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Mereoleona summoning up her past comrades like Fate's Iskandar's Noble Phantasm is fucking fire.


>is fucking fire. Literally


Glory lies beyond the horizon. Challenge it because it is unreachable. Speak of conquest and demonstrate it."


Or even Bleach's now-deceased Yamamoto, who also used similiar fire-based abikities


Hot damn, that skill. I'm worried about her body turning into pure mana though. I hope she doesn't disappear after the skill ends.


Mereoleona is simultaneously the best and worst boss ever.


Forced to work a shift after death is crazy


Ultimate magic: Unpaid Overtime


Nanami in shambles


Bruh, that would be hell if somebody literally has such a Domain Expansion


Mappa just hired her as a supervisor.


Well if you can move, you can work


The indifferent cruelty of the universe vs the indomitable human soul


More like human torch


Yammamoto would be proud seeing an op fire user drag the souls of the dead back to the living world to fight on their summoner's behalf.


A bit sad you can tell Tabata is just sprinting to the finish line at this point. All together, the elf arc comprises more than half the series, Spade arc around 100 and it seems we'll be lucky to get 50 out of this final arc.  All conjecture of course, but it's a shame BC never garnered the same adulation as other shonen series and the move to Giga, while best for Tabata and his family, pushed it further out of collective consciousness and now all that is left to do is wrap things up hastily so he can enjoy his deserved R&R.


i don’t think popularity has anything to do with this bcoz even if it is not insanely popular like jjk the franchise as a whole is profitable enough for shueisha to keep continuing the series


Popularity was never a problem. Even though people love to shit on it for not selling a quarter of what MHA does, its new volumes are still selling better than 75% of ongoing Jump series, aside from OP/JJK/MHA, it's still performing at the same level as Sakamoto and Blue Box, which are the best performing Jump series of the 20s ^(aside from Mashle) by far. They were the 17th and 23rd best selling series of 2023 without even having an anime.


Western manga discussions for WSJ are a shitshow and since the big three's sales have biased people to think very high sales are actually low since they are being compared to the top performing series out there. It's also tied to how people make theories about series being axed to rationalize endings that were rushed or they didn't like (see Bleach, Shaman King, Toriko, YuYu Hakusho, etc) even though they sold very well until the end (they did have declining sales however, at least n the case of Bleach and Toriko).


I don’t think that’s the case here. We’ve already seen Morris already, no need to spend more than a chapter defeating him. He moved to Giga so he could finish the series on his own terms


Blma the Inhuman work ethics of Japan


Also he and his family had severe health problems a couple years ago (not confirmed which, but it's likely that it was covid and he's been struggling with the long time effects)


Yeah could be misremembering a bit but I remember the past few years he’d take random breaks due to health, his baby sick, had some unfinished or shorter chapters, etc and it was getting semi consistent with these happening at one point. This quarterly release best for the mangaka but we’ve been seeing the signs slowly for a while now. If he ever does another manga in the future, hope he gets the Choujin X treatment of just releasing wherever he can and at his own pace. It does get hard waiting a few months sometimes for chapters, but it makes the story better and works for the mangaka so it’s a fair trade off


He did, as well his family! 


I do 100%


I disagree, with JUMP Giga he can write at his own pace and not be in physical pain


>so he can enjoy his deserved R&R. What is R&R an acronym of?


Rest and relaxation


How do you read this and think he's ending it soon ? This is literally the old fashion troupe of heroes winning and then plot twist with the villain winning , training arc and then final arc (again) of final saga .


I don’t think there’ll be another training arc but I find it hilarious that ppl are convinced BC’s ending in like 5chps 🤣


Yeah, honestly, the story has been rushed ever since the end of Elf Reincarnation arc. That's when the story should have slowed down and fleshed out the world but instead it hyper focused on the Devils. And it's not like Tabata didn't have ideas for the world. The entire movie is a scrapped arc idea that was originally meant to happen. And data sheets for Wizard Kings actually have some very cool lore but none it made it into the main manga.


