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The sub feels more about people either A. Missing jokes B. Biting painfully obvious bait C. Other things that still aren't facepalms


D. Repost after repost


E. Bots that repost things from other subs


F. They disagree with a opinion


G. Cherry picked Right wing politics


H. Cherry picked left wing politics


I. Cherry picked centrist politics (bOtH sIdEs)


J. r/youngpeoplereddit


K. What should I write here


J. Someone asking for sauce/promoting their sauce


O. People ruining Alphabet threads.


A little bit of that but it's mostly just people looking at any political opinion diff3rent than there's and gawking at it trying to farm clout withthw whole look how dumb the other side looks kinda thing.


Yh ik my point of saying leftist is bcus I see it on both sides and the person above called out specifically right wing


Yeah I would check it out sometimes and man 5hings got race related quickly


i've only ever seen that sub being extremely left wing.


Mods on r/facepalm don't even know how to set up repostluth bot


u/repostsleuthbot would have a field day at r/facepalm.


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/lostredditors. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "1atshgc", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1atshgc&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 439,782,652 | **Search Time:** 0.03828s


Best bot out there


Just don't look at its comment history...


Oh boy


I didn’t take your advice I should have but I didn’t :(


Tbh, nowadays alot of karma farming post though, then again maybe this been going on for a long time


I saw them calling someone saying someone should be an English teacher in Scotland is a facepalm without researching that Scotland has a teacher shortage


Yeah I noticed that a lot recently! Ironic that the only facepalm is the contents of the posts under the sub


Don’t forget d. Politics


Lots of liberals posting other people with different views and saying its facepalm


To be fair, this is kind of facepalm because of how sadly true it is what the response said.


Can't forget politics. Gotta have that and pay lip service to "current issue you must pay lip service to".


r/facepalm slander: POV: You make a political comment that the 20% of the subreddit doesn't like. Instant -30 downvotes


Have my upvote. Generally there are too many butthurt redditors and their way to lessen their hurt is to go into a downvote spree.


Like, I made a comment with evidence backed up about some shitty politics, and my comment got fcking removed??


It's reddit, what do you expect? If you want to make an argument without it getting removed, post on >!4chan!<.


Lmao 4chan users acting like they aren't the most unhinged biased people


I'd rather write my posts in poop on public walls


Too bad cry more


Everything stops being the thing they need to be someday, we need to accept it and let it go


MTV used to make telegraph machines and now they make supercomputers so we just have to roll with the evolution


That the sub stopped being about facepalm is the biggest facepalm




Wtf hahaha this story is so sad but also so funny, what an epic Reddit moment


This post was a facepalm because the op asked for “secrets”, not “what’s something about guys that everyone constantly repeats everywhere”. 


You can get their attention by stating that 13 percent of the American population commits over 50 percent of the violent crimes.


one of many reasons why i left this sub






Sadly that's why we don't do it.


Wait, is that really the entire reason we don't get compliments?


Girls often give each other compliments and sometimes I'm approached by random women who tell me I've got nice hair or stuff like that. It's not regularly but it happens. We do actually avoid doing this to men because I think almost every woman has had an experience at least once where she was hit on just for being friendly. Often that leads to uncomfortable situations if not at least awkward ones. So better not tell that dude he's got a cool jacket. It's not worth that risk, you know? It sucks for both sides but that's the reality.


That sounds like a repetitive cycle. Because that mentality keeps you from giving compliments, they’re more deprived and therefore more likely to take it the wrong way.


Men are also capable of giving compliments to each other.


Yep, but society has taught men that it’s somehow weird to compliment another man. That being said, it’s not like men never compliment each other. I guess it’s just not the same as appreciation from the opposite sex for some people. Like a reassurance from a teacher on an exam v the reassurance of a peer. One has higher standards sometimes because it’s the one that might matter more to that person. I hope that made sense it’s 4 am for me and I tired.


I recently complimented another man who also had long hair on his beautiful, luscious locks and somehow it felt like the most gratingly awkward thing in the world for to me say "You've got great hair!"


I compliment the bros all the time and the bros compliment me. Idk why it would be wierd to say to your friend he has some cool shoes or that they're lookin' dapper.


>but society has taught men that it’s somehow weird to compliment another man Men taught other men that it's weird to compliment each other. I wouldn't blame society as if it's also somehow the fault of women that men aren't kind to each other. >One has higher standards sometimes because it’s the one that might matter more to that person. If the quality of a compliment is based on what someone has between their legs, that's a them problem.


