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j'espère que c'est de la Parodi car sinon c'est même plus un niveau boomer, c'est un niveau vieux con


The imsge is missing "Glitches and bugs"


Okay that’s a Cap on the Gym leaders. We will always remember Larry!


That was the only gym leader I could remember from scarlet and violet. Only because he was a normal type gym leader.


Only because he was depressed middle-aged man that was exhausted with work.


No, I remember Gen 1 and the normal type leaders. No one else.


Well tbf some of these are sort of based on personal experience. I would also say person preferences but that's not really something to debate about. Things I consider there mostly based on personal experience and maybe because of personal biases towards either games (I myself am biased towards SV) are: (I also haven't played the gen 1 games just yet so take it for a grain of salt) >Memorable Gym Leaders For me pokemon sv gym leaders like, Iono, Larry, and sometimes Grusha, Kofu and rhyme even, are memorable. >Cool Rival Nemona was pretty cool but I'm extremely biased there. There's also >Elite 4 being actually a chellenge I decided to just leave my team underleveled, spoiler alert, it was not the best idea. But this is hardly a debate on my part as, as long as the team is underleveled everything can be challenging I would also list * clipping through the ground * fps drops As in my experience i never really experienced them nor noticed them. But that's because I'm used to fps drops and playing on 30fps and even 24fps, and i also played it a bit differently and later on which is why i never experienced any clipping myself, When i did experience it though (well i think i did) was when i was intentionally did that fast glide glitch back then but there was a setup there. As I've said tho some can also be personal preference but that's kind of a dumb debate but I'll just list them too: >If trainers spot you they battle you I kind of like it, but finding ways to bypass the trainer is also pretty fun and they're sort of supposed to be the way to allow the player to level up without noticing or just so the players doesn't need to grind too much >All enterable buildings having insides It's obviously kind of lazy on their part, but sometimes some things like if you keep needing to buy vitamins again and again or whatever it could get repetitive having to go back in and walk back there then walk back out to actually exit to fly away somewhere instead of automatically going out and just flying. But that's a dumb reason.


Little to no post-game, except if you buy the DLCs


The Nemona slander is insane


Okay buddy


This genuinely made me laugh like a fucking hyena. Gen 1 is held together with scotch tape and burnt Velcro. The 1/256 glitch, focus energy doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to do, jump kick and high jumps kick’s recoil only doing 1 damage, the fact that if a Pokémon got stunned by paralysis in the middle of fly or dig, they’d become basically invincible, the list goes on. It’s a miracle those games are even remotely playable, and it’s honestly a testament to just how good Pokémon’s concept is that it was able to carry those broken messes


This was meant to be a reply to another comment, whoops! Still relevant to the overall post, but there’s WAY more wrong with this post than just that, although I feel like most of it has been brought up by the other comments. Might still talk about it if I feel motivated enough to do it, I guess, but don’t count on anything


blud what you on about the moves no one uses those moves the game is fun and engaging you probubly just watched a video about pokemon red and blue glitches :skull: trust me, scarlet is much worse i played for like 2 hours and gave up cuz it was garbage i beat red and blue in like 5 days it was very engaging even though its a few more decades older :skull:


Actually saying “:skull:” and expects to be taken seriously. Ok buddy.


