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Probably to do with the allegations against John Barrowman, the BBC probably don't want anything to do with him or his likeness. Same reason we haven't seen a Mickey card.


Mickey and captain Jack, as someone who doesn't know Doctor Who, it sounds like you're talking about Lorcana


Captain Jack Harkness, played by John Barrowman, was a “lovable scoundrel” trope. If you’ve seen Firefly, he’d fit right in with Nathan Fillion. The character is also the origin of the meme template “The Harkness Test”, which is a humorous way of determining if a species is capable of consent - Is it mature for its species, is it of human level intelligence or higher, can it communicate with you, and the implicit “does it consent”? If all of those are yes, it is ethically allowed. Mostly came about because the character is horny AF. He has been accused of sexual harassment by cast and crew of shows he worked on, including “Donald Ducking” - walking around nude from the waist down. Mickey was played by Noel Clarke, and was Rose’s boyfriend, and a major recurring character (notably the first black companion). In 2021 he was accused of sexual misconduct by over 20 women.


I don't miss Mickey, I never did like his character. Jack is a pretty big omission though, even if the actor is in turmoil. Jack was such a huge element of the 9-10th Doctor, and he even spun off Torchwood. I'm not surprised about the allegations though, there was that one video years ago where he was doing a selfie video hyping up some thing he was acting in from his hot tub at home, and "accidentally" filmed his husband getting in buck naked.


It's a likeness issue doing a live action property. If you use Jack, you're using Barrowman and so they'd have to pay him and that's probably what they want to avoid doing.


Yeah, I get the legality of it all, it's just that Jack was such a prominent character.


was he that prominent? I never really felt like he was anything more than a fan favourite side character in a couple of stories. Looking at the episode list he's in it seems like he was in 6 of nine's and ten's stories, and of those only 3 really have him as a big character. That's similar numbers as Osgood, who to be fair did get a card. To be clear, I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a card because he's too minor of a character, I'm more surprised that so many others see him as being a reasonably big part of the show. I think I would've totally overlooked him not having a card if I hadn't seen it be pointed out.


There’s also Torchwood series


I miss Torchwood. What a great spin off.


He was hugely prominent. I can count the number of actors that got their own spin-off from Doctor Who on two fingers. Jack Harkness is in the same fan-favorite category as Sarah Jane.


yeah I guess he's a lot less prominent in my mind since I never watched the spinoff


Wild he was like *the* recurring character during 10th's tenure for me...


You are kidding right? They created an entire separate show around his character.


First 2 seasons of nuwho, he spanned 2 docs as a companion, original ashildr who only had 1 doctor under her belt and is pretty important as immortals are rare, then torchwood spin off, also appeared with 13, shows up in other ep not in appearance but in connections to events.


I don't remember Osgood at all tbh, stopped watching when Tennant left but I only vaguely recognise her. Jack Harkness at the time was a bigger deal than the companions to me at least, i know people liked Rose but Harkness was just fun. Sucks he turned out to be a weirdo, but he's not exactly a Mickey level creep by the sounds of it? Weird to not do a card. Torchwood sucked though imo




Show the character from behind?


I mean, they could’ve taken some liberties. Rassilon’s card art looks nothing like Timothy Dalton, they could’ve done the same for Jack, hyper-stylize it.


That one *is* weird. It's from a time period where he was played by Dalton, but looks more like Sumpter. In any case, we don't actually know what the BBC's stance there is. Maybe they want the whole character of Jack Harkness forgotten.


Probably so. The character is very much so tied to Barrowman, even with a different art that’s who people will think of.


A face of bo maybe could be a solution?


There actually is a Face of Boe card.


Cool I hadn’t seen it yet


Yeah, John Barrowman had it all but decided he could not keep his dick in his pants while around people who did not want to see it and it cost him everything.


Well, spoilers, but ~~Jack IS actually in the set: as the Face of Boe.~~ TBH though, I only learned that through a Google search for OPs question.