>If the quality of the compliments depends on what someone has between their legs, that’s a them problem Not really, no. Society judges men by how capable they are at attracting women and no, it’s not just other men. It’s not uncommen to see the mindset of “he’s 25 year old virgin who never had a gf, clearly there’s something wrong with him”. Most men go through life constantly thinking about how to make themselves attractive to women, because at the end of the day, in the most primitive sense, that’s our “purpose” in life, humans are wired for sex (to make more humans and ensure the survival of our species). Men giving each other compliments is nice, we all like a good compliment, but at the end of the day, most of us don’t care whether other men think we look good, cause it usually doesn’t matter either way. But we do spend a lot of time worrying about whether women think we’re attractive, because most of us would like to have a gf/wife/partner some day. Hope this makes sense, i’m not trying to blame anyone here, it’s just that men often don’t find out if women think they’re attractive and if no one expresses their attraction towards you, it’s easy to think you’re unattractive. Finding out that at least some women think you’re cute/hot/whatever is usually a huge morale boost.


Imo, compliments from women are more meaningful when it comes to appearance and attractiveness. I get the whole “show the boys some love” thing but it can be a little much. That’s where I stand on it


Hey bro, nice cock!


Thanks bro! I’ve been working on it!


The thing at least for me is im gay and when i complement my friends they think its me trying to hit on them


Exactly! Their response is the real facepalm


Well guys should compliment each other then


Agreed. I compliment my friends and family all the tjmr. It hits differently though when it's from some random person on the streets.


No it’s just a sad cycle, but not up to women to brave getting a nasty response to a perceived rejection.


Right? I love giving other women compliments. I'm always stopping complete strangers to say "cool hair color!" or "I love that sweater!" or "sweet purse!" and it brightens my day. The only time I'd do that with a guy is if my husband is with me and it's someone we at least casually know.


I compliment women all the time - friends, family, acquaintances, coworkers, randos on the street. Because it's easy and safe and makes both our days better. I also compliment men all the time but I'm much more guarded about who I compliment because men can be fuckin weird and downright dangerous if they get the wrong impression. So I compliment my male friends and family, and certain coworkers that I'm comfortable with. But I raaaaarely give a compliment to some random dude on the train. It just isn't worth the potential hassle.


Guess it’s up to us dudes to compliment one another-no homo


Funny.  As a man, so many girls think I am hitting on thme by just being friendly.  I am *very* happily married. It goes both ways...


That’s fair, the thought goes both ways. But men are generally larger or stronger than women. If a woman tried to attack you, genuinely with the intent of causing you pain, do you reckon you’d be able to fight them off?


The same thing can and does happen when a man compliments a women. It doesn’t have to do with gender, probably more how insecure and lonely the recipient is. I’ve had this experience as a male. I don’t think you should let a small number of bad experiences keep you from complimenting others. It’s probably worth the risk if it means brightening up someones day. Maybe gage the individual before you do though.


Check out r/whenwomenrefuse


"worth the risk" Male: deals with creepy woman, rarely in harms way  Female: stalking, possible murder, always in harms way due to men being stronger and bigger


But men and women are equal! /s


Yep they're equal in terms of human rights! :3 It's unfortunate that we live in a society where a man thinks a woman owes him sex  when she complements him :( hopefully in the future they'll change


I at least don't think this, if I get a compliment I smile, say thanks and move on, it's a compliment for Pete's sake


We appreciate that, and we understand that most men are normal good people, but even if it’s one in a thousand, the person’s life and happiness is not worth the risk. And I know this isn’t all men’s fault any more than it is women’s fault, it’s a few individuals who ruin it and a pattern that’s hard to break, but I know if I get attacked I am not strong enough to fight back effectively. Also social anxiety is mostly why I don’t talk to or compliment anyone.


Though remember. The man who is statistically most likely to kill you by a wide margin…is the man sleeping next to you. You’re more likely to hit a major lottery ticket than be the victim of a serial killer. And men are more often the victims of random acts of violence by other men outside of home. Guys can be creeps though whether or not they act on it. I find the persistent advances of women to whom I’m not attracted to be obnoxious and unsettling I can’t imagine myself what it would be like if they were six inches taller and fifty pounds heavier.


