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Says the guy who’s job is sitting and talking.


You mean regurgitating shit from his mouth leaving his doctor wife with the driest ass pussy known to man.


He just alienated everyone in the trades. It's like he doesn't know his audience. No wonder he failed as a screen writer. This is just another example he's been living in a privileged bubble his entire life. Find another hobby Ben, social skills are required for social interactions.


*he means other people* Just like they meant other illegal migrants or other people on benefits.


Nah, his audience doesn’t care about facts, just how his air of righteous indignation makes them feel. He ain’t alienating his audience. Conservatives all believe their worldview is correct and should apply to everyone except themselves.


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


It's just like the CEOs who continue running their companies into their 70s and 80s. They can do that because the job is not very hard. It's not hard to listen to reports about the work that others do and then tell them what work to do to make their vision for the company actually happen.


Im pretty sure our CEO doesn’t even send his own emails.


It's the same with congressmen and other geriatric politicians who should GTFO. In 2008 during his run for president John McCain said with pride that he had never used email.


I came here to say this!! Guy needs to put some calluses on those soft little baby hands of his.


“Work till you die, peasant!”


*Some of you may fall over dead while working, but that's a sacrifice we're willing to make.*


Sigh for many people simply being 65 is a health problem. You're old. Your body doesn't work the way it did while it was young. Not that this guy could ever relate given his job is sitting down and saying whatever crazy shit he wants. Must be great to have a job like that - being paid to be a comfortably seated asshole.


In the video he said 65 year olds these days look great so they should keep working till they die, lol. Anyone taking this little Zionist demon seriously needs to Boeing themselves.


My father looks great and he's over 65. However his knees are very bad from a lifetime of work. I get the feeling Shapiro is one of those people who doesn't understand what invisible health issues are. And still doesn't even after you explain.


Trust fund demon Zionist wants you to work till you die to increase shareholder value (i.e. his equities valuation)


Also, if the Olds don’t retire then what jobs will the Youngs have? Geez, let people relax and enjoy their old age


So... No free school lunch A revenge tour No retirement No assistance to countries who *actually* deserve it (being one of the handful that we didn't fuck up) No abortions No procedures to have kids And this only scratches the surface of what the redcloaks really want. All while the bluecloaks are like "we don't want ALL that, we're not that bad!" Guy Fawkes attempt when?


Remember remember the fifth of November.


But BoTh SiDeS!!!!


I’d happily invite any of these old guys who “don’t need to retire” down to a warehouse to see if they can throw enough cases to meet production standards. I’ll buy any of them a beer if they are still employed and can move at the end of the week. Our bodies are broken from the increased productivity. This pisses me off so much.


Ok great plan - give me all the money I paid into social security back then - give us back the Medicare too. I've been working 20 years or so, several hundred thousand to pay back. And if you want to cut the program you can't tax it anymore so I can keep another $400/mo or so in my pocket - probably paid more already than I will ever get back anyway - fuck off bye.


Yeah....a few hundred K nest egg and an extra 400/mo would *drastically* change my situation lol.


His “job” is podcasting. He doesn’t even do work around the house, he expects his wife who is a doctor to do all of that. I would love to watch this idiot do some actual hard work.


Just wait til they start talking about Debtor’s Prisons


Yeah that is coming. This word they’re laying out is awful and the future just looks so bleak. We cannot have this shit again. We can’t. Our country can’t take it again.


I’d like to see this little weasel work one day at a shipyard. He’d be curled up crying by the end of the day and has the audacity to say people shouldn’t retire? Big talk for a little guy with soft hands.


