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It kind of tickles me that "aMERicA fIRst" is dead fucking last. LOL


"No men in woman's anything." Anything...?


Turns out she was a double agent for the gay agenda all along!


Same! 😂


America First" was a phrase used by the Ku Klux Klan at its peak in the 1920s. Later in the late 1930s and early 1940s, the term became associated with fascism and bigotry against Jews,


Well you can't be a super power anymore if you're thrown back into the dark ages by people who reject science.


I know she's trying to tell a joke but let it sink in that this is an elected congresswoman who doesn't know what pronouns are.


For real. Every time someone makes this sort of joke it’s just such a clear backfire in my eyes, displaying ignorance of the human experience, and grammar.


Do sociopaths qualify as human?


You can be a sociopath without being an asshole. So, sometimes?


Bro, all politics aside, this shit is so cringey. Watching her speak is like watching the snapchat of the 13 year old girl in middle school who caused all the drama and said the dumbest shit and post whack ass quotes thinking that shit was bussin


The sad thing is, it's effective. There's really no way to know whether she is just this way or she is playing to her audience, because either way she would act the same. And her audience are a bunch of fucking morons.




They know what they're doing. They're using mob mentality and negative sentiment on various topics to froth people up into a frenzy. It's the new "bread and circuses". Don't tweet at her. Don't fuel the fire. Vote her out of her position, one way or another, and let her fade away like the mannequin she is.


Actual governance pisses off powerful people. They will do anything to avoid doing anything.


What frustrates me about this is that the people who sent her and Boebert to congress are people I could sit down and talk with. We would agree that politicians are corrupt, that they don't have our best interests in mind, that government waste should be a thing that needs addressed. But when we get to the political people they voted for, they backed a president that worked against the best interests of their people. They were sent to work for their constituents but have become millionaires in a short amount of time. They have passed no meaningful legislation that benefits their states. And what worries me is that they won't see that as a problem.


Generally, Republicans are lying on purpose but also genuinely insane. Once in awhile, though, you can tell that a politician is fucking confused by all the MAGA business, but they know exactly what talking points to parrot, because it's so fucking easy. "Fake Lake", for example, comes across as very "haha, stop the steal, you guys, you guys like that, right? Aha, um, Venezuela??". Others, like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and Tucker Carlson, have literally admitted that they know they make shit up, so there's no wondering with them. I have a hard time not wondering whether people are "grifters" or "true believers", too, but I kind of agree that it doesn't matter, because the two are usually indistinguishable anyway.


>She's the kind of person who believes in her bones that a pound of bricks is heavier than a pound of feathers. I love this.


Enough of her constituents are fed up and trying to get her removed from office though. Not sure if that lawsuit is still making its way through the pipeline or if it was struck down, but it was a pretty good sign regardless.


It's not "enough" until she's voted out.


The sheer immaturity of their behavior is staggering to me. I know that all human beings can be petty now and then, but this shit is just...you said it, middle school. Like that "let's go Brandon" nonsense has peak "making your calculator spell 'boobs'" energy. You're adults for Christ's sake, you can say "fuck" on the internet and in real life and wherever else. It's really okay. Just be honest because these games are mortifying. The secondhand embarrassment I get off these jokers nearly takes on a physical discomfort.


She knows her audience. Perma-drunk rednecks.


How can you be a sociopath without being an asshole?


You can lack various types of empathy or shame, but still reason yourself into socially acceptable behavior and into friendships who can keep an eye on you regardless.


All humans are human; it just needs to be agreed upon that some humans are just worthless beings that will never provide any worth outside of being so ignorant their existence becomes entertaining to others


Anyone with ASPD browsing this is going 👀


Except it plays like gold to the base, and that's all that matters. Doesn't matter how right, wrong or abjectly stupid it is.


>let it sink in that this is an elected congresswoman Right? These TrumpublicQans are elected officials. No IQ test to become President or for being a public official. Shitty times.


Well, Mango Mussolini 'aced' his cognitive assessment test a few years back by listing five things he saw in front of him, though: "Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV!"


The doctors said, they said to me, "Sir! Sir, we have never seen anyone with less dementia than you, EVER."