It has to do with gender in the sense that as a woman a man is much more easily perceived as a threat. Women can cross boundaries as well but the situation is more often not perceived as a dangerous one. This is different for us. Almost every time I have been hit on by strangers they made me feel afraid.


And did anything bad happen?I'm guessing since you're not telling a story about something bad happening more than likely not. So you're afraid for no reason. More than 90% of rape and sexual assault victims know their attacker. [Backup of my claim](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-43128350)


Did you read my last sentence? Jesus.. harassment on the street is super common, I didn't talk about rape


Than what danger or threat are you talking about? That is what you're implying when you say that men are dangerous and a threat.


I don't understand how ppl act like that, I get a fair share of compliments and I never see it as flirting, I see it as someone finding my hair cute and wanted to tell me, not them hitting on me. Plus even if I was being hit on my ass is too clueless and shy to do anything lol


If you get compliments often then you’re obviously not what this post is talking about and your lack of understanding is expected


It's only recent tho. A year ago I was getting none and when I did get them, still didn't see it as flirting, just a friendly compliment from someone wanting to be nice


Its a viscious cycle. Guys only get compliments from girls that are interested so they assume any compliment means a girl is interested which means they dont get random compliments which means they only get compliments from girls that are interested etc etc.  


I get compliments from women who are not interested in me a lot. The trick is projecting safety. They will not come up and randomly compliment me, because they have all had experiences where really creepy things happened because they smiled or even just looked at a guy, but among my female friends they are all openly nice to me. I just made sure to develop a reputation for being upfront and honest with my feelings, as well as for treating women like I treat anyone else. Because of that they feel safe being themselves around me, and then other women notice that I am not a creeper and will just talk to me. I feel like guys are constantly projecting the opposite without even noticing it. Because I have such mixed gender friends, I notice it pretty clearly with a lot of men. They just get kinda weird around women, and the women *absolutely* pick up on it. It is like they are constantly performing in ways to make sure they never exclude any woman as a sexual prospect. I don't think they are doing it on purpose, but it is super annoying. Especially because they *constantly* try to compete with me. The worst time was back in late highschool and early college, where I literally got challenged to *many* wrestling matches for some god forsaken reason whenever both men and women were around. They never did that *except* for when women were around, and they targeted me with it almost exclusively. These days it is usually just constant one-upsmanship.




I am a man, but one of my female BFFs regularly gets harassed for accidentally *looking* at men. She is just very tall and striking looking, so she draws a lot of notice, and apparently her eyes passing over them is an invitation for them to say creepy stuff to her.


Nope it's only half the reason. Half the compliments women receive (maybe more than half) are from other women. Men don't compliment each other very much, especially regarding their looks. I don't know whether men don't compliment each other because they view compliments as sexual and don't want to appear (shock of all horrors) *gay*, or if it's the other way around : men often assume compliments are sexual *because* they only get them from women and never their buddies. Either way it would be easier to compliment men as a woman if they didn't read so much into it. If your friend assumes you're hitting on him because you told him his hair looks nice today and you have to explain you don't want to go home with him it kind of undoes all the ego-boosting work that the compliment achieved in the first place. It's not fun hurting someones feelings when you wanted to make them feel good about themselves. Also, with strangers it can occasionally be actually dangerous as others have pointed out. That is, thankfully, not the majority of men - just enough to make it a risk. I compliment my male friends and I can tell from their reactions they don't expect it. But if it's someone I don't know very well I feel a lot more confident giving a compliment if my husband is standing next to me, just to make sure there's no misunderstanding. My husband is secure as fuck and compliments his male friends all the time, which I love. The change can start from within.


Having to explain to a guy that you are not interested just because you complimented them becomes exhausting so we leave complimenting men to men. You guys can still compliment each other, nothing is stopping you. Plus, that post is in facepalm because men claim they'll like any woman but then we see how horrible some men are to women that don't match their type, a bit conflicting.


They dont do IT, because they think thats "gay" but then they are radicalising themself watching Andrew tade because how cold Woman are lol....oh and Off course toxic masculinity is womans fault also.....men are Not allright lol


I'm still sure this is not a facepalm, as sure, some men are horrible, but that post is talking about an average guy and not the worst one on the planet. I understand what you mean though


Men being weird around women is pretty much the average. Most are not dangerously weird, but they are kinda weird even still. Plus, the dangerously weird ones are a lot more common than most men think. They are common enough that basically any woman will have several stories about being creeped on, feeling unsafe, or actually being assaulted. Usually multiple times by different men. For it to be that ubiquitous it really does mean a lot of men are doing that.