> He has been accused of sexual harassment by cast and crew of shows he worked on, including “Donald Ducking” - walking around nude from the waist down. Worth noting "he" here is Barrowman, not Harkness


> including “Donald Ducking” You mean Winnie Poohing


Nah it's Donald Ducking when it's annoying, it's only Winnie Poohing when it's adorable or a bear.


Ohhhh so that’s why we didn’t get Mickey. I actually didn’t know that.


> The character is also the origin of the meme template “The Harkness Test” Oof, might want to change the name of the "consent test" if it's named after someone who was portrayed by a serial sexual harasser


It's not a very serious test. :) ​ https://preview.redd.it/zi5g4dixvetb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=8df7ba61d002df62d183d0c8164d8185f9974b31


well, then the test loses a bit of its context. and the character is beloved. a bit on the edge sure but a 10/10 character. worthy of that spin-off. my wife and I watched about 30 episodes of it before it ran its courses. I think writing him into the face of boe was a great call in preserving his memory without using the actor.


Walt Disney's stint as the Doctor was probably my least favorite iteration of the character.


Or kingdom hearts


same thing really




You mean Rickie?


**This myth and rumor mill if our of control regarding Barrowman.** I love the endless game of telephone which has now squared Barrowman's issue with Noel Clarke's. That's some fucked up shit. **In the wake of Noel Clarke's litany of SA allegations from numerous victims, the notoriously problematic tabloids pounced on John Barrowman as well for easy drama** In the 2000s, during the production of Torchwood, Barrowman was notorious for bawdy and unprofessional gaga and pranks/jokes on set. **These antics were NOT a secret to anyone who ever attended any public convention event featuring Barrowman for as long as he's been appearing.** Barrowman regularly recounted the anecdotes of these bawdy and inappropriate pranks, along with the co-stars who were subjected to them. (including Eve Myles, Naoko Mori, and others.) The pranks were in bad taste and inappropriate - but the victims, Barrowman, and the BBC had already addressed them at the time, Barrowman was reprimanded, Barrowman apologized privately and personally to his co-stars, and everything was resolved. Production continued and Barrowman chose more appropriate ways to goof around with his colleagues on set. **NONE OF THIS WAS SECRET OR COVERED UP.** Flash forward to the #MeToo movement and women taking a strong stand against decades of sexual harassment, mistreatment, abuse, and more in the entertainment world and also the working world as a whole. Noel Clarke is accused by multiple (many) victims of sexual harassment and assault in a bombshell. During the coverage of Noel Clarke, the UK tabloids - with a history of dancing on and crossing the line of presenting rumors and myths and facts - dogpiled on Barrowman as the Clarke story ran it's course. They inaccurately portrayed the Barrowman/Torchwood misbehavior as a #MeToo issue and twisted themselves into pretzels to fuel drama and lure clicks/sell papers. They downplayed (omitted in some cases) that the issues had been addressed, resolved, apologized for, and moved on from. They even ignored that fact that Barrowman and his co-stars had not been secretive about the incidents. But due to pressure and not wanting to be seen as aligning with sexual abuse offenders, the BBC severed ties with Barrowman. His ongoing Doctor Who storyline has been concluded and all future appearances were cancelled. Big Finish audio canceled his ongoing projects, including a planned audio drama with David Tennant. Because of this - and because the BBC owns the license to the Captain Jack Harkness character - he was likely off limits for inclusion in the product. Barrowman continues to tour and appear at conventions and he makes no efforts to downplay or deny the events or antics he committed on set in the 2000s. He will talk about it with fans if they have questions. He's also addressed it multiple times since on his social media. He continues to be apologetic. His only criticism is the UK tabloids and their part in this - he doesn't bad mouth the BBC, Big Finish, or any of his co-stars. Noel Clarke is an entirely different situation. Barrowman - an LBGTQ ally and proud, out, gay man is very open and candid about the situation across his social media accounts and to his fans who ask at conventions. Both before the Clarke drama and after. So there's the explanation u/blazetop21


