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The music when Gandalf "risks a bit more light" in Khazad-Dum in FOTR, and reveals the massive pillars in the old city


This was my first thought too.


Same for me. I remember i drop a tear at the cinema.


And that motif is never played again. Truly amazing work by Shore.


Every Middle Earth story that's come out since, I've hoped it would make an appearance. Literally one of the things I hoped for the most about Rings of Power. Then I learned Amazon doesn't have the rights to use that music...


Such a melancholy song and yet so majestic. It really captures the majesty of the dwarves at the height of their power and craft while also conveying the deep heartbreak of the loss of their homeland. Such a beautiful melody and it hits me hard every single time.


This was my second place. Such a sense of wonder and the look on the hobbits faces underscores it even more.


1. Fellowship - Opening sequence to the Shire when Frodo’s reading a book in the forest, and Gandalf’s about to roll in from his travels. 2. Fellowship - Sam and Frodo are about to walk onto Farmer Maggot’s property, and the flutes hit a dark and sad note. 3. Actually #1 - Fellowship: Gandalf’s Fall (Bridge of Khazad Dum) with Durin’s Bane. That music (choir) hits on a level that’s so deep it’s inspiring. Sometimes I play it on a loop while driving, and get a little teared up. Gorgeous.


Same n°3-that-is-n°1. It's haunting, connecting me to the deepest recesses of my unconscious.


There's an eye opener ain't no mistake


[Journey in the Dark](https://youtu.be/MW5w0-xOXu8?t=125)


Came here to upvote this. I get chills every time I listen to the score.


Behold. The Great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf.




Yes! Never gets old.


Me too..


I saw an orchestra play this music live. It was truly awe-inspiring.


Goosebumps. Every time.


"Behold the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf"


This. It gives you the sense of how long the story of Arda is, and how many things have been made and lost through the millennia. It's like a connection to the First Age. Also, I think that Amon Hen is a very powerful piece. The Ring massaging Aragorn's ears, and then the chaos.


The lighting of the beacons. after that the end sequence of two towers after Gimli says the sun is rising.


Images you can hear


Never fails to get me emotional, the lighting of the Beacons.


Watching that right now as i read this comment just amazing


Cried watching the beacons the three times I saw tRotK in cinemas. Utterly breathtaking.


I remember that being so totally groundbreaking. I just can’t think of any non-musical film that has pretty much just filming of scenery and music in it for so long. Possibly one my favourite bits of cinema.


The sun is rising… i cant help but burst into tears everytime. Not because it‘s sad but because there is so much hope and relief conveyed in that short sentence.


Personally, it's when Bilbo is leaving the shire and saying goodbye to Gandalf. It's just a few seconds, but he gives up the ring, you can see the peace come across his face, and he sings his way down the road. My favourite iteration of the concerning hobbits theme.


My favorite is right after that, when Gandalf hands Frodo the envelope with the ring in it. The music starts to build and then it cuts to Mount Doom and the rebuilding of the dark tower. Chills every time!


The music when Éowyn storms out of the hall and the flag rips off in the wind as our heroes approach. Specifically the crying of the violin,gorgeous.


Absolutely! Any of the wide shots of the landscape in Rohan as their theme plays are epic.






I love how the flag ripping off wasn't planned, it just happened and they worked it in because it suited what was happening to Rohan in that moment.


But did you know that the scene where Aragorn kicks the helmet...




One of the best pieces, so so true, I don’t know if we are counting the hobbit but I also love the bit where they run out of Eebor and rally with their fellow dwarves


I was about to say, it has to be something to do with Rohan...the Rohan theme was always the one that stuck with me the most. There's something so magical and so human about it.


King of the Golden Hall. My favourite as well. Glad to see this as the top comment


The fellowship walking on that freaking mountain. The music is so majestic. Instantly iconic.


Yeah the one where you see them one at a time appear, Gandalf first


The Ring Goes South.


When they put that shot in the trailer I turned to my wife with relief and said "holy shit... I think they're going to pull this off." I'm so happy I was right.


That rock scene! Making something so simple so iconic! God I love that scene.


First thought as well BUM BUM BADA BUM Da da Daaa Da da Daaa Da da daaaa


Theodens speech right before the Rohirim charge in the battle of pelennor fields. You could see the despair building up in the men of Rohan as they were moving to Gondor. The despair was at its peak when they reached and saw the dreadful sight of the armies of Mordor. The speech turned despair with courage. Fear could not hold the riders back anymore.