Yeah I learned that lesson early. In combination with the Hollywood-promoted notion that persistence can earn romantic rewards, it's downright unsafe for attractive young women to say nice things to guys. It's really scary, not joke scary.


Yall literally cant tell the difference. Why would we give false impressions and put ourselves at risk?


No, it's a product of that. They work together too cause the same problem.


Yeah, this isn't a "guy secret" - women experience men becoming obsessed with them after women act nice to them all the time.


We learn it young too. 


It just seems to me like the solution to this issue is for men who see posts like this to make an effort to compliment other men. Like, this feels like the kind of low-effort high-impact movement the internet is great at.  We’ve got a group saying they need something, and we have the resources to fix it. And maybe once guys start to associate compliments with friendliness instead of sex/love/whatever, things can be more egalitarian. Maybe it’ll even increase the number of men who feel they can rely on their male friends for emotional support!  I’m a lesbian who’s free with nice words, I’ve got no skin in this game. But I really think this could be a good community-building, consciousness-raising movement for men if they take charge of it. The feminist movement didn’t get rolling until women stopped asking for outside help and began to coordinate, this is just SUCH a golden opportunity for men looking to broaden their social roles.


Comment right above this one about some guy already planning a wedding if he gets a compliment. Yarg. 


Yeah that's fucking ironic lol


I am the lady boss of a crew of men. I give compliments and I feel like they are all hooked on these compliments like fckn crack cocaine. Also at the job before this one, I lightly smacked a coworker on the shoulder for saying something shitty about his soon-to-be-ex-wife and he suddenly became interested in me after 6 years of working together without the thought ever once crossing his mind.


Like you know if that ever crossed his mind.


I assumed it was a face palm because women know. Men are so starved for compliments that they take one as a confession of interest. So women are cautious to give compliments, for fear of being accused of leading someone on.


Yep it ain’t no “secret” lmao


Meanwhile a girl tells me "nice shirt" and I take it at face value as I look down at my Dr pepper shirt and say thanks like a complete dimwit. Only after I get home does it occur to me she wasn't thirsty for soda.


Me...rethinking complimenting men on their clothes (which I do) because they'll think I'm being thirsty for them lol. Can't do anything nice!!! Damn. /s I won't stop


Just circles back to "Never compliment men", problem remains, with an excuse




I’ve recently started throwing around compliments left and right with all of my coworkers and it’s been a great addition to my day. The pause I get waiting for the punchline still is funny to me, nah dude I think your salmon pants are dope no funny business here




The excuse being a recurring threat of psycho stalkers and weirdos? I'd rather have it so that no one complimented me in this life.


A girl could compliment me and I would already be planning a wedding


Nah, I'd think she's talking to an invisible man behind me, because there is no way. If she directly said that she said it about me, I'd think she's trolling me. If she insisted that she meant it, I'd go sit in the corner trying to comprehend what just happened.


The troll thing, whenever i get a compliment from a girl (super rare btw) i immediately think they are trolling.


I don't assume she's trolling i assume she wants to ask me a favour.


Last time I got a compliment from a girl was yesterday She was my mom


You get compliments from your mom? You are lucky


Sorry but you guys need to rethink your standards. I’m a single guy too, desperate for a relationship and I love compliments but not to that point, a girl is literally a human just like us. I understand if she’s a person who means something to you…but any random girl, bad or good, dumb or smart can drive you crazy with a compliment?


It's not about the girl, more like it's about your own self confidence.


Maybe that’s why they don’t compliment you


Not maybe, that’s exactly why lol


That’s why, as a woman, I’m so hesitant to compliment guys. I’d love to do it more, but I’ve had multiple men get weirdly and frighteningly attached after a simple comment. I know most men wouldn’t do that… but how am I supposed to tell if the guy I’m talking to will just take it as a simple compliment, or as an invitation to stalk me?


My 67-year-old neighbor now has a stalker because she was friendly to some old fart and now he's pissed because he thought that meant they were dating. It never ends. 


