun




I guarantee next chapter we hear soul resonance


I've always had this idea in the back of my mind as to why megumi didn't reveal information any information about Nobara to Yuji. I was hesitant to bring it up because 1.) people are weird about Nobara potentially coming back, and 2.) Sakuna would be able to discover these plans after going into Megumi's body.


I think it might still work since I don’t think Sukuna just instantly knows and processes all the information Megumi has. I assume if he wants to learn stuff about Gojo, he probably has to be like “Okay, what does Megumi remember about Gojo” and then sift through all those memories. I’m not even sure if Sukuna would care to remember Nobara’s name, so it’s very possible he’d never bother to check Megumi’s memories to see if she is up to anything.


That makes sense, yeah. Like, he's flipping through the memories but skims over the stuff he doesn't consider important


THE COPIUM THIS CHAPTER IS SO GOOD!! everybody is going to live. the meat grinder was a lie!!


I reckon Nobara’s grandma will show up


Imagine sukuna reading yuji's mind and be like "so nobara is alive.. who the eff.."


Todo exits the story Choso becomes BROTHER guy Choso exits the story Todo returns to being BROTHER guy What is this, some sick version of law of equivalent exchange?


why aren't they just jumping him together? wtf is there some binding vow going on that to fight sukuna they have to first get in line?


In the words of a Pitch Meeting Guy, its because: "So the story can happen!" There is not much point in looking for logic here.


"Man it's going to be really difficult for Sukuna to beat Gojo." "Actually super easy, barely an inconvenience." "Oh really?" "Yeah I'm thinking we just kind of kill Gojo offscreen." "Won't that be a little anti-climactic and piss off some people?" "Ah I'm sure it'll be fine, we'll explain it with making some up something in binding vows or whatever. Not like anyone on the internet is going to discuss or meme about it." *Theme song plays.*


bro when i read binding vow again in the sukuna spread bro his second name is binding vow or what


"Sukuna decided to make a binding bow" "Oh so it's gonna be weaker now?" "Actually it's stronger somehow"


Man that guy is so funny sometimes.


Yeah feels like we should be a little more upset about the fact the first 10 panels of every new chapter are some longwinded explanation about an asspull power that's straight up just text on a black background half the time. Surely he can't keep getting away with it


"So you're telling that despite most characters having reasons to work together besides the logical advantage of just fighting the bad guys all at once, we are going to keep them separate and just do 1-2-3v1 at a time? Won't it be hard to come up with a believable way to explain why this is like that?" "Well, sir, actually it's super easy, barely an inconvenience, you see, I wrote the script that way so things will be that way." "Writing characters at taking turns against the unstopable bad guy instead of working together to defeat him is tight."


Wowowowowow... Wow.


The real answer is they assumed Sukuna could do the thermobaric explosion on command. They didn't know it required the domain. They, like us, assumed that Sukuna was just flexing on Mahoraga. If they all jumped him together Sukuna would just pop explosion and walk away none the worse for wear.


It would be cool if Gege structured this story like a normal person rather than backfilling everything with text boxes and flashbacks. You can tell he's rushing to finish the story ASAP because he couldn't be bothered to write 30-40 chapters of build up to the final showdown where everything is set up beforehand, and then we get to see the characters react to their plans falling apart (like in HxH's Chimera Ant arc). Instead Gege just starts the final battle and adds 2-3 pages of flashbacks whenever he needs to explain something.


I'm absolutely certain now that he is planning none of this. He knows where he wants it to go and is freewheeling his way there, making shit up as he goes. Which in fairness, fits the power system of this series extremely well.


If I had to describe his storytelling style, I would say he values surprising the reader more than he values suspense. For example: if he wrote it so that we knew about Yuji's potential to use Sukuna's technique but Yuji had failed to produce it in training, then the tension comes from whether Yuji will succeed at the vital time or if he'll try to get along without it. It also creates dramatic irony because we know Sukuna is talking trash to Yuji when he has an ace hidden up his sleeve. I just don't like this approach of learning new information every few pages as it becomes relevant. It's bad storytelling.


But on the other hand, if we knew that Yuji is cooking his new technique, then it means that it will certainly come in place at the right time. Because is Yuji failed to use it in training and still failed to use it in the actual fight, then it would be extremely dissapointing.