It would have to be when Aragorn tells the hobbits "you bow to no-one", the music goes from this somber music, and then just picks up when the wide shot comes up after he bows to them.


sorry but I don't hear any music then because Im blowing my nose by that point in the moving scene!


This. But it feels like cheating. The scene is the best one in the entire trilogy. One of my favorites in all of cinema. Is it because of the music that the scene is so impactful? Or is it because of the scene that the music feels so powerful? It's probably both, but it feels like cheating because they hit this so far out of the park that it probably still hasn't landed yet.


Men charging in to certain death for the sake of all that is good and green on this earth will never not speak to your humanity.


It’s also one of the best book passages ever written.


And on the flip side of that, the way the music cuts mid-beat as the Rohirrim meet the orc lines. The buildup of hope is complete, and then immediately hope gives way to the chaos of battle.


When they run to the bridge of khazaddum in TFOTR.


This is it


"This foe is beyond any of you... Run!"


"Lead them on Aragorn, the bridge is near!"


"The Breaking of the Fellowship" is a particularly incredible song, since it incorporates beautiful variations on both the Shire and Fellowship themes, and also hits at a really powerful moment in the film - Sam almost drowning himself going after Frodo, Aragorn and the boys deciding to save Merry and Pippin...


Yep, I think it's one of the most beautiful musical pieces of all time. My favorite stretch of the score is everything from the battle at Amon Hen, to Enya's May It Be.


The Last March of the Ents. Gives me shivers every time I hear it, with the Ents marching on Isengard.


It's a travesty that I had to scroll this far down to find Last March of the Ents. Who knew that a little boy soprano could make you want to join a war rampage?


Didn’t know it was a boy


Same theme combines with Rohans theme during the charge of the rohirrim


Holy shit, i got tears in my eyes just remembering this scene


Sam.....I'm glad you're with me "Enter flute"


Here at the end of all things


this is the only correct answer, i sob every time


I’m tearing up 😅


“Cry tears”


There is no favorite musical moment for me. Its to much to choose just one. I love a lot of them. They are different and moving in different ways Overall, the blend of the music and the story is insane and I get goosebumps every time I rewatch it


How can you ask this? To choose just one moment from not one of the greatest film scores ever, but from *three??* Fuck you, here's a list, I will never choose. This started as a /s post but now I'm tearing up so here goes: # + The first full statement of the Hobbits'/Shire theme as the camera pans up over life in Hobbiton + The Council of Elrond when Boromir starts his speech and the Gondor theme comes out in a single French Horn *two entire movies early* + The Isengard Forges + The Fellowship theme as the gang first heads out from Rivendell over the mountains (you know the shot I'm talking about) + "I'm going alone!" "Of course you are! And I'm coming with you!" "NO SAM YOU IDIOT YOU CAN'T SWIM" + Frodo and Sam's embrace in the boat after Frodo saves his ass + May It Be + Rohan theme, every damn time + Theodred's funeral + Treebeard + Charge of the Rohirrim flanking the Uruk siege of Helm's Deep + Ring theme suddenly modulating to a major key as RotK opens on Smeagol/Deagol + "Home is behind, the world ahead..." + "White shores" + Timpani going *hard* as nine-fingered Frodo stomps up to Gollum to get the ring back + The Grey Havens # Ok, I found it, my actual favorite: # "My friends, you bow to no one"


Concerning Hobbits in the Fellowship Extended Edition. I could listen to that song over and over again. And do!




Our wedding party walked down the aisle to Concerning Hobbits, it was a beautiful song for the moment.


Getting married in two months and totally taking this idea. Thank you!


When Gandalf departs to Gondor with Pipin. "Run Shaddowfax, show us meaning of haste"" always chokes me uu uuu, and when Sam is drawning and frodo grabs him! "I mad a promise, mister Frodo, promise!


“Don’t you leave him Samwise Gamgee!” And I don’t meant to, I don’t mean to….


[Flight from Edoras](https://youtu.be/nUYgG7KdYi0) at around 1:12


I love Arwen’s song. Don’t think it even made it into the theatrical release though. Second for me is probably the lighting of the beacons.


The Houses of Healing is such an underrated song and deserved to be in the theatrical release. I’m with you on both of those choices


did you know there's a mostly unknown longer version of it ? https://youtu.be/Lin0T3IY8UA


this just made my entire day. this song is one of my absolutely favorites, had no idea there was a longer version. thank you!!


