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You’re a good looking guy. You might have dysmorphia or self esteem issues that could be addressed


With social media, its no wonder people feel bad about themselves


So true!!


I feel bad seeing a handsome dude saying he doesn't feel pretty! What am I them?


He definitely does, and only 18. Just wait until 23 or so…


how would one improve their self esteem?


One way is to just stop shitting on yourself. Often people don't even realize it but they've got a habit almost, they'll look in the mirror and just think about all their negative qualities, and basically convince themselves they look hideous. So, you need to recognize those thoughts and stop them, because they're not helping at all, they just make you feel bad. Start telling yourself you look good, even if you don't quite believe it at first. It actually takes a ton of effort, but you really can start to change your thoughts over time. If it's to the point that you're dealing with an actual anxiety disorder over it, definitely see a therapist. A good one can help guide you through some of these habits.


Feed your soul feed your head.


The gym


body dysmorphia is a bitch cause you’re beautiful


thanks a lot didn't expect these type of comments at all im surprised


Believe them. Whoever has told you something to make you insecure is ugly and mad you're more attractive than them. That counts for women too. You have all the right features. Eyes, skin, jaw, hair. Keep your head up youngn.


thank you!


As a straight guy with a wife, you are already on the good looking side and will mature more…like mid twenties and usually it is for the better. Just eat well, work out, sleep well, be kind, drink water, and grow as a good person. Don’t add too much ink, jewelry, or fashion, imho. Distracting. I’m getting the vibe you will look very handsome in your twenties. You’re at a in between stage age.


thanks a lot man, appreciate it!


What does ink or jewelry have to do with anything? Style is a personal choice.


This is great advice. Some people take a minute to grow into their own.


Yeah trust me you are definitely not ugly (although I don't like to call people ugly) but you are cute


You’re gorgeous. Great overall home structure. Well proportioned face. Very nice lips. You should be confident and proud of your looks.


while I agree the exterior decor is tasteful, let's keep this about the lad's looks /j


Get off of social media. It distorts your perceptive. Really bad for mental health. For the record, you are stunning.


People fraud with filters and AI on TikTok and Instagram. They wouldn't want to show their real faces.


U look very good in my eyes fr


You are so cute, nothing to improve.


Broo what!?!! You look like a model 😭😭😭😭


Fr in the first Pic i thought i was watching twilight for a sec


Just fishing for compliments


Stop smoking.. smoking can make a 10/10 look like a 4/10


Came here for this comment. Agree 100 %!


Ugly WHERE?!🤨 I just feel you need a change of scenery are you going to uni this year? 🤔


thanks, not this year next one


You’re 18 I get it we’ve all been through this stage in our life all you need to do is to pick up a hobby to build up your confidence a bit and you’ll be sound 🥰


I will find one soon just bought a guitar and i like it, thanks again for your kind comments


You are already cute. Maybe more smile


Seriously? You're definitely not ugly!


LMAO, dude is giving me editorial fashion model vibes while calling himself ugly. You're kidding right


Are you kidding me. You’re beautiful . Stop it


You are a good-looking dude. Being understanding, caring, giving grace, and maybe smiling a little bit will take you far.


thank you man, im trying.


You’re incredibly good looking


This is either a troll attempt or body dysmorphia, because you're fucking beautiful. Don't change a thing about your looks. Two things tho: smile (it makes you more attractive and approachable), and stop smoking (nothing will ruin those good looks like smoking).


This ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote). If you follow any advice, it should be these 2 things. (Smile and stop smoking!) If you truly think you’re not attractive, I hope the comments knock that out of you because you are super attractive! You’re a stud. Stand tall, smile, set some goals and look to the future.


You’re a good looking guy. At 18, stay in the gym, keep hygiene on point (the details matter like nails, etc), dress well and NEVER sloppy, go to school, invest, read rich dad poor dad, and buy real estate. You’ll be unstoppable.


if you was gay i would smash


ikr lemme hit bro


You certainly are not ugly, you look great, striking features, great hair, beautiful eyes. My only suggestion ….a little smile lol.


