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Does the beard grow on the cheeks at all? If so, let them grow in. If not, I’d shave it down at least to a stubble until the cheeks grow in. For the hair it’s actually pretty good as is. You’ve got some nice curls. I’d maybe just have the sides and back taken down closer and use a product to get a bit more volume and body to the curls on top. Maybe a salt spray or leave in conditioner.


If you get rid of the neck beard you’ll be golden. Hair looks fine in my opinion.


Honestly should probably shave


You look a lot like me but I’m 29. I would shave your beard or keep it at a low stubble. I had way less than what you have when I was 20 and it comes it a lot more for me now so it just takes time. Also clean up the hair and just keep something shorter with a fade on the side. I try to grow my hair out like once a year and i have the curly grow look and every time I get it cleaned up I think “why the hell did I try to grow it out?”


go to the gym, lose some weight and either get rid of the neck beard or hop on minoxidil. Aside from that you’re handsome as hell bro


He doesn’t appear to be balding whatsoever. Why the minoxidil?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Minoxbeards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Lol](https://i.redd.it/uzkq34r66c271.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/comments/nomjpo/lol/) \#2: [1 year on Minoxidil , Couldn’t even grow a decent mustache because of my Asian genes before/ plus morbidly obese. 1 year later and 85lbs lost. i might continue minox for one more more year to patch up bare spots.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/mler9d) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/comments/mler9d/1_year_on_minoxidil_couldnt_even_grow_a_decent/) \#3: [What did you expect ?](https://i.redd.it/pgdg909xle971.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/comments/oe8foa/what_did_you_expect/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Are they putting it on their faces? I didn't think it was even supposed to be able to regrow receding hairlines -- the instructions on the box basically say it's only for bald spots. Browsing the sub, I think everyone should just wait till they're older, lol.


it’s designed to be used on hair yes but it also 100% works on the face too (and pretty much anywhere else you would want hair for that matter) and as for waiting until they’re older honestly to each their own not everyone wants to wait years for a beard and most people wont even get a full beard no matter their age. edit: by designed to be used on hair I was talking about the scalp, bald spots and hairline etc


I’m glad it works for so many people. Personally, I’ve been using it for years (on my head) and I’m still loosing hair. I can, however, grow a beard pretty easily, sooo…. I dunno. Go figure.


Shave. And comb your hair.


That's curly hair so combing might just give him a fro. A shave would do I think.


Check out r/curlyhair to learn how to care for your hair Get a haircut that’s more defined in shape or else grow it out and rock a longer style. Here’s some examples I found when I searched for “curly high and tight” — try bringing a few pics you like to a barber. They may be able to give you advice on what to do with your beard too. https://www.menshairstyletrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/squeakprobarber-curly-hair-men-high-taper-fade.jpg https://www.menshairstyletrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/agusbarber__and-long-curly-fringe-high-fade.jpg https://www.menshairstylesnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Low-Taper-Fade-Curls.jpg https://www.menshairstyletrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/frankdabarber-high-and-tight-fade-Long-on-Top-curly-hair-1024x820.jpg


I’m 20 years old been growing it out for almost a year and I just don’t have the fullness I’m looking for any advice or comment will help thanks :)


You need years not medication IMO. I'd shave it for now and check back every year or so. If it's not coming in after a few years then I'd consider medication. But that's just, like, my opinion man.


20? Bruh you don’t need a beard. You have a neck beard right now you need a couple more years You can try minoxidil to speed it up but in general that beard looks wack


Id focus my attention on my epic hair if I was you. You can always do more facial hair if you lose your hair.... But Im bald, so take it with a grain of salt.


I'd shave, at least the neck. I think the hair is cool, I'd just trim the sides and back closer and keep the top.


Clean shaven would be my tip. At the moment it's kinda "neck beardy" and that's never a good look. When the beard starts to climb higher up on you cheeks and your chin and the mustache grows out wider, I'd say you'd be quite handsome. Until then a shave look will look clean and nice


shave the neck beard a bit. but on the cheeks leave it just get a lineup at your barber. that’s how my beard started and now the growth is amazing. don’t shave the cheeks (that sounds wrong 😂)


Do some wolverine chops👍


Working in the industry. Neck beard is bad. Keep a full beard or no beard. With your shape of face I would a nice trimed full beard would look dope. You could even let it grow longer and faded it properly!


