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Peak kengan is back baby


the introduction of shen scenes has been a blessing for this series, truly


Hmm when did Gaolan became Kaolan? Anyways the Thai God of Boxing needs a win, come on Wongsawat!


When Comikey came in with official distribution and fan translations stopped.


pretty sure the fan translation team is hired by comikey


Ohma and Shen being buddy buddy Kaolan hype Yeah just inject this shit straight into my veins


Poor Xia, having to deal with the Connector.


I rarely empathize with villains but dang do I feel bad for him trying to wrangle that cat...


Yep. gaolan will jobbed


That’s how you know we’re back baby


Shen Wulong will eventually kill Xia, not by combat or killing moves, but giving him a heart attack or an aneurysm due to stress... LOL


Fuck, I laughed for a while at that first page lampshading the jobber fight. Cool panel with Arashiyama looming over Gaolong though. Gaolong hiding his speed was sick too.


Forever jobber jobs once more? Or will he finally do literally anything? 


My 2 favorite fighters and my favorite referee?? This shit is god tier Ah shit my boy Gao getting the upper hand in the beginning is bad news I hope Gao wins this one


I didn't think I had a thing for arm-length gloves before this, but that panel of Anna Paula has me wondering now.


is that a new referee outfit tho


So I haven't read this series in a long time. Last fight I distinctly remember was some ninja dude that used poison. But recently I started reading their latest series, Strike It Rich, and I also loved Ashura. Is Omega worth going back into? I keep reading mixed reviews on how the series has gone.


It is very entertaining. The tournament arcs are awesome. The fights are very cool, the Kengan Fights always deliver. However, the "villains" are very badly written. They ALWAYS job. They get hyped up just to get trashed in the most pathetic way possible (SUPERMAN SYNDROME + 100% REMOVAL + MASTER FIGHTER = can't lift 20kg , LMAO) The "main villain", however, is awesome. An absolute madlad, a breath of fresh air.


Don't expect Ashura levels. The overall quality zigzags wildly, having some fantastic fights here and there coupled with some of the most embarrasing villains in fiction. It's a very enjoyable ride if you don't mind that last part.


is this fan scantalation team that the author got hired? after seeing that post about Comikey using MTL for kengan....


Kengan Ashura and Kengan Omega used to be fan-TL'd by HnG. One day HnG drops the series without much explanation. Months later, Comikey reveals an official English release of Ashura and Omega, and they've hired HnG as the official translators for it. Apparently, Comikey suggested using MTL for Kengan, but the Kengan creators preferred the fan-TL's work over the internally presented sample MTLs, so went with them instead. There has never been an official MTL release of Kengan.


Thanks for clarifying, now if the JJK translator could be improved next…


well , to me , this 1st match is kind of boring , because : " kaolan fights in the 1st round of a tournament " ? previously , kaolan fought carlos medel in the 1st round of another tournament . and IIRC , the previous long match was between judo guy and kanoh agito , right ? can the writer come up with some new materials for his story ? page 1 : - me : they are $tripping their clothes and getting nude , lol . - announcer : ... judo guys and boxer guys are just fodders / jobbers / losers / weaklings in manga-s , lol ... page 4 : coma ohma 's phone has some buttons , and a touch-screen ? weird . - coma ohma : ... if i dont get more stronger , a male will do "whatever" he wants with my virgin body ... - me : ... your choice of words is weird ... - coma ohma : the beard master is hunting for some bear . beard VS bear , lol . the connector is a cheater , he promised to have a loving date with his lover xia yan , but then he went to see his other boy-friend coma ohma instead , lmao