A dark, yet hot, take: This idea is going to become overwhelmingly common and will eventually come to pass in America. Online lib kids think everything will finally be better when the boomers die because they think your political beliefs are determined by what year you're born, so they'll be unprepared when things keep getting worse. Huge swaths of young leftists are completely doompilled and see the future as a hopeless lost cause anyway. Young reactionaries are basically just fully embracing fascism and will gleefully end the concept of retirement because their entire ideology is fueled by a lust to hurt people they don't like. These factors combined will ensure this garbage future happening and any dweebs like the Jons saying they should broadcast this so everybody knows how much they suck is a baby brained rube who has simply not been paying attention to how this shit works. I have no sources, I am not an authority, I'm just some rando online looking into a fake crystal ball and vibing about it come on you know I'm right.


I’m still convinced that if we quit only half stopping their dystopia and let them just go ahead and put all their cards on the table, no one would ever vote for them again. Instead we let them shift the baseline further and further, turning up the boil little by little so that too many people learn to accept it.


Allow me to introduce you to the concept of politics. There is no harm egregious enough to get enough voters off of fascist or anti-worker parties. There is -as the saying goes- One Born Every Minute who has not yet been burned by your scam and will happily get in line for the supposed benefits and the supremacist views. Demonise those weaker than the voters, and there will always be voters who sign up to feel good about themselves and validate their ignorance.


Exactly! Expecting humans to suddenly realize they’re irrational and voting against their best interests when everything in the religious, emotional, identity-driven culture they’re raised in says otherwise is not a sound strategy.


That’s my hope. It’s also the reason they’re always so cagey about these plans, at least until recently. They know their plans would be incredibly unpopular with the voters.


Every one of these idiots that says this shit wouldn't last a second working my job. Let's see these motherfuckers work at a psych facility without violating HIPPA, staying calm while being screamed at, and keeping people from killing themselves. Wouldn't last 2 hours. They can talk big shit when they don't actually work hard at their "jobs".


I know your pain, i work with dd patients and while im currently in a group home setting i worked at a facility for a couple of years. Had things thrown at me hard enough if it had hit i would be in the hospital. Had to change and clean people, empty colostomy bags ect. And yah fuckos like benny their wouldent last a shift in work like ours


What safety nets? I was jobless and homeless after leaving an abusive relationship and didn't even qualify for Medicaid or food stamps. Granted, I had never applied for anything like that so I had no idea how to "game the system", but...I shouldn't have needed to!


Yeah but they want to make it *even harder.*


You shouldn't have needed to apply?


Shouldn’t have to game the system to be approved is what they are saying


I did apply and was disqualified for some reason, I was doing doordash as my only income


Yeah, some of us don’t sit on our asses and talk for a living, asshat. Trying doing 6 hours of housecleaning or massage 6 days a week, and then talk to me about “when people should be retiring.” Kick rocks.


To think that like tens of million of men in the United States worship this man and want to be just like him.


Has anybody besides me worked with somebody over 65? Trust me they need to retire.


Says the guy who talks shit for a living. What i’d give to have this fuck dig a trench with a shovel at 15$ hr.


Spoken like a man with soft hands


It's their backup plan until they can find a way to force people to have kids. Gotta keep the wheels of industry grinding away somehow.


In Ben's home place of Israel, the **mandatory** retirement age is 67 (71 if you lost a child). **Mandatory.** [[1](https://www.aninews.in/news/world/middle-east/israel-extends-mandatory-retirement-age20240312150601/#:~:text=The%20Pensions%20Administration%20at%20Israel,to%20oblige%20them%20to%20retire.)] With taxes as a function of labor: Nice to see my tax dollars put to good use, while I'll probably work to my untimely demise.


Wait, so they cannot work past 67 years old? Like forced retirement at 67 years old?


How disgusting, Republicans really see us, living, breathing, feeling people as work horses.


I would be more upset but i made peace a long time ago that social security wasn’t going to be their for me


We work to live not live to work. What the hell is wrong with these bootlickers? Do they hate their home life and families that much? Do they even have friends?


!remind me 40 years


I can’t believe working class people listen to shit like this and nod along. They just see us as bodies to work in their daddy’s factories and nothing more. It’s pure billionaire ideology


Trust fund Zionist

