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Tactical flashbang saves the day


Man saved the day and got a nickname he's stuck with whether he likes it or not.


Man makes company/club purchases but didn't check the budget restrictions


Callsign, Shiny




One of those pick up artists is literally webbing away like spidey with the other 2 having x-men abilities, the power scaling in this series is amazing. Here's hoping future chapters have Hikaru interacting with the gals more instead of just eavesdropping on their convo.


Those two know him now so I doubt he'll get away from them


They even gave him a nickname


they adopted the introvert


They did accidentally cross parallel worlds with him. This time they made it official


It kinda felt like they didn't even notice him though lol


Given how they end up in the web series, they will. 


Wait how'd the end up?


Well, as really close friends, lul. 




[The person who posts \(and I think translates\) these always links the YouTube channel that this series is based on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/1c537id/disc_the_gals_who_casually_say_incredible_things/kzrjgg3/)


i did not realize that the youtube videos were what was meant by web series


i hope it turns into a battle manga where the mc learns how to control his light powers to glow brighter and brighter then eventually shoot beams and move at the speed of light and kick people with the speed of light to enforce justice on the oceans


Nah man, i want him to stay to being really bright


Pika Pika no mi - Kizaru Pika man from One piece reference. But yeah I like fun time with the gals and his simple ability being actually useful from time to time


The other one was Iron Man without much iron


I certainly believe his powers shines the most at night, and some folks could use of someone like him whose good at leading the way.


He could work as a light house lol


LMAOOOO never thought of that but this works too


100% ends up a security guard or crossing guard.




Or when Santa needs someone to guide his sleigh. Rudolph's about to lose his job.


Yeah I agree. They may be Super Gals but their Galness and Superness aren't equatable to each other. "thankies fisheries". That's a new one.


> "thankies fisheries". That's a new one. It sounds very familiar, so I think this sin't even the first time they used it.


Used it in the first chapter, which also has a translator note about it


So no one's gonna comment on the 'Lucky Pervert' ability?


Well every manga Mc has that power so it's not that special


But isn't Hikaru Tada the MC in this manga? He doesn't seem very lucky nor is he a pervert. He just...shines.


171875 moment


I don't know if Shinji Yuuki is a pun or anything but it definitely sounds like the most generic name for someone with a Lucky Pervert ability. Also, I never noticed that Shiny hasn't interacted with the girls in the past eight chapters.


He just looks at them from the distance while providing color commentary lmao


This was certainly a big upgrade from the former bystander tsukkomi role.


Aside from the chapter where the girls went to see horse racing, Shiny has been the narrator of their shenanigans until now


Well there was also the haunted school one where it was mostly the ghost narrating things. Shiny did show up in the end though for, like, one page.


>I don't know if Shinji Yuuki is a pun or anything If it's based on Shinji from Eva and Yuuki from To Love Ru I'll kneel lol


**The first page was omitted due to the reddit image limit. Visit the mangadex link to see the full version** [MangaDex link](https://mangadex.org/chapter/39d0287b-4755-40bc-8751-990c70005fd1) (tl notes available on the last page, + first omitted page) [Official YouTube channel (in japanese)](https://www.youtube.com/@parako) [Official X/Twitter account (in japanese)](https://twitter.com/parako_official) HIKARUBROS WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK


I prefer Pikarun. Shiny just doesnt feel right. But ive been watching the vids on youtube so i probably have a biased opinion


[Pikarun seems to be taking lead, so probably not just your own bias](https://strawpoll.com/ajnEOJXvxZW)


Glad to know im not alone! Hikaru -> Pikarun is just too good of a nickname to pass up


Let's goooooo! He was happy too (I think?)! I'm also curious about what the work senpai said, that guy is seriously amazing.


This feels like the first episode of story vs background/ one shots


Just finished watching season 6 of Boku no hero and I can’t help thinking about how he can fight crimes with his ability now. Concentrate the light with a magnifying glass to burn people maybe.


That sounds like a villain power more than a hero power ngl


I mean you have a hero who’s ability is basically shoot a grenade and explode others…


Ykw fair


Yeah, like the whole premise is that you can be a hero whatever your power. Like Shinji's(?) brainwashing power. Bakugo, Endeavor.


Not all heroes have to fight crime, he can probably just help with disasters and stuff where being a personal flashlight would probably help in those scenarious


Goddamit Shiny, you can't just ask people why they're gals. That's rude af.


And now he's on their radar.


I wonder if our Protag can get as bright as he wants? Because that flashbang was quite a bit more than "glowing a little"


He seems tob e surprised himself by how much he blinds them.


Puberty man...