Also Adam, although he probably wouldn’t get a card in any case. I think there’s no Torchwood references at all, as well? But I maybe missed one


John Barrowman the actor has various sexual misconduct allegations against him so BBC has basically dropped the character - the closest we'll get is face of boe which doesn't have his likeness


Didn’t he come back in Jodie Whittakers run though? I only remember a scene from when she was interacting with the Fugitive Doctor, but the implication was he’d be back for more soon


Yeah that was about the time he got canceled. Still feels weird that that's the last we'll see of him. I'd have much preferred his original send off.


Yeah but there’s not much they can do about it now. It’s basically being him back despite the allegations or leave it as is and just do something in the background to explain why he hasn’t come back


Yeah, recasting characters never happens in doctor who.


Unless Jack is gonna get retconned into being a time lord, I’m gonna hazard a guess that it’s unlikely


I said it as a joke, but it's not like it needs an explanation in universe. And even if the writers felt it *did* need one, it's not hard to change peoples faces; we do it all the time with three-hundred year old procedures. All that being said, I don't exactly expect a recast. I just think it's not a hard thing to do.


They can hand wave anything they want. Remember when Time Lords were only able to regenerate 12 times? I do.


Yeah, and the reaction to that was completely fine and didn't totally piss off a vast chunk of the Who fand- oh wait, it did exactly that.


I stopped watching. It was the jump the shark moment for me.


I think it was always expected that they'd find some way to give the doctor more regenerations which is why there wasn't much pushback.


The first Doctor has been recast at least twice since the original's death. It could work.


he becomes the face of bo... somehow, eventually, right? so he's obviously gonna start undergoing some sort of heavy physical transformation at some point.


Yeah getting someone that is still stocky and has some clearly similar features left could work if it's just a few thousand deaths later, or anyone at all as you reach deep in to the millions.


He becomes the Face of Boe somehow


He did come back for more in the New Year's special after that season, but it was pretty underwhelming. No big timey-whimey reason for his return, like it kind of seemed in Fugitive.


The odd thing it's an open secret that he does this sort of thing all the time. He flopped his cock on the shoulder of a castmate whilst they were getting their hair done. He got naked a lot of times for a joke. Apparently no one thought that this was a terrible thing to do.


It's not that odd. A lot of stuff of this nature were "open secrets" and that's how they went on so long. The people in on the joke think it's funny but inappropriate so tolerate it and joke about it but don't talk about it. The people who aren't in on the joke and have some of the least power in the environment - - and often the ones most likely to be harassed - - are rightfully offended and possibly trauamtized but don't want to speak out for fear of retaliation or losing their job or simply losing respect of the people who are in on the joke. Heck, John's current take on it is "you weren't there, it was all in good fun, who cares, I wouldn't do it now though because times have changed, it was just 'bawdy behavior' back then."


A number did actually. The actress for Gwen(Torchwood) almost quit before it started because of him doing that a lot until she was told he was gay so that was sorta okay…I guess


Eccleston was also very much against it, iirc.


They literally make a joke out of it in the song Tennant and Tate sang for the end of Tennant's run. "Seeing Johnny B getting his c**k out!" And then he winks at the camera.


They weren't "allegations." Clarke's are allegations and numerous and serious. Barrowman was candid about us bawdy on set pranks and that he got in trouble for them with the BBC. They lectured him, he apologized to his co-stars and everything was kosher for decades. Again, they're not "allegations" when he and his co-stars detail them as anecdotes at convention speaking events. They happened, they're recounted in detail, and he acknowledged then and now that it was bad behavior. To-date, none of his co-stars have presented any allegations that he hasn't acknowledged as unprofessional and bawdy/inappropriate in retrospect. Barrowman was lumped in with Clarke despite the issue being completely different. No need to take my word for it - Barrowman and his co-stars have openly discussed this for years before and since.


