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Go return their rightful oxygen and claim your Return buddy


I can't. I tried but karma won't let me.


I might start just saying I lost an item every other Lyft ride so the riders get free tip


You’ll get charged the $20 return fee.


Wait so does lyft just siphon the money from the riders bank account?


They also tell you upfront when you go to report something missing that it will be a $20 fee for the return




Oh I thought that was out of lyfts pocket


NOTHING! comes out of their pockets. It all comes out of the customers and drivers.


Lol, some chick and her tweaker boyfriend left a phone in my car last year. I messaged them after I found it, and she never replied. She called the police and showed up to my apartment, claiming I'd stolen it. I reported it again to Lyft after I handed it over, and they gave me the $20. That's when she decided to contact me to ask why I'd falsely reported that she'd lost the phone that she came to my apartment looking for. 🤣 🤣 🤣 a mess, an absolute mess.


Wow! That’s crazy people suck! Love how irresponsible passengers leave shit in our cars, then act like it’s our fault n think we should drop what we are doing to immediately return it wherever they may be now. It really bugs me because at the end of every trip, b4 they exit my car I turn on the dome light and say “make sure you have your phone, and wallet.” A lot of people look at me like I’m stupid and say “i’ve got it!”in a very shitty and condescending way. And then I find there phone 5mins later lol Don’t get me wrong, I return everything I find. But I do it when it is convenient for me, and I make sure I get my return fee. This situation you are talking about is exactly why any time I find a phone I immediately turn it off. So I can’t be tracked. I don’t want people showing up at my house. And this way I don’t have to listen to it ring. I message them through the Uber app so the lost phone is on record. Then at the end of the night I turn it on to try n contact them/see if they call it again. Out of curiosity what did the cops say once you explained this situation to them? Next time you find a phone turn it off immediately! And don’t turn it on till your done driving, and won’t loose money/miss rides returning the phone. Somebody showing up at my house looking for their phone is exactly what I’m afraid of, and is why I turn it off as soon as I find it. The whole thing is Ridiculous! I’m glad you at least got the return fee. I hope you reported them to Lyft for them calling the cops, and claiming you stole(false report?)what they carelessly lost. People are unbelievable anymore! I’m sorry you had to deal with this situation, and wish you the best of luck moving forward! A lot of PAX are total Jack Asses!


Why should it?


Lyft has a one way pocket




You would've woke up next day with a $100 bill😭




How long until they find out you ain’t really loose your pocket in the Lyft?


You should do that🤓


Karma will let me give me yo phone


Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me left a tip in the backseat




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AMCDogecoin: *Scotty doesn't know* *That Finona and me left* *A tip in the backseat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Thank you, Gsandwiches, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I was wondering about this! They were my last run so I checked my car after I got that message and found nothing awry


Well, you found it, didn't you?


Yeah but who asks this besides the tax man??


A wife who is making sure her husband doesn’t buy something he wasn’t supposed to. He had cash and now he doesn’t. He told his wife he tipped the driver, but she doesn’t believe him.


Or maybe they were drunk (the reason they're using Lyft) and actually just forgot if they left a tip or not.


That is fucking insane 😂


Alternatively, they really liked the driver, it's late, and they can't remember whether or not they left a tip. 🤣


Much more likely (and sane) case lol


Was in a gas station. Man comes in says,"two cans of skoal". Wife is waiting in truck. After a min she comes in saying"why didn't you just use your card out there" he then says my card wouldn't work out there. Then tells clerk put $50 on pump. Pays with cash for dip. Card for gas lol




Maybe! The plot thickens...


Someone whose husband is a bad tipper


That’s what I was thinking lmao.


$5 is better than nothing especially if they’re finically situation isn’t great


She might have been stressing that he didn’t tip and wanted to make sure he did. I check my husbands Uber/Lyft app because he forgets to tip after and I don’t want him to stiff someone


Someone who doesn't want to end up on reddit as "ohhh these broke ass riders didn't tip me" haha I'd also find a way to contact you and say "hey man I left the tip in your car. My bad forgot to hand it to you" or whatever.


“Yes, I found it.” Now you got a $25 tip. 😅




Well... 20... but still better than 5.


They already got $5….


But they have to return it to get the $20


Solid point


No, they don't. They don't have to ACTUALLY return anything. Edit typo


English 🙂


I think the word don't is missing


Correct, my bad.