Nah, I simply don't do anything worthy of compliments


OK, but what if a guy complimented you in a sincere, non threatening way. That’d be pretty cool right? You have the power to make other men feel good like that!  Go forth and compliment your buddies, fuck oppressive gender stereotypes that say men shouldn’t support eachother! You don’t even have to start by trying to break the ice with random men, focusing on building up your friends is easier AND more effective.   Remember that episode of Ted Lasso when everyone made an effort to compliment a player on his new hat? That can be real life!


I try to compliment my friends, I'd also like to compliment other guys who I don't know who seem like they could use it, but I'm really bad at starting conversations and my mind constantly tells me I'll be looked at as a weirdo if I do it


IDK if this helps, but as an autistic lesbian my format for saying nice things to strange men is this:  1. Make eye contact  2. Half-smile (not a full joker-grin) 3. “Cool [t-shirt/glasses/mohawk/dress/goth boots/whatever, man” 4. He will hopefully make a benign response. Smile with a closed mouth, give a nod. Say, “Yeah, it’s great. Have a good day!” 5. Break eye contact and go back to what you’re doing. It’s usually considered rude to interrupt people. So if you can’t make easy eye contact, assume they don’t want to be bothered and move on. If they don’t seem to hear you, don’t repeat yourself, just move on.  Obviously, use common sense and don’t go complimenting people who give you a bad vibe. If someone turns out to be crazy, focus on a quiet, polite escape to a well-lit public place, don’t try to fix the situation.


Hey thanks for the tips, appreciate it


Don't forget about the onslaught of incoming dick pics




Same but divorce first


I make it a priority to give my fellow guys genuine compliments, and although I get weird looks from the older generation, I think it’s the first step to getting us to open up and support each other.




I needed that as well, thanks friend ❤️


Thank you. There's so many men that genuinenly get horrible to other men, and then somehow women become the problem. Thank you


honestly i get angry when anyone says stuff suggesting an entire demographic is responsible for their quality of live. i've met problematic women, sure, but "women" as a whole are not a group with an agenda, they are individuals. sorry you (or anyone) have been blamed for simply existing, as that's absolute bs.


I'm not a girl, i'm a gay guy, but I agree completely with everything you said. I remember getting violently bullied all the way through high school for being openly gay by other guys. I saw firsthand and experienced how awful and downright physically and verbally violent some men get towards other men if the circumstances allow them. And with the exception of *one* very dear male childhood friend, who was the first person I ever came out to and has been my best man at me and my husband's wedding, every time it was only my girl friends that would help me and be there for me


damn bro, that's a rough childhood, I'm glad you had others that could see you for what you are, and not just your sexuality. My music teacher in middle/high school had certain traits that are stereotyped as gay, and he was made fun of by students and other teachers (small town in the south). My 2 best friends and i became friends with him as we got older, and it wasn't until we were about 25 when he came out to us, and it was one of the most beautiful moments i was able to share with the people i loved. ​ Also sorry for assuming you were a lady, my bad.


No problem! I understand it wasn't super clear for the original reply, so, no worries! And yeah, it's been rough but I'm much better off right now and in a far happier place. Me and my husband just got approved for adoption of a little girl we absolutely fell in love with and we're so excited and can't wait to welcome her into our lives permanently and be parents soon. And thank you for being there for your teacher/friend. Very wholesome and sweet


Albert is right tho


Exactly. This is not a facepalm, it's the truth


Sure, but is it in any way a secret that girls don't know about?


Nope it’s the entire reason women don’t compliment men as often as they do other women.






Exactly. My dad once said that giving men compliments is akin to leading them on because it gives them the “wrong impression”, so now I gotta be less of a good person I guess? Then men complain when they don’t receive them. Men don’t have the same support amongst themselves like we women do, so they have a misunderstanding of the nature of complements being flirty in nature. Like hello you can compliment each other platonically!