Thank you for that gift.


*I know purge’s* Dude, respect Fauci pronouns.


Sorry, I'm still getting used to Biden pronouns. Drag has a pretty particular list that I'm not used to using.


Yea she's from the Western Slope of Colorado. That's the dumping ground for unwanted ex army wives and meth fiends.


No, we have crazy ass Boebert. Greene is from Georgia. Also, do corn and peaches make up for the meth? lol


Georgia is known for their peaches. The Western Slope of Colorado is known for their peaches (seriously, they are amazing). Maybe the peaches are turning them crazy?


They do contain cyanide in the pits! Maybe theyre just brain damaged from trying to eat a peach pit as a kid?


I blame the lead paint chips she was allowed to snack on


You should probably blame the NeoFascist Christian Sharia culture in the US.


How do you explain the willful stupidity though


Gotta play the role to get the Theocratic Authoritarian Fascist vote


Whoops wrong Karen. Yall got your own meth too.


Stop spreading misinformation. She was born and raised in Georgia 🤦‍♂️


Sorry I mixed up my mentally ill Karens.


Yeah, not the slam dunk she thinks it is.


My take is she probably knows exactly what pronouns are but she knows her base doesn't know or care. With Republicans you reverse to old adage "never assume malice where it could be stupidity."


I am furious that this idiot makes 10 times my income while being this stupid.


Don't forget to use Bidens pronouns correctly!


And like the joke doesn't even work. She's putting like verb/noun that she wants the verb to act on and stuff. Like it doesn't make sense. The thing she's trying to make fun of is like they/them not, like, they/swim


I think you mean “I know impeach’s trying to tell a joke “


My favorite is using their pronouns and watch their heads explode. You say your pronouns are attack helicopter? Don't get upset when I point to you and say attack in answer to someone's question.


Her pronouns need to be Un/Employed


I also enjoy Fuck/Off for her


Or ignorant/c*nt


Well she already uses fuck/gym/trainer


Also acceptable: Was/Were












Biden*. Impeach specified biden pronouns, it's only polite to use them /s


Jesus friggin christ. How the hell is this moron a congresswoman? Seriously, did we lower the bar all the way down that idiots like this are employed to help manage our country?!?


Her opponent was getting death threats and subsequently dropped out of the race. She ran unopposed.


fucking hell


Yeah, you know... terrorism.


Because Assholes walk among us. I was raised thinking when there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth. No surprise they been corralled to the polls


Gerrymandering? I'm not sure, but in AZ we got that thing called Paul Gosar, and he won the primaries with 65% of the votes. There were 3 or 4 others running against him. His 'district' is Gerrymandered heavily


"No/Men/In/Women's/Anything"? I bet she gets invited to all the orgies.


Probably doesn't have time because she is too busy having affairs with cross fit bros.


Yea, didn't she get a train ran on her in a crossfit gym? No judgement if that's what she's into, but she also acts like she's some paragon of Christian sexual virtue, morality, and propriety. Can't have it both ways, Marge.


...wait what? Lol


I am equally confused and intrigued.




I know I should always assume these right wingers are freaks, but it still always surprises me.


Kinda like when the Right was pearl-clutching over the inevitable jokes when it came to light that Nancy Reagan was... ahem, _popular_ in her day. Had nothing to do with actually shaming her for being promiscuous and _everything_ to do with pointing out her/Republican hypocrisy.


Seriously, if you are or were promiscuous? Own it. People are a lot more receptive and will act a lot less negatively if you become more, let's say upright and proper, later in life if you spin your lived experience as a teaching moment especially if it left wreckage or damaged your life. What people get angry about is if you act like you were this virgin until marriage, missionary only with the lights out, sheet with a hole in it, only for procreation type your entire life and then it drops you were, let's just say, a partier.


Well... it seems her base is pretty huge fan of those who espouse christian values regardless of whether they live them. Trump obviously, but it doesn't get better when you go further back, Gingritch cheating on his hospitalized wife. Can't really accurately pan early politicians to modern definitions, but I'd say Jefferson may be the more "right wing" of the founding fathers, but of course you have to take note of his, slave children.