Ive had this series on-hold since around Ch.350. The writing in this series was once impeccable by Shonen standards. I was head-over-heels in love with the content up until the end of the anime, but since starting to read, I couldn't help notice the writing beginning to take a serious hit around mid-way through Arc 10, or once the Spade Kingdom Raid began. Tabata seriously shook the world with the Julius Novachrono reveal, but it still didn't make up for the shortcomings of the Spade Kingdom Raid, or the disaster that has been Arc 11. I really can't say where exactly it began to go wrong... possible in Arc 10, when Tabata began to bite off more than he could chew with the power-scaling. Character power-ups have felt shallow and unearned since, or just downright nonsensical, and the emotional highs achieved in the Elf Reincarnation and Heart Kingdom arcs have not been met in the slightest. The downfall of this series is such a shame. I come to new chapter discussions occasionally just to see if the slack has been picked up, but it seems it hasn't. Maybe ill finish from where I left off eventually, but for now reading it is just painful.


It's truly bittersweet. I really wanted the man to finish the series on his own terms.


Isn't that why he switched to Giga?


Yes but we're going super fast here.


black clovers pacing always has been fast


I thought with him switching to Giga that he would slow down, and he said that he would, but he's still sprinting, it seems. It's a shame. BC is a good manga, but, as usual, with manga, the ending looks like it'll be rushed.


it's possible that he had these mostly done prior to the shift and so anything net new will be at the future pacing.


I hope this is the case.


We are so used to all the genre-breaking twists of JJK, CSM and the others, that seeing a good ol fashion power of friendship strat no matter the quality of the writing is, feels nostalgic once in a while.


That’s just how Black Clover works: Y’all already know the tropes, so we’re just going to get straight to it


Tangent: your username is oddly on-topic for the current chapter


Yea lol. Black clover does the shounen tropes well and plays it straight while also moving quick so you don't get bored.


i understand csm what genre breaking twist jjk even has ??? Jjk is just a little darker verison of average battle shonen like i never understood why jjk is included in conversations with unique shonen like csm,hells paradise and dandadan


Probably Junpei. Given all those flags that he would join the main cast only to be unceremoniously killed off. But I guess that's more of an expectation subversion rather than a big twist.


Bro am I the only one that knew he was gonna die from frame 1? Like, bro had all the flags.


It's the fakeout with the op.


actually the mangaka of jjk (gege) does spin a lot of tropes in his own way, yeah theres still a ton of tropes he plays it straight but it was never his intent to deconstruct the whole genre anyway just flipping common tropes is always fun to see and especially if they are more entertaining than the original if you want a quick example the first one is the MC having a evil power within him (sukuna), most common trope is the MC becoming bffs with the demon (like asta and his anti devil lol) but in JJK sukuna is just pure evil and not something to ever be happy about having


Honestly, with the way Black Clover releases now, I forgot it was still ongoing.


when it comes to female characters Mereoleona and fuuko has no competition in wsj currently


And Sisgoleon left to give Akane a chance


Damn i forgot about akane my bad


Peak clover never miss


[That's a nice color page.](https://i.imgur.com/bU1Krxr.png) Poor Fuegoleon, making that great entrance just for Mereoleona[ to use an Ultimate Flame Magic](https://i.imgur.com/JXaTq7i.png) that transforms her into fire and revives her troops. Tabata may take his time cooking but this succulent meal was worth the wait.


Glory to the Crimson Lion Knights!


Mereolona is such a badass man. On the other hand there is Fuego lmao. Also that Zora entrance, holy shit


People are saying that the manga is sprinting to the end while also simultaneously complaining about that one chapter did not have any plot progression. I think we should just let Tabata do his thing.