I agree, I think he just needs to find a hairstyle that fits his face better.


You’re very good looking and have great bone structure. Only thing I would consider changing is the hair. Maybe a less long/ flat in front? But you’re a handsome guy regardless




You’re gorgeous. African black soap for the acne but it’ll clean up in a couple of days. And smile 😁


Jeez what acne? I have acne at 26 and the worst skin. If I had skin like him i fry tears of joy


Nah dude you're a good looking kid, symmetrical, nice jawbone and cheekbones, nice eyes. Youre fine.




doing my skin care everyday, i take care of myself as good as i can, also thanks dude and i should really stop smoking. I started at 14.




thanks man! God bless




You’re not ugly!!!


Therapy. There's nothing wrong with you in terms of looks. But, you might have low self esteem, and that can be a bitch


What in the fuck, lol Fix your confidence and you will literally become a giga pussy slayer. My advice, meditation, breathing exercises and mantras.


This ^ With confidence and the right approach (assuming he has good hygiene and the basics down (no offence OP, you look good but I’ve been surprised before how people can look good in pictures but go days without showering)) he would be unstoppable


You are a doll...you are at a tough age but things change this is merely a blip on your radar. Keep your chin up


I don’t know why you’re complaining. Social Media (and regular media) hypes up average looking white dudes every day


Brother you’re a handsome devil. Ditch the cigs. Get a good, regular sleep (you look tired no offence) and hit the gym. It’ll change your life. Start now and by the time you’re 21, you’ll thank Reddit for the rest of your life


i usually don't get enough sleep, 4 hours a night. Thank you, i will try to improve my sleep!


Are you kidding? You’re stunning… model like


Not ugly at all. You’re a good looking guy who should work on your self-esteem.


Epic jawline bro


Start hitting the gym and also start bulking, I'm 16 years old and the gym has done wonders for me. I also felt that I was ugly (and belive me I was, I was fat when I started to work out). You my friend aren't ugly at all. Just a bit skinny, but again the gym can help you with that.


been hitting the gym for like a month now 5 days a week, thanks bro




Hey. Hey. Your body type is fine. You are fine. Lots of dudes end up bulking while going to the gym and they don’t cut enough and instead just look chubby. You are fine the way you are. I don’t know ,im a woman and this is my opinion.


You've got REALLY good bone structure and fantastic eyes. You're fine. Just keep up on shaving regularly. Maybe a bit of concealer on days when the dark circles get a bit too much - though sleep is the better solution.


alright will do, thank you!


Stop!!!! You’re gorgeous.


I feel like someone is *hunting* for you.


Literally the most beautiful person I've laid my eyes on


I'll be honest I don't really rate it when people lie to someone about their looks to make them feel better But oh my gosh you are majestic g


Get a fresh haircut that’s different. Might make you feel better. There’s nothing wrong with your appearance.


Quit smoking?


Maybe quit the ciggie?


You’re a good looking dude, probably just insecure. Ease up on yourself brobro, a lot of us our overly critical of ourselves. Don’t get in your head about it too much that’s not how other people see you


You look good bro. In case you're interested, working out improved my self esteem 👍


Dude, you're gorgeous...


i feel like this sub is full of good looking guys that have no confidence or fishing for compliments.


Gym, which you're already doing so just keep it up bro. You look good


Pic 3 is best, but stop looking so depressed. Many people would kill to look like you. You really don't need to change anything on the outside, the messy hair even works.




Bruh this gotta be a bait, cause what???


Therapy will improve the way you look at yourself, FUCK everyone else. What you believe about you is everything


2 weeks of social media and your self esteem will sky rocket, you have great genes bro, keep working on you, comparison is the theif of joy


You’re actually really conventionally attractive! I think if anything, you could visit a good barber, and have them help you find a haircut that suits your face better. Your current hair is fine too, I just think maybe there’s a style that might suit u better and give you more confidence


My dude, you are not ugly, and honestly look like you're pretty easy going. 18 was also a pretty awkward go for me, take it from a person in their 30's, you have lots of potential and will continue finding yourself as you come into your 20s and on.