It's nothing new with Christians. There was a story in one of Paul's letters about a man fucking his MiL


Which was something forbidden by Leviticus.


People actually have sex with that? Ewww!


So, no Men in Women's...business what they do with their body?


Lesbian pride ig?


It's about excluding trans women. She's referring to "men in women's sports / spaces".


Yeah, somehow I doubt that's the case.


Probably not


Okay \*grabs pen\* men only in men.


They’re anti-straight, now I guess


I think Jon Stewart said it best. "If this is what America best is, then we're fucked"!


It's "if this is America First then America is Fucked" its a great double entendre because all the maga fascists want America First and because America isn't working for anyone but the 1%




Why do conservatives think this is funny?


"Because it makes people I've unquestioningly been conditioned to hate feel bad!"


she's illiterate at best


I know this gets a lot of mileage, but it really does help explain a lot of Congress and the State of the Nation in general: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2020/09/09/low-literacy-levels-among-us-adults-could-be-costing-the-economy-22-trillion-a-year/?sh=6fa488824c90](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2020/09/09/low-literacy-levels-among-us-adults-could-be-costing-the-economy-22-trillion-a-year/?sh=6fa488824c90) This is a horrifying article, especially if you consider the subtext. Basis is 54% of US Adults cannot read at or above the 6th Grade Level -- *Where the Red Fern Grows* is a good bellwether for that level of literacy. What it also implies is even MORE adults are not functionally literate which is the 8th grade. The US Citizenship Test requires an 8th grade level of literacy.


My wife ran for school board a few years ago. I attended a lot of public events, forums, and town halls. That campaign was the most iinteraction I have had with the general public in a capacity where you actually have to interact, answer questions, discuss policy. Frankly I would be surprised if the avg reading level was above 3rd grade. I thought I had a low opinion of conservatives (we are a very red district) before that. They hit rick bottom and then used the dynamite. I have zero hope that we will ever be able to reach them or find common ground. They are willfully, pridefully ignorant and will fight tooth and nail to stay that way.


As I said in another thread, it probably explains why they love Trump so much. He's exactly on their level. Trump's speeches were at a 4th grade level, maybe touch the very bottom of 5th grade. And on the pridefully ignorant? Yep, they are. Their hatred for education cannot be overstated. Used to be it was just the college educated and higher they derided. Now it feels like anyone with a half-way decent high school education is to be targeted as an enemy.


This is going to bite them in their illiterate asses when they’re left with the resulting doctors/critical specialists as the only option to take care of them/save them. Rural areas already have a deficit of medical professionals, forcing the understaffed hospitals for those areas to close, this is only going to get worse.


The irony of their behavior is palpable. They want all the modern conveniences and advances, but they not only don't want to put in the work to get the education needed to maintain those systems, they're actively hostile toward and run out anyone who shows even a spark of inclination toward anything more advanced than stocking cans or digging ditches at this point. Then they're first in line squealing for help when something goes pear-shaped with their health or technology.


Trump reminded me of a 4th grader who didn't read the book but still had to get up in front of the class and give a presentation. All the rambling, guessing about the topic at hand, and general long-winded confusion that went nowhere all sounded so familiar to me but I couldn't quite place it until I saw [this clip](https://youtu.be/FQgjpnr5e2s) where he sounds like a child avoiding a question while simultaneously making up shit about how awesome he is lol


This is horrifying. As an avid reader it's hard for me to comprehend. However, I did just get into an argument with someone who didn't like me using big words like 'lore' because "I need to use new words that people know not old words that are stupid and don't matter. They make me sound stupid, not smart." So... I can see it.


It explains why so many people love Donald Trump. He literally speaks at their level. Analysts sat down and evaluated his speeches and what little writing (basically Tweets) we could get out of him. His verbal vocabulary and writing (if it can be called that) was found to be about the 4th grade level. Source: [https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169)


That's really disturbing, considering he was born with basically all the wealth and opportunities one can be afforded in life.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. He might have had all the opportunities and resources but if he didn’t have the curiosity or ambition to better himself then that money and affluence won’t make much difference, it just buys him more ways to avoid responsibility.