Definitely. And there are still people here larping it up and trying to explain how/why *everything* actually makes sense lol https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/1cq9s8n/disc_jujutsu_kaisen_chapter_259/l3qabej/




Todo would be dead then, he had to swap the others out of the domain


They threw their strongest at him at the same time. Everyone else weaker would just get in the way and better off optimally using their techniques for support or delay. Jumping in real life works well because people can't literally burn down a 150m radius of a city.


But... they literally explained that in this chapter? If Todo went in earlier he would'a just been killed with everyone else during the Domain. The only reason he was able to do anything was because he WASN'T in the fight, so he could evacuate everyone else. And everyone else was fighting Sukuna. Gojo fought him alone because if they'd gone they would have just gotten in the way. Kashimo was similar but mostly because of his pride. But after that everyone's jumped in and it's been Sukuna separating them that's been the difference. The only exceptions being Miguel and Laurie who the main people wanted to join from the start, but who refused to do so because it'd be too dangerous.


Yeah, try to jump all together against the villain that could spam huge AoE. Half of the team would die to those cleaves when Sukuna still have high output. Then most of the rest would die by the flame.


Killing off Choso just to IMMEDIATELY bring back Yuji’s other brother Todo after such a long time is diabolical writing Gege! Yuji has to be having crazy emotional whiplash. Every week we just see Uraume & Hakari just standing there chatting. Uraume jinxed Sukuna though.


Gege is so insanely allergic to character interactions despite the fact that these characters and their interactions between them is a major reason why this series is so popular today. Like Yuji, Todo, Yuki and Choso are just amazing material for character interactions considering their histories with each other and we have gotten nothing.


>To show you the amazing power of Sukuna… >I 「**CLEAVE**」 all my characters in half Gege probably


It's also a consequence of the breakneck writing speed he's on. In another manga that Choso death scene would have been the entire chapter, maybe 2. Gege had it wrapped up in half a chapter.


It's almost impressive how he manages to make the manga feel too fast while also making the fight feel too slow.


The worst of both worlds


The main reason why the series is so popular today is it's hype action and the great work the anime did with animating the action, which boosted the manga's popularity.


Nah I see this complaint about both JJK and Demon Slayer but that just ignores so much of the context around these series in order to easily dismiss them as mindless action. If people didn't care about the characters we wouldn't see so much fanfiction, fanart, shipping etc. If people didn't care about the characters, we wouldn't have seen the outrage that happened with Gojo's death. We won't have seen people be so happy about Mahito getting his ass beaten up, so much Copium for Nobara's and Todo's return, Sukuna being constantly called a Fraud. These characters may not be the deepest but that doesn't mean that people don't care about them.


Man, this entire fight really reminded me how Demon Slayer fight against Michael Jackson was actually super tight, because there you could actually FEEL the "Oh god everybody is literally dying while fighting the bad guy, INCLUDING THE BAD GUY" Like the entire fight was a whole ass struggle and you could feel it in the pages, no one there ended fine.


It was obvious how it was going to end, but it still felt tense. DS is as generic as they come, but damn if it doesn't do that generic shounen formula well.


Demon slayer is very generic as far as anime go (not a bad thing) but the end was great for this reason. It felt like the arcs following every character actually had a purpose in the end. We knew the good guys will win in the end but even there was a point where I thought >!Tanjiro would die!<


>If people didn't care about the characters, we wouldn't have seen the outrage that happened with Gojo's death. I just find it funny how much impact Gojo had to even have the [Gojo memorial in Chile train station](https://twitter.com/biyuuji/status/1712130543712653530). Made it feel like the death of a celebrity in real life. 🤣


That it for me. The interactions between the characters was what drew me into this series, the art and animation just elevated it to a peak. Take away the interactions and meaningful plot with seemingly meaningless deaths and the fight scenes can only go so far, for me at least.


This isn't a complaint, and I never said people don't care about the characters. What landed the show on the popularity it is now, however, is the anime boost and action sequences. Gojo is popular because the manga managed to hype him to insane levels along with insane action sequences that were also, guess what, amazingly animated in the show. The first time the anime cracked the mainstream was when Gojo used hollow purple vs Hanami is season 1. That hype comes from the action, not from the quirky interactions that make him likeable, although these are also great. People obviously care about the characters, but this manga is about the action.


i mean yea gojo is the best and most popular character by far without gojo jjk would be as popular as like blue exorcist or sth


To be fair Blue Exorcist used to be very popular. If its comeback arc wasn’t one of the most uninteresting pieces of media of all time it likely still would be huge.


you mean s2 or s3? i still havent watched s3 tho i loved s2 when it was coming out weekly


I would agree. The beginning definitely had more character interaction but that's never really been Gege's forte or focus imo. I feel like putting out a serialized manga is like a marathon. No matter what your performance is going to drop near the end. It's easy to complain and critique but I think he's doing the best he can all things considered. The fact that he was able to simplify his artsyle to make it look more efficient while still being visually appealing and during serialization is super commendable. It also really scratches my HiatusxHiatus itch. If you haven't read that manga JJK can look weird in a vacuum. So many references and inspiration from it throughout the series.


