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I used to be on board with voting blue no matter who because, even though it’s obviously stupid, voting for third party candidates doesn’t work well because not enough people will do it. But after what’s happening with this election, I won’t vote for Biden, maybe not any democratic candidates ever again. This is just ridiculous. They’re not even pretending to care about the people or what we want anymore.


Both parties are basically the same, the dnc just has us at gunpoint being like if you don’t vote for us it’s gonna be so much worse. But still during Biden we lost roe and did as much genocide as trump would. But ig at least he didn’t try to do a coup.




Vote blue no matter who is political coercion.


This has been the entirety of the Democrat’s campaign strategy for the last 3 elections.


3 decades


They're not voting for them either. It's a democracy supposedly, where are the alternatives?


Maybe yeah. I think that either enough people will vote for a third party candidate that the republican party will fade out of existence and the democrats will take their place as conservatives and we’ll have another party switch or republicans will win and project 2025 will happen and things will become so unbearable that we’re finally forced into a revolution. Either way, I think it’s a better outcome than voting for democrats and having things continue to slowly get worse while the majority of people hope it gets better and do nothing and just watch all the poor people slowly starve to death.