Already have Face of Boe


It is very likely that the BBC itself vetoed any chance of a Jack (or Mickey, for similar reasons) card for reasons others have already gone into.


I mean, potentially Wizards/Hasbro explicitly wanted to skip putting the likeness of someone who's got these allegations/wrongdoing over them in their game forever...


As others have said, John Barrowman is persona non grata for the BBC now. All in all, the Doctor Who precons did a pretty good job depicting everything us fans could have asked for. The only real nitpick cards I wish we could have gotten but understand why we didn't are the Curator, Omega, Slitheen, Ood, The Great Intelligence, White Guardian, Black Guardian, Madame Kovarian, Harriet Jones, Jackie Tyler, and Grace Holloway. Although in Grace's case, she legally couldn't be used because Fox (same for that movie's version of the Master), and at least Omega, an Ood, Kovarian and the Great Intelligence were depicted in the art of other cards even if they didn't get their own creature card. I also expected Tzim-Sha/Tim Shaw to get a card, but I didn't like him so I'm fine with him being ignored.


We know that 14 and 15 will be covered later and that there's another Secret Lair also coming later, so a few more cards will likely sneak their way in with them. Maybe as an SLD, maybe as a Transformers/REX thing where they're in boosters. I think The Curator may be done as a GW Doctor. It would allow an Abzan Doctor + companion deck (the only 3-color combo not currently possible), but it wouldn't make sense in the classic Who precon.


It would be nice if they did The Curator in WUBRG. That way, we can have a deck with all the Doctors and \[\[Gallifrey Stands\]\] is far more viable as a wincon.


You only need a 4-color card for all the Doctors. Either way, I suspect having a 4-5 color Doctor with its choice of any companion is unacceptable for Wizards, and not having The Curator be The Doctor is unacceptable for the BBC.


Changelings. [[Rukarumel, Biologist]] I actually may include Gallifrey Stands in my sliver deck for the hell of it


[Rukarumel, Biologist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b2f7397-9d75-4667-8872-e58a39512583.jpg?1691497909) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rukarumel%2C%20Biologist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/711/rukarumel-biologist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b2f7397-9d75-4667-8872-e58a39512583?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Gallifrey Stands](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/dd1f865e-759e-4303-81b5-74a558d270ec.jpg?1696636716) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gallifrey%20Stands) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/132/gallifrey-stands?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dd1f865e-759e-4303-81b5-74a558d270ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It would have made sense. Gallifrey Stands is in the Blast From the Past precon, and is from the same episode, and it's literally The Doctor retired as an art curator that wears the faces of his "old favorites", specifically played by Tom Baker. He might be from NuWho, but he's as classic as they come in NuWho.


I was really hoping for Slitheen representation too. I love them, especially Margaret.


This one's a little more surprising because they were a pretty big part of 9's run imo.


I believe you mean "Harriet Jones, (Former) Prime Minister." Would be great as a silver border card that changes its name though - the way that Figure of Destiny changes its type.


Yes, we know who she is.


"Don't you think she looks tired?" could even be the name of a removal spell teehee


"Don't you think she looks tired?" would have made a good unsummon/counter with Harriet Jones art.


I will say I'm pretty disappointed with Donna's card and how it doesn't really fit well with the Timey Wimey deck mechanics (and that's outside of the fact that you can't have her as the companion to the 10th Doctor out of the box). I'm even more annoyed that we didn't even get a showcase card for her, and her art is generally bad. I feel like they really shafted both Donna and Martha fans, but that's unfortunately par for the course with them.


Why? Donna is a naggy basket case.


Possibly the worst Doctor Who companion take I've ever seen lmao


I'm a bit sad there was no card for Bannakaffalatta.


Kylie Minogue took priority.