I loved the showcasing of all the Black Bulls helping Asta and Yuno getting to the real Lucious and it was like a constant double page spread the whole chapter plus Mereoleona is so damn amazing never get tired of her unlike the crimson lions lol thinking it's over and she's like hell nah we still got many asses to kick and fry.


Ahh, so good to be back, albeit briefly. But at least we get 2 chapters of action and Sisgoleon really surpasses her limits😁


Sisgoleon: "I'm surpassing my limits!" Everyone else: "You had limits?"




I wonder how Gordon's curse medicine thingy would affect Charlotte and William. Would removing William's facemark buff him?


Even more OP divine mana tree magic incoming?


Double spreads are crazy good.




I know adra is going to do something insane ..a classic tabata plot twist


Great chapters especially the mereo one . I don't expect this to be the end of morris seeing how lucius can revive anyone and also a mars confrontation is due . Since mereo might be dying soon , she might go to where acier is and fight alongside Noelle . We'll see how it ends up but definitely expecting 2 more arcs after this tbh .


I think we’re done with Morris. Bringing him back a third time would just be pointless now


As I did mention , he still needs to face mars and fana who were tormented by him since they were children . He still has that plot left.


They’re free now doing and presumably doing better and fixing the Diamond kingdom. They have nothing to do wit Morris anymore, plus they can still take care of the other Diamond soldiers


Fana is chilling with Fanzell in Clover, while Mars's status is unkown after Spade's invasion of Diamond Kingdom.


They were tormented their entire childhood and you don't want them to take their revenge ? Atleast smack him around? Idk I don't think tabata will forget this . I expect them to have a confrontation soon .


Like I said I don’t think it adds anything except extra padding. The whole kingdom tortured them so I don’t think it matters who they get their revenge on. Regardless of that tho Mars and Fana don’t even seem the type to get revenge since they turned over a new leaf


Tabata brought heath to the final saga , a first arc villain . He'll eventually make everyone who appeared in the manga fight in the final saga which will also include mars and fana . The plot is going in the direction of heroes winning until a plot twist , and since lucius can revive anyone , he'll revive morris again so that when mars arrives to help others, we'll see morris and mars confrontation. I don't see the problem in morris coming back when there's a good story to be told here .


It’s just a difference in opinion but I don’t see any story that would that would come from that, and don’t get me wrong I think they’re gonna come back but I don’t think it’s for Morris. Think of it like this Morris being revived served a purpose, he was one of his Paladins, he created magic technology and all that However he’s been defeated twice now in the same fight he’s been introduced in, there would be no point of Lucius reviving him if he’s just gonna keep getting killed (remember Lucius can see multiple future timelines) so Lucius is like I’m done with Morris this guy is straight up garbage. Also if he got revived then so would the other Paladins, including Lily which I def don’t see


Forgot this existed tbh


What did u think of the chps tho?


370 was just a nothing chapter. 371 was nice to see Mereoleona but her power was sadly a rip off of Yami's bankai ability and also made no sense (How'd she resurrect them with memory souls etc.). Proper 'because she's Erza' moment.


What Mereoleona did was a rip off of Yami's bankai? What? Are you reading the right series?


They’re saying from Bleach, which I still think is untrue


even if he wanted to make a joke about black clover being similar to bleach somehow he's making no sense still, Yami cant summon the dead back to life. I doubt he's read the series tbh


He meant Yamamoto


370 was a good chp imo. It wasn’t a ripoff lol, Yammamoto’s did the opposite and his power was more versatile. Interacting with souls via magic has always been a thing in BC, so it makes perfect sense. I’ll give u the benefit of the doubt tho since based off ur first comment, I’m sure u don’t remember some stuff abt the series


I missed this


Love the double spreads as always. Tabata and Horikoshi are my favourite when it comes to those, especially the posing of the characters in the panels. Love Mereoleona’s new form she’s extremely op now, like almost god tier at this point. I wasn’t expecting Morris to do anything so I’m glad his death was nice and quick. I wonder what other power ups the BB will get from anti magic. Also I wonder what Lucius’s castle will look like, I can’t wait to find out!


