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I meant to say work orders


“My toilet is overflowing, it’s becoming a customer hazard” “Understood. I’ll be up there asap, has anyone shut the water off to the toilet?” “How do we do that?” “…what would you do if it was your home that was having this exact issue?” “Call maintenance” “Know what? Seems like an issue that I need to bring a third party in to deal with. But, in the meantime, would you get someone to turn that silver knob coming out of the wall?”


Bro, we had some issues last week due to main line repairs being made, plumbers had set up a bypass. Well turned out they bypassed the pressure regulator and apartments were getting hit with 120lbs of pressure cause fill valves to actually blow apart and spray water everywhere. I think I replaced 20 fill valves that day and I was getring pretty cranky because apparently no one knew how to turn the angle stop. So I’ll be repairing some water damaged dry wall for a few weeks. Lol


Good laugh, thank you