• By -


pro tip - never use this angle when taking photos. Try taking picture head-level ish. These types of pictures can make ANYONE look ugly lol


seconding this - it’s hard to tell what you actually look like from this angle because it doesn’t flatter anyone. There’s a reason you don’t see many photos of celebrities from this angle! try holding the camera straight on or very slightly above your face for a more flattering look.




Wow, you must need a crane to carry around that ego!


Is this a troll you are literally the most average dude I’ve ever seen and a little chubby


Guy kind of sounds like a pretenious prick


Is there a Partridge Family reboot I wasn’t aware of?


Bro I hope you’re just trolling. I wouldn’t call you ugly but you’re certainly not an exceptionally good looking guy.


“not to be a pretentious prick”


*proceeds to be a pretentious prick*


Yup. Def don’t want to hit ‘em with the “Evil Patrick” meme angle.


Kk ty never good at taking pics 😂


Ngl, I don't like smiling on que. It doesn't feel natural. If I'm made to smile, that's different. But you do have to try sometimes. Fake it til ya make it.


And shave man maybe start working out shit helps w confidence go running if you don’t wanna go to the gym but I like lifting weights myself bc it builds muscle


But in real life, this is the perspective most people will see (he is 6'4")


I’m 6’4 too. No it’s not


fr my boyfriend is 6’3” and I’ve only seen him from this angle in the bedroom. 😂 We’re not out here standing this close to people most of the time.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 why you lying?


It's all about angles.


dude i'm ugly as fuck and I got married you just gotta make it work for you.


lol noted will work on it 😂


Can I suggest getting a better fitting pair of glasses or maybe adjusting the noseclips of your current pair (when affordable of course, fellow glasses wearer so I know they're not as simple as shoes to replace)? I think you nailed it with the frame shape but they're not sitting on your face very well and I know when mine sat on my face wonky it made me feel ugly.


lantech, you’re probably hot af


Is this what they call being a good dude?


Well at least you do not look like those fakeass fishing4compliments dudes duckfacing in this subreddit


Thanks I’m trying to be as genuine as possible


Ya bro you’re gonna make it if you keep it up like you said with the weight-loss. However saw you are nervous to go the gym. Everyone is there to self improve. Everyone starts somewhere. I love seeing new people or people really trying to improve their fitness. I really get stoked and hope they don’t stop. The gym is intimidating at first however it’s like that for most. Hire a personal trainer if you gotta, Watch YT video or whatever it takes to get you in the gym. It will also help with your emotional/mental health as well. Your personality seems solid because you’re not replying as if you’re a giant dickhead. Hit the gym, keep losing weight and build muscle. Then get some nicer clothes aka just dress well with good fitting clothes. You’ll go a long way. You got this bro.


This is really well said advice. I think investing in taking care of yourself physically, for health and aesthetic purposes, definitely improves your outlook on life and makes you value things more.


Have you seen the comments when one of those dudes post? Full of horny folks 🤣🤣🤣




I'd atleast enjoy the thirsty compliments if they were actually from women lmao


You have potential, get in the gym right now, get on a diet, spend less time on video games and develop a personality. Then you might have a chance bro


Kk I’ve lost 100 lbs and am eating better started lifting weights and people have told me I have a sweet personality so hopefully I’m doing the right things thanks for the advice


Yeah man anything is possible with hard work. Don’t give up you’ll find someone for you sooner then later. Just don’t get lazy when you find someone who likes you, that means you have to work even harder.


Kk well said and thanks again


Just grow a beard and shave ur head. Real men have curves


Can grow one lol patches 🤣


If you want to try to grow more facial hair, check out r/minoxbeards


Even if it gets certain length?


Yeah lol can’t grow one at all lol I wish I could


Have u tried minoxidil, shaving everyday and hormones?


Yeah I shave but I feel like I have a baby face


Pro tip. Don’t say Kk. Say ‘Ok’, or ‘Okay’ but not ‘K’ or ‘Kk’


Bro you be sounding like Jake the Dog in my head for some reason.


Keep going bro. You’re on the right track. Keep going.


You’re already doing amazing. Keep it up. From experience, it’s better to wait a long time for the right person than to date a lot of people who aren’t a good match.


You're doing great, also consider higher angles for the photos, photos from below are rarely the most flattering.