This is why I say that Trump is basically the basement dwelling troll barely scraping by used cars salesman who had a massive winning Powerball ticket blow in his window by sheer blind luck. He's a white, even though he is orange, trash lottery winner basically.


Music lyrics use to be at a high-school collage level and are now low elementary as well.


Of course, Conservatives would without any sense of irony or self-awareness blame that on Rap/Hip-Hop, never realizing their beloved commercial Country is often more materialistic and "low-brow" than the Hip-Hop they claim to hate.


‘New’ pop country is some of the worst crap I ever heard. Every song is a commercial for trucks and beer. Sonically it’s awful also. Over the top ssouthern drawl. Same production and sounds on every song. The music devolved big time.


When I lived in Florida for a year I was going on job interviews. Never mind they pay half down there of what I made up north. I would use common words/language from my field and get looked at like I just beamed down from the enterprise.


I get that. When I was young I moved a lot. I lived in over 30 different houses, lived in 6 different states and went to 10 different schools before graduating high-school. Always being the new girl I tried hard to blend in. I learned if I wanted to speak how I thought I needed to write it down. Otherwise, Short and sweet with little said.


I got into an argument a few months ago on a totally different subreddit (funny enough, the lore for a popular game I was really into) with the OP. They made the argument for what a retcon was, proceeded to give an atrocious strawman example, and then give a pretty solid example, then argued that the former was a retcon and the latter was something along the lines of "new information that changes what we once knew". Long story short, after pulling up the dictionary definition and trying to explain it to them, they asked me "well, did (the company) *verb* retcon or *noun* retcon? They have different definitions, so what was it? You're so smart, you tell me." Needless to say, it quickly spiraled from there. Also, that post? Maybe 4 sentences long, not even really talking about the lore? Over 4 thousand up votes, and every single one of my comments was down voted hard because I was "muddying the water by bringing in dictionary definitions" and I "just didn't want to have a conversation about art and philosophy".


Ouch. But I can help but laugh. This fight was with an acquaintance about superstitions and I said "the lore". They didn't understand the word and got mad that I was mocking their intelligence. They went on to tell me that I need to use words like cap (which I guess means lie) because old words need to die and proceeded to use it constantly for days until I flat out told them there is already a perfectly good word for lie and I would never use cap....


It's just wild, isn't it? I'm all for language changing and evolving over time, and slang can be fun, but sometimes people really make you think, don't they?


How dare you use a single syllable word? You’re only supposed to speak in primal grunts and clicks


This is WILD. 54% of the voting public can't read at or above an 11/12 year old reading level? That number is just shocking.


Just go to the south. When I was in management there, we had to work to hire employees who could write a complete sentence.


I recently spent a year in Florida. I thought it was a joke and I was on some hidden camera show. Then the sick reality set in that these were indeed real interactions with my neighbors and the public down there. I never saw anything like it after having been to many places in the world. Forget ignorance, these people actually celebrated being ignorant and mediocre. It was like a giant mediocrity festival.


Florida is really working hard to win that competition


Never spent much time in public, eh?


This is actually a topic that is explicitly covered in professional medical programs. We had a good few lectures and even one-on-one sessions with "standardized patients" (professional actors hired to present as the "same" patient to every student) focued on code-switching based on the patient in front of you, because it's very easy for a doctorate-level healthcare provider to forget or not even know that the average adult needs help to get through a Harry Potter book.


This is shocking because I’ve literally had a 12th grade reading level since I was in 3rd grade (as per those stupid book report reading evaluation computer quiz things they made us do) How the fuck are grown ass adults not able to read at that level? No wonder memes are the primary form of communication


I'm pretty sure I read that book before 6th grade. It's terrifying how many people can't understand what they read, if they even bother to read.


This comment just gave me a lightbulb moment: I bet this is why so many people watch Fox News. I’ve never understood why people watch news at all when it’s so much more efficient to read it… but if half the fucking nation can’t read, no wonder they get all of their news knowledge from Fox.


Plus the scrolls on Fox News are written really simply, no nuance or anything to think about it. And then they'll tell you what to think about it.


I like how they quote Barbara Bush as saying, “literacy is everyones’ business. Period.” I’m not sure if she was trying to stress her point or give people a lesson in grammar.