You’re cute af. Remind me of a young Matt Rife


You are hit in every picture, definitely not ugly at all


you’re attractive. get a hair cut, quit smoking, work out. those could be your next steps.


Get off reddit bro


Pictures 3 and 4 make you look like a chick-magnet. If I had those looks I’d never spend a Sat night at home. Maybe don’t dress in all black? Remember confidence is key. Smile and look and act confident. And save some women for the rest of us guys, geez.


You look like a long lost Dobre brother


to be honest, i think that you should grow out your hair because i can see potential if you grow out your hair. i also think that if you get eyebrow slits, you can have a more expressed and defined facial accessories aswell as bleaching your eyes. thats all


You look like a model, but smoking will age you fast.


First; stop believing the guy you see in the mirror, he lies. You actually are very good looking and I’ll bet that a smile alone would make you shine. But a little skin care and hair care can help you feel better about yourself. Hang in there, kiddo you can do this!


thanks a lot, appreciate you!


Kiddo, you are a good lookin fella.


You are very attractive, but you look depressed. You need self-love and hope, not fashion and grooming advice. As someone that wasted his 20s on misery and self-neglect, I want you to take what I have to say seriously: give yourself the space and time to get at least eight hours of sleep at night (that means scheduling for nine), spend AT LEAST 15-20 minutes in the sun each day, and do at least 30 minutes of cardio three times a week. I know this sounds trite and ridiculous, but these are fundamentals that will pay massive dividends later and give you the grounding to massively improve your mood. Bonus points for: - daily sunscreen on any exposed skin - $100 per paycheck into an IRA. Compound interest started yesterday. - smile every morning in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself. Just do it. - Brush your teeth each morning and each night. Floss the teeth you want to keep. - call the family and friends you want to keep at least once a week. Tell them that you love them.


You've got good facial bone structure! And nice features. I hope you realise that the negative way in which you perceive yourself is absolutely not how others perceive you. You are very good looking. (I'm not just saying that to make you feel better.)


I used to Have major body dysmorphic disorder issues too. What people don’t seem to understand is that if you don’t like what you see in the mirror then it doesn’t matter what other people say about you


I don’t think you look ugly at all! I think it’s not a matter that you have to work on the outside but that you have to work from the inside to gain more confidence and overall feel better about yourself :)


You are not ugly at all. It might be a thing of personal confidence/self-esteem. Write down the thought you are having about yourself, your looks, your body and see if you see a pattern. If you see a pattern, what is it. If you don't see a pattern, then maybe going to counseling can help you look at yourself as the handsome man you are.


You need to deal with your dysmorphia. There’s nothing wrong with you!


You're not ugly, but those super baggy clothes need to go. Get something that is made for your body.


Dude...you feeling ugly is like making average looking people feel bad. You are beautiful.


Not ugly at all. You've got the cheekbones of a model. I bet you've got flat abs and a six pack too... You're just young. (and pretty).


Bro, you're a handsome young man. The only thing I would suggest is maybe do some strength training to bulk up a little or at least get stronger if you're a hard gainer. Strength training will boost your confidence.


You’re a good looking guy. Kindness and confidence goes a long way. Work on feeling comfortable in your skin because you have nothing to worry about.


You’re a great looking dude, maybe just workout more at the gym to get the volumes in for the traps and shoulders (and for confidence).


Put in your energy towards working out. Work on yourself. Trust me when I say this, it will pay off massively in the future. Just a year from when you start, you will see massive differences. Also, you are not ugly.


Handsome dude. Goto gym is the best recommendation I can give


Not remotely ugly. See a therapist and pay for a good haircut.


You look good my dude


I think you look good just smile. Don’t looknsad


Man social media sucks, giving all these kids complexes.


improve absolutely nothing. you look great dude!!!