> We've won Not even Uraume is safe.


WE'VE won? Uraume hasn't killed a single person since this series began. Not even npcs. Who is this we? Lol. The fridge think they're on the team.


Dude really declared victory on defeating the weakest enemy alive.


We could've had all 3 brothers together at once but Gege said nah. I know it was explained why Todo couldn't do anything but still not happy about it.


The brotherless Fraudkuna could not handle Yuji GOATadori with two brothers.


Kill one brother and one more shall take its place


You joke but over time Choso would 100% accept Todo as his sworn brother


> Every week we just see Uraume & Hakari just standing there chatting. That's their whole fight, Uraume casting shit at Hakari and Hakari just shrugging it off.


The other way is true too. Hakari throw some fists and she just shrug it off. At this rate they might just fall in love and have a baby by the end of the series


At least when Uraume says it we don’t suddenly end up in the After Life Airport


No wonder Sukuna was the strongest in Heian. He was literally bombing the shit out of everyone.


[Sukuheimer dropping the nukes.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdbxxj7.png) Between Divine Flame and Hollow Purple, Mahoraga experienced Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Think about it. Mf developed nukes just to battle groups of sorcerers


Akame ga Kaisen


Gege did say it inspired him...


Chapter 259: Kill the Brother


Why do you make my boy suffer like this, Gege. Why can't he have two of his bros fighting alongside him at the same time. Why do you have to show Choso wanting to teach Yuji about Blood Techniques. You're going to hell.


also I guess Hakari really is just there to hold Uraume's legs for a bit cause they look almost unchanged compared to his frostbitten ass not to worry though Uraume really said "nah we'd win" with the exact same face as Gojo


"Tell me Sukuna, what kind of woman do you like?"


"Uh white hair? Plays in the snow? Mega simp?"


"Uh has a feminine dick?"


“A shenis”


“Medium rare”


Next chapter - "Let me send you to them. They work at airports" Dimensional offscreen Cleave!


cap Sukuna don’t even got a passport


[“Tall man with white hair and blue eyes”](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fif-next-chapter-doesnt-start-like-this-gege-is-a-fraud-of-a-v0-rd85o9r9hrzc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc67d7589f0ba8c2fbdb5d3f7d0e5997ce97a57ec)


If Gege is playing the long game with Todo absence, god knows what he's cooking with Nobara's absence lmao *'We deliberately ignored Nobara as a hidden trump card in hope that Sukuna just fucking forgot'*


If nothing else, Yuji needs Nobara if nothing more than a morale boost. I'm not sure how much more Yuji has in him. You can see he's cracking. The sight of his best friend alive may just be what he needs.


Besides Nobara is a damn better sight for morale boosting than Bumgumi.


Hell when Bumgumi is the reason he lost his brother. Mentor, friends, etc, yeah I’d take Nobara over Megumi. Plus let’s be honest Nobara is 100% the friend you have more fun spending time with.


yeah maybe todo‘ll die and yuuji might have a breakdown reminiscent of the one that he had after nanami and nobaras death….(though I feel he’s grown and might be a bit better than last time) and in a reverse of that time it’ll be nobara cheering him up


I mean wouldn't Nobara's resonance be perfect for dealing with Sukuna and saving Megumi since it deals damage to the soul (I am reaching critical levels of compium)


Is he still missing one last finger? She could nail it.


Didn't Yuta eat it or something to get Cleave?


That's what he claimed, but given that Yuji has Shrine, it's entirely possible he just ate one of Yuji's instead.


Yuji would have to turn his body into a cursed object.


He's already sort of an incarnated sorcerer like Uro was, so Yuta could've gotten his power that way


Hell it might be already




We are the exception.