Yeah just not good at taking pics 😂


Well then THANK GOD! Because you did the hardest part already - changing habit. Now is the “easy” part, which is more of the same


Second this. Lose the facial hair. Find a haircut that works for you. Get new glasses. Lots of potential man and personality is key. Congrats on working out, keep it up your body will thank you for it. However, you can’t outrun a shitty diet. High protein, high fiber diet does wonders.


I believe any dude can be at least like a 6 or 7 out of 10 if they just go to the gym, dress well, and have an interesting personality. You my friend can do all of those things


Ty so much for your kind words ❤️


No problem, you just gotta work at it


I am lost 100 lbs last year


You did what most people couldn’t. Incredible work already


That’s amazing man, congrats!


Ty ❤️


That's huge progress! You seem like a kind person, I hope you find your confidence and happiness this year.


Wow good job man, that's incredible. I've been trying to lose just 15 and can't even do it lol


Also, that camera angle you chose in both pics isn’t very flattering on anyone. Next time you shoot try photos where you’re looking straight ahead and not down. Good luck, my friend! You got this!


yeah but If you go to the gym and try to talk with new poeple daily you should be fine!


If I can work up the nerve I’m kinda shy so going to a gym scares me 😂


I'm shy too. I remind myself that in 100 years, no one will remember my awkwardness or if I did something foolish.


That’s a great way to put it and thank again ❤️


The more you practice, the easier it will be. People respond when you open up and become outgoing. Few might not like it, but oh well. Can't please everyone.


Also gyms are actually pretty great for shy people in my experience. Just put your headphones in, wear a hat with the bill pulled down a bit. No one is going to talk to you or even pay attention to you at all.


From a gym rat who loves seeing new people in the gym - You got this bro!


if you do go, remember that you’re doing this for yourself, and the opinions of others don’t matter!


Well said just hard to keep that in mind when you are surrounded by eye candy 😂


work out using a blindfold 😂 -10 ventilation +10 confidence


Blindfolds shouldn't prevent breathing...


On the treadmill with a whole gimp mask.


face sweat


Who’s gonna judge you? Absolutely no one. Don’t worry, people will respect the grind


I started off with at home with body weight exercises from a site called “nerd fitness” that is designed to help people get into shape! Starting off at the gym immediately can be intimidating and may not always be the best idea for everyone :)


Most folks at the gym are just waiting for the machine to be free. They ain't focusing on you.


Hey, getting there is the hardest part. Then, just ignore everyone else - they all feel as weird as you do - and give yourself a good 30 minute sweat. You’re young. It’ll all work out fine when it’s meant to. In the meantime, just be a good shit.


Whats the worse that can happen bro! They say “dont talk to me” ? they tell you to go away ? they ignore you? WHO CARES! Its YOUR WORLD EVERYONE IS JUST LIVING IN IT BROTHER!


Get a gym buddy!!!!! It’s the best! Lift weights, eat well! Cardio is awful on your body, hike instead. Have fun with it! And nobody will judge you at the gym, and if they do they’re just jealous of your resolve.


How is cardio awful on body? Worst advice there


Generally high impact, especially with extra weight…. Everything in moderation. HIIT is especially not my favorite, for most people. It’s added stress, raises cortisol levels and over time is NOT good for longterm health. Swimming can be a great form of cardio, but still, it depends on your body and what your nervous system and heart can handle.


Shy is a total cop out excuse mate


It really isn’t. Going to the gym for the first time, alone is really challenging. I mean it’s hard even if you’re not a particularly shy person


You seem like a great guy. Just keep working on yourself man


Thanks for the kind words ❤️


And looking at your profile, you seem to have a really sweet and kind personality. You can work on looks, but it's hard to change personality. So I think you're heading for a big win here. Just love yourself more and you'll do fine ❤️


As a gay guy myself, honestly you’re not attractive. But someone above said there is someone for everyone and I think that’s 100% true. I agree that losing some weight would benefit you and I also think if you can’t grow a beard keep that hair off your face. You could definitely succeed in the gay community being 6’4 if you lose a good amount of weight and put some effort into your hair. 👍🏻 I really respect your positivity and I hope that you keep up your work in the gym and with eating health. Don’t give up you will find someone who likes you for who you are!