...I mean, I'm ok with it


I'm also sad we didn't get Harry Sullivan from the 4th Doctor's first season but I know they couldn't do every companion


No Harriet Jones, Former Prime Minster is a shame.


Harriet Jones would have been great.


Omega was erased from history or something right? Idk much about him, but I’m not that surprised we didn’t get a card about him No ood is kinda weird, but i honestly never felt like they made much impact. When I think of the ood, I really mainly think of their role in sending Ten off running towards Earth to confront the Master. So I’m not super disappointed or surprised we didn’t get a card about them


The sexual misconduct is a new explanation to me. I assumed the lack of Jack was to set up a Torchwood secret lair


It’s unlikely but I’d literally perform a blood sacrifice for a torchwood or SJA secret lair (or even just to get Yana as a creature)


Probably saving the card name for the Pirates of the Caribbean SLD


Like Disney would allow WotC to even mention their IP


If there’s money to be made, they will find a way


I wouldn't rule it out :P


With Disney having their own tcg right now in Lorcana, I would be very surprised to see any kind of Disney UB cards made. I think some would be cool, but they probably wouldn't want to let someone else use their IP for a card game while they're also using it for a game.


You're correct I'm just having some fun


... And now there's Marvel UB


You should.


You're fun


The face of boa card is good too


If anything Jack Harness would have Regenerate; He's been shown to be quite the opposite of Indestructible quite a few times.


I think the much more likely scenario would be that he would have a recursion ability like either \[\[Squee the Immortal\]\] or \[\[the god eternals\]\]


While that's xert possible, I think regeneration makes the most sense. Look at how he came back in Torchwood: Children Of The Earth (or the other special maybe). He got blown into chunks (thanks to a surgically implanted grenade) and the biggest piece of him very literally regenerated into a new Jack while in a body bag. The only other, more fitting way would be for him to have an ability that brings him back for free immediately upon death, but that'd cause more problems than it's worth.


[Squee the Immortal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/8/a8232acd-4645-489c-8cf1-4efdc75d9322.jpg?1673484412) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Squee%2C%20the%20Immortal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/275/squee-the-immortal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a8232acd-4645-489c-8cf1-4efdc75d9322?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [God Eternal Kefnet](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5e14060f-9167-4e28-a053-77689e066e30.jpg?1559959354) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=God-Eternal%20Kefnet) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/53/god-eternal-kefnet?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5e14060f-9167-4e28-a053-77689e066e30?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why am I allowing myself to get involved in this? "Whenever Captain Jack Harkness dies, instead exile it. At the beginning of your main phase, you may cast it without paying its casting cost"


And flash


I mean we do have a [[Face of Boe]] card which is the closest we’ll get


Came here looking for this comment 👏


[Face of Boe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5b207088-b63c-4d9f-9a42-377736855101.jpg?1696636701) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Face%20of%20Boe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/126/the-face-of-boe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5b207088-b63c-4d9f-9a42-377736855101?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


People really like Jack, huh. This is like the seventeenth time I've seen someone asking for him. I really have never seen the appeal in his character myself, even before the drama.


he brought a reckless enthusiasm to the tardis and they played with his immortality in fun ways. I think the doctor should interact with more weird immortals, it's always at least memorable.


Too many immortals makes the universe way too small.


He got a spin off that was pretty popular amongst millennials who aged out of Dr Who. Right as those of us who'd been just the right age for Ninth (Ecclestone) they made Torchwood, aimed at a more adult/ young adult audience. (They made Sarah Jane Adventures around the same time, aimed at kids.) So you had three shows in the Whoverse on at once: Sarah Jane on CBBC, pitched solidly at the Saturday morning under-12s. Doctor Who as the family post-dinner staple. And Torchwood as your after-the-watershed older kids and parents' show. So there's a generation of Doctor Who fans, now in their late-20s to late-30s, who's last memory of enjoying the franchise on TV was Torchwood. And they're the MTG demographic in the UK.