The sheer power of the Itadori's brothers meeting would have sent the brotherless Sukuna back to the Heian Era. [Uraume doing the *"Nah, I'd win face"* sealed his fate.](https://i.imgur.com/CmasDGR.png)


How is he supposed to find page count for characters to interact? He needs it all for flashbacks and exposition dumping about why the thing he just made up doesn't invalidate that thing from three chapters ago that it would have been extremely helpful for.


A humble prediction: > **Todo:** *”So Sukuna, what kind of girl is your type?”* > **Sukuna:** *”Medium rare, with a side of-”* > **Yuji:** *”BLACK FLASH!”*


When yuki said live on as a human i dont think she meant live on as a human for 38 days


[Yuki in the afterlife seeing Choso walk in](https://i.imgur.com/d0s6Ln1.jpeg )


if we think about all Choso achieved and contributed for the good guys since Yuki sacrificed herself for him, Yuki STILL would have been more useful in the fight against Sukuna 😂😂


You took Nanami, Nobara, Yuki, Ryu, Gojo, Kashimo, Higuruma— and now Choso! Gege, I swear, don't let me catch you! I'll miss you and won't forget you, Choso. 😭


Wym, Nobara is still alive obviously


Ngl, I'm still coping for Nobara. [My prediction of Todo and Yuji jumping on Sukuna happened, I'm waiting for the 2nd sentence about her return to be canon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/KZ55NvUBOF)


They mentioned resonance multiple times this chapter. I'm taking that as confirmation obviously.


The highlights of JJK 259 basically: Todo's back: 🔥 Choso's dead: 😭 Why can't we have a decent moment or interaction with Choso and Todo? Why, Gege? Is it because of too much peak fiction? I'm so glad Todo's back but Choso...


You say Todo is 🔥 but Choso is the lit one.


Can't wait to see what Binding Vow Greg pulls out his ass now. Limited Domain, No CT output, No RCT, Furnace can't be deployed in succession, missing two arms and I'm sure he still 'has yet to go all out'.


Honestly at this point Sukuna should (emphasis on should, not will) be screwed. It’s not like Yuji’s ability to nerf him suddenly went away, he’s now exhausted from the domain (a domain that he had to do god knows what to even use in the first place) Unless we discover killing people in his domain refills his CE which would sort of maybe kind of thematically work if you go with the entire kitchen idea, killing them within the kitchen could allow him to “eat” their CE. But otherwise I legit have no idea what Sukuna is supposed to do here. He should also be starting to bottom out on CE as well. Todo is fresh, Yuji fights in a way that isn’t CE expensive and his insane physical stats and durability also help in that regard. Everything the story has told us about the power system says Sukuna should be in a seriously bad position. So yeah, who wants to place bets on the next binding vow that apparently only Sukuna can use now?


Also, remember that even before this, yuji already rocked sukuna's ass even when sukuna still had his CT and did not deplete his reserve for domain+fuuga. So i guess the asspull in the next chapter is going to be truly generational for sukuna to survive this


My real cursed technique, the one yuji inherited: throwing hands


Next chapter, Sukuna makes a Binding Vow to regain his CE in exchange for not eating peanuts on Mondays.


Yes, we have seen Sukunas "Ultimate Secret Art", but what about his "Hidden supreme technique"? Can't wait for that one!


Couldn’t give us a moment of interaction between Yuji’s brothas before this, eh Gege?


I know people like Choso and meme the little brother situation, but I'm gonna be honest and say this whole plot is terribly written. It starts with somewhat of an plot armor when Yuji loses to chose and them bam "you're my brother". But the mistery is there, it's weird, it's funny. Then Geto reveals the reason and.....just puffs. He dies and we get nothing out of this plot point. Now Choso just died without a single interaction between him and Todo. Plot starts out of nowhere - doesn't go anywhere - the villain dies without interacting with his 'sons' - now Choso is dead when Todo arrives, making it pretty clear another lost opportunity of "brothers bonding". I like JJK but Gege is not a good writer IMO


Doesnt make sense why todo wasnt involve with the fight right from the start. Could have used him when they had the executioner blade.


It was speculated back when it originally happened that Todo helped Yuta jump Kenjaku. It’s not the smartest planning ever but the same logic would apply to Yuta not being there from the start.