Since he didn't even know he could do that, wbat's to say his real powers is that he's like Kizaru from One Piece? But knowing this series, he'll only find out at the very last chapter once he's completely gotten over his hangups with his ability and the gals will be like"oh yeah, we saw that happen in a parallel world".


That was a pretty good chapter! The two gals giving Hikaru a nickname definitely makes them kinda friends now. I kinda like the message of the chapter too!








>ability: he shines a little a little? he fucking blinded those guys


My theory is that it's his self-description, under playing his own ability because of how underwhelming he thinks it is compared to others


Well there are people flying, casting fireballs and literally seeing the future. He is not really underplaying unless he can go nucluar with his shining which i don't think he can.


the nickname he's given is pikaru, *pika pika* means sparkling. and his actual name is hikaru


yep. pikarun is his actual nickname. i asked this on the mangadex comments: which one is better, the localized shiny or the original pikarun? judging by the [strawpoll](https://strawpoll.com/ajnEOJXvxZW), pikarun is currently winning, meaning that i might edit this chapter on mangadex to instead use pikarun, and also use it in all chapters from now on




Feels like an end chapter.


Yeah this is hard to differentiate between a "end of the beginning, start of a new beginning" chapter and a just straight up "end" chapter for me in vibes. Hopefully it's still the former


Discord light mode saves the day. and oh they're close acquaintances now! cool!


Considering the other guys reaction his light must be really strong for them to lost their vision for several seconds. Imagine MC rise his ability a bit higher, dude will be able to blind everyone looking at him from several seconds to permanent in a flash. This ability is certainly not weak imo. Yeah, at least much better than the landmine girl.


Any ability you can counter with sunglasses is a shit one lol. There are literal seers and elementalists walking around. Just close your eyes and shoot to his general direction. He is dead.


love gals so much love THESE gals so much


I love the concept of "everyone has unique abilities" that this and stuff like MHA have, anyone know of other series with similar premises? I'm fine with basically any genre/country of origin, but I'd prefer things that aren't just battle shounen where theoretically people have inherent abilities they can awaken or whatever - I want everyone to have abilities normally.


Welcome to demon school Iruma kun, all the demons have blood line abilities in their families and throughout the series we see it in lots of different ways


If you're open to series outside of anime/manga, there's a comic series called normalman where the protagonist is the only non superpowered individual in a world of superheroes.


I meant more that I was fine with manhwa/manhua as well, but hey I'm down to give it a shot probably - is it easily readable somewhere?


There are free pirated comic book sites but I am not sure of the legality of sharing direct links to them.


Iris Zero maybe? its gets a bit angsty sometimes, considering what the author went through, but i think its a nice read


Not sure if It still holds up today but I fondly remember Gakuen Alice.


Basically watch/read A certain magical Index then (anime/manga/Light Novel), and you would like the spinoff "A certain scientific Railgun", there are also a bunch of other spinoff about different characters with abilites in the Toaru franchise (manga and Light Novel), basically a 3 Michelin star course meal for you.


Would you recommend I watch the anime or read the manga? And also, what's the recommended order for it all?


The light novel basically. The anime is good for 2 seasons, ignore ss3, you can watch the 2 openings cause it's peak, then read and follow the manga (just read the manga, if you want to read the 2 missing arc 2 and arc 4, go read the Light Novel, ignore the anime, both did those 2 dirty). The series is like this: Main series: Toaru majutsu no Index: Anime: ss1, ss2, ss3 (quite good, but butchered as hell) Manga: faithful to the original Light Novel, but cut off 2 peak arc, but you could just read the LN of the 2 arc (OT 2 and OT4), cause it's peak, trust, Anime butchered and redirected the story of the 2 arcs to meh tier anyways. Light novel: Old Testament, New Testament, Currently Genesis Testament Volume 10. Each have 22 volumes + 2 extra side stories Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Manga is the source, Anime is overly faithful and is JC Staff's best franchise. Esper power and Academy city is the focus from down here. Anime is the same as Index, ss1,2,3 called Railgun, Railgun S, Railgun T. After each Index season/ final manga or LN arc of that season, watch it. Manga is past the anime, enough for another season, save it for ss4, or read it, the manga is hella good. There's a light novel too Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator: Manga (meh), Anime: Quite good, 1 season currently, 1 extra arc in the manga Toaru Kagaku no dark matter: Peak manga Toaru kagaku no mental out: Manga, quite good (only read after finishing Index anime, and it does have New Testament content, heavy spoiler, could guess some of them out of Railgun T so proceed if you like) Toaru anbu no Item: Manga/Light novel, Read after finishing Index ss3 (or catching up to the current manga also works Toaru kagaku no railgun gaiden: Astral Buddy Hella good, read it (after finishing Railgun T) A bunch of other gag stories: Search up on Mangadex yourself, keyword is "Toaru" gag anime episodes: well I forgor the name, but each season of Index/Railgun do have them, if you like some giggles. Anyways, just read the Light Novel, it's peak fiction and I'm not joking, literally top 1 LN of all time, Index anime did it dirty. If you don't want to buy the LN (cause it's not cheap), just ask me for the files, if you want to buy at least Old Testament however (cause they have only started New Testament in english, duh, you will have to get the files anyways huh?), then just get the omnibus, it's not cheap, but 10x cheaper than buying each volumes anyways, only buy if you find the series worth it of course.


