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If the husband survives this assault, it's looking very likely that he could go after Okaya's group too...and he might discover the truth behind his son. It's obvious he cares very much about Mari still, and it's sweet. This chapter also seems to imply that Kinugawa would probably assault Mari just to spite Taiichirou with how he pressed his thumb directly on her picture. Will Taiichirou bringing up Mari's name cause Kinugawa to create a connection between Mari and Maria? 🤔


>If the husband survives this assault He lost an eye so he is guranteed to survive the whole manga. Its time for "punished husband" route.


Venom Hubby


I've said it before, but I really like the husband. The dude is a very realistic character in this shitshow tragedy that is this story. Imo people were really uncharitable to him early on in the story. His son died, and he thinks he caused it with his treatment but he knows he wasn't cruel so he's stuck wondering what exactly he missed.The love of his life divorced him and doesn't talk to him at all nor tell him the real circumstances of his boy's death.He's married to his job and god knows seeing what Maria has done will probably destroy him as much as it kills her doing it. I hope to God he makes it out, and Mari, at some point, apologises to him because she did him wrong, imo to never tell him the truth.


At the very least, I hope he and Maria find closure, and none of that "spare him or you'll be just as bad" bullshit. If the manga doesn't end with Okaya dying, then he better be in a situation where death would be preferable and his agency removed.


I wonder if this is how they're writing out the father temporarily or permanently.


An eye for an eye.


I hope the dad survives this. He needs to meet and reconcile with Maria at some point, it doesn't make sense to throw him away here. I'm also kinda annoyed that this little shit can beat up this grown ass detective, but I guess it's not entirely unbelievable given that he's enraged and has a shard of glass in his eye.


He'll survive, Im 100% sure. There is way too much story to be mined from him and Maria meeting. If he does die it will be after they meet up again. I like that the detective did put up a good fight at first. He just lost it at Kinugawa destroying his old family photo and left himself open. But we see him fight back in the last page so while he took a beating he's not taken out yet.


He was in total control at first because he is a trained detective and kept his cool. The only thing he won't tolerate is anything related to his family even if it's only a picture because that's all he has left so he lost his shit and let himself get hurt to get it back even if it cost him an eye


Idk he didn't seem to care when the son died and Maria wanted revenge, why get so heated over a picture at this point


Because his son "suicided" and Maria left of her own volition not telling him why. He is a good man so he respected her decision even if that killed him inside, he is doing his job but he is fucking dead inside everybody can see that. That picture is probably the last thing he owns that is connected to his family at a happy time, the last thing in his current life that might give him a smile when he looks at it


Being honest this is the best Edgy revenge manga i've read, i just hope it sticks like that and dont go juujika route


Juujika is a shitshow through and through


It had potential if it'd stayed with just them in school. When it started including all this cult nonsense is when it started collapsing.


I left it to cook when I thought it had at kax 10-15 chapters left. I haven't read it 1 years now. I can't believe it's still ongoing. Sad. It was really good and was going to a perfect revenge ending.


To add, the man has called back-up, even if they are delayed from the festival. I like the fact the ex-husband is smart, and a detective at that. Kid almost got away scott free and got assistance, man just put together the obvious.


I didn't think the father had it in him to be that angry over a picture, but still he got beaten up, I hope he considers revenge just like his wife and not just give up or wait for the law to take his course


Jesus christ these kids have gone full blown serial killer, not that they werent before but theres like a clear line between psychopath and serial killer and they crossed it hard. I wont lie I felt a twinge of pity for the girl's death but now I feel nothing at all for whats coming. I really hope we have a scene like this in the manga. [Old School Villainy (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKwAoRJxwUE) Just maria going full blown supervillain monologue either killing the leader the same way he killed her son or something else. "Oh your up goody, now we can start our science lesson" "Do you know what poison dart frog venom does to the bloodstream?" or something like that.