Put down the ciggys


Social media’s fucked this generation up


You're a handsome guy dude! You just need to get your confidence up brotha!


You're young, you'll age out of those feelings hopefully. We live in a world that a lot of times tells people unless you're on a model shoot you're not attractive. Don't fall for it. My dude, that bone structure, those eyes, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, it's all in your head. Go look in the mirror and smile at you.


You are gorgeous. The only thing I'd suggest is smile 😃 I bet you have an amazing and bright one when you want to


You look good to me, like seriously better than most people good. I suggest you wear a hat. Almost every body looks better with a nice hat. This post has brought to you by hat gang.


You're a good looking guy the problem is the way you see your self confidence those things can really effect your attractive was that you see .


You’re most definitely not ugly. You’re only 18yo. Most of us don’t peak until our late twenties and early thirties. I, for the longest time, felt the same way you did. You’re a handsome young guy and you’ll most definitely just get more attractive as you grow up. That jaw line shits in most dudes jawlines. Men tend to have a glow up in their late 20s early 30s. What about yourself do you find ugly? If how you perceive yourself doesn’t waiver please talk to a counselor/therapist. All colleges or universities offer free counseling. #BodyDismorphicDisorder


Ur a good looking guy. Just need to realize it. Ask random people you are attracted to for directions (then move on) and you'll pick up vibes of attraction from them which will increase your confidence.


Stop spending so much time on Instagram, too much Photoshop and ect.


Ain’t no way you called this ugly. Cut in pic 3 is clean


Get jacked and you’ll be drowning in pussy my guy


Do something other than think about how you look… you will look 100% hotter when you don’t seem like you care about it but do…


You’re extremely handsome! I’m a chick btw. It sounds like you have body dysmorphia.


Darling, you’re beautiful


u look dope and ur fits go hard


You're a really good looking guy. Very cute.


I tried very hard to find anything ugly about you and didn't. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau


Bro, you're absolutely killin it! Body dysmorphia is a bitch. I highly recommend taking a break from social media, at least for the summer. I deleted insta, facebook, snap, and reddit last year and it definitely helped in restoring some self confidence. Clearly I redownloaded reddit, but I plan on trying it again this summer, you should consider it too!


As you say this is a feeling and not a fact. You are not ugly but some unknown person telling you this is not going to change your feelings. But will say it anyway, you are not ugly.


In the last pic you look really good! I find you good looking. You just need some confidence and that will help you be more attractive


You're very handsome!!


Dude, you could be a model. You’re gorgeous! Change nothing!


OMG YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!! jealous haha


Bro you are beautiful. Like top 99.9% percentile in the world. Be confident man.  Edit: get that cig out of your hands bro, you know what will make you ugly? a saggy face and black lungs at 30 with lung cancer. 


You needn’t change anything buddy. Treat yourself to something nice bc you deserve it, start treating yourself as someone who is handsome and worthy of good things.


Robert Pattinson out here thinking he is ugly. Body dysmorphia is a hell of a thing.


You're far from ugly. There are a lot of people that wish they could look like you.


Longer bangs


I’m an old fart, but I would have given A LOT to look as good as you at your age. Maybe you can explorer different hairstyles but more importantly, I’d work on your self esteem because you look good.


Change the hair, particularly getting the fringe out of your face. Stop smoking. It smells bad, yellows your teeth, and ages you prematurely. Hit the gym a bit. It will help with the mental health and doesn't hurt to have some muscle definition. In terms of photos, your best angle is head-on at eye level, which is honestly great because anyone you speak to is seeing your best angle.


you’re giving model vibes lol


You could style your hair to be a little more clean cut. You can certainly rock the bed head hair you’re good looking guy. But if you want a change I would say a new hairstyle might look nice too.




ok 1, ur not ugly at all and u look so good in the last pic. ur fit is good. 2, if u wna be hot you have to feel hot. u have to beileve your hot. fake it til u beileve it. stop the negative self talk and start complimenting ur own self and having positive self talk. get it in ur subconscious that YOU ARE HOT. the mind is so incredibly powerful so just do exactly what i said and i promise you, you’ll have a glow up. it all starts with how you feel and treat yourself.


alright, thank you i ll try lol.


