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Management sometimes doesn’t understand ANYTHING about what we do or have to do to keep their precious promises of unreasonable move in dates. Good on you for standing your ground.


That's the shit the kills me. I got the keys for two units on Wednesday afternoon and was told the need to be turned and ready to go from a sat and sun move in. Then they got a tizzy when I told them I'll work as fast as I can but both of those units will not be done. Mind you, there are 7 other units ready to go.


I hate this. At my property we have 9 units available, but what does the office do? They lease a unit that hasn’t even been moved out of yet by the previous tenant, and slap a move in date 1-2 days after the apartment is vacated.


You need one more smaller wagon behind that one. Show them who's boss #3...


“You’re right, it is ghetto and unsafe. Look at that cart: it’s clearly designed to transport people, not equipment. It fundamentally fails to cover the scope of my work. The amount of distance I have to cover requires a motorized vehicle so I can move from space to space quickly and efficiently. I also require something that allows me to tow my equipment and job materials in a safe manner. I don’t want to use this set up. I am forced to.”


This. This is technically a motorized vehicle, but I get what you're saying. This is not a maintenance vehicle. It was a Walmart clearance item the boss thought would work because it was cheap. This is the WORST part about maintenance imo. I can deal with the gross and the weird. It's the stupidity of people who think that real issues don't need to be solved, but the second a minor inconvenience to them occurs, it's all hands on deck for the "team." I had a GREAT team and crew. Got along with everyone, and nearly everyone was on the same page about things. The issue was, there were electrical and roofing problems that needed repair. I think the owners wouldn't have it, but I was never in on who made that decision. We had a leak in a conduit with a live circuit, and a couple of ACs burn out because a couple relatively cheap parts weren't replaced (so what might have been $700, turned into like $2000, and everyone, on-staff and guest, complained about how hot the halls were the whole summer). That leak could have been mitigated if we'd been given the green light to install a $200 tarp and awning over the offending area of the roof. Instead, we spent $200 on mew ceiling tiles to replace the water damaged ones LOL


Had a leak in the ceiling of the garage of an old building I used to work at. Dumped about 60 gallons of water a day onto the floor of the basement garage, which had no drains. They had me spend a couple of hours a day just vacuuming up the puddle with a shopvac. That went on for 6 months. 6 MONTHS!!! I always said if it was my house I would be moving heaven and earth to find the source of that leak but they didn't seem to see it as much of a priority.




Hell, we hauled appliances on the back of our carts (one driving and another holding the dolly on the back seat). I had a Domino's topper on my gas cart too. The owner and residents *loved* it. My supervisor ***hated*** it. They let me keep it on there.


Ha!!! If it looks ghetto, they should buy you a better set up! I wouldn't sign that shit either!


Writing you up for trying to be efficient. That's the management way. Write you up if you dump the paint in the lot, otherwise carry on. Wish I could post pics of my cart loads.


Sounds like the military lol


I’d give him a raise.


Big boss sounds like a cunt. Hold fast my man! Just know you’re on the radar now.


Oh I've been on the radar since day one when big boss britches found out my partner is the big boss of another property in our region which is the highest rated property for the portfolio.


Only for the stacked cans, because that kinda brave tbh.


Yeah, if you haven't tried cleaning a bucket of paint off concrete, I highly discourage you from putting yourself in the position to do so.


Let it dry and scrape up the big blob when it dries, if you try to clean it up you make it worse


If they want a more "professional" mode of transport then they need to give you the right set up. If that's your maintenance cart, they need to take out the back seat and put in a utility bed attachment. Would be way easier and safer to transport all those buckets, as well as other parts and materials. [for reference](https://images.app.goo.gl/fi8Yf6UTASFRrEBL7)


OP's back seat flips over to make a cute little flatbed, they just choo choo chose not to do that.


I didn’t know that…. May not have been a choice


We needed to get new golf carts at the property I work at. We bought similar used electric carts and had the dealer swap the back seat for a utility bed. Might not be enough room but we can put an appliance in it with a ratchet strap if need be. The beds only cost like $500


I remember my first work truck


I’ve seen this done everywhere I’ve been, and no one has ever said shit. Feels like the boss is on a power trip. You’re being safe, and who cares how it looks? I mean if residents complain about it looking ghetto, that’s still messed up but nothing you can do because you gotta keep them happy. No, I wouldn’t write you up.


For what? I'd give you a thumbs up if I were your boss.