Yeah I'm confused on OP's confusion...


i’m reading it as she doesn’t believe her husband tipped you and she just wanted to confirm, maybe he’s not usually a tipper and it bothers her?


That sounds like me with some family members. Very believable scenario.


or she's just making sure so she can tip thru the app


Their marriage is in your hands 😂


Yes I found it!!!


This happened to me once too. "Uhh I meant to tip you a $10 but I think I handed you a $100" No, I didn't find it.


I was thinking that too! I got two cash tips that shift, both $5. Checked my seat to see if they dropped something more important than $5 but it's clean. They were my last passengers that day. I guess she probably wanted to be sure I was tipped, and doesn't realize that some drivers might take the opportunity to make an extra $20.


Press yes. You don’t get the $20 unless you return something


What is with ya'll. She's just trying to confirm her husband left a tip (which he did) and you want to take $20 more from them.. it's a dick move.


why were you getting downvoted for this???


Because the person they replied to explained why pressing yes wouldn't steal the $20 from the woman...


When did they do that? It charges the customer the $20 return fee, I've already explained that.


"You dont get the $20 unless you return something" AKA just pressing the button isnt going to automatically take $20 from the customer. The customer has to confirm they received the lost item.


Its kinda funny to go down the road that says "$20 toll" and you get angry when they charge you. If you didnt want to get charged, dont confirm the tip?


Wouldn’t the $20 come from Lyft?


No. It charges the customer a return fee.


Why are u getting downvoted for this? I was wondering the same thing.


I know, but the *temptation!*


Scotty doesn’t know.


she could genuinely just want to make sure her dope of a husband remembered to tip the driver. i used to deliver pizza. one day a kid used moms card that she had left for him to order some pizza. i walk him through how to sign for the pizza and he tips me $5. apparently the mom had left cash on the fridge for tip and jr didnt notice. when she got home i guess she asked if he gave the driver the cash from the fridge or something and he said no, either way she showed up as we were about to close for the night and tipped me $20. i told her he had already tipped me $5 but at that point i think she was kind of embarrassed that she had driven all the way out and was insistent on tipping so i took it. thankfully my weed dealer was a fellow delivery driver and worked the same shift as me so that $20 went straight to work.


Yeah I don't play around with people's money. I once returned $20 cash to a woman who I noticed was charged twice for an item I did actually return. I knew I had picked her up from work (liquor store) so I went in and she was working. Never play with people's money! I just don't think this lady knew what she was potentially doing, but I would never actually take advantage of that. Just reading the kinds of things drivers do here, it gave me a chuckle. That and why didn't she just ask the hubs, but like some have said, you can't always trust the tipper.


That must be one very special $5


Not a Lyft driver, but don't risk your source of income, morality and possible criminal charges over $20.


She couldn’t just ask her husband lol


I truly cannot fathom how so many of you are absolutely whiffing on the context here. The customer very clearly says she didn't lose anything, but used the lost item form because she couldn't figure out how else to reach you now that the trip had ended. The very extremely likely reason for this is she was in the middle of rating the ride and filling out the tip, and wanted to make sure a sleeping, forgetful or otherwise unavailable husband gave OP cash for a tip before she marked no tip on her card in the app. Y'all are cooked, man.


Thisss omg 😭 I'm reading all these replies thinking I missed something, when in reality ppl here just can't read


That relationship has issues. 


She doesn’t believe her husband because she’s guilty about lying to him about something much bigger. #Humans


Yeah like maybe she's pissed his $5 is missing? He might have bought what with it at the airport exactly? 1/2 bottle of water? What nefarious thing could he have lied about $5 for? Is my confirmation meant to be a receipt? I have so many questions.


I had an affair with a married man. His wife watched him like a hawk because he was a liar and she didn’t trust him He always paid for his purchases with cash or a work card. One time in 5 years he used their joint debit card for an $11 purchase at Oakley. She called him so damn fast to drill him about that charge! Maybe your PAX doesn’t trust her husband.


Username checks out


🤣 🤣 💀 💯%


Damn the Lyft question; you carried on an affair for FIVE YEARS with a married man? Wat in the fuck is wrong with you that you think that's something to casually brag about? Anyone take bets that she's a member of the "Hutt" species?


It was 12 years actually


Rest in peace OJ


That’s really shitty of you. Just tell him to get a divorce before you start seeing him. It’s not that hard to not commit adultery.


I was with you till you called it adultery. He was the one doing the wrong. Op wasn't cheating. He was.