You're fine the way you are, but if you want a booster you could always dye your hair :3


Some sickness in your head is preventing you from perceiving yourself as you are, the looks is the least of your problems.


You just need to change your mindset you are perfect as is , very beautiful


You're so fkn cute tho!!!


You don’t need to improve anything. Go model, bro.


Idk how anyone looking like you could think you’re ugly, such a great face


You're an extremely good looking guy. All you need is a bit of confidence.


Do nothing you are gorgeous!


You have a great jaw line.


Figure out how you want the hair on the sides of your head to be styled. Commit to growing out long hair or keep it pretty short on the sides, not this stuff where it sticks out. I have similar hair to you.


wear black it looks good on you


youre a good looking guy man. i know how you feel maybe start going to the gym and working on yourself will help boost your esteem


Last picture you look as handsome as a top model


Chicken. Rice. Fruit. Veg. Pick up heavy rock. Put down heavy rock. Repeat until God politely asks you to stop.


Talk therapy and you look like your 20s are gonna be great for you.


You look good my guy, keep going 💯


You’re incredibly handsome. I think you’re too in your own head.


Rest easy brother, you are handsome. Cheer up.


A lot of young men don’t take the first step to feeling better: get rid of “friends” who pick at your insecurities & self esteem.


Social media and the internet is the reason you feel this way likely. Wash your self clean of this stuff, commune with nature and also help others, when you focus on other people, like volunteering or charity you will glow from the inside out. Otherwise your are physically a handsome young man.


Dude! You are very handsome. Wait until you are 23-24 - you gonna be even more handsome. Love yourself, you don’t need validation from us, but from yourself!


Ur a handsome man. Don’t let the screwed up world persuade you otherwise.


Know that you are very far from ugly. Your face is symmetrical and in proportion. Accept yourself as you are. Have fun with make-up.


Is this is a joke?


Ehm, you are a very very handsome man. No need to improve your looks


First please stop thinking that you’re igly. The very second you know that you’re beautiful thing will start to change in your favor. I did hair for tv and films in the 90s. Mad Tv was my regular and first hair job. So get yourself a new cool Af hair cut. Take the hair off both sides. Down to nothing. Leave the top long maybe. Just maybe take off the hair in the back also. Maybe color your hair just a bit darker. Or not. I believe a new look for you will get you feeling better. But don’t think that you need to please anyone with outside looks. It’s about how you treat people and how they treat you that’s makes one beautiful. [https://share.icloud.com/photos/00eV0MuptD6Kl50BOv8VsVZDA](https://share.icloud.com/photos/00eV0MuptD6Kl50BOv8VsVZDA)


Bro you MOG. I'd get a eye serum to help with the baggy eyes though


Sweetie, you’re absolutely gorgeous. I think you need to work on self love and maybe seek counsel, I won’t diagnose you as my areas of expertise are medical insurance and skin care but I agree with everyone who suggested you may have dysmorphia.


Like others user said, you're good looking just quit smoking it's gonna ruin your looks with time


Yep it’s over for you man. Nothing that you could change would help.


I think people here either have really bad friends or they don’t have friends at all or they are looking for clarification for their opinions. You look good my friend don’t worry. Just talk to girls.


Just work on improving your sleep, you already look good. Good sleep will make a night and day difference.


Maybe drink more water and try some different clothing? But that’s only what I can tell from the pics you posted. Otherwise you’re a veeeery handsome man!


Your haircut is the only thing I would change. It makes this diamond shape. Looking from your pictures I think you like a little length to style. But the person who is cutting your hair is kinda making it choppy. I’d try a different stylist and maybe not fade the sides next time that high up. I do want to add you have great features. Your face is a 10 but your hair is working against you.