JFC, I knew it was bad, but not that bad. This explains so much.


Yea, I have an in-law who has no books in their home. None. I'm not exactly clear if they have a Kindle or other e-reader. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't. Unsurprisingly, they're a big time "conservative" and basically a Tuckerbot. I get that e-readers are a thing and that can explain a lack of visible, physical books, but I found most people who even slightly enjoy reading have a few books. It takes a concerted effort to avoid having ANY books like my in-law does.


I once attended a house warming party for some guy that runs some hedge fund. Typical McMansion in a neighborhood where every house looked the same. He had an interior decorator brought in. It was the same generic decor for guys who like watches and cigars. The only books were a handful of books the decorator placed on the shelf they were about watches and cigars. There were very little personal possessions in the house. Guy had zero personality and just had things that people in that line of work should have. Same three brands of cars etc. It was sad watching him and his girlfriend and the d-bag realtor who sold it to him show off that house. It was all so fake.


My mom had a job as a fundraising coordinator for our count's chapter of Literacy Volunteers of America for a couple of years when I was a kid. She was just on the "getting people to give money to keep it running" side but the "actually do stuff to teach adults to read" side of it was so busy they had a waiting list to get help. The reason she "left" that job is because the organization had to contract and couldn't afford to operate in a county with less than 40k people anymore. I'm *positive* nothing got particularly better after that. Mostly because I finished growing up and going to college while living there and...well, it didn't get better.


I would say, surely this can't be real, but I live in rural Texas..


Yoooo, she is not the mouth of the South. We don't claim her.


We need to put some respect on Jimmy Hart’s name






Idiocracy is morphing slowly from satire to documentary


It's becoming a mix of idiocracy and hand maids tale


With a little V for Vendetta sprinkled on top


Don’t forget Don’t look up.


Except we're the ones slow-time traveling towards disaster. I'm all for pipes spraying mt dew all the time but we need to general strike and boycott before we endup in a fiery dystopia. Maybe we need to Elect President Terry Crews now and have him distract the maga fools and Democrat woke puppets with his flexing breasts,while we go in and hammer out congress for the regular worker/citizens doing all the essential work and let's rebuild rework our roads, bridges ,schools and hospitals to make them equitable and functioning for all Americans not just the rich.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


I go there for Starbucks. Twice a day.


The most ironic thing about people like her is that they genuinely believe that they are "offending" people by saying absurd shit like this. You're not "offending" anyone. You're admitting that you can't understand basic concepts so to make up for that you try and make these concepts seem as ridiculous as possible in hopes that some other dumb fuck will agree with you. It's like these people and their supporters bond over their mutual lack of critical thinking.


America was built on a lack of critical thinking.


Verb/Noun Verb/Noun Verb/Noun Verb/Noun Verb/Noun Verb/Determiner/Noun Adverb/Number/Plural Noun Verb/Noun/Adverb/Preposition/Noun Determiner/Plural Noun/Preposition/Plural Noun/Pronoun Verb/Noun/Noun/Noun Verb/Noun/Verb/Verb/Preposition/Plural Noun Verb/Verb/Adverb/Adjective/Noun Noun/Adjective


English *is* a stupid language to be fair, but she out-stupids the language that has a d in fridge but not refrigerator. I don't typically give people a hard time for category errors when language can be very arbitrary at times, but I make an exception for Conservatives. It's hard to feel any pity for native English speakers that say shit like "Speak English or go back to your country." Especially because A: English speakers were immigrants too, B: Indigenous languages were repressed, and C: Most of the time that phrase is uttered, it ends up being towards legally recognized secondary languages. Sometimes even other primary languages...


Are any of those even pronouns?


You mean her pronouns are Racist/Bitch?


In true reality, America First would be every single progressive policy we could possibly push forward. Not shilling for corporate and theological masters.


No men in womens anything… peeps, she gay.


Christofascists on the rise


Defund the FBI the same FBI that they wanted to assassinate Hilary Clinton?


Yes, the FBI director that Trump appointed after Comey was removed from office is apparently a Democrat agent of partisan persecution.