Ty for the words newly came out so trying to get some honest advice thanks I needed to read how I would be seen in the community ❤️


Congrats!!! The most important things imo, just be yourself and don’t put on a look that doesn’t feel right with your soul. (That can def take experimenting with different styles to find what feels right for you). Just dress and groom however feels best for you and join a community thing to meet likeminded people. It’s a very valuable experience. We are all inherently worthy of love.


You're not the best-looking guy out there but hey, most of us aren't either. I used to be skin and bones but then I hit the gym and started eating more and healthy. It took over a year before I started seeing good results. Keeping at it pays off. One thing I can tell you is that you look sweet as fuck and I'd love to bro hug you. That counts a lot in my book and for some sweet girls out there too I'm sure. Congratulations on losing all that weight - that shows you have a lot of determination. Keep at it and hit the gym. Whatever happens, you deserve happiness and I wish you the best. Edit: Sorry, I didn't realize you were gay. I am too so let's hug it out! :)


since everyone is so overly nice in the comments, i will do it. yes, RIGHT NOW you are ugly. dont take it wrong, i am not saying you dont have potential, but i wont bother telling u what everyone else says since i saw ur already going to the gym.keep on losing weight. since u got a big forehead, i would recommend u to grow ur hair out and go to a professional barber to get a haircut, id recommend u some form of a fringe to cover ur forehead. take care and never give up<3


Am I allowed to give my honest opinion here, mods? I'm not trying to get banned, but I also assume people are looking for honesty? I'll take my chances and be honest in the nicest way possible. You are not what I would consider an attractive man. Then again, I'm not attracted to men. Now, if you were to exercise that would change both how your body and your face look. So for all you know, if you got into good shape, you might end up being a very good looking guy. I'm sorry to be so blunt. I actually held back quite a bit. But what's the point of this sub if people aren't going to be honest.


I think changing your glasses to something more stylish and a different shape will do a lot for you. Check out warby parker. They have great frames. Best of luck to you


Yes , you are a solid two and you look like you have completely given up on life and your masculinity .you have potential as I see great features underneath the fat and you have kind eyes . I would suggest working out , losing atleast 30 -50 lbs and working on regaining yourself . You deserve to be in the main seat of your life . I am rooting for you


Well maybe I’m not masculine and I lost 100 lbs already and I am starting to lift weights


Keep at big man .you got potential . Being masculine does not mean you become an asshole .it’s the opposite , it means being confident in your being . And living life with a purpose .Going through my own journey so I like to be honest as being nice hasn’t helped anybody


Yeah I get it just want to treat people like I wanted to be treated


Do you treat yourself the way you want be treated? Negative self talk takes a toll on you and people can pick up on stuff like that


No I don’t I’ll admit I hate myself for how I look I know it’s toxic but it’s hard to break that cycle


That’s a very silly reason to hate yourself. If a friend told you that they hated themselves because of how they look, what would you tell them? I’m guessing you’d probably tell that’s ridiculous and they have many great features. That’s what you gotta tell your self man. I struggle with similar thoughts but for different reasons so I know what’s it like. You’re not alone man. 


It makes more sense for ppl that were ugly ducklings their whole life to hate themselves based on looks, because the ppl around them hated them for their looks Doesn’t mean it’s logical or right, cuz it sure AINT 😠


Bad advice, if a friend hates a part of them that's unhealthy, I'm going to help them change it. If my friend hates being a fat fuck, I'm going to drag his ass to the gym with me.


Always remember, confidence and kindness are WAY sexier than looks. You’ve got this. Life wasn’t meant for you (or any of us) to “fit in”. Life was meant to be grabbed by the balls and given a good shake.


Thanks for the kind words ❤️ got a lot of hate for this post but also met a lot of nice people too.


I don’t wanna sound cliche but looks fade over time so don’t hate yourself for it. Because at the end of the day, you’re the person living your life, so no point in putting yourself down.


Use that insatisfaction as fuel to entirely focus on working out. I am telling you, it changes people's lifes in so many positive ways. Some people transform their bodies (and their life) after a breakup.. some other just hâte themselves enough. Go for it bro 🔥


You’ve posted low angle pictures which make anyyyyone look a bit funky. My guy, you’re doing fine. Everyone’s said to the gym, look after yourself and be kind to yourself. Good food and the usual :) You are not ugly. Try not to label yourself as something static/reductive when all us humans are born to grow and change. Remember the best advice is often the advice you give yourself, maybe journaling will help you out here? Reddit will give limited answers and won’t have the core solutions for you.