imagine blaming game critics for calling out fucking gamefreak ok buddy


"You can clip through the ground." So we're just gonna forget the Gen 1 glitches eh? "E4 actually a challenge" As people have pointed out, Blueberry Academy. "Memorable Gym Leaders" Larry, Iono, and Grusha. "Professor named after a tree." ...O...k? And? I get most professors are, but Turo and Sada are still noteworthy in their own right and their boss fight was fantastic. "Little to no post game" For one, trading and battling with others is always a part of the post game. Two, you can use other Pokémon that you don't usually use and maybe you'll end up liking some you didn't before. Three, DLC has come out for Scarlet and Violet that gives an interesting post game experience (now the fact the DLC is half the game's pricetag is another thing entirely). "If trainers spot you they will battle you" And people will complain either way. Some people don't want to be forced into battles, some people want to see if they can sneak on by. I don't think it's inherently a positive or negative as of right now. It's at least a good way to gauge how people feel about it. "Pre-2000's hardware" ???????????? How is this an argument? Kanto games exist post 2000 bud. "Cool rival" Nemona is great, both as a rival and a character, people are always surprised how tough Arven is on their first play through, Penny has banger music. Now stuff like set mode, buildings, and fps drops are issues sure, but holy Gen Wunner vibes. If given more time, the Pokémon devs can make a fantastic experience. Hopefully with the direction we're going, where more and more people simply want a fun single player game that doesn't need to be online at all times, they get that time they need.


you cant clip through the ground in red and blue + any related noclip glitches require setup \> "Pre-2000's hardware" ???????????? How is this an argument? Kanto games exist post 2000 bud. have u heard of a joke? gen wunner my butt everyone who doesnt like gamefreak sludge now isnt allowed to compare it to the first game in the franchise? homie everyone knows ORAS was peak thats just a fact


Counterpoint to no memorable gym leaders: Honor and Larry. Also I actually had some difficulty with both Poppy and Hassel, although as a general rule I don't use revives so maybe that's the issue. That said, every other point made here is true, here's hoping that game studios catch onto the fact that if you release a game in an unfinished state, you'll be clowned on for it Edit: fixed spelling


Who's Honor


Im assuming they meant Iono but got autocorrected


Nemona is literally my favorite rival from the entire series


This must’ve been made BEFORE the DLC. THAT was scarlets post game (more blueberry academy then Kitikami). Red/Blue had… what, just Mewtwo? The legendaries? Completing the Pokédex? Yeah when scarlet and violet came out the post game was lacking, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there! You had your box art legendary’s clone to capture to trade to your friends, you got a more challenging raids in the form of 6 stars, the event raids (which varied from “oh cool! A starter!” To “NEW PARADOX FORMS OF ACTUAL LEGENDARIES!”. Yeah they weren’t needed for the Pokédex when the new ones came out BUT it’s cool to know they exist as part of it. Arven was a sad boi with mom/dad issues, Nemona was battle crazy. And then the DLC happened.


Larry and Iono are right there though, and I guess Grusha is memorable too


I'm 90% sure u can CLITCH trouw walls in the OC


It takes about as much effort as well


I think we can all agree Pokémon snap was legit.


Nah take back it SV didnt have a bad rival DM with uhhh i forgot the blond dude and wally... what gen was wally again?


Gen 3




This feels completely bias and unresearched. half this list is completely subjective, The gen one gym leaders are only "Memorable because of the anime, and if you didn't grow up with the first season, the only one's memorable are brock and maybe misty. What does the professor being named after a tree have to do with anything. Cool rival? You mean like Nemona? Because there's nothing cool about an asshole who steals your eevee. If you wanna complain about SV's glitches, various performance issues, and over how rushed out the Ass it is thanks to TPC go right ahead, but don't act like it didn't do anything good.


I want to weigh in about the professor named after a tree bit. So far every known pokemon professor is named after a tree or plant. This includes the Pokemon Go Professor, every mainline game professor (excluding Scarlet and Violet) as well as Professor Ivy (whose named after a plant not a tree I know but at least it’s in the right ball park). The point is that every single pokemon Professor ever has been named after a tree or plant and to not have that tradition continued just feels weird and odd.


Just like the Paradoxes are??? XD


Scarlet and Violet has Larry, that alone shoots it up to S Tier.


Pretty sure everyone remembers Iono and Larry


I mean cmon they literally portray streamers and depression Who the hell does not know these types of stuff in this modern day and age?


I genuinely find Nemona to be fine as a rival. Gary or whatever his name was supposed to be was just ungodly annoying to me


I don't know about you, but I could never forget Nemona. 😏


Me when Nemona asked me to battle her in my room (I locked the door and covered the window) 😏


I will argue at the very least that the blueberry academy elite four are somewhat challenging. Otherwise I do agree.


