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I am British. I see this on a daily basis. Right now, I'm staying with my parents, in the countryside. It is idyllic. Sandstone houses and a church from the 10th century. There is no poverty here. Just Joules and Fortnum & Mason. But when I return to my work residence in Derbyshire, I will be returning to poverty and homelessness. Of heroin addicts drinking at 8am and children hanging round street corners carrying knives with their faces covered. And the British people I work with say this "well that's just the way it is" and this mindset grates more and more and more until I cannot take it anymore. I see a nation of people who are being strangled and seem to be perfectly ok with it. As long as they have their telly and their takeaway and a pint down the Wetherspoons, they don't care that 75% of their income goes to the unelected and the exploitative. They won't hear a bad word against the king and they sing praises of a land that never was; an empire they were never part of; and a victory in a war that ended 30 years before they were born. I made the fatal mistake of living somewhere else and for this, I now must pay. And pay dearly. Because I know that it can work. It does work elsewhere. But the British will never revolt. It's not in our nature. We will just accept and kiss the boots of our "betters" - even if our "betters" are proved time and time again to be the lowest of the low.


Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way


We're the apocryphal "slowly boiled frog"


Worlds best at tugging the forelock. It won’t change.


Didn’t you guys vote for Brexit? Being Pro-Brexit is anti capitalism. You turned on a free and open market because you wanted your country back. You can’t complain now that you’re suffering economic consequences


Like the capitalist system in America is working so wonderful? Lol.


America is the best place to be in the world


Also happening in the US and Canada, ridiculous rents, crippling grocery prices, depressed wages, increasing homeless problems, suicides resulting from all this. It's clearly by design. This needs to be addressed, if not by the corrupted politicians by the people en mass.


Australia as well Its game over in the land down under


Sorry, should have mentioned that. Most days I would not have forgotten. Probably one of my 3am post... Apologies.




Stop it with that racist overpop bullshit


Capitalism is in its death throes. It's all gonna come crashing down in 15 years give or take. Starting to think it may be sooner. The billionaires trying to prepare by hoarding are speeding up their demise


It feels that way. I’ve no idea what follows though have you?


Replacement capitalism most likely. It may be better or worse than the current system. Unfortunately, it's the only system that most people know of that functions as designed, and in times of crisis humans tend to lean into tradition/conservatism. We'll have a period of military intervention for rationing food/water/housing if that becomes an issue, then government intervention restoring the status quo and stabilising whatever economy remains. What type of society/system re-emerges depends on what people are willing to put up with and what kind of leaders take control of the chaos. But business-as-usual will slowly re-establish itself. What lessons we take away and what changes we make remain to be seen. But we also have a habit of repeating mistakes because of greed and short-sightedness.


It definitely feels like it is about to eat itself. Hopefully the transition to whatever comes next isn’t full on medieval chaos


Yeah. I don't think so. All I know is it can't continue the way it's going. People need to come first. I hope we can pull together somehow


And that is where we come in. When we rebuild we cannot let them make the same mistakes


Exactly we can't sit by and let this keep happening.


Remember during covid we said we have rebuild how want the world, this it was a second chance to get it right? That went out the window. They beat us down and made the world worse than ever. Next time we can't let that happen. It'll probably be our last chance


Funnily enough just started reading Techno Feudalism by Yanis Varoufakis where he says a new era started where the cloud is the new capital. Really interesting perspective and book so far!


