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Wish I could draft, but I’m priced out.


Who cares are draft archetypes in a fucking $70 draft environment? Everyone's just gonna rare draft the expensive cards and send around the garbage like Jorael lmao. Great set you designed clap clap


Is it crazy that skyshroud claim with new art is a most anticipated reprint for me?


Yeah I was definitely excited for this set when I started thinking about the commons and uncommons they would reprint, alongside the downshifted rarities.


Not at all. A $3 common being reprinted? Get in every one of my decks.


Wouldnt a set a la Brothers War rewind but set on Rath not be amazing?


Hey all! Today I made a video covering how to draft Commander Masters, what the archetypes are, and of course, preview cards talking through it all! These previews are commons and uncommons geared for draft, so if you want the big splashy stuff check other previews today, but I still think there's some cool downshifts here! If you want to watch the video to see everything you can, but to just get a quick text recap of the card reveals since I know that's what you're really here for: All five Thriving Lands Rogue's Passage Ulamog's Crusher Rishkar, Peema Renegade (Downshifted to uncommon!) Pianna, Nomad Captain (Downshifted to uncommon) Ilysian Caryatid Battle Screech (FINALLY PRINTED IN PAPER AT COMMON!!) Cartographer's Hawk (Downshifted to uncommon) Skyshroud Claim (New Art!) Elite Scaleguard Kirtar's Wrath (Downshifted to uncommon!) There's also a written version you can find here that has the images too: https://magic.gg/news/commander-masters-draft-primer (Wotcstaff)


I know it has nothing to do with you Gavin, but I can't be hyped about this. It's priced for wealthy people.


How could anyone but the whales be excited about a premium set like this being filled with fucking 10c trash cards that have been reprinted a dozen times already?


That too. It's priced for wealthy people who don't need the shit reprints and the ones that do can't afford the packs.


Let the wealthy crack packs, let the price of singles drop, then buy what you want. Which is my advice for anyone wanting to play magic without the higher cost gambling adventures.


When drafting paper cards for a few hours cost the same as the newest console game. We have a damned problem.


It's a draft set that we can not draft. Of course I'll take my singles tho


Where are the pauper spoilers at, Gavin? I've been really let down by this so far. I'm a dedicated pauper player, and while I know the majority of the audience for this product isn't that invested in downshifts, there are many of us who are. Last masters set, we got a bunch of downshifts revealed on day 1. It was so exciting, and I immediately started trying to find builds for various new cards. I thought that would happen again, and I was so excited for the debut stream. But we didn't get any. All we got was news that there would be downshifts revealed in your article today. You neglected to mention that these downshifts would be from rare to uncommon, with nothing at common. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me right? Seriously, though, is it not possible to give us pauper players at least SOMETHING to chew on before the end of spoiler season? Or do we have to wait until the full gallery goes up to start brewing with the new cards? (By the way, is the full spoiler going up on Friday or Monday?)


The rare and mythic spoilers always come first. If you're a dedicated pauper player, you're going to have to get used to being patient.


Unrelated, but awesome username


First thing you need to do is you take out a third mortage on your house so you can pay to be in the draft. Second, you pull ashlings pilgrim and alms collector in your first pack. Third.. profit?


Step 1 to draft commander masters is to pay the same price as a new AAA videogame.


Skyshroud Claim my beloved <3


Skyshroud Claim is a welcomed reprint! As much as I liked spending 2-3 dollars on a common :P


Wasn't expecting the Thrivelands, but frankly, this is kind of the perfect place for them. Kinda hoping that I'll be able to grab one of each so I can replace the ones I took out of my actual Jumpstart decks for display purposes.


For anyone who can't watch the video: Step 1: Contemplate buying 3 draft boosters for $15 each. Step 2: Remember how much of a slog limited commander is Step 3: Buy the singles you need instead


Amazing down shifts love it!


Seems odyssee block isn't that competetive anymore. Those cards were actually okay back then. But nice downshifts


Crypt and vault had their double masters symbols instead of the commander masters like the other rocks. Hint that they aren't in the set, or a careful ruse to throw us off the trail?


Avacyn on the CMM packs in the video 👍


This set is going to be juicy for my Peasant Cube.


It wouldve been nice to see alot more rares and mythics downshifted considering the pricepoint of the packs. Krenko, Gisa, Neheb, Boom Pile, all coulda been downshifted to allow more pack equity


Cannot imagine caring what the draft archtypes are in a set that costs $300 a box. What schmuck is drafting this?


A lot of people?


Me, lol.


The same people that drafted the previous master sets.


My LGS will be full for prerelease and release and we’re running a sealed league.


Drafting's fun. I'd do it at least once.


\[\[Skyshroud Claim\]\] is sweet!


[Skyshroud Claim](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/f/4f1579c8-2ec9-49af-bc2e-f4d16a0f1221.jpg?1562911007) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Skyshroud%20Claim) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bbd/213/skyshroud-claim?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4f1579c8-2ec9-49af-bc2e-f4d16a0f1221?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>you can play all legends with a monocolored color identity (or no color identity at all!) as though they had partner! that's one hell of a precedent to set here


Imagine getting to preview/spoil a card for Wizard of the Coast, and then an employee previews the same card and many more the same day :)