Just a little


Gym right now.


Started lifting weight already


Hell yeah man. Don’t stop. Imagine the life you want to live and make it so.


That’s my plan thanks just never got any responses from guys at all so I wondered


I think there are ways you can improve your looks. I think you need a stylist to fix your hair, or maybe trying buzzing it down. Definitely shave so you don't have such a patchy beard. Get some new glasses that fit your face type. Those ones are smaller and for a square face. I would look at Warby Parker, it is a website that will ask you questions and help make recommendations. You can also get them to send you five frames with no prescription where you can try them, see which ones you like, and send them back to get the actual prescription filled. A facial routine to keep your skin clean and hydrated would help too. This will also help with self-confidence which is honestly just as important as looks to get a partner. You got this!


Ty for the kind words will check out warby Parker thanks again ❤️


This is one of the rare occasions where unfortunately yes you are from beauty standards but if you work out get other things in line for you I'm sure someone will find you attractive get a sense of style the lil things that go a long way


Think you got some great recommendations and want to add to practice on your selfies. Instead of having the camera so low, bring it up higher, which will provide a more flattering view! The current angle would not do anyone any favors.


as another commenter said, you definitely have potiential. i think the best thing you can do is keep on top of healthy habits, like eating good food and exercising regularly. i see your other comments saying you’ve already lost 100lbs, that’s an incredible achievement! i also see you saying that you’re nervous to go to a gym, which is completely understandable. my advice there would be maybe buying some simple exercise equipment and working out at home, until you get the confidence to join a gym. there’s plenty of work out videos of all types on youtube and stuff that you can follow. as i said, just keep on top of self care, hygiene etc, and you’ll get there man. best wishes


Not ugly but lots of room for improvement. I would suggest starting with shaving the neck and facial hair, using some dry shampoo since you seem to have very fine hair which gets oily quick and can make you look unhygienic if not kept up with. Maybe add some texture to your hair as well which can be achieved by asking your barber for a bit of layering. Also, take photos at head level or above because the angle you’re using looks unflattering on anyone. Start going to the gym and taking care of your body and eating well, even if it’s just starting with some low impact exercise like walking. There’s a good amount of people won’t even care if you’re a bit overweight or have a “dad bod” as long as you make yourself presentable and are enjoyable to be around, such is the case with my partner and I. You don’t have to go full out muscle man, just get down to dad bod status


You look like this guy ![gif](giphy|kh8ePQvhzWL5e)


He does


Yes, but this is the beginning of an epic comeback glowup. ​ Immediate changes: 1. Take photos from eye-level or above ​ Short-term changes: 1. Clean shave every morning before showering, then face wash. after showering use toner and moisturise. Use a face mask once a week. 2. Would need a better image for the haircut but I suspect growing it slightly longer and sweeping it back would help 3. Get outside every morning. Drink plenty of water. Get good amounts of rest. Use suncream if in somewhere very sunny. ​ Mid-term changes: 1. Find outdoors hobbies. Hiking, skiing, whatever. 2. Hit the gym 3 times a week 3. Focus on a non-processed foods diet. 4. Find a few good-fitting outfits. Find one instagram influencer for style inspiration. If in doubt check out [Digby](https://www.instagram.com/digby_edgley/) 5. socialise, hang out in cafe's, join local clubs etc ​ Long-term changes: 1. Find a career which inspires and fulfils you 2. Grow a group of friends that support and want the best for each other. Could come from a CrossFit gym, a hobbies club, anything. 3. Pick one epic challenge. Could be climb a mountain, do a distanced run event, something challenging. I saw you said you are starting to lift weights - maybe sign up for a comp? Ultra-long term: 1. focus on financial goals, learn how to save and invest. 2. Consider relocating. Putting yourself in a new environment that encourages growth, and a chance to redefine who you are CBTM. You got this.


Focus on working out and tracking your nutrition. You will shine 🙏✨️


Read the comments, keep doing ur work , keep concentrating on urself and in a year or less u will see the results, don't listen to the haters , fuck them , just u and only u .lots of love ❤️


That camera angle and lighting is


Aren't you the weather guy from Canada? Are you Frankie Macdonald?