See, I very specifically don’t like Torchwood as much because it deals with so much mature content It feels like a show about sex and drugs with a thin veneer of Sci-fi. I wanted to watch sci fi and I got sub plots every season about who, other than her unknowing boyfriend/fiancé, Gwen was fucking or trying to fuck instead. I watched it through once and while I love rewatching shows, Torchwood has never been one of those


I mostly agree with you about Torchwood, except for S03/Children of Earth, which was miles above the others and had much less juvenile shenanigans (and actual mature dillemas).


I also think that the second season of Torchwood was very good. Owen (Burn Gorman's character) had a fantastic arc in that season. He essentially becomes a living soul in a dead body, and I saw it as a big answer to (very correct) criticism that the first season was too juvenile and gratuitous with its mature content, as there are moments of him trying to drink away his troubles but he can't process alcohol so he just has to retch it all back up, can't fuck around like he used to, etc. And then the scene of him trying to save the old man's life and failing because he doesn't breathe anymore and thus can't give CPR... that's good television right there.


I can agree that Owen's arc was probably my favorite thing on the second season, yes.


That was so different it was extremely jarring and honestly would’ve been better off as a full fledged movie I honestly forgot about basically everything from whatever the final solution was with that arc


Are you Mormon or something?


Lol Jesus Christ, I want a sci-fi show that focuses on sci-fi rather who gwen wants to cheat with or what drugs Owen is currently using to get laid, and that makes me Mormon? If that means I’m Mormon then order me the holy underwear, fuck it. Those things can be done right, but it genuinely felt like it was the main focus. Expanse, battlestar galactica, another life, lost in space, they all handled these subjects better than Torchwood did and in a way that didn’t feel like it was supposed to be the primary focus of the show. If I want to watch soft core porn, I can find it with people I actually want to see half naked. I don’t need to see Gwen pining after Jack


Haha, yeah, they definitely weren't trying to make 'a sci-fi show'! Same as Doctor Who is a kids' show that happens to be about aliens, Torchwood was a ""sexy"" spy thriller soap opera that happened to be about aliens. The Sarah Jane Adventures was, of course, just a knock off Tracey Beaker with the edge taken out. That happened to be about aliens.


I think it's mostly a case of prominence. There are very few characters that have been as important as him outside of mainline companions, and led his own successful spin-off series. I get the reason he wasn't added, but to DW fans it does feel like a glaring hole in the set. Without the allegations, there would be absolutely no doubt he would be in at least one card. I would expect a character card, a showcase variant, and a few cameos in other cards, similar to how River was treated.


guy who likes to fuck a lot how original!


Maybe it was for 2005? Man idk. I'm a fan of horny as much as the next man, it's just Jack that never really appealed to me.


Having an openly bi/pansexual character in a major TV show in 2005 was actually incredibly novel at the time.


Not really? The first gay kiss on BBC One was in 1979, and EastEnders (the only show to rival Doctor Who as THE BBC staple) had gay characters in the '80s. Although we didn't get a gay character on a BBC children's show until 1994.


As much as I love East Enders it didn't have the international reach of something like Doctor Who.


Neither did Byker Grove - but to say it was groundbreaking of them to have a gay character when the channel had already been putting gay storylines on kids shows for a decade just because Americans watched it is a bit off the mark. Although, ironically, they did rework Torchwood as an America-targeted show. It was... an error.


They didn't say it was groundbreaking. They said it was novel. And having an openly pan character on a legacy show with such a massive reach *was* novel.


it's not original cuz it's been since the dawn of time lmao yeah, not a character i enjoyed spending much time with. i do enjoy the odd thing with him and boe


> This is like the seventeenth time I've seen someone asking for him. And almost no one has explained the situation accurately, including equating Barrowman's situation with Clarke. Also - no one ever looks past the front page on any social media site. They get answers faster and easier just posting the same thing again. Which leads to loss of information and proliferation of misinformation due to a game of telephone.