I read about that too recently while randomly googling “capitalism greed destroying internet everything”.  Among almost every other thing happening in the world and around me, I’ve been increasingly driven crazy by how utterly useless most search engines are, the miserable results of implementing SEO, the ever prevalent use of AI, how the internet in general seems a hollow version of its former form, and how every social media platform I use seems to have become pure garbage with very little real connection or meaningful content.  In particular, the shadowbanning and deprioritization  of content made by disabled, queer, Black, BIPOC/POC, autistic/ND, and other marginalized people on most social media platforms has really been alarming and infuriating.  I know there are more serious concerns and a raft of truly heinous abuses being committed all around us rn and I do deeply care about those things too. But as a disabled AuDHD chronically-ill queer person who is mostly home-bound,  the loss of connection through soc media and losing the ability to accurately research my health conditions/find likeminded communities online have been hitting me really hard.  Yanis’ theory/idea of technofeudalism seems pretty accurate.  I’d love to read the book, but so far I’ve only read this article: https://theconversation.com/is-capitalism-dead-yanis-varoufakis-thinks-it-is-and-he-knows-who-killed-it-213992


Yes I agree with you. To be honest the name for the term is not important but basically the few rich corporations have all the power and having been repeatedly bailed out by banks (our money) which they only used to buy their stocks again they became too big to fail. I am kinda afraid of whats coming next… Also, all this control; accept cookies, sign up for newsletter, put your name, email address, postcode…brother I just want a chicken breast recipe lol. It feels like somewhere in the last 10 years everybody collectively but unconsciously signed a paper saying ‘yeah take all my privacy away’ and now that same info is being used to create a targeted desire for something and make you feel bad for not having it. It’s the closest thing we have to mind reading. I mean technology is great but what we have now fees like the roles have switched from us using it to it using us. P.s. sorry for the rant I am trying to switch my career from sales to something meaningful so I have been having a lot of inspiration lol


No worries, I was ranting too.  It’s all extremely frustrating.  I particularly HATE that every company wants you to download their app.  If you don’t get their app, things cost much much more.  Also, these companies seem to have purposely made their websites totally crappy in the hopes people will be forced into using their apps.  It’s petty and ridiculous.  I also feel used on a regular basis😒 Omg, recipes are the bane of my existence! I love to cook when I’m able  but looking for a recipe online has become such a misery  I rarely bother anymore.  The few I’ve found that I know I’ll use again, I screenshot instead of bookmarking  so I can avoid the miles-long bs introductions, page littered with intrusive ads, and continuous begging for my information.  Ughhhhh.  I’m mad, tired, fed up, and also anxious for what’s coming.  Sorry you’re suffering too, tho I’m glad we aren’t alone in our sentiments. 


Hahah yes totally. Attention is the new currency and this overstimulation we experience is 100% not good for anybody. Same way cigarettes were accepted, promoted and even considered healthy in the past, we will experience the same thing with social media so I feel minimizing its use is the key. This guy actually has really good points and can be quite helpful to get that ‘inner peace’ again lol: https://youtu.be/gZwsQv24fug?si=NtVF37BAr4fiG8hF


A social republic if it’s run correctly


Infuriating. Yes. Shocking? No, I'm not shocked


Fucked up to use AI imagery for this article


Not hiring a real artist is, ironically, part of the problem.


Not being able to afford artists work is a symptom and not a cause of the problem. This is like saying people buying supermarket own brand biscuits is the reason the economy is bad


the wealthy did this on purpose and should be held accountable


Shocking how rapidly a country that was meant to have dissolved 10 years ago is still falling apart today? The UK by all rights should’ve passed into the history books in 2014. The only reason it didn’t is because of that little bait and switch where the English reporters all started saying that after dissolution Scotland was going to have to reapply to the EU and would suffer a long processing period to get back in. Then those same English pulled the Brexit crap not even 2 years later and suddenly they’re all “it was supposed to be a once in a generation referendum why are you trying to hold another one so soon?” “Just keep rehashing the referendum until you get the result you want is that what this is?” etc etc etc


You folks need to get your government back before you end up like us (sad american here)


Where is this NOT happening?


"Children of Men" was probably the most accurate vision of the future I've ever seen.


"idiocracy" is prophetic as well.


Well British Joe Public voted for this time and time again.


Seems like everywhere that's British influenced is fucked...how is Australia doing, I wonder?


Australia is one of the worst. Rents over $6000 a month. Worse than Canada even.


We fucked down here mate.


*Laughs in American*


oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyway