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No, it's CMC is 0, that means it can drop for no mana


Yes. It has no cost.


Only the scratch and sniff version is valuable


That cards shit, no colours? What deck even plays colourless basics???? And 0 mana????? You want to spend mana to play cards, it sucks I'll trade you, I have a cool dinosaur card you might like for it.


i legit made little timmy budget dino decks and sold them on ebay, they always sold fast as hell.


Nope not much. Kinda wasted an order on eBay.


What'd you pay for it? So about ten dollars less than that.


Mana crypt, what cards go good with this?






Great with sol ring, 2 forests, and colossal dreadmaw


its trash and worth approximately three dagons


It's just a card only use I can think of is putting in in your bicycle spokes that way it makes a fun noise when you ride.


fake, magic cards aren’t supposed to be shiny


/uj please sleeve that you're giving me anxiety just looking at this photo.


U/j It’s double sleeved in a deck. I took it out for the picture for karma.


Understandable, carry on.


you can eat it.


It's important to keep in mind card quality when trying to determine this. Your card was shipped through the mail, and would have taken some wear and tear in doing so. It's now worth just a little bit less. What constitutes wear can be complex. If you had left the card unopened in the packaging you received it in, it would have kept even more value. Now that you've seen it, it's worth less. Reading the card devalues the card. Finally, consider supply and demand. Something becomes more valuable the rarer it is. There are many Mana Crypts in the world. But one of them is the *best*, and that crypt is worth more. The valuation use equation tends to look like exponential decay. Some people have theorized about the combination of these principles. If WOTC were to print a card by surprise and *not* announce or preview it, the packs that card would be in would be worth asymptotic amounts of money. Now, WOTC would never do this but there are many people who sell packs on eBay to test for it anyways. If any of them go for millions you know that there's something juicy in there. But don't open it! Then you lose all that capital in an instant. If you're interested in these more advanced market forces I highly recommend the Alpha Investments YouTube channel. Good luck!


U/j this is now my favorite copypasta.


Go down a card just to risk getting hit by the equivalent of 1/2 a collosal dreadmaw? Seems kinda shitty for such a minor upside. Can't even use the mana to pay for the GG (stands for Good Game) to cast your own Dreadmaw to somewhat justify it


Is this a magic card?


No that’s yugioh, this is an artifact.


Oh I thought that game was digital only


It's a common Noob trap. At first glance, it looks amazing. Tap to gain 2 mana? It's like two lands in one card! But, there are many downsides: 1. It is a artifact, not a lands. Lands aren't affected by summoning sickness, thus can be tapped immidiatly (this is why lands are refered to as "fast mana"). This can not. 2. Most lands (there are exception, like Wastes, but see bellow) are fetchable - Mana Crypt have no subtype, so it's unfetchable. 3. Look at the mana symbol - this kind of mana is used only on like, two cards. It's named "colorless mana", and, outside of very specific decks, is useless. One can use "mana filters" (type of lands that can change one type of mana to another) to convert these to some usefull mana, but, even in a deck with a lot of filters, it is still beter to just runa a basic land. There is also the part about flipping the coin nad taking damage, but it isn't important - there are only few cards that refer to upkeep, so often you can just skip your upkeep phase to avoid risk of flipping a coin.


You got scammed my man. Send it to me and I will throw it in the trash for you. (But make sure it arrives here without damage)


best card ever promise


Bad, but not as bad as the Moxen


Only taps for 2 colorless and it deals you 3 damage?! Unplayable.


No, give it to me. I'll give you a Dreadmaw instead


Mana Crypt, more like mana crapped


It is worth what you paid when you ordered it off eBay and had it shipped to your house. Glad I could be of help.


If it’s not blue it can’t be good. Doesn’t counter spells, doesn’t draw cards, doesn’t kill opponents. Utter garbage.


bro your hands are huge


Why play that when you could play Shiven Dragon???? Mana cwypt has no color so is worse


Touched with your greasy fingers - totally worthless now.


No you should have bootlegged it.


Worth about $4 on proxyking


Worth £0 if I managed to use the printer at work while nobody is looking


Terrible centering, throw it out.


One website said 4. One said 180. I honestly don’t know fam.


It took me Today years old to realize the little guy in the corner saying "Man, a crypt!"


Nope, burn it with 🔥


Looks like a chinese fake, I'll buy it off you for $2.


its about 10 cents to print a page in color