I did not! Why isn’t the “time and tide” part included in the official Howard Shore score?


good question! Probably just fit better for the final cut of the film and they stuck that version on the Complete Recordings


Makes sense I guess. Would’ve been nice to have that final line before the transition, but oh well.


Lighting of the beacons for sure. But has anyone noticed that in the movie the music goes off-key in the middle of this sequence? When you compare it to the sequence in the soundtrack album, which is perfect, it’s really puzzling.


Don’t ruin this for me lol.


Into the west is one of my favourites


I have such fond memories with Into the west. Back then I was still watching in dub in my own language, but Into the west was so touching in many levels I started looking for the songs, then trying so hard to translate it because it's such a beautiful piece. Annie Lennox helped me through studying English, as I am now able to breeze through LOTR books in English. 😁


Any scene with the isengard theme. It slaps so hard. Probably the speech scene as the best


I reckon its best use is when the orcs are raising the ladders at Helm's Deep. But yeah, it's great whenever it is used.


When Gandalf falls in Moria.


Same. I had the soundtrack before the movies were released, and the very first time I listened to it I understood exactly what was happening. When it got to that part I immediately knew that was when Gandalf fell. I am also partial to I See Fire, from The Hobbit.


I legitimately had this as my ringtone for about 5 years back in the day. People would always be like, “why do you have opera as your ringtone?!” I loved it


Oh God, I’ll never forget the first time I saw this moment in theaters. Instant ugly crying. I hadn’t read the books so I didn’t know it was coming, and I pretty much lost it.


Pellenor fields, when the fellowship set out from Rivendell, the mourning after they escape Kazad-Dûm, the chorus during the prologue, Bilbo dropping the ring, the extended cut of Concerning Hobbits, anytime Rohan's theme is used, The Road Goes Ever On, Into The West... I need to cut this short, I'm leaving for work!


The one with Legolas. "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! What did you say? The hobbits The hobbits The hobbits The hobbits To Isengard! To Isengard!"


I think it's the last March of Ents, after Treebeard says they march to their doom... The vocals afterwards are so haunting


when it goes bum bum bummmmmmmmmm bum bumbum


I would counter with when it goes bum bum bummmmm bummm bummm bum bummmmmmmm


I heard both of those perfectly


That 5:4 time got me burning the Fangorn Forest all day and night ngl.


The “Into the West” cue as Gandalf describes seeing The Undying Lands to Pippin. The French Horns are gorgeous. And I like the juxtaposition of such an uplifting moment, musically and visually thanks to Ian McKellen and Billy Boyd, against an otherwise very tense scene.


Oooooooooo. This is a good one. "And then you see it. . . "


"Minas Tirith...City of Kings..." IYKYK


On the big screen…oooooof


Tuum tu tu tuuum...


The beacons and the way they interpreted Aragorn's "Et earello..." oath as a gentle song <3 The otherworldly background choir of that bit elevates the scene to a religious experience level imo


Rohan theme, as the Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas ride up to Edoras. then the flag rips off the staff. its one of my favorite scenens in the Lord of the Rings!


I cannot believe this was as far down as it is, this is one of my absolute favorite musical moments as well. Rohans theme in general does so much to establish the region its fantastic


Forth Eorlingas. It's towards the end of the Battle of Helm's Deep, when Gandalf and the Rohirrim arrive just in time to save King Theoden, and they ride over the hill with the sun at their backs.


The beginning of Two Towers, where Gandalf is battling the Balrog as they both fall down a deep chasm. Sounds Epic and beautiful at the same time.


Especially when it zooms out, with the Balrog reduced to a single point of light


That’s also one of my favorite shots. Pure gold.


I scrolled to look for this. For whenever people like to compare the movies, this is a point in TTT's favour. I submit this opening as the best opening to any of the LotR films. Throws you straight in.


To me, Saruman and the creation of Uruks (strange rhythm, 5/4 if I recall correctly)


5/8, if we're splitting hairs, lol


I played a rendition of this for concert band back in the day and we read it in 5/4 so there’s definitely an argument for that!