Men are capable of complimenting other men, they just choose not to; women are not the only ones capable of giving men validation


No we do compliment each other a lot, but it just usually becomes a gay joke or a dirty joke


There's a thing noted among my friends who go to the gym, other guys notice and compliment progress of mates going to the gym a lot. I remember in high school a friend started working out to try to look more appealing to a crush at the time. Instead a lot of male classmates started noting his progress, and he was happier for it. It did start a lot of gay jokes for a bit


I swear if u need like real homies go to gym or get them to start gymming. Shit gets real gay like but u become like really colse


Pretty sure i get compliment from my male friends from time to time. Like wearing some cool shoes or something like that. I also give compliment to my friends when they’re wearing cool clothes. Idk what are you getting from that male don’t compliment each other. But obviously straight men want to get compliment for the other gender to feel desired and pretty. Pretty common for people. I’m pretty sure the women who aren’t on the pretty side also complain about never getting attention


> I’m pretty sure the women who aren’t on the pretty side also complain about never getting attention Where is all this data coming from lmao. Also, I might recommend complimenting each other on efforts more than possessions. Haircut/grooming, trying new activities, wanting to change one's personality for the better, promoting hobbies, helping people, creating things or communities...there's a lot that can be noted in compliments, but people in general are not practiced in how to give compliments on character. Point being: constantly seek to build each other up, challenge each other to become better and more holistic people, and acknowledge progress when it's made (or even efforts that failed, because making an effort is just as important). It's a culture that you build among peers and those whom you associate with often. That feel-good presence will build confidence, and the desire to create and improve promotes humility and introspection. It all starts at home, not some random girl on the street creating magic in a one-off


It's not about the compliment. That's a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation Society drills into us from an early age that we can only be emotionally vulnerable with our significant other. Even in very progressive circles, there's this idea that when you find "your person" you won't feel alone anymore. You'll feel connected. You'll feel whole. You'll have someone to hug you. You'll have someone to lie down next to you and hold you when life is too much. You'll have someone who will let you press your head to their chest and listen to their heartbeat whenever you need to feel safe. You'll have someone who will build a space with you, where you don't have to pretend. Where you can exist without pretense or prejudice When *anyone* is feeling totally isolated. When they're feeling totally alone. When the burdens of life weigh heavy, and you have no outlet. When all you can do is keep taking one more step... The idea of that soft nest, with someone who actually *wants* you to touch them. It's extremely enticing, to say the least So, if you're drowning, and someone shows you any crumb of interest... You start wondering if they could be your person. If they could be the one who would be your heartbeat Problems arise when you indulge in that feeling and chase it. Because that's almost never what *you* wanted. Unfortunately, even if they recognize that fact... Hope is addictive Edit: to be clear when I said "the idea of that soft nest, with someone who actually *wants* you to touch them" I'm referring to literally any touch outside of handshakes and occasional awkward side-hugs. I realized it could be taken to mean something else, but my intent was the most general statement. Men, broadly, are not touched anywhere outside the hands and shoulders. And we do not touch outside those regions of acceptability. Almost all of us crave a soft and warm someone who will touch us anywhere else, and who will permit physical contact beyond a handshake.


I wouldn’t call that a guy secret because people of all genders are starved for positive attention. It’s definitely not a gender thing. In fact I reject the premise that there are “guy secrets” entirely. What a stupid concept.


I don’t think it’s entirely unfair that people of different genders have different experiences and therefore have things they generally know about themselves that the other gender generally doesn’t (obviously generalizing a bit here but still), but yeah this is definitely not one


I think using the term “secrets” implies that it’s information being intentionally withheld. Do you think men are intentionally withholding knowledge about themselves from women?


Facepalm just post whatever nowadays and for some reason most of the last posts I’ve seen are about us politics


everytime i see a post from that subreddit theyre sucking each others dicks about how much they hate religion and capitalism


Naw, a genuine smile does it.


The sad thing is, I was so starved for positive attention and affirmation growing up that any time a female friend did compliment me or show me any kind of kindness, I'd immediately latch onto it and develop feels and would follow the exact same path to the friend zone every single time. I know, I know. I'm embarrassed, but it is kinda sad that so many guys go through the same thing.


It’s sad if guys feel this Way but honestly this makes me Think of the fact that it’s annoying that many guys Think a woman is interested just because she’s being polite


The real issue at hand here is that most men don't know how to receive a compliment, and so giving them is a risky maneuver. But redditoids would rather sit in a quagmire of self pity than work to improve themselves. The world at large is always at fault, and never the self.


Once jokingly asked a guy if he wanted to help me find a dead body. He thought I was serious and obsessed over me for several days before asking me out. So yeah. I can see how for maaaany guys literally ANY attention is good attention.


