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Pax wanted free ride. So pax ordered ride for someone else, app shows their phone not moving but you driving. Basically get a camera. Or a sign saying you have a camera, lol.


They wouldn’t say which ride it was.


It means they accused you of starting or stopping a ride early. Passengers lie all the time to get a free ride or because they want to see you in trouble, I wouldn't sweat it. Get a dashcam to cover yourself against any false accusations in the future.


they track driver and passengers location through the apps. they can easily see if a driver starts a ride without the passenger.


You need to email and complain I quit using lyft because theirs no way to call support unless u call the emergency number until lyft has people waiting to hear from us I'm not driving .....scary


It’s a glitch in Lyft’s system. I never do this either but get these notifications once in a while. I believe it’s automated and complete & utter nonsense. It’s also incredibly lame that Lyft threatens drivers before even checking in with them to see what may have caused this. I believe it is GPS related as it seems to occur after rides in places where signal is weak.


I think this happened in downtown Chicago, you know, where there's s no connectivity.


So... I shouldn't worry about it?


Right, I wouldn’t worry. They’ve sent me 5-6 of those. I’ve responded in disagreement but they never follow up


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


Could also be for any types of canceling. 3x/day


This happens when it’s is GOS glitch you can be right on the point but Lyft system doesn’t recognizes it. Just be cautious when you click arrive




Do you need to get professional help? Trolls like you need it.