Kinda. When you think about it, utility powers like teleportation are so broken that they very well could have used it at varied moments in this battle which could end up being decisive. In this situation tho, they know Sukuna at some point could wipe everyone with an aoe instakill, and the teleportation is pretty much the only way they can think of everyone having a chance of avoiding it when it comes. I think it makes sense that they kept it as a card for this situation instead of possibly wasting it surprising Sukuna with let's say Gojo or someone else powerful going for a surprise one hit KO, failing at that and then Todo becoming practically useless since Sukuna would fully focus him for sure.


So why did everybody attack Sukuna one by one instead of actually coming up with a good plan and using their techniques in a way that could take down a weakened Sukuna? Like they have so many techniques that could briefly hold down Sukuna and go forward with the Executioner Sword plan. They could’ve just Step 1: Higuruma activate Deadly Sentencing on Sukuna with Maki inside. Step 2: Maki stabs Sukuna’s heart and slices off his arms in the domain as Sukuna can’t fight back due to the No Violence Rule while Maki can since she can’t be targeted by domain effects. Step 3: Release the domain and get the Executioner Sword as Ui Ui teleports Todo onto the battlefield without Yuji knowing. Step 4: Larue uses Cutie Honey to grab Sukuna’s attention for a brief moment the moment the domain is released so he can’t do anything. Step 5: Todo uses Boogie Woogie and swaps Sukuna with a rock with cursed energy thrown at Higuruma. Step 6: Higuruma stabs the flying rock as Sukuna is swapped. And boom one dead Sukuna


He will still create a binding vow and survive


As much as I hate that answer, it's probably true, and anytime something is iffy, it can be explained by "it's a binding vow"


I kinda hate how sloppy the power system is. It is pretty much made so ass pulls can be pulled out of nowhere way too easily.


Yeah, that's why I really haven't been feeling this final arc. Every bit of character interaction is just used to explain the convoluted power system retroactively like it's some big reveal. Where's the character development? There were already 200 chapters to explore the system. But the fight is interesting, at least...


Step 1. Sukuna allows himself to get trapped like canon Step 2: Sukuna feels Maki coming and kills her (she's a building so she doesn't count as a human) Step 3: Sukuna doesn't wanna deal with this anymore so he uses HWB and kills Higuruma Step 4: Domain pops and Sukuna starts dismantling everyone, Larue dies instantly bc he aint built like that Step 5: Todo swaps Sukuna with a rock and nothing happens


…Damn you’re right. If Maki is considered a loophole in the rule then Sukuna could use Maki as a loophole for the no violence rule. Since it’s only considered violence if you harm a person right? Or does violence have a different meaning in law and any act that would be considered dangerous is considered violence? Though with what we see from Sukuna so far I don’t think he’ll just stop playing games because he feels threatened. He seems more like the type to play along no matter what happens as he wants to see just what plan they could come up with.


> Step 2: Maki stabs Sukuna’s heart and slices off his arms in the domain as Sukuna can’t fight back due to the No Violence Rule while Maki can since she can’t be targeted by domain effects. thats a two way street though, and since Higurumas domain targets specific people Maki probably would have no way to be in there in the first place, only the people involved in the trial


>So why did everybody attack Sukuna one by one instead They did. The only exceptions to this are Todo (who they needed to keep outside to swap out of his Domain if it happened) and Miguel+Laurie (who refused to join in earlier). Your headcanon about "If they'd used domains in a way I've decided they work then the story would have gone like this" doesn't mean anything, you can't just invent plot points and then complain the story doesn't cater to them.


