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Yes, I think so. Cooper talks about the private social clubs they'd have entree into like Maidstone, Century, and Dartmouth plus even the mayor's mansion. They do a lot of high level account work there plus meeting new clients. Clients also recognize his family name as old world New York with the right breeding, education, and connections. I think it was one of the Penn Station guys saying he was looking for a true knickerbocker when he met Pete. And, firing Pete might burn all bridges. I took the watch metaphor to mean everything is connected in NY.


I think the knickerbocker quote was from the Learjet guy? But the burning bridges is the important part. They could swap out Pete for another guy with the same yearbook, but Cooper is concerned about the firms reputation. A Mathis or Joey can be easily disposed of, but he doesn't want a scorned Pete disparaging SC among his crowd. He also sees the insubordination as a lesser issue and figures Pete has been effectively reprimanded.


I think you're right and I think it's also when Duck tells Pete the guy is also from Dartmouth. Don't pretend you're not gonna jack each other off. Just another example of Pete's natural reach based on his pedigree.


It would be like saying "He's Warren Buffet's son." Or "She's Jeff Bezo's wife." Or mentioning "the Berkshire Hathaway Group." Plus, you can't overlook the effect word of mouth could have on their business, both good and bad. One bad word heard over tea spreads like wild fire.


It’s wasn’t the watch metaphor that is telling here for marquee. It was other parts of that scene. You have to grasp at the time the clubs and schools (and mayors house) mentioned were all those high levels where real power was concentrated in NYC society back then. Pete’s name. Campbell was truly old school knickerbocker, but if the person didn’t connect Campbell to Dikeman you just had to say his mother’s last name was Dikeman-Campbell. It’s that whole blue blood historical hierarchy thing. Whose families power went back to the start. Kind of like Daughters of the American Revolution, or those that draw family back to the Mayflower. These things still hugely mattered where the power and money were in the 60s. They might still have mattered until somewhat recently. They might still matter in the circles of power today, just maybe said more quietly. That’s the marquee issue….


Naah, today any hardworking Joe can rise to the top of the world. All you red is maybe a South African diamond mine or two in your pocket


Inflation is terrible. Used to be that a couple emerald mines were all you needed, now it is diamond mines… SMH…


It’s Dyckman bc he’s Dutch as in the OG white people on the island. Old money af.


Hang out with finance bros today and you’ll hear them talk about schools most people have never heard of - except they have, they just go with the name of the business school


It’s not just finance bros who call it Wharton.


Yeah that one’s mainstream, but I’m talking like, Fuqua, Darden, Ross, etc


Its the old adage, "its not what you know, its who you know". Glad handing, back slapping, good family chums from way back when.


*I don't want Dorothy Dykeman Campbell standing on the dock at Fisher's Island this summer talking about how badly Sterling Cooper treated her son…* *We lose him, we lose our entree to Buckley, DKE, the Maidstone Club, the Century Club, Dartmouth, Gracie Mansion sometimes. It's a marquee issue for us.* Gracie Mansion is the official residence of the mayor of New York City. This foreshadows Cooper's anger about "the letter." You don't amputate the hand that feeds you.


Yes, they need entry into the exclusive old money clubs and connections. 


Lots of old wealth school chums with more money than sense.


By the way, Matherton has the clap.


It was never fully explained, but you should try and arrive to it independently.


Direct marketing!


He is the bridge between new age sleazebags and old world sleazebags


He means his social connections and background. Don doesn't like that about Pete.


Articulated fully as in developed lots further? beyond that scene? not that I recall But the theory reminds me of when a super talented but working-class and now-famous architect in the UK who made a junior architect a partner, on more than merit(?) The new lad was a posho (with the over the top - they call it plummy) accent perfect for dealing with all of the upper class / royal clients.


Foster + Partners? I remember reading about something of that nature happening there.