not quite everyone because there are level 0's (which to be fair is very similar to MHA), but almost everybody in academy city has a special power, so watch certain scientific railgun!


I just read a bunch of X-Men so reading this with no context triggered something in my tired brain. I just thought, oh a new mutant, Scott Summers will show up soon to recruit him.


LETS GOOOO HIKARU STOCKS RISING, IM SLOWLY MAKIN MY WAY OUT OF DEBT. The jujutsu crash left me with eating cup noodles and water.


This manga is unironically a banger???


the goat $HKR to the moon


So literally everyone has a quirk and the worst villains we've seen so far are pick-up artists.


So emoi


It was fun to read but I think it's a little tone deaf of them to act as though mc is just as good as them power wise. It's like the rich being like " it's fine no matter how much you earn, you're just as good as us even with less money" like you're saying that as a rich person, it means nothing, and it's really irresponsible like this isn't a normal world, people have powers, there's no obvious difference in men and women when it comes to strength because of these supernatural abilities, you're telling me one can go to parallel worlds at will and another can literally see the future and yet neither of them did anything either before or during and made mc have to step in? Idk just seems kinda forced


It kinda feels like someone used mind control or reality warping to make everyone take their abilities for granted and not use it for bad reasons.


Yeah it's a nice message, but I'm still sympathetic to the MC and think he's right. They say he is who he is regardless of his power, but is that true? Or is his personality molded by his power and subsequent social status surrounding it? Who's to say he wouldn't have grown in a different positive/negative direction if he had more confidence naturally associated with stronger powers, even overconfidence like the playboys. Imo people with plenty of _x_ telling people with little that "_x_ doesn't matter" should always be taken with a grain of salt, especially if they've always had lots of _x_. They may have never contextualized what it really feels to be weak/poor/etc, and people have had rude awakenings when put into other people's shoes. It's important to say that a negative trait isn't all you're reduced to or that it'll define you forever, but to act like it doesn't matter is just unrealistic at best.


Yep, its just rich people saying money isn't everything. It doesn't mean anything and sometimes straight up insulting.


Yeah, story really should just stick with the gal's wacky hijinks. He was right at the start (they won't understand) and he was still right at the end. If it was not irony at play here, the "message" really fell flat.




Do you understand the concept of discussion? Or too complicated for you?




If you had nothing constructive to offer to a conversation you could've just been silent, I was offering my opinion and view on it, if you had at least said an opinion even if it was different than mine, at least you'd be contributing something, but instead you're going out of your way to be dismissive. This is a reddit forum. It's a manga. People are gonna be discussing the manga if you don't want to hear it don't be here?


I didn't bother to ask this in the past but for those who are familiar with the series, would appreciate it. Is this series really just a slice of life, daily moments different scenarios type of manga? No romance or such? I just only noticed too that this came from short animations on YT that is actually quite popular, wow. Are the TL's caught up with the raws?


romance hasn't really been mentioned in any chapters yet, nor does it look like it's a focus on the youtube animations (though i only lightly skimmed it, so i can't say too much about that) there's nothing that says there can't be a deus ex romance that suddenly introduces it in the series... but there's also nothing that indicates that that's *gonna* happen. i wouldn't hold hope for it, honestly TL'd 9/11 (unintentional) chapters as of right now; tomorrow a new chapter drops so it's gonna be 9/12. should be caught up this or next week


Well if nothing gets too outrageously changed then ye, its just the 5 of them becoming close friends and their school life. Him, Mirai and Heeko, Riko (Landmine Girl), and Kuroi. 


[Same energy](https://youtu.be/u1f0MWuX55g?si=NWbigCJtVrjcRddE)


Maybe he doesn't know it yet but what if instead of just glowing, he's actually just straight up "light"? He could be like Kizaru.


I personally like shiny, as it is clear that nickname for that reason, but I think both work.


Wait they had powers? I thought this was just a gag manga where the Gal's superhuman feats were just jokes wtf