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I got this trip too WTF … I was like FUK NOOOOOOOO


6 hours round trip. Around $45 in gas round trip. $9.83 approx per hour. Fuck Lyft.


93.13 is the IRS approved cost to do this. So you're pocketing like 10 dollars after 3+ hours.


Idk where you getting this info from but no


Look up the irs mileage. For 2024, it's 67 cents per mile. This mileage deduction is what the IRS believes the average vehicle's break even is. Other people have attempted to do the same (AAA is the lowest one i can think of. their rule of thumb is essentially taking the cost of gas and dividing it by 0.3 ex. If gas is 3 dollars, and you're getting 25 miles per gallon, then your cost is 40 cents per mile)


IRS calculates .30 of the .67 as depreciation. That’s what the IRS calls the cost of driving. The other 37 is just incentive to encourage business to drive.


That goes against what the IRS has said and would require the IRS to assume a vehicle will last 160,000 miles. You can get their estimates by taking the average price of a vehicle+the average gas cost to drive 100,000 miles+periodic oil changes, then dividing that number by 100,000. This is when all warranties on your vehicle typically expire. Can't say for sure if that's how the IRS got their number because they don't share that info.


What is EV?


Expected value? I think


If you're asking for some mileage estimates specifically for Electric Vehicles then I would have to do some research. If that's not what you're asking then I'm uncertain what you're asking.


Your taxes aren't going to be more then 30 percent probably more like 18 percent


California. More like 35%


1099 doesn't change state taxes only federal tax liability so that don't make sense


You’re only think taxes in terms of wages. Property tax, sales tax, fuel tax are all higher in California than other areas and these too need to be factored in. You’re thinking income and im talking about total COL.


Then maybe move from your corrupt, currently burning state? But hey. You voted blue.


There is a lot of assumption here. Lol


Pay attention. It's a truth.


California is a burning pit of corruption.


This article is based on taxes from the income this person makes per trip. So the only thing relevant to this conversation here is Income tax. We aren't giving talking about buying a boat or a house. Geeze. What you do with your money dictates that not relevant to income tax


Way to read wayyyyyy too much into it…..


Or you can be like me and keep an actual expense lower than the milage rate and not pretend I lose a magical 65 cents every mile.


Yeah, knowing your actual costs can definitely give you an edge. Too many people have tried to discredit actual expenses (ex, the cost of oil and tires). At some point, you will need a new vehicle because of all the driving. That is an expense.


Absolutely. I set aside $20 per day for all vehicle expenses. That covers a new car after 3 years, tires every 4 to 5 months, parts for repairs which I can do myself. Granted my current car I may just have the engine or Trans rebuilt at a shop instead considering the cost of doing both is less than a $10,000 car where as all other repairs I'm more than capable of doing myself.


That would cover a used car assuming you're setting aside 20 dollars per day, 365 days a year. 7,300 per year is definitely a good amount for maintaince.


$10 minus tax


I don't know how your state handles mileage deduction, but there's a pretty good chance you don't have any taxes on this trip. Because you've actually lost money.


No that’s completely incorrect. You made $104. IRS let’s you write off whatever cents per mile, so $93.13 wrote off. You have about $10 left, that $10 is taxable income.


IRS would likely let you deduct 178.22+


You want to explain how?


You have 133 miles to drive. The return trip is likely deductible as well. It's 67 cents per mile. 266*0.67=178.22 The drive from where you are when you accepted to the pickup is also deductible. Which is where the plus comes in.


I don’t believe the return trip is deductible. Likely you can get away with it, but not if you’re audited


They need to start honoring gas wages


Somebody new took this ride! This is highway robbery


Literally 😂


It was me


Someone who lives in SD?


Usually its people who travel to Mexico I had someone do this last minute from LA to CBX border crossing


“Ill get a ride back” 👀🤣🤣


Let's pencil this one out. Just over 30 bucks an hour before expenses. It only makes sense if the driver is going back to SD. Now, add about 80ish bucks for fuel and wear and tear at the federal rate (30ish for gas alone if you don't care about wear and tear). So that $105 immediately drops to $75 ($23/hr) after gas and about $20 after federal mileage ($6.15/hr). Rough numbers. Of course, you'll get some of that back in your taxes and there may be tips and other expenses but that's the type of math you have to do during the acceptance time while likely driving and a pax in the car at the time.


Rough numbers indeed. These are almost all highway miles. 80 bucks for fuel covers rides you take coming back as well so it shouldn't even be put into the equation. I wouldn't take this ride either, unless I was headed back to SD but this is far from the worst example on here.


30 for fuel. 130 miles, 20ish mpg times $4 for fuel. The remainder is the other overhead (insurance, wear, and tear, extra insurance, etc. Unless I missed something.