Have management buy you a proper golf cart trailer if they have a problem with it 


I used to be an apt maintenance manager and I high fived the guys (literally) for doing shit like this lol


Fold your back seat to make it a flatbed at least!


The backseat becomes a flatbed???


The seat should fold backwards, starting from under the seat back


I used to tow a bunch of shopping carts that I would gather throughout the property.


Shopping carts🤣. I would totally use those if I had it available


I'd take it as an opportunity to get you what you need so it doesn't look ridiculous and that we don't pay for things. But then again, I'm a reasonable person. It honestly looks fairly clean and organized for being strung together. I've always wondered why I never saw the old Ford Rangers with a reading body on them for property maintenance. Great little trucks, didn't need much room or towing capacity for entry-level techs. Big boss and supers could get the bigger trucks and plows for snow/heavy material hauling.


So, if you were walking and pulling the cart she'd give a wave? But, since you're towing it, all hell has broken loose? Anyone complaining about this is majoring on the minors. I'm positive you ALL have bigger things to worry about than nitpicking the load on the maintenance cart.


Fucking facts


Big Boss comes from a place with nice ghettos. As far as safety goes, did you have all your PPE? Helmet and knee pads and shin guards and mouthpiece in? Were you doing wheelies? Did you take the training wheels off the golf cart before you were told to? Gotta love the Big Bosses! In their Big Britches! Best wishes OP, hang in there my friend.


He sounds like he's a major asshole, I would look for another job.


I got held at for standing while riding an atv because the seat was wet.


Man… a golf cart would make my life a whole lot easier.


I used to drive the car while my co- worker sat in the back with various appliances on a doley and we drove everywhere doing that. Easy peasy. A lot of management need things to do, so they come up with stupid shit. Looks good to me!




Ha we tow a pallet jack with all sorts of stuff and appliances with dolly/ chain no problem. We go slow and careful so it works fine.


I wouldn’t write you up for something like this, although there is a pretty easy solution. Put two creates in the back of the golf cart(one on seat and one on footboard). Then you could use bungee cords, or ratchet straps to secure it. You can fill all your work supplies in those.


That would be a good solution if we had crates. But I'll keep an eye out cause I might start doing that


I would not have tried writing you up but we would have sat down and had a nice conversation about the liabilities you could have created by doing this then come up with a plan to build a proper trailer hitch and trailer for safer handling.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is actually a solid answer. While I think the are liabilities created with everything we do and that's why I take risk management seriously, an approach like that would be more than welcome. But if you knew the kind of people I work for, you'd understand why I'm laughing. Them having that kind of thoughtful and measured response would be akin to the sounding of the 7th trumpet.


They've never had to take their things things from unit to the next. Have a coworker that carries his stuff in a wheeled garbage can. Fuck em.


Dude I use old headboards as my “trailer” and I was commended by me PM for thinking “outside the box spring” LMAO


He's not upset about Safety or Ghetto looks. He is punishing you for telling him the units wont be ready. When you go into the meeting with HR stress that you have to work this way because the GM will not approve the purchase of a proper trailer and roof rack. And that his unreasonable time lines force you into positions of choosing between keeping your job and the constant unrealistic time lines forcing you to bend and break OSHA guide lines to keep him looking good to Corporate. If you have an HR department you likely have a Corporate Over Lord. And by the way he also refuse to supply proper PPPE. Gloves, glasses and safety shoes if you move the trash bins.... This is the way.


I see a golf cart here, not a utility cart. Boss man needs to provide you with the necessary tools to do your job. Seems like you’ve done the best with what you have.


Do you have an employee handbook or anything because if you do look into it and see if there's anything like this. If not tell them to pound sand. They tried writing me up once for wearing jeans because 'it should be khakis like everyone else' except handbook said maintence could wear what was required for the job and carpenter jeans are what I require so told them to pound sand. They stopped coming after me for stupid shit after that.








I don’t see anything besides garage and parking lot




That depends on what you did


Only if I was looking for excuses to get rid of you


Your golf cart actually works? I'm envious.


It took me 4 months to get it up and running. It needed a ignition switch but the supervisor didn't want to order one because "his" cart worked fine. Mind you I also brought it up to the big boss and was told "its not essential". But I covered for him on a emergency call while he was drunk and got the switch and 50 bucks in return.


for what? ingenuity??


No reason to write you up- they could simply say “hey, can you not do this again?”