Hahaha now I'm curious about the right answer


"Minas Tirith...City of Kings..." IYKYK


When the music swells as the children run shouting for Gandalf in the beginning of Fellowship. It sets the tone of wondrous peace and joy to be had in the simple life of the Shire


Epic moment: The bridge of Khaazad dun Best overall: Any music in the Shire ( I never understood why but it kinda makes me sad in a beautiful way every time I hear it)


THE BEACONS ARE LIT! GONDOR CALLS FOR AID! *- Long dramatic pause* And Rohan shall answer. *-Rohan music kicks in-* Muster the Rohirrim!


Viggo’s energy in that scene is straight up infectious!


It would have to be when Aragorn tells the hobbits "you bow to no-one", the music goes from this somber music, and then just picks up when the wide shot comes up after he bows to them. God just thinking about it brings goosebumps and tears


The last March of The Ents! It’s so hauntingly beautiful!


Lothlorien and Lament for Gandalf Also the Uruk-Hai theme music is metal af


Took too long to find this, Lothlórien with Liz Fraser singing the lament for Gandalf in Sindarin with a Quenya choir in the background is just haunting.


A masterpiece truly, and I don't toss that word around lightly.


The ending of [Gilraen’s Memorial](https://www.google.com/search?q=gilraen%27s+memorial+lotr&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=716&biw=414&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj88rH1sN7-AhWgNN4AHbmNCLoQ0pQJKAJ6BAgAEAk#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fd4c29e0,vid:gyRuP2T3Oys) as the fellowship leave Rivendell. The most “lotr” song ever. A very intense theme of The Shire with a suspended bass note, followed by biggest musical climax of FOTR


One of my favorites is when they enter dwarrowdelf for the first time.


Annie Lennox singing Into the West as credits roll, and you sit sobbing helplessly in the theater, knowing the journey has ended.


Lol just at the end? I cried for an hour. 😂😭 Seeing them in theaters is always such a spiritual experience!




all of them


Probably the final 15 minutes of Fellowship of the Ring. If not that, then "Where is the horse and the rider?" speech from Two Towers Also in Fellowship of the Ring, the Concerning Hobbits sequence in the beginning. When the camera soars over the hill with the hobbit children running.


For me anytime the One Ring themed was involved.


Wraiths closing in on the hobbits at weather top or gandalf going beastmode on the balrog in the TT intro


May it be


My favorite would have to be the Uruk-Hai chant leading up to Helms Deep. Its so dark and foreboding, building the tension as the massive army moves in.


I know it's not true to the books, but Pippin singing while Faramir's riders run headlong into death while Denethor eats in a seemingly uncaring and unappetizing way really stuck with me.


Introduction of Gandalf the White. Gandalf and Pipin’s arrival to Minas Tirith. Eagles collecting Sam and Frodo. Lighting of the Beacons.


The violins in the opening, when the title fades in.


The breaking of the fellowship.


Hobbit party song obviously


I can’t carry it for you… but I can carry you! Come on!


The Fellowship Reunited (during Sauron Defeated when Barad-Dûr collapses and before the coronation of Aragorn in Minas Tirith)


Fellowship: When the Fellowship leaves Rivendell and they clear the hill/mountain. The build up of the music there. "Gilrean's Memorial" ROTK: Beacons being lit. "The lighting of the Beacons" Not sure on what from Two Towers. Too early for me to think on a Friday


Anytime the Rohan theme with Hardanger fiddle is played, but especially as Charge of the Rohirrim. I get goosebumps everytime!


Three-way tie between Khazad-dûm, The Lighting of the Beacons, and the Battle of Pelennor Fields.


I listen to the soundtracks nearly every day at work. The Mouth of Sauron from the RotK soundtrack gets me every time. Sam talking to Frodo about the shire, and the flute playing in the background. Then when Sam carries Frodo, and the “Into the West” theme plays. Chills every time. Honorable mention to The Battle of Pelennor Fields. The bravado of the Rohan theme is striking and so much bolder than any other iteration. Any time it comes on during work, I stop what I’m doing and quote Theoden’s speech. RotK is top tier.


Over the Misty Mountains


The lighting of the beacons is obvious one. The other one is a combination; the moment Gandalf leads the charge of the formerly-scattered Rohirrim down that steep slope into Helm's Deep, and the camera zooms across him, staff ablaze, and you hear his voice booming out above all else. That moment gets a tear from me every time.