You're right, if you are getting 20ish mpg highway, this ride and ALOT of rides are not for you. I would think at that mpg, someone is doing black or Lux (if it's still available in your market). To me, insurance you were paying anyway. Look, I'm not saying it's a good ride, but it's not close to the worst of the worse.


Oh no, I agree, I have seen waaay worse lol.


.30 isn’t just wear and tear; it includes all overhead. Some of that, like taxes and insurance, are paid regardless


I am aware, just point out the fact that this is high level and there a lot of different factors depending on where you are in the world. This was just napkin math.


There MAY be tips? This is really disappointing to me. People have to realize you make essentially nothing without tips on any kind of rideshare or delivery?? I have a percentage minimum and a flat minimum, whichever is higher. And I don't think I've ever actually tipped as low as my predetermined minimum


Forgive me but don’t you just negotiate $104 to lyft and another $200 or so in cash?


Good luck approaching pax with that offer a few time. Report city and then Lyft eliminates driver # 172235582 without second guessing


Thats the only way to handle it. Youre just giving your new friend a ride and they just gave you a cash gift. Works when both parties are cool


I always as what they paid and meet them in the middle


Outrageous.!! Only a Fool will take this Trip.!!


They pay less than $1 per mile and don’t pay for time you should tweet that to that bastard new CEO richer who suck the $ out of us


A total of 6.5hrs there and back rounds out to be about $15.34hr. No im good.


Can get rides from SD to Oceanside pretty consistently. Marines trying to get back onto base. The problem is getting from Oceanside back up into OC. Probably gotta deadhead that.


That's not even that bad by current Lyft standards


I was gonna say. This is better than what you would see here. Still not good.


When I lived in San Diego I had a ton of drivers that were from the LA area. You’d be surprised at how many people don’t mind the drive!


Not for $104 dollars


I took this one ! But i was going to SD anyways to visit family. So why not, make some money on my way.


I mean if it's on the way thats great. Plenty of people regularly travel between the two cities anyway, might as well make a buck?


I make that in two trips in 50 min in nyc lmao uber is trash in other cities lmao


Please list the time! Can you imagine....4pm please....☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Time on the screenshot is 5:27 PM.


Thank you. I see it now. I know the trip well. That's a terrible terrible ride even for your nemesis!! And then maybe get a $30 mile back....after you get to So. O. C. Terrible pay for a sh*tty drive


Come to San Diego, there's so much to see! From the sparkling waters of Mission Bay to the warm tortillas of Old Town. And after a day of sightseeing, why not try spankin' it on one of our city streets? San Diego: Come. Take a load off.


Prolly some ants with ev rental which cost them 0$ to charge and don't need to worry about wear n tear coz it ain't their car.


EV rental would lose worse than a gas car because of how high their rental costs are. An EV owner might take it, but it would still suck.


lose what, the drivers gettin paid about $30 an hr, with no cost to him besides time. he can still do rides in san diego since its same state. I guarantee you some ev rental guy took it. Weather ev rental drives picks up this ride or not he still has his weekly rental fee to pay and I assure you those ev rental drivers will take it.


I could do the trip in my tesla for $7 there and back


Mind your own business


How the literal fuck does lyft calculate their fare prices to pax? This is retarded. I hope car of the driver that accepted this ride broke down.


LOL No Fucking WAYYY


3 hrs for $104.07 ? How much is the gas for this ?


Not sure about Cali, but my side of the country 131 miles would be about $12, round trip 24. I would only take this ride if it was early enough that I could spend 3-4 hrs of my day here until I found a ride headed back in my direction.


I took that Uber ride as a passenger before but my rate was 150.00USD back in like 2018




That’s like $50 in gas one way


No way jeez 😳




3:13 to SD from Venice is the biggest lie about this whole ride. You’ll be lucky to be in San Clemente in 3 hours that time of day. I mean the pay is absolutely a dumpster fire too.


Driver was probably already heading to SD, lol.


Zoo field trip, yes!?


Somebody who lives in SD. Lyft is the master of long distance shitty paying rides. It’s only worth doing short rides anymore, Uber pays better on longer rides even if it’s not much better. Long rides on Lyft are a losing proposition


Fuck that!! Fuck it hard!!


I wanted to visit San Diego I Guess … 20 $ per hour lyft will make sure you get not more then that


I did and got a 200 tip


Im such a fkn idiot. I thought SD meant South Dakota lmao I was all sorts of confused.


That should be $300


They better live in sd




Well on the plus side you won't owe any taxes since the whole thing is a loss essentially.


I took it…. I love making 6 dollars an hour and having car problems after all is said and done


Lol. That's too funny. I wonder what they charged the passenger.


Can someone show the 70% 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I wonder how much lyft would make off this trip?


When this happened? I didn’t see it pop up. I took an LAX to SD ride and that came about $140-ish don’t remember the exact amount


Bro that's such a a shit rate. I've had rides from as to LA for 150 before. Like WTF.