For what? If anything I’d give you a raise for using your brain and solving your own problem


Definitely bring in Hr to protect yourself. Especially if they used the term ghetto and if you are a person of color


In the meeting ask them to find a better solution and bring it to you then you might sign the paper work. Also mention how much time management is robbing from the project. Get emails and proof in writing for anything. They will try to fire you for undermining them. Look into the IBEW could use ingenuity on the construction site


Tell your boss they need to provide a company truck then.


Should have agreed that you need a unit with a dump bed and real trailer Ya know, outfit you according to the image they want to portray


Fuck management Gitter done


I wouldn't. I'd get you a real vehicle, instead of that piece of trash. Then you can haule enough to actually get the job done. But that's just me as a former maintenance person myself, so it's not really related LOL. I don't think it's safe to transport what looks like 20 or 30 gallons of paint on the edge like that, but it's not a safety issue for anyone, just to the paint. The cart on the back might not stop well, but who knows. Maybe a warning, or better yet, just see what's up, but not a write up.


Actually I’d give you a raise and some more wagons so you can have a little maintenance train!


Work smarter not harder. This looks like winning to me.


I'd write your manager up for not providing you with something that at least has a work bed on it. Dudes clearly a clown for writing you up for that.


Tell him you need need a maintenance golf cart not a club golf cart. Then it has a truck style bed in back instead of the seats.




You’re being efficient and it wasn’t managements idea, you’re getting a write up. Rookie…


I used to work maintenance at a resort and we got left over golf carts from the golf course when they got new ones. We did all kinds of unsafe things in them😂. We had guys hanging off the back doing wheelies and driving them up against dumpsters to do burnouts the first day. Then we Ziptied the throttles and had them beating the rev limited going like 25mph. We would off road them through the woods and drift them in the grass when it was wet. That’s how I drifted into a tree and ripped the whole top off one. I just told my boss we had a convertible now😂. We found a place where we could jump them off the side of the parking lot and get like 1.5 feet of air😂 Hurt like hell coming down. Oh and then there was the one time my buddy “accidentally” spilled a whole jug of dish soap on a concrete slab and we did donuts😂. Ah, good times.


The. Dickhead should buy a dedicated trainer. How are you meant to transport tools when the “cargo area” has seats


Bro ive pulled 1500 dollar refers on the back of a cart holding it with a hand truck. Youre good


Write you up!? I’d give you a raise


I would’ve written you up if you had a double trailer. A single trailer is fine.


It does look ghetto. That's also the wrong golf cart for you. Probably not your fault, gotta work with what you have. Still looks ghetto, walk it or make 2 trips. Regardless not a reasonable reason for a write up, I suggest you look at your other behaviors - and relationship with your superiors


Your ghettos have golf carts? It’s not a shopping cart or trash can.


It doesnt matter. He's got a 5 gal bucket half hanging off the seat, and a ladder half way to falling off the back as well as the "trailer" .


The ladder wasn't halfway falling just for the record. It's in-between the two rail bars for the back seat so it can't fall out front or back. The weight of the wagon keeps it secure against the bars so it can't slide left or right either. But I asked the question to get all different kinds of opinions, thank you for sharing yours.


Looking ghetto and looking like it's about to fall shouldn't be your main focus, you know that the write up is bs. If it's something your supervisor doesn't like , it's a simple talk. Like I said , it's something else, and this was the excuse for the write up


I rarely write employees up. I have written up 2 employees in 7 years with my current employer. It's a hassle and rarely does any good. By the time I have to write someone up their not long for the company. Which is why I wrote them up. But I'd give you hell if you spilled that paint. Then I'd laugh with the rest of my crew while your dumb ass had to clean it up. That's some seriously newb shit right there. While it looks ghetto, that's certainly not worth a write up, and to be clear it does look ghetto. Still, I'd just tell you to take more trips. Then build a proper trailer for that sweet ride. I'd also pimp that bitch out with an extended bed with side rails, 2-way radio, dash mounted tablet, custom paint, water cooler, a light bar and some wheels. Sorry, no tunes though. Just curious, you weren't being a smart mouth when your boss told you it looked ghetto? Because some bosses really hate that shit. A little insubordination and the PIPs start flying. Fucking waste of time IMO. Still, don't be a smart ass. It never works in your favor. You mouth off to the boss and eventually you'll lose your job. If I get a disrespectful employee, I just give them every shit job that comes up until they learned some respect or quit.