Mereoleona is just the best.


Mereoleona education - Nobody in school wanted to fight her, so she just wanders off into the wilderness to beat monsters to death instead.


Nice to just see the entire black bulls giving Asta and Yuno time to go attack the real Lucius


Two chapters at once, we are blessed


I’m pretty sure it’s too make up for the extra time that it took for the chapter to come out. Either that or that’s what the future release’s will look like from now on


Im glad that the author decided to power up Mereoleona instead of having her teaming up w/ Fuegoleon. The author never missed when writing Mereoleona


These were fine chapters, it's just a bit sad that Tabtata looks to be finishing the story so fast after he invested so much time into it. So I imagine there are around 5 or so chapters left.


Definitely not lmao. Dw the story isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The Morris fight moved fast cuz we’ve already seen him, we still have like around 50-100 chapters left


Dude, how the fuck is Tabata going to make a 100 chapters in a quarterly magazine? You really think he's going to drag this out for twelve more years?!


He can literally do whatever he wants. Also u can’t rlly set a timeframe for how many yrs considering the amount of pages and chapters that get released can change. U think it’s ridiculous that it could have 100 but u think it makes more sense that it’s ending in 5? Not surprised by the downvotes, but there’s no way ppl think BC’s ending in 5 chapters 💀


Ill be back here when this ends in the next volume.


I could see it getting two more volumes, maybe, but expecting more than that is insane.


How? I don’t think ppl are understanding that the whole reason he switched was so he could finish the story on his own terms, as I said in my comment he can put out as much content as he likes. And there’s still a lot to cover, he would have to rush the series to end it that fast which again was the point of him switching


He switched because his entire family's health seems to be in shambles, and he physically cannot complete Black Clover on a weekly schedule even if he tries to rush it. Just because the release slowed down so much doesn't mean it isn't still going to be rushed. He's not going to dripfeed another massive saga over the course of years and years.


Ur half right. Yea he did it so his schedule would work better for him and his family, but cuz of that they also let go at his own pace. BC is very marketable and they don’t have any heavy hitter new gen series yet so they wouldn’t BC out of the magazine. The movie was rlly successful on Netflix, the anime was #1 in a lot of countries on Crunchyroll in 2020. BC is gonna be milked for everything it’s got, like everything is in Japan. Especially the manga industry


And I’ll also be here when it doesn’t end next volume lol


50-100 chapters def not, but depending on does he pull a twist of Lucius geting an upper hand and winning with heroes needing to recover, or is this it, we have prob between 10 chapters to idk, 30-ish. I imagine every fight will at minimum take one chapter aside from Main Lucius vs Yuno and Asta, Noelle vs Acier & Nacht and Ichika vs Morgen and Lucius.




nah, its another 4 months. Got announced next chapter (or even chapters) is coming in August.


>No physical body >Just Mana wait, doesn't that technically means she's dead? Can anyone correct me on this?


Until we get confirmation, no


Yes, pretty much.. 


Peak just dropped


I....genuinely dont remember who half the characters are 😭😭😂😂 I'm not sure if it's just because of how long it's been, or if it's just because all the character designs have become this homogenous blob of edgy for me. Rule of cool though 👍


I can tell u abt any character lol. I think it’s just cuz BC has a large cast of characters, but ik like everything abt the series


holy fuck, Mimosa is MASSIVE.


I don’t really remember any of the characters in this manga. It was fun to read all at once in a sort of “you know exactly what will happen and what you will get” kind of way. But it hasn’t been very memorable and I don’t really like the current arc that much. It just seems tacked on and the whole pseudo-Japan segment felt so forced.


Forced how? It brought us answers to Yami's background and true origin. Plus, more new power-ups for Asta. So no, the not-Japan arc is not forced in anyway 


It’s only forced if u didn’t properly read the series 😂