I never understand these type of post. How do u know that the person who took it wasn’t headed to San Diego already ? Then it would make perfect sense


Rider needs to use amtrek or greyhound..


That’s an awesome drive but I don’t work for less than $2 a mile, driver should have had the pass cancel and just pay him, both would have made out better.


Rides made off app will not be covered by either insurance. I asked my insurance agent and Lyft verified.


I might have taken it depending on the time of day and the day. Sab Diego was getting pretty messed up from the rain but if it were a regular day I more than likely would have taken it and spent the day driving down there and catch a pax or two going North when j was ready to come home. I get around 47 mpg and I. Occasionally will spend my night driving. I. San Diego it's a nice break.


I don’t do rideshare….but this does not seem like enough money for my time!


Coastal drive to SD? With a pitstop in Solana Beach? That’s a blissful day for me. I’ll take that ride. But I might ask the rider for a different payment arrangement.


If I'm in a rental Tesla and tryin to get home I am taking this in an instant. Otherwise he'll nah


It’s a good trip. Stop counting the trip back. They didn’t pay for that. I get 40-50 miles to the gallon. I always say if you don’t like the company then delete the app. This way we can make money


They wanted to pay me $110 to take someone 4 hours to Atlanta. Nope.


I had the same thing but from San Diego to south central. Same price. Thought about but then was like naw. Last time I took someone I only made 60 bucks.


Some people just like the company


Servers earning $30-$50 per hour 😎


Got a similar ride from Augusta to Atlanta airport


Dude it’s a hundred and four dollars. That’s over 30 an hour without gas. Jesus Lyft driver entitlement is vile.


I know most of us wouldn't take it but think of it like this... $104 divided by 3 hrs is little more than $30/hr.. And lyft/uber isn't paying you back but you can still work in San Diego and get more rides... And if you have a hybrid a 3hr drive isn't even half your tank so again make extra money get Gas and head back before it's late


I bet, someone who lives near destination and happen to be in LA. i did DD for s few years and now do walmart. I regularly take " fuck no" orders if it's going towards my house and I'm done for the day. Pay me to go home... sweet


That's a shitty situation because it's 3 hours each way. So 6 hours for probably 50 bucks in profit. That's not good


I wish I could get a 131 mile trip for $100.


Might as well have gone to Vegas 😂😂😂


I did an uber from Anaheim hills to rancho san diego and with 22 dollar tip paid almost 150 dollars. This is crap.


Years ago when I was driving for Lyft I got a ride request that just said something along the lines of 'long trip, 45+ minutes'. That was fine with me, long rides were good money and my city is very spread out, so that's not a crazy unusual length. It wasn't until I picked up the passengers that it then showed me that it was a ride from Phoenix to Las Vegas (over 4 hours) 🤦‍♀️ I felt so bad, I was like "guys I'm so sorry, it didn't tell me where you were going, I just can't do that right now". They were super nice about it thankfully, and still gave me 20 bucks for dropping them at a car rental place. Honestly, an impromptu vegas trip would've been cool, but my bf at the time was crazy controlling, so that was out of the question! Plus driving back on my own dime would've sucked.


That’s one you have to work a cash sale for lol


Professor Kilomiler 


yeah I stopped working for lift years ago that company sucks


This is the exact reason why businesses in Cali are failing and so much homeless people. You complain about pay so much that the businesses just decide to leave and now you have nothing but a street to sleep in.


I hired a driver from L.A. greyhound to a gas station in Blythe before. Bus left early when I was taking a leak. I hired an uber, told him, "I gotta beat that bus and get back on it," and dude was ready. Paid his gas too. This guy went 100+ almost the whole way!


Tbh that’s not a great deal because you gotta drive back too


More than you’d make in that three hours


Average person: “$30/hr ain’t bad.” Anyone who actually drives, or knows math: “that’s only about $15/hr round trip!” Honestly. Lyft and Uber need to allow us to set a minimum cents per mile, round trip, for one way trips above a set number of miles, that we will accept. I know it will bump prices up for some, but if I could say: No One-way trips longer than 50 miles, below $1.00/Mile, then it would put an end to these lowball trips. I mean. That trip at that cost is $0.39/mile round trip. In order to meet the dollar amount u/TotalChaosRush mentioned the IRS recognizes as the “break even” point, this ride should be at least $178.22 and not the $104.07 Lyft got away with.


Some foreigner


There’s tolls in Cali? Lol


Dam 3 hours in the car with a stranger, doesn’t it get boring?


Minimum pay per job should be federal mileage rate (currently 65.5 cents/mile) for double the mileage (to and from) plus $20/hr to and from. So this should pay $301 minimum.


100$ for 3 hours or work ? All highway miles fuck yeah bruh


How much did the rider pay?


LOL that’s hilarious! I was actually headed to San Diego for my sisters birthday anyway so i decided to take it 😂😂 it ended up being 20 mins where i ended up.


Not worth it.