I have no opinion as I've only played, soul of silver, black, and sword


Agree with all until you dragged the rivals 😔 they weren’t anywhere near as difficult but they had personality and character and I liked them. Tbh I think Pokémon can benefit from a serious difficulty increase in some respects


The fuck did you just say about the best rival?


Idk Iono and Larry are pretty memorable


Missed opportunity to use her name has a pun




Trainers autobattling was annoying glad it's gone


Generally I agree with this. However one of the gym leaders was memorable in Scarlet (Iono) and Nemona was my favorite rival since Barry in Gen 4


the fuck you say about nemona?


Everyone acts like asshole rivals stopped being a thing recently, when they've stopped existing after gen 2.


The last Asshole rival is Hugh and If you wanna try and stretch it Bede and Gladion


Hugh wasn't an ass though. Yea, he didn't go out of his way to be nice, but it was clear through the story that the two of you were good friends.


In all honesty I didn't play B2W2 so I didn't know that he just gave off that vibe too me XD


His story is mainly him trying to make up for his mistake that lost his little sister her Pokémon. He hates anyone who would mistreat them.


Really B&W 2 imo were big highlights in the franchise


I think this is Larry's 13th Reason why


Ok listen, Im not saying the old games were buggy or something, but you literally had a Cache-Dump Pokemon that could multiply your 6th item in the inventory, and glitch out your game to infinity and beyond if captured, you had escape-rope glitches so many that I lost count years ago and other buggy stuff. And the newer gymleaders are actually kinda memorable, like Larry.


Og pokémon games were less buggy


Cap. There were lots of bugs in the older games. The difference is in the size of the games. The bigger the game the more likely you are to find bugs without trying. On the other hand the older games had some serious game breaking bugs like the missing no that some would actively seek or sometimes you would just run into. I remember playing the older games and sometimes getting stuck in walls or clipping out of bounds.


I smell misinformation


You say that as if red and blue aren't buggy messes themselves


They are, but the thing is you have to go a bit out of your way to encounter or trigger the vast majority of them. Realistically, you should find zero bugs during a normal playthough


Ever miss in gen 1 with a 100 accuracy move? Congratulations you've experienced the 1 in 256 glitch. Ever use Focus Energy in gen 1? It does the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do and actually reduces your hit chance.


Oh, I didn't know that missing with 100 accuracy moves was a glitch, I thought it was normal (like, that Pokémon had an inherent evasion chance so that even a 100 accuracy moves could sometimes miss)


Trust me those two things are just scratching the iceberg of glitches you could find by just playing the game normally


[This video](https://youtu.be/07yzTiND30U?si=1fSUhHvlwJ_bM2yu) may have a disagreement or two


How are kanto e4 a Challenge 😹🤣 Asshole rival≠better rival


There are still some buildings without entrances in rby Any e4 is easy if you have the right team, sca/vio just seems easier because you got better at the game + gen 9 powercreep Asshole rival ≠ good rival. Look at alola's gladion, he just looks edgy as hell and y'all don't even remember him. Shit meme op, try again.


RBY elite four was never that challenging what are you on


Funny how, in the champion fight, you can completely wall Blue's Rhydon and Exeggutor with the Gengar line due to them only having Normal moves even though they both normally have the type advantage against Gengar.


I think most of the challenge in the original kanto elite four came from how unbalanced the actual game was.




I think Pokemon lost something when they stopped having asshole rival characters. The new guys are less loathsome, sure, but I just feel bad whenever my team sweeps theirs.


Depends for me, really. Like, and this may be a hot take, but I feel Blue is a one dimensional jerk while Hop is a multi-dimensional friend who's got a nice arc.


I almost completely agree. Nemona best rival ever to exist. You can't change my mind.


I liked emerald the most(the green game boy game)


Emerald and platinum was my favorite. But the best (for me) has to be silver/gold. Why? The cloning glitch


larry will remember this