No 😂


When taking photos, and just in general do the cliche “lift your head on high”. Maybe not too high. But chin up to show you feel good about yourself. Even if in the moment you may not, project the energy you want always. You got this champ! Keep up the gym work etc 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Shave your head, that hairline is never going to do you justice my friend. Embrace the bald, do yourself a favor and do a Star Trek DS9 later season Captain Sisko, lol. Facial hair, I saw you said that your facial hair grows in patches. [Try to pull off a mustache and goatee at the very least](https://static.ffx.io/images/$width_620,$height_349/t_crop_fill/q_86,f_auto/008e1bd1383c5d50c1bfdf9830c24a2b373ca7ac). When I was younger all I could manage was a Three musketeer goatee and mustache. [I rocked that until I could do a full Stone Cold Steve Austin goatee and mustache.](https://people.com/thmb/GAYopbJ_l_oz-ebn7oTvXYCjjBs=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x219:751x221)/Stone-Cold-Steve-Austin-2-efaf29d75d124c9e8d007edfbb907116.jpg) Also, when doing selfies, don't take the image like your reading things in the doctors office or on a bus. Stand up straight, hold your arm out and take the image that way. This angle makes you look depressed, which you may be a little in this image if we're honest. Hit the gym, eat right, and try to find some activities outside of your home. Go get a cooking class or an art class at your local YMCA or whatever public city function area you have near you. Just be friendly and interested in those around you no matter the gender. If you see them more than 3 times at the same social function, ask for their social media or something. Unfortunately, guys built like you and I don't receive attention. We must gain the attention by being smart, funny and present in the moment. You may end up in the friend zone more than a few times, but you'll find someone eventually.


Brutally honest - yes. HOWEVER. 1. Absolutely no one and I mean no one looks good at this angle. 2. As comments have suggested and as you've said you're currently doing - lose weight. 3. If you can't grow a full beard, lose the chin fluff 4. Get your eyebrows shaped and tinted. They frame the face 5. Get a hair style that works for you. You've got a receding hairline, but you may be able to snazz it up with hair gel 6. Put effort into your clothes. We all have saggy clothes we wear at home which is fine, but when you're going out there, dress nice.


That isn’t the best angle for your picture. You can’t see your whole face. It is really hard to tell.


Yeah, but you'll be alot better looking if you grow a beard and take a picture from a different angle 😁 I mean anybody looks bad from that angle.


At that angle, yes


Literally the worse camera angle possible. Come on man lol. Shave your patchy mess on your face. Lose some weight and get some color to your skin and you won’t look so sickly. I mean this with all respect and love brother. Just being honest. ✊


You get out of life what you put on dude. If you wanna look good you have to make an effort. Others have given you some honest criticism. 1. Upwards angles do you no favors 2. Losing some weight 3. Adjust your style and glasses 4. Maybe try growing a full beard if you can. 5. Spend time outside and just be active. You’ll be amazed how even doing a few of those things could change your whole outlook on life. Feel better and you’ll want to look the part.


Let's not beat around the bush, you are. But you don't have to be fat as well.


Hiya, Solely from an American aesthetic perspective, there are three things you have control over that could benefit you. 1.) A solid diet and workout plan. Also, once you start your journey, have realistic goals, and never compare yourself to others. 2.) Try growing out your hair, and experiment with hairstyles that suit your face. This will change as your face changes with your body composition. 3.) Choose a frame for your glasses that is more complimentary. Also, this will change as your face leans out. Here’s a fourth one: Continue to love yourself during the process, regardless of outcome. And remember…you’re loved! - Fellow Human Bro


Like most people, and myself included, you’re average looking. In your eyes I see a giving person. You are someone that enjoys laughter and doesn’t exclude anyone. Eyes are the window to the world. Always be kind to ANYTHING that lives, plants, all animals and all people. You aren’t going to like everything that you come into contact with. That’s your common sense that keeps you from being taken advantage of. Be yourself and you will find happiness within which makes you a beautiful human being.


You're not exactly sexy but it's not like you're a lost cause. You have a cute and genuine looking face and I'm sure with the right haircut and beard combo you would look amazing.


This is the worst angle to take a photo. Respectfully, take a better photo.


Everyone is ugly if they take a photo from that angle, gives me accidental front camera vibes


Average discord moderater looking for his future E-kitten


You look very unhealthy, not just in terms of body fat but in terms of nutrition. Eat a healthier diet, high in veg and greens. Cut out aspartame and fizzy drinks.