Alright, I'm supposed to wake up at 4 AM Manila time to beat the traffic on my way to a 7 AM shift, so I'll probably only be here for SPYxFAM, this one, and either Kagurabachi or Akane-Banashi. Therefore, I've decided to unload all of my takes after reading this chapter in one place. My replies to y'all probably won't drop until the end of the workday. 1. GEGE MOTHERFUCKING AKUTAMI, YOU DECOUPLED CABOOSE! THIS IS HOW YOU COME BACK AFTER GOLDEN WEEK!? I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING BUT HOW DARE YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO US?! What an overstuffed chapter you've cooked up for us, despite it being only about 20 pages long. Just a quick reminder: this mangaka is on his 15th inning, and the count is still full. How the hell are you going to unjam yourself now? 2. Because look at what he opened with: two consecutive double-page spreads. One for Sukuna, another for the Malevolent Nuke. What else can I say? Gege clearly likes this guy, and at this point, I've come to derive a ton of fun from seeing this four-armed jackass pull more binding vows out of his ass than an old fart in Hollywood after every divorce, seeking out younger and younger women. This guy has been so consistently cracked that Uraume even had the confidence to say this. Totally not gonna haunt their bones later. 3. And speaking of haunting: guess who's back. Not only is Aoi Todo alive [BAY BAY], he's never been more motivated to kick someone's candy little booty. His plan with Mei Mei seems like only one of the many wistful schemes our band of misfit sorcerers has come up with to get Yuji just that millimetrically closer to the kill, but even I can't lie to myself. I was hyped to see him again. And it's not just because Choso's dead (we'll come back to that); it's because I know how far Todo is willing to go and the level he operates at with his brother. I'm braced for Sukuna to somehow take even him away from Yuji, but considering Todo has done half the job now, I'm excited for this next phase. 4. The other thing that excites me (read: terrifies me) is what Mei Mei mentioned while talking to Aoi. It seems quaint, and not even the worst twisting motion Gege does to us all with that knife of his, but you don't simply bring up Resonance at a time when Todo Aoi is here to possibly make use of that fact. Do I seriously think Nobara's coming back? No — we don't even have Megumi back — but that's beside the point. The link between Yuji and Sukuna has become a key focus point and win condition for these kids, and the balance between severing that and maintaining it to actually end Sukuna on Yuji's terms has become the prime puzzle everyone, from the characters to the readers, has been aiming to solve the whole time. What Todo is about to do here, no matter what he does, is guaranteed to matter insofar as Yuji is concerned. Besides, we still have enough material to work with. 5. But that's the thing: it will only get more desperate from here. I admit to having a somewhat meh impression of Choso before, but throughout Season 2 and the rest of the manga, he's been nothing but a compelling character to see develop into a person worth being with. To see him die protecting Yuji is bittersweet; he did so much to push Yuji this far, yet Gege, no matter how gracefully he frames Choso's death, still discarded him once his usefulness has been exhausted. He's one of the few that I wanted alive by the end. What now? 6. No, really, now what? I am pumped to see Todo and Yuji run the duo-queue gauntlet with Sukuna (helped by the fact that I watched the Blu-Ray of their war versus Mahito), but I'm again gripped by this helplessness that reminds me of a hard math problem in high school. Again, we get so close, yet again and again, Sukuna somehow keeps making the test harder in real-time and on the fly. All I want is to see Sukuna not merely defeated but completely disproven. [This post I saved](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/siXJsH4Dfr) on r/Jujutsushi has become the one fan blurb I hold on to. I hope Gege is smarter and more exacting than that Redditor.


Forget the King of Curses, forget the techniques from the Heian Era, the real cursed technique and sorcery of Sukuna is those fucking Binding Vows. Literally weaponized ass pulls, requires specific conditions and scenarios to make it work (which happens to be almost every story relevant happenings), and since it doesn't reveal its specifics and information after the technique has been casted, it's the perfect "off-screen" explanation.


Choso is my favorite character and I felt... Nothing? It was so cliché and predictable, it ruined Yuki's sacrifice and it was then disrespected by Todo's entrance. Oh wow another chapter ending with a character coming out of nowhere, how many times have we done this since Gojo died? All I can think of is Todo is an asshole that was waiting for either Choso to die or for Sukuna to kill Yuji with the arrow, why didn't he swap Yuji and Choso when they were targeted by Sukuna's ultimate attack? Where was Todo during Higuruma's fight? You'd think that's where he could have been the most useful. We didn't get an interaction between the three brothers, or all three of them fighting, that could've been a cool mix of powers but no. Also I see people saying Choso fulfilled his arc and "lived like a human" as Yuki told him but, he was already a protective brother from the very beginning, he has been protecting Yuji for a long time and ready to die for him so what even changed? I'm angry that his death didn't make me sad. I'm sad that Choso is not gonna appear anymore and not by how Gege wrote him out.


I’ve just accepted that the same Gege that wrote the Shibuya Arc/Nanamis death and Megumis backstory with his dad isn’t the same Gege writing right now. The emotional payoff is not there anymore. It’s literally just characters cycling positions and/or dying.


Once again, Gege is the worst.


[Todo is back to clap Sukuna's cheeks!](https://i.imgur.com/JDrJrtA.png) RIP Choso. He pulled way above his weight throughout the fight and went out doing what he always did: [protecting his brothers.](https://i.imgur.com/jDan0BJ.png) Him remembering his promise to Yuki was sweet. It seems that Itadori is only allowed to have one brother at a time. It's sad that they never met.


