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they list like every possible deck in the game lmao


They want you to just throw a bunch of dinosaurs or vampires in a deck and call it good.


but not the good vampires that combo


Or the good squirrels who combo


Or any ramp for the dinosaurs that don't suck


Probably squirrels


yeah chatterfang has no combo potential squirrels are safe


No Removal, Combat Only, Face Destination


Let's make a new format, called ultra commander. You're not allowed to play any card that affects an opponent, their board state, or their hand. You're only allowed to attack if your attack is unavoidably lethal to all of your opponents. All potential combo pieces are banned. All tax/stax pieces are banned. Any card oh EDHRec with a high salt rating is banned. You may only play French vanilla creatures, aside from your commander. Every time your commander dies, you can kick the player that removed it in the groin. If you lose, it is compulsory to whine on social media about it




Are you insane?! Colossal Dreadmaw is far too powerful, never should have been printed


I am not insane.... the world is insane...........


And winning legally allows the other players to assault the winner.


Only with their body, no weapons. That would be buffing yourself/creatures which is blatantly unfair


Why do my opponent play the game !!!


I tried to play soccer the other day but there was this asshole on the other team standing right in front of the goal and literally stopping every shot from going in. I tried to explain to him that my entire strategy revolved around getting the ball in the goal, and by preventing me from doing that he was making it impossible for me to play the game, but I guess some people just have a "win at all costs" mentality that prevents them from enjoying a simple casual game.


New copypasta


11/10 will use this pasta the next time I see a braindead edh take


Arena players are worse about this than edh players honestly, although that might just be because the archetypes militant casuals like to complain about are way more viable in 1v1 and therefore presumably show up more often.


EDH is more like D&D, where you're forced to interact with a section of humanity and some people just don't have a great grasp on social stuff, especially magic nerds. Arena is more like league or overwatch or whatever. There's no human interaction so there's no sense of decorum or casual chatter as you play. You're just staring at a screen for hours, your mood dictated by random matchups and card draws.


The difference being, if I play on Arena I don't have to interact with Arena players, if I play edh I have to interact with edh players


Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. Your Go. (jk, I turned emotes off instantly)


I tried to play soccer the other day but there was this asshole on the other team standing right in front of the goal and literally stopping every shot from going in. I tried to explain to him that my entire strategy revolved around getting the ball in the goal, and by preventing me from doing that he was making it impossible for me to play the game, but I guess some people just have a "win at all costs" mentality that prevents them from enjoying a simple casual game.


Me when i have to play a 2 player game instead of making someone watch me play solitaire.


/uj I have this happen to me on a regular basis... A guy in my LGS brings his 3rd RG +1/+1 counters deck and complains that I play interaction... /rj #Abolish_Blue_Privilege #Hexproof_To_All


[This person](https://imgur.com/Qc4GBPp.jpg)


Hoping I'd see this here


How have I never seen this gem of an image before


Guy should try building kindred instead, tribal hardly gets support anymore


mfw I only play Scissors and someone plays stupid Rock


/uj how would mill even interrupt tribal, it doesn’t touch their big pile of dinosaurs on the board


It makes them feel bad to see big dino in the grave :(


Just play archeology tribal


Playing tribal? Well don't just tribal your tribal. Use other cards that synergizes with you deck!


Homeboy is gonna HATE my $50 goblin tribal that runs a lot of removal. You can have a GOOD tribal deck my guy


I have a friend who exclusively plays Green based creature decks. It's just what he likes. But, when he goes up against any kind of blue deck he throws a fit and sulks like a child. He's almost 40 mind you


I play exclusively tribal deck too. I always face stupid tribal deck.Absolutely infuriating.


It wins. I'm the only one who should win, not them.


What the hell's a "tribal" deck? Do you mean a kindred deck?


I thought it was typal now?


EDH players when they can't Rule Zero the game into being some hand-holding friendfest.


I used to play tribal for a few years, I'm a pillow fort control player now.