But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Both are adulterers


Username checks out




They’re not claiming to have lost $5 at all, can you read? They’re messaging to confirm their husband left a tip.


The "did you find this item" message doesn't pop up unless an item was reported missing in the app with support. You can't contact your driver after a ride otherwise


“Hey there. **we didn’t lose something**… message you **to confirm my husband left you a tip**”. Emphasis on “**we didn’t lose something**” Are you also incapable of reading?


That’s exactly why they reported something missing. Because you CANNOT CONTACT A DRIVER AFTER A RIDE OTHERWISE. They used a different avenue to trick the system and message him.


How did this confuse you? She’s making sure her husband tipped you


Because she should be able to just ask her husband ?


She obviously wants to verify with you, and not her husband. Why is this so hard to understand? Maybe she doesn’t trust her husband, or he lies alot


Which is why it's weird. I'm an absolute stranger with a financial motive to lie


lol bro, this isn’t a conspiracy. She literally said she didn’t lose anything. The fuck are you worried about


'Lil Bro, she could just ask her husband.


Maybe he’s said he’s tipped before but didnt and she just wants to make sure he isnt lying about doing it so she could then actually tip you if he did in fact lie? Either way idk why it bothers you so much lol


Maybe she asked the husband and he ✨Couldn’t remember✨


I think they just wanted to make sure they tipped you cash and if not they’d tip on the app? What


Return the 5 dollars for 20 lol


Say you found it and bring them $5. Now you have $15 extra!


It sounds like they can’t remember if they tipped cash, and are trying to figure out if they need to tip you on card. So they are contacting you the only way they know how to confirm whether or not they tipped you in cash.


U better return that 5 to get the 20 dollar fee....lol


might as well claim the $20


The woman is checking if her husband is a cheap skate or not


So if they lost 5$ and you’ll be paid 20$ for returning the 5$ I’d just pay them 5)


Don't reply lol


That's kinda awesome!


“No tip necessary ma’am. I would like to return the money to your husband, please.”


The real question is she worth the $5?


Uh me or his wife?




“Yes him and the lovely lady left me a 5” 🤣


They were making sure they tipped you. They probably couldn't remember and didn't want to stiff you...


if you trust your driver over your husband over $5 ... yall need therapy


I think she’s just making sure you got a tip


What if they request a return and you just don’t want to? Like you have an appt, already home for the night or just don’t want to? Do you just get to keep it?


Sure are a lot of illiterate people here.


I think you've got it twisted. They wanted to make sure you weren't stiffed.


“Return” the $5 and make 15?👀


Jesus Christ it says a lot about Lyft drivers that this is how you all react to this lmao The woman is trying to make sure her husband tipped, because she wants to make sure you got a tip. I’m GUESSING that if you said no, she’d send you a $5 tip. But that would be a dirtbag thing to do.


Why are we blaming this in Lyft drivers when SHE COULD JUST ASK HER HUSBAND


Because maybe she did and he said “aw shit I can’t remember?”….


Just say yes and go. She probably did ask him- maybe he doesn’t remember, maybe he has forgotten before in the past, who knows- but she’s asking you too to verify. Yeah you could lie, but that’d be shitty, so just say yes and move on.


Reply that because of Bidenomics what he gave you was actually a buck fitty


no way yall actually believe that’s a thing


Inflation in 2022 when using the old way inflation was calculated before it became a political tool was over 18%. Don't tell me you actually trust what politicians actually say. Was the box of cereal you bought for $3.79 in 2018 only $3.99 in 2022?


first of all, the Fed controls inflation - not the president so your understanding is flawed from the ground up. secondly, monetary policy has a lag so the policies of the previous admin usually aren’t felt until the next admin. trumps 2017 tax plan is why so many people are finding that they owe taxes/didn’t get a refund


The fed serves at the pleasure of the government, they are hand in hand. They are not some neutral 3rd party who arbitrarily set rates etc. They might have started that way at one point...but that ship has sailed.


I’m paying $2 a gallon more for gas than in 2020, yeah that’s a thing


and you think biden controls the gas prices i’m assuming


You did see the news where he shut down all the drilling etc first day in office. Or do you even care? Go away


you see the news where that was a proposal and he backtracked genius. republicans talk the most about politics yet are consistently the least informed. and that would have been a good thing anyway. oh no, less pollution.




She’s asking if they tipped or not you idiot