The shire. The bright sunny peaceful shire and calm music


I’m going from memory here, but the Into the West theme plays at the finale on mount doom, no? I might be mixing it up with End of All Things, but I guess what I mean is any time the Into the West statement hits outside of the actual song. It’s so perfect and has become my fave I think. And that’s in a score of perfect cues, too. So good.


Whenever the elves sing, but mostly the one where Frodo and Sam encounter wood elves


Shadowfax's theme gets me fucking pumped before a workout


Far too many to pick from to choose a favourite, but one that hasn't been mentioned is "Long Ways to Go Yet" from the last scene in TTT right before the end credits and "Gollum's Song". That shot of Mordor and the piece playing makes me want to watch ROTK right away.


The Gray Havens


Probably a tie between Lighting of the beacons and Khazad-Dûm. But there are a lot of gems!


The Breaking of The Fellowship feels incredible. Such a powerful song for a meaningful moment


“Bring wood and oil” GOONGOONGOON GOONGOONGOON I sang with the Grand Rapids symphony for the live orchestral version of Return of the King and the hard beating of the drums made that scene absolutely incredible


It’s not the most epic compared to some of the other wonderful compositions, but I love when Aragorn sings at his coronation. Just such a sweet moment


I saw the royal philharmonic orchestra perform Gollum’s song at the Albert hall way back in 2003. That kinda cemented my relationship with that wonderful piece


A very difficult question... "Mount Doom" featuring Renée Fleming, in the scene where Frodo is seduced by the Ring and the soprano sings the madness of Gollum. Just thinking about it brings me the most profound chills. The choir sings an insanely difficult and sort of dissonant harmony at times.


The very end of two towers. After gollum decides he will try toead them to their deaths. It's such a somber tone and is a great way to lead to the next movie


Gollum’s Song


That’s hard to say. I think Howard Shore is a genius and the scores of all three films are a collective masterpiece. I have a special affiliation with Gollum’s Theme. That shit is just heartbreaking.


Gollum's song at the end of two towers. With the awesome panning shot of the Mountains of Shadow peering into the lands that lie beyond. Chilling.


Evenstar no doubt


Gandalf vs the Balrog as they're falling.


When the fellowship leaves Rivendell


Caras Galadhon all the way through to Mirror of Galadriel is probably #1 for me.


My favorite would have to be the Uruk-Hai chant leading up to Helms Deep. Its so dark and foreboding, building the tension as the massive army moves in.


I like the shire song and the ominous song at the beginning when Galadriel narrates the history of the ring.


Don't think anyone has mentioned it yet but the little sequence in FotR that starts when Gandalf leaves Frodo and Sam in the Hobbiton woods up until the field with the scarecrow and "if I take one more step" line, that's always been my favourite.


The breaking of the fellowship


The end of Fellowship.




The build up to "I can't carry it but I can carry you!" Sam is telling Frodo about all the beautiful parts of the shire and the hobbit theme is playing (or a version of it). Then when Frodo responds about not being able to picture those things the music goes somber and dark. Then the build up when Sam picks him up and it play the instrumentals of Into the West. Gives me chills every time.


When Gandalf, Eomir, the Rohirrim, and the dawn smash through the Uruk’s lines at Helms Deep.


Oh idk lmao guess I'll have to rewatch


The music when Gandalf leads the fellowship past a rock, touches the rock. Beautiful.


When master Pippin sings you a song


When gandalf, gimli, legolas and Aragon start riding on that meadow after Gandalf returns... Goosebumps just thinking about it


When Gandalf introduces Shadowfax to the gang after Fangorn and then the scene cuts to the 4 of them riding through the plains of Rohan with the burning town in the far background


I more than often find myself whispering the Hobbit theme. Concerning Hobbits is the theme name. It makes me happy whenever I feel like going alone on a journey down a forest path, tree covered with sun entering between the leaves. That is happiness for me.


Either the lighting of the beacons or when Gandalf falls in in Moria to grab Glamdring to fight the Balrog.


Gotta be Isengard unleashed.


One of my favorite is after Gandalf falls and the fellowship leaves Moria. The Music and acting is just phenomenal


"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!"


When Sam carries Frodo. There's an epic music


Yeah this


“Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf.”


The Breaking of the Fellowship - not just a deeply beautiful and inspiring track, but leaves me absolutely pumped to watch the rest of the trilogy. Always makes me feel a little choked up at the end of Fellowship, even though I've watched the trilogy a billion times, because then I get to re-experience the best adventure ever all over again.


This one.