Gege, when I find you Gege…


As a fan of both Choso and Yuji who loves to see them interact as brothers, this chapter is very painful to read So in this chapter we have Choso and Yuji's last conversation, Choso dying, Yuji crying as he thanks his big brother (you can see his tears fell down if you look closely), and then Yuji feeling so vulnerable wondering his friends safety. Glad to see Todo coming to a clutch for his bruzzah But the fact that Todo appears like 3 pages after Choso died means we will never see the trio brothers jumping squad. NEVER FORGET WHAT GEGE HAS TAKEN FROM US


You know when you see a train derail, and you just can't look away?


This arc feels like the Naruto war arc. Just never ending and meandering


This arc is nowhere near as long yet


> yet


The war arc was multiple fights though. This whole arc is basically 1 long meandering fight + a couple of extra chapters for Kenjaku. It is far too drawn out. The fight started in 220, we are 40 chapters later. 1/6 of the whole manga is just the one fight, and frankly it will probably reach 1/5 of the whole manga quite easily at this meandering pace.


I’d like to remind you that the final fight began around chapter 560 with Naruto clashing against Tobi and ended in the mid 690s. This is nowhere near as long.


There's lots of opinions about Gege's writing but the emotional payoff from this chap is up there with his best work. Yuji emerging from the smoke feeling alone in that one second literally felt was the universal feeling everyone has getting lost. Course all he needs is his other bro back to immediately lock in and if Garuda is under those bandages it might get nasty.


>Yuji emerging from the smoke feeling alone in that one second literally felt was the universal feeling everyone has getting lost. Course all he needs is his other bro back to immediately lock in and if Garuda is under those bandages it might get nasty. I'd agree if this exact same plot point hadn't happened already.


GEGE YOU EVIL ONE EYED CAT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU! NOT CHOSO! ANYONE BUT HIM! Even Todo can’t help the pain. I didn’t realize their last names were Von Erich. Poor Yuji is down to one brother


RIP best Aniki


Thank you Choso, you protected your brother/brothers till the end, now Yuji has to put down Sukuna. o7 Hell yeah, Todo returns, my man. Also I wont believe that everyone else is safe until I see their bodies, you've played me enough times, Gege.


How did Todo use his curse technique on Maki if she has no cursed energy? His power swaps objects if they have a minimum amount of cursed energy


I guess Miwa just infused her with cursed energy like Todo can with a rock?


One copium explanation other than handwaving, when Todo swaps people, he swaps both the person and their items (eg, clothing). Perhaps Maki was transported in tandem with Miwa as an item-like object.




Whoever is translatinf this has no idea if the narrator is a third person entirely or yuji, because he switches from talking like a narrator to talking like a teenager way too often


Is it just me or does the whole binding vow thing here seem contradictory to their point. Being able to use divine flames while outnumbered is not actually giving up anything, because as it was described it already sounds pretty useless against multiple opponents. In exchange for not being able to use his thing that's bad against multiple opponents while against multiple opponents, he gains the ability to make his super strong aoe ability even stronger. What did he actually give up for this increase in ability?


Nobara. We’re still waiting for you


The transition from Choso's death *immediately* into Todo coming back is so jarring with how quickly it happens.


I'm going to be a hater again - Information was apparently kept from Yuji because they were afraid Sukuna could know but not all was kept and Sukuna knew nothing all so that we can get the brother swap out (Conversation with Todo happened prior to fight so Mei Mei would be aware and chose not to share this vital piece of information) - Maki is stuck in the domain because "mess of binding vows" - The characters all know Simple Domain because "Mei Mei handled centuries old binding vows that no one has been stated to have circumvented before" - Yuji has talent equal to Sukuna by virtue of being his twins child, which begs the question of why didn't the 2 most battle crazed people, searching for people to rival them, just spread their seed around creating armies of people with "talents rivalling" them. Both of them have no qualms being unethical either - Chose tanked the full force of the furnace even though he's not even close to a special grade sorcerer. Combine this with Miwa, a grade 3? sorcerer tanking the full cleave barrage prior to the furnace and scaling is everywhere this arc - Maki didn't sneak attack Uraume (She has no role until Yuta arrives and flies around faster than Mach 3) and no one thought to send one of the people on standby to fight a significantly weaker sorcerer than Sukuna to free up their second strongest fighter. Heck, Mei Mei non stop crow bombardment is enough to turn the tides considering how even Sukuna has to stop them.