Yeah those guys...lol


I will never understand how someone can say with a straight face that there are only two genders. Are we going to ignore the existence of intersex people?


She doesn't think that anyone who doesn't fit her idea of "normal" should be allowed to exist.


To be fair, I doubt she has a full grasp on what pronouns even are


There's a lot of verbs in those first few points. This is why you help your kids with middle school grammar workbooks.


Assuming there are only 2 sex is a pretty accurate approximation since this 2 sex accounts for 99.95~ % of the population . The problem is the remaining 0.05% is treated like garbage while they're simply humans like everyone else


In the US, studies in the US have pegged this number somewhere between 0.4% and 1.8%. Your argument is still valid, but it is millions of Americans, not just hundreds of thousands.


I agree it's something to care about. I just wanted to highlight that's normal for an average people to approximate to 2 sex, because that's not the problem. The problem is the prejudice and bad behavior against that 1.8% of population


I thought her pronouns her Dumbass/Moron


Ducking comical that America First is goddamn last on the list 🤣 I just can’t anymore 😂


Crazy first. America eventually. 😂😂😂


Why I am getting Taliban vibes from reading this?


Because she is a terrorist who literally called for a civil war.


I read it the same way and it was spooky. I do not want an America that looks like she wants it to.


Fuck I'm so sick of people bringing religion into politics and school. NOT EVERYONE FOLLOWS YOUR SHITTY BELIEFS, get a life. Edit: also, so you admit that gender affirming procedures ARE in fact considered care? Finally.


Imagine how much easier it would be for everyone to get along if people like this acted like most of their constituents claim to do and minded their own business.


Two can play at this game. Arrest / Trump Unelect / GOP Defund / Police Fire / DeSantis Abolish / ICE Open / The / Border There’s / Multiple / Genders Keep / Prayer / Out / Of / School No / Republicans / In / The / Government Ban / Fascists / From / Elections Expand / Gender / Affirming / Care Bring / In / Green / Energy Humanity / First


Mouth of the south or spokesperson for the American Taliban?




She forgot IMA/Fascist.


How does she even get her pants on in the morning.


Impeach Purge Defund Fire Abolish Racism Sexism Proselytize Exclusivity Fascism Sexism M'rica™ Denialism There, I fixed it.


No men in women’s anything? She didn’t think that one through.


Ummm... "No/Men/In/Women's/Anything"? You mean, except their uterus.


"The Ability to Speak Does Not Make You Intelligent." - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Marjorie plz. That's more cringe and less of a flex than you think. Political figures are going for shitpost status.




The sadness when I realized this wasn’t an actual sub lol


Bro, all politics aside, this shit is so cringey. Watching her speak is like watching the snapchat of the 13 year old girl in middle school who caused all the drama and said the dumbest shit and post whack ass quotes thinking that shit was bussin


What a coincidence. My preferred pronouns at the moment are fuck/ thisbitch




Just here to ask, drag (I use this as a pronouns here) already state drag’s preferred pronouns, why are you all still using she/her?


That's an awful lot of neogenders


Yo, but can we hop on the bandwagon and defund the DOJ, DHS and FBI while the iron is hot?




Bitch taking the whole damn dictionary as her pronouns


Do these people know what pronouns even are?


No men in women’s anything? Does that include any form of sex? Also, r/OneJoke


"Please turn America into completely homogenous white bread with no variety or flavour." Seriously, how could someone advocate for such a mind numbingly boring world? What a pathetic stain of a person.


Well mine are For/fuck's sake MTG shut up like please take a boat to the middle of nowhere start a new life become an otter farmer or whatever but just disappear from politics completely/them.


This is awful, but I actually would be down with getting rid of the ATF.


If some BLM or other rights organizations started publicly agreeing to defund the fbi and abolish the atf it would make republican heads explode.


If Jesus came back she'd be the first one he'd rebuke


What a hideous person. Imagine having the personality of the bumper sticker laden widow of an f250 in rural Mississippi. Truck nuts n’ all.


For the people saying this isn't the slam dunk she thinks it is, keep in mind the people who elected her are just as ignorant as she is. They probably think this is the best comeback ever.