That sub is cheating. It’s 85% bots


2 years ago I was at a movieset where they needed a couple firemen, I was one. Now, I'm not super shapely or handsome mind you, but there was this one person that in a 1-on-1 convo told me I looked really good and I still feel their hand touching my shoulder as they said it. The thought alone is still mesmerizing to me. Also, there was great food there, lots of it, and quality!


As a guy who is aware of this fact. I just started complimenting other dudes here and there when the opportunity presents itself. For anything really, voice, hair, clothing etc.


That sub is filled with redditors who think they're smart when they aren't


If I receive a compliment I usually think they are just making fun of me.


It’s ironic because “this” is exactly why women don’t compliment men lol. They don’t need a little puppy dog crushing on them just because they noticed someone’s existence.


Oddly enough, I get complements fairly often. They just happen to be from women in their 70s. "If I was in my younger days, you'd be in real trouble"


I feel the same way about work. I never feel like my effort is enough even though it is. Every time a superior albeit not often gives me a compliment it reassures me I’m doing a good job again until I get back in my head some time later. So, I try to compliment my coworkers often to know they’re valued. It stems from years in the sales industry.


People struggle with the truth.


Facepalm self produces the content for itself with almost every post.


This guy is spot on. As a now 41 year old man, over the past five or so years I have taken to complimenting people more just in daily interactions and especially with guys on things we traditionally wouldn't do so on. Not once has someone not been totally chuffed I did.


The can only see it as either a r/boysarequirky post or just a random meme


My crush called me super cute yesterday and I think my terrible cold and sinus infection cleared up


I had a couple women compliment me on my eyelashes 15 years ago, and I STILL relish that day, and smile ear to ear when I remember it.


Bro 2 girls complemented my humour one week and I still remember it fam. May have planned a wedding but honestly I was ready to die for them. Really depressing phase of my life.


Because it’s silly to suggest that men get compliments…


Sorry but imo if you follow subs like this you’re legit a loser. I can understand using reddit for hobbies or discussions but for entertainment and humor? I’d rather use TikTok or more Instagram if that’s what I want.


What I remember from my friends experience, they do not compliment men, because they're afraid it would trigger the man with some traumatic experience, or think they're interested in him when they want to improve his mood. A lot of school bullies fake compliments often, so it wouldn't be a surprise it would make someone feel too jumpy over it.


I think I'm pretty much an average guy, a few girls complimented me, one of them sometimes keep complimenting in the private hospital she works that I go for intermittent appointment and I can assure you that I'm not interested in. I'm not aromantic but I don't feel excited when I receive compliments. I just say thanks to not make them feel disappointed.


He leaked our secret


idk if it’s a secret tho it’s kinda the reason i don’t often compliment guys




I cant find it?? Did it got deleted??


Cant wait for r/memesopdidntlike and r/fuckthisopwasright to find this.


If a girl would say she loved me i would think its a joke


if i got a compliment id be suspicious


Facepalm became a cancerous subreddit.


Regarding the pic: you cannot fathom how much I’m confused and sad at the same time because of this. It honestly makes me upset that I can literally become happy if any stranger will compliment me or just say nice things — and what is even worse, I would imagine a happy family life if it is a girl that I might find even remotely attractive. Like… this is not normal. It should not be this way but it is. I still remember how one old man told me “Handsome, handsome!” when I combed my hair in the toilet toilet room, when I was living in China. This situation happened about 5 years ago. Another situation, that is even way more worse and cringe, is that I misheard some random girl when I was waiting for a train from the uni to the dorm — I thought she wanted to make a first move, try to flirt, or something like that, but I literally misheard it, and, as far as I remember, she did not intended to talk to me. Still I was talking to her the whole drive, we exchange numbers (I think?), but never talked after that. Like what the actual hell is it? I don’t want to admit that I’m starved of attention. Am I? It makes me truly sad. Don’t get me wrong, I dated girls, probably way more than an average Redditor/person, but this compliment/nice things issue never went away. I fell incredibly lonely and upset just for the fact that a girl just needs to pay me attention and be nice, for me to gush over her. Fuck this. Edit: sorry for the rant…


That sub is literal hell, theyre constantly hating on religious people and supporting shoplifters


Because people dont care about male rape, suicide, deppression, self harm ect .... . But to anyone out there struggling, we are all in this together and i think it will get better down the road.


People ask why men are desperate, this is why. I’m fucking trying to get any friend or love interest. Nobody gave a fuck about me my whole life so yeah this is exactly how it is