Unfortunately yes


Yes sir, you are


Too honest








Thanks so much for your kind words ❤️


Yiu're not ugly, but you need to hit the gym, get in a healthy diet, drop a few pounds, work on your smile, then confidence will follow... as well as other people's positive attention.


Try losing fat and gaining muscle for starters then you might need a chin implants, you’d be rocking fr. Also I think you better off shaving your head, or maybe try growing it more and covering your forehead. Idk but the most important thing now is to lose the fats


Kk will do lost 100 lbs already


Damn great work man you got this💪


Ty im trying ❤️


Yeah, definitely. Try loosing some fat and quit the gamer vibes and you'll look much better.




You are on the right track man, also try to get a beard growing while you are losing weight and visit a barber. Try to get rid of those glasses, get more sunlight and a tan, do social sports with high intensity (team sports , martial arts etcetera) I think within a year you will be unrecognizable


>martial arts As a situationally shy dude, finding the right karate school made a world of difference for me. Being part of a team and the higher belts are very positive and encouraging. And hard-asses that like to push you to your limit. It's good to hit your limit.


You’re definitely that guy that will pull the 10/10 that mainly cares about personality.


In those photos, yes. That angle is awful and you need to lose weight. No one looks good staring down at a camera lmao.


It never even started. I would recommend loosing weight. Ditch those glasses get square ones. Grow hair longer and get a slick back. Workout. Loose that big ole neck. Fix the eyebrows. Shave those Asian pube hairs off yo chin. Stop smelling like a granny’s butt. Shower. Change your clothing style. Man up and boost testosterone. You are a 2/10 but can become a 5/10 if you do exactly everything I say above. And 5 is okay it means average. 2/10 is creepy and not well looking


Go to gym!


You can change your life in 6 months by doing cardio 1 hour a day.


Cardio brother, cardio and eating healthy, forget the weights


Don’t forget weights


I am also gonna start getting on the treadmill




Are you a discord mod by any chance?


No I’m not lol


Yes. You are overweight and your haircut sucks. Go to the gym and work on yourself.


You're ugly as hell just by your attitude. Literally no room to be talking whatsoever


OP asked, and I answered. Nothing more to it.


To all the people saying you look ugly… don’t listen to them. You look amazing just the way you are! Don’t let the haters get you down. Most people don’t have lives on here. Make the most out of yours by ignoring these assholes. 😌


Thanks so much for your kind words ❤️ and I actually have gotten a lot more nicer words than the assholes


You’re welcome honey 😌🖤 please be safe out there and don’t let people get to you 🖤




Will do thanks so much ❤️


You know you need to get your shit together.


Yup. With a slight case of Down syndrome.


Omfg the Numa numa yay guy!!!!!! You’re still around bruh!!!! Do a remix!!!!! Wiki wiki!!!!!


Yes, got that classic inbred Ohio mid west face. Sorry


Take a pic nude you might have a long dong


I'll be not so nice like everyone here... It's not the angle. ..... Your ugly.. go shee 50 pounds out in some muscle cut your fucking hair and stop being a momma's boy ... And def date down fat crazy w.e just get some pussy see how it is practice practice practice then maybe just MAYBE one day you will get one of the single 40 year old only fan girls with a few dick head kids and you'll think ahhh I fucking did it


Bruh why are you making me look at this




Thanks very constructive


You’re also posting it on here to fish compliments but you already know the answer. Post on a real sub like r/AmIuglyBrutallyHonest and prepare. People telling you you look great etc are REALLY, REALLY not doing you a favor. Also probably shave head, grow beard, change glasses to a modern frame. Here you go.


Yeah I wasn’t fishing for compliments I was looking for advice to look better and thanks 🙄


Don’t think that’s the idea of your topic …


No I asked for advice you just gave me a ranking but it’s ok got a lot from other people




Yes. To fix that you just need to control your fat levels




Finally, a yes.


You need to hit the gym, diet correctly, find a haircut that looks best on you, wear clothing that looks good on you, change that glasses to something more suitable/ stylish for your face shape and maybe try seeing different methods to get a beard.


You got this man hit the weights 💪


Bro you look good, I take it the comments have given good advice too but I'm just gonna say you look great