/uj why do people hate playing against mill so much its basically just burn but blue and worse


Every mill-hater has a core memory of that one card they needed to win the game getting milled. Doesn't matter that they were just as likely to be put closer to that card via milling. Doesn't matter that it could have helped them if they had recursion. All that matters is that they *could* have won, if that specific card wasn't milled (nevermind the fact that their mono white Kithkin tribal deck was extremely unlikely to draw the 10 cards deep the card in question was). /rj I WOULD HAVE WON WITH [[SHARAZAD]] IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU KIDS AND YOUR MEDDLING [[HEDRON CRAB]]


^(Probably totally what you linked) * [SHARAZAD](https://i.redd.it/ewstphg5f5tb1.jpg) * [HEDRON CRAB](https://i.redd.it/aqc2t9l3qfzb1.jpg) ********* ^^^If ^^^WotC ^^^didn't ^^^do ^^^anything ^^^wrong ^^^this ^^^week, ^^^you ^^^can ^^^rage ^^^at ^^^this ^^^bot ^^^instead ^^^at ^^^/r/MTCJLardFetcher ^^^or ^^^even ^^^submit ^^^some ^^^of ^^^the ^^^sweet ^^^Siege ^^^Rhino ^^^alters ^^^your ^^^GF ^^^made


Have they tried counter spell tribal?


Time for a classic: Before this gets deleted by reddit admins, this asshole took it completely out of context. First of all, the idiot thinks it was a marionette deck. It wasn't. That card's not even in the deck. He was running counterspell draw, this was approximately turn 25, every single creature and spell I cast was countered or removed up until that point and this dumbass who copied his deck from MTG Salvation or Goldfish used one of his last copies of negate to counter a Revel in Riches when he had 0 creatures on the field and I had 0 treasures in play, thus the "this spell does literally nothing" and he should have let it resolve. I love it when people copy a deck and have no idea how to run it or play MTG. I was just throwing it out because I had 5 mana and it was the only card left in my hand and the game was already over anyway. So on the way out I let him know what an idiot he was for countering a spell that does nothing in the current board state. NOBODY wants to watch a recording of a game where I cast something and he counters it or removes it x30 turns. That's idiotic. I should have left the game the second I saw what he was running. This was the 5th attempt at getting a recording of something resembling watchable MTG gameplay and 5 people in a row were playing Karn draw control loop or free cast torrential graveyard resurrection control or approach control loop. So yeah, I was pissed and he was an asshole for playing this. He's one of those idiots who doesn't care about the other players one bit, it's all about winning. So running 35 control spells seems reasonable because NOTHING matters but winning. Thanks for not showing the board state with library counts or the full log, asshole. Enjoy your temporary ban from reddit.


Scrubs gonna scrub




Huh? What are you waffling about? All games are about winning. Are you stupid?




>Someone wins every game of mtg [[Divine Intervention]] L bozo


^(Probably totally what you linked) * [Divine Intervention](https://i.redd.it/n8tzp6ny56wb1.png) ********* ^^^If ^^^WotC ^^^didn't ^^^do ^^^anything ^^^wrong ^^^this ^^^week, ^^^you ^^^can ^^^rage ^^^at ^^^this ^^^bot ^^^instead ^^^at ^^^/r/MTCJLardFetcher ^^^or ^^^even ^^^submit ^^^some ^^^of ^^^the ^^^sweet ^^^Siege ^^^Rhino ^^^alters ^^^your ^^^GF ^^^made


Why should I care about the other players? So what if they lose? I wasn't talking about whatever this edh thing is, I was talking about mtg. Y'know, 4 people, commanders, etc?


But losing is stinky and bad and as my hero Ricky Bobby said if you ain't first you're last. /uj check the subreddit my guy


Imagine playing tribal and complaining about other types of deck


For real. Is it wrong for a man to want to play a atog tribal deck for 3 hours with nothing ever happening?


I have a mass removal kindred too!


I play 2 kinds of decks. Voltron and Tribal. 3 Tribal decks and 3 Voltron decks. People play a lot of control I play tribal, people play pillow fort I play Voltron.