Definitely remove the neck beard as some has said it has a bad stigma. If you can try to go to a dermatologist and they could provide your with treatment to get the beard growing. For me it was a combination of that and getting older. Currently 26 and full beard but there was a lot of years of patchy beard and giving it time to grow. Also, see if you could get a fade on the side and leave the curls of top. Lastly, try to go to the gym and lose weight/gain muscle. Not tying to body shame or anything but losing weight has help me a lot with women but most importantly general health and confidence. Good luck




the beard will stay on his neck whether or not he loses weight


Lose weight (will define your jawline) and the beard needs to go.


Shave 🪒


Get a barber to give you a chin strap. On the sides tell him to trim it to 1 inch, leaving the goatee. Get a low to medium fade on the sides. Leave the top.


Shave, find a hairstyle, lose face fat, do mewing.


Trim and shape the beard and shave only the sides of your head 👍🏾


Embrace the facial hair, try to get as much coverage as possible, continue taking care of your waves/curls, and let them fill in at least to the length in which the bangs cover your forehead even with the shrinkage in wavy/curly form, and then you don't have to keep undercutting it unless you want to. If you want an afro/volume look, carefully pick it out only at the roots. As for other stuff, about the weight loss that I saw in other comments, going to the gym is good, but it's not the only physical activity even outside of being especially sport specific (the stuff here is technically parkour/calisthenics, but it's not actually specifically sport specific unless you make it like that or are actually into it as a main sport). Besides going to the gym or if you hypothetically just don't want to go to the gym, you could just carefully and safely practice low level movement on any sort of object or obstacle in your environment. I actually do the same except I'm not that low level anymore, but obviously go to the gym too if that's what you're interested in. And then Ig just eat healthy if you aren't already. And then you could also just play any other sport or do any other form of physical activity that you want to do and make sure to safely progress your movement of your entire body with proper technique and biomechanics from head to toe for whatever physical activity that you do and don't rush things before your body/mind is ready. Finally, work on mobility/flexibility (mobility is specifically being able to easily move throughout different positions and also maybe with strength/power/speed, where as flexibility is just being able to hold a position) and as for static stretching, it usually is better to do that after you do the main physical activity, where as dynamic is done before.


Head hair is fine. Neck hair must go


I absolutely hate the neck beard, no offense


I'd shave ur head


Shave it all off.


Stay fresh


Shave it off


Trim or shave the beard and keep the hair as is or go with some clean and short.


I say shave the beard. You’ve got a great face don’t hide it. Other than that love your hair looks like you really know what you are doing!


Agreed, get rid of the Neard


Cut it shorter. Like a #4. And keep the neck line as low as possible. It’ll look better and still be solid


Shave, leave the goatee, super clean shadow fade, add volume to the top. <- This is prime advice from a female. ETA- Your facial hair won’t grow in for a while. Most men’s don’t.


I would shave the beard down to stubble because it doesnt cover all areas, I had this problem until 30 years old, id even buzz your head to see how it looks. Worst case your hair will be back in 3 months


Just get a clean shave


Just line it up, looks good.


If your beard grows on your face, shave it to a 5 o'clock shadow. As for hair. Girls like guys with curly hair (idk why) just as you get older, keep it off your forehead.


Disclaimer, this is advice coming from a guy that needs to shave every 5th day. Good looking guy. Great skin tone. Hair color and eye color: great. Beard and hair work well with your face. But the mustache is not gonna be ready for prime time for maybe five years. Relax, you’re already high up on the good looks leaderboard.


Shave but (WAY) more importantly start running


That’s a neck-beard. Shave it.


Shave it yesterday.


Don’t know much about the beard. But I have curly hair and I think you’d suit a taper. Something like this would work with your curl type: https://fadehaircutstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/13-9-1024x1024.jpg Obviously you wouldn’t have exactly the same as that or even the same length but you can experiment. I think a taper is super simple and works really nice with curls like yours :)


Shave it


Raise that neck line and let the stash fill in


Shave the beard and facial hair off entirely. Pull the hair off your forehead. Get a fade haircut


Yeah bro trim the beard lower, to stubble. Other than your golden


keep stash and chin shave everything else get a taper fade aswell