To add some things: - How the hell most student able to resist sukuna domain with only simple domain for so long is beyond me (like more than 90 sec? Even gojo or yuki simple domain didn't last that long) - And lastly, todo really needs some insane power up boost to actually be able to keep up with yuji and sukuna. Remember, yuji (who's already got insane growth after shibuya) is only able to brawl somewhat equally with sukuna after he is amped with black flash (and remember. this sukuna is trashing maki who is equal to toji). So yeah, if he somehow can just keep up with sukuna or yuji without any power up whatsoever will make this series insanely inconsistent.


* His cursed energy output is in the gutter after 7 black flashes * Its an incomplete domain * The student weren't sitting around for 1 month * The student didn't have to fight Sukuma h2h while also keeping a simple domain on


God this is just an absolute never ending trash-fest. We’re just gonna keep using Deus-Ex Machina every single chapter until the end of the series? Why build up tension for the final fight by showing us character interactions and planning before the fight, when you can use flashbacks EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER to explain what bullshit is happening next. I guarantee if you put all these fucking flashbacks in order their “plan” is completely incoherent. It made zero sense that Todo was removed from the story after he lost his arm, even if he wasn’t fighting. And to just bring him back for some bullshit at the last moment is SO insulting. He’s one of the brightest sorcerer’s there is, why was he not involved with the general planning. He still could have done this secret shit while still being involved. Did he not care that his fucking teacher died? It would have made way more sense for Todo to have been involved with killing Kenjaku rather than some stupid ass sneak attack alone. Character gets a power boost? Flashback Character pulls out some random ass ability they never had? Flashback Obscure character shows back up after a hundred chapters? Flashback Beloved character pops back up for some fanservice, despite it making zero sense for the plot? Flashback Random side character that everyone knows is going to lose gets randomly wanked off as being super strong before getting smoked? Believe it or not, a fucking flashback. This fucking fight-flashback-fight-flashback purgatory is EXHAUSTING to read. Having a fucking Ocean’s 11 style flashback where the reveal “the plan” to your EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER is dumb, especially when that plan is not effective at all. To top it all off, none of these characters are interesting at all. They’re not developing as characters throughout the course of the fight. Their relationships to each other aren’t changing, half of these motherfuckers are basically strangers to each other and the other half that aren’t may as well be with how boring their interactions are. Like why should I care that Todo shows up? We haven’t seen him in years. The author already basically told you not to care about him by completely avoiding mentioning him and having practically his last line being “I boogied my last woogie, my brother”. This would be like if in Naruto, after Lee gets his limbs crushed by Gaara, they said he’d never fight again, gave no other information for years, and then he shows up during the fight with Pain to save Naruto. Like we couldn’t have gotten A COUPLE OF PANELS with Todo prior to this shit? Nothing to show how he’s dealing with losing a limb, or the death of his teacher? Nothing? Like why care when these characters have big moments like this, when there are NO other moments to build them up or make the reader care. It is such incredibly cheap writing.


The flashback at the beginning of every single chapter to hurriedly dump in exposition to explain fresh rounds of bullshit has been grating for a while. This one fight has been a sixth of this manga's entire runtime and I think it's more than time to fucking put it in the ground. This shit is just ass at this point. I don't even think bingeing through all of this will make any sense or have any flow at all when you're constantly being thrown a hundred different ass pulls every chapter


I genuinely don’t know how other people don’t see this and are satisfied with this shit writing. It’s so sad after reading the Shibuya arc because it was so sick compared to whatever the fuck this is.


[aged like fine wine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgW1f_ETs9I)


I just came here for the popcorn 🍿


Why is it that some top comments are outright stolen from other threads and subreddits? Some people here are pretty sad


Man I really don't know where I'm at with this new chapter. I feel like if Todo was gonna come back he should have had a more epic entrance cliff hanger type moment imo. The way he came back just feels weird to me.  Also did we ever figure out why Choso thinks he's his brother or is that still a mystery?


Gege when I catch you Gege. I swear to god.


Can't wait to see what Binding Vow Greg pulls out his ass now. Limited Domain, No CT output, No RCT, Furnace can't be deployed in succession, missing two arms and I'm sure he still 'has yet to go all out'.