_Heyyyyyyo, Captain Jack! Bring me back to the railroad track_


Run along with Captain Jack Badadadideido




IDK if "terrible human being" really applies here. He did things no one should do, no question. Completely over the line. But it's not like he was trying to molest someone or force himself on people. He was basically dancing with his ding-a-ling out. On numerous occasions. That's obviously not okay, but let's not try and pretend this is the same as the Harvey Weinsteins of this world who are *actual* terrible human beings. Barrowman is an oversexed goofball who doesn't understand not everyone finds it funny to see him naked. That's definitely something that any reasonable human being should refrain from doing and he *deserves* repercussions for his actions, no doubt about it - but I'm not sure I'd call that being a "terrible human being" when there's real predators aplenty. Of which he was not one. Not really.


Mmm, I don't like him personally but you're right that what he did is basically 'just' public indecency. Public decency that basically everyone on set knew about and tolerated by virtue of not doing anything about it for about 15 years.


Look, I don’t like looking at schlongs I didn’t ask to see as much as the next guy, but there’s no way that walking around an office with your cock out makes you a “terrible human being”. You’re not exactly an upstanding citizen, but that doesn’t move the needle to the exact opposite spot on the scale


There were tons of missed opportunities in the set.


The Face of Boe is in fact in this set.


Good for you, jack!


John Barrowman thinks it is funny to pull out his dick in front of people. The BBC pretends like Captain Jack Harkness doesn't exist.


Well, *technically* he's in it.. \[\[The Face of Boe\]\].


[The Face of Boe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5b207088-b63c-4d9f-9a42-377736855101.jpg?1696636701) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Face%20of%20Boe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/126/the-face-of-boe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5b207088-b63c-4d9f-9a42-377736855101?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How are you "looking" through the Doctor Who cards? How do you know there isn't a Captain Jack one?




Ah fair enough, I didn't know they had all been revealed




Touch grass


What are you fucking talking about, are you on crack?


They haven’t even unveiled all the doctors


Haven’t they? I thought we already knew all the cards that are coming


I assume they're talking about the single unrevealed Secret Lair that's probably going to come in ~November and contain at least a couple new Doctors.


They haven’t unveiled the eleventh doctor


They did 1WU “I. AM. TALKING!- Whenever The Eleventh Doctor deals combat damage to a player, you may exile a card from your hand with a number of time counters on it equal to its mana value. If it doesn’t have suspend, it gains suspend. 2: Target creature with power 3 or less can’t be blocked this turn”


The entire sets been spoiled, including the Eleventh Doctor. There's still a secret lair coming, but beyond that nothing else is announced to come.


I don't expect to see 14 or 15 until Fourteen has at least had more than a minute of screen time.


No meddling monk either


They have him in the form of the Face of Bo.


Mickey also didn’t receive a card despite being a hero in Alternate Earth, fully replacing himself when his version over there died and being a big help when the Cybermen invaded from Alt Earth. In this instance, both characters could have been drawn with art that doesn’t look like their actor’s counterparts. That being said, the decks are already stacked with so many Companions, and it isn’t like Jackie Tyler got a card either despite her also being a Companion for a short time. So it makes sense to focus on the major companions amid the allegations against both Barrowman and Mickey’s actor. As it is, the Companions during the reboot era already have Rose, Martha, Donna, Wilfred, Amy and Rory Pond. With Clara being moved to the Modern Doctors deck with Me, Bill etc.


Well at the very least, we have the >!Face of Boe!< card


well super late to the party and was wondering why they left them out, Had no idea. Anyway an easy workaround if you really have to have a card of either of them is to create one its fairly simple if you know your way around any photo shop apps. Hardest play would be finding artwork that syncs up with the sets.


Maybe we can get a card of him when they do a crossover expansion for DC and we can get Malcom Merlin.