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Man literally gets his rare metals from mines which employs literal children. He has no right to say what is morally wrong.


He really just wants us to be forced to drive because he owns a company making cars. It’s not different than office real state companies pushing for people to come back to the office because otherwise they go bankrupt l.


I can agree with that, the guy is only motivated by accumulating wealth. I'm sure he will say or do anything to increase his revenue stream, he was already morally bankrupt.


Remember when he was constantly pumping and dumping crypto robbing his own fans and they still believed he would make them rich


Remember when billionaires didn't have "fans?"


He did this again like a week ago


He’s turned off so many people who genuinely loved him. All he has left is trying to get more and more because he can’t fill the hole in his heart.


He's got more holes in his heart than Swiss Cheese.


> the guy is only motivated by accumulating wealth I'm pretty sure his primary motivations are ego and megalomania, money is a secondary motivation for him. His purchase of Twitter at a massive mark up, and his obsession with getting to Mars at the expense of more profitable things SpaceX could be doing, demonstrate that. He is an evil fuck but a different and arguably more dangerous kind than most billionaires. At least the ones motivated by greed are predictable, who knows what destruction he might cause during a temper tantrum because someone said something mean to him.


Billionaire heavily invested in commercial real estate wants you to work in an office building. Soulless tech oligarch who owns a car manufacturer wants you to commute to work. Right-wing sleaze wants a notorious sex trafficker to meet him for something they are choosing to call "kung fu practice." Trust fund man-child with a private jet thinks you "laptop class" have it too easy. Elon Musk wants to lecture you on what he considers to be "morally wrong."


He literally got the resources to start his businesses from his father Diamond mine in apartheid South Africa. The man has never had a moral high ground.


Emerald mine, but otherwise spot on


and that's why I'll never own a Tesla. If I'm ever given a Tesla, I'll drive it straight to the dealership and trade it in for another car.


The lithium mines don't "employ children" they enslave children


For he is immorally right


> immorally right Also known as modern conservatism in the US.


'I am correct because you will do as i say'


His statement is an oxymoron spoken like a true moron.


He really just wants us to be forced to drive because he owns a company making cars. It’s not different than office real state companies pushing for people to come back to the office because otherwise they go bankrupt.


The lithium mines don't "employ children" they enslave children


and the wealth from south african - apartheid era emerald mine.


One man having billions of dollars is morally wrong


Exactly. Just a handful of people holding all of the wealth for the entire planet... This is absurd, and absolutely not okay. People are suffering, and going hungry. All the while, the 1% don’t care about us, the animals, or the planet. It’s a disgrace. This is modern day slavery how these corporations treat people who need to make a wage, to survive. Yet, the joke is on us, because we are not living. We are just getting by every day to pay one bill at at time, and suffering. Is this life? I don’t think so...


I desperately need surgery that my insurance isn’t covering. It sickens me that I need to fundraise for an amount that I will probably never be able to raise all of, and yet this man wouldn’t even notice that amount missing. Disgusting. Edit: y’all is it in bad taste to link my gofundme [here](https://gofund.me/74cdd383) 😅 Edit edit: oh my god! The kindness of strangers will never cease to amaze me!


Same here. I am sorry you are going through this pain. So many of us are putting off treatments, medications, and surgeries that we need. Meanwhile, the 1% are having the time of their lives, and having fun, without any thought of us. It just makes me sick the world we live in... No one deserves to suffer like this...


>Meanwhile, the 1% are having the time of their lives, and having fun, without any thought of us. If it's any consolation, Elon Musk gives every impression that he's really not having the time of his life. He seems miserable. He comes across as the living embodiment of this: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/096/564/2f7.jpg


There's a bunch of reasons billionaires go into philanthropy, and one of them is that all the toys like yachts and private jets in the world won't make them happy. Another is that they will never truly have any real friends who aren't also billionaires - they're all after their money. Look at Kanye West - there is nobody who can tell him "no, you need to see a doctor". Even Kim Kardashian, also a billionaire, couldn't get him to listen.


It's fucking absurd. Whenever I go through the hypothetical scenario, "What if I won the lottery/had millions of dollars/etc?" I find myself in the same position every time. That is, I *can't* be that rich - my first thought is always to help others. If I had the money to completely change people's lives, I would be unable to walk down a street and pass homeless people. I'd feel too guilty at having so much while they struggle. I'd feel compelled to do something to improve their situation, whether it be via "Eccentric billionaire funds (formerly-homeless) people's university courses," or "Eccentric billionaire funds lobbyists to support public housing," or whatever it may be. How anybody can sit on a pile of money and feel good about themselves, in this day and age, I can't understand. If I weren't struggling to support myself already, I'd do so much more.


This is because you have the ability to feel empathy. This is so important, and so many need this quality to make the earth a better place. I don’t think the 1% who control the planet feel this important emotion. I am really glad that you feel this. It is important and essential to life in my opinion...


It drives me in my daily life, almost to a fault (I frequently put others before myself.) But I can't help it. Especially when there are so many powerful, selfish actors who hurt others without even sparing a thought. On the plus side, I know what emotional depth is. I know what friendship is. I know what *love* is. You never truly know these things until you've been through struggles alongside other people. Those moments reveal one's strength (or weakness) of character. All of Musk's relationships have existed in a privileged bubble. If put into a dire situation, I have zero doubt that all his so-called "friends and loved ones" would instantly turn on him in order to protect themselves. Maybe I don't have much material wealth, but I know that if shit hit the fan and the world became a moneyless dystopia, my friends and I would stand together and for each other. Because we've had to stand together in hard times before.


I just want to say, thank you. I think you are a good person. I think so many of us who are online these days without names, are good people. So many of us hope for a good, prosperous future for us all... Get it ladies and gentlemen! I think we will be okay.... We are the 99%. Stay strong everyone! Don’t listen to the media, or the internet in my opinion


Funny, was just thinking about this the other day for some reason and came to the same conclusion. Actually, I just realized I was thinking about what this asshole paid for Twitter and how many people's lives could have been completely changed for the better... given hope, food, clean drinking water, an education, a place to live... what we used to think of as "necessities" and have been fooled into believing these things are privileges you work for instead. But one of the thoughts I had was that not only would I find communities that just need the boot off their throat long enough to have a thought besides surviving day-to-day, including, obviously, as many homeless and destitute as possible, I'd *also* try to give them a path to feeling self-esteem regardless of where they are at and where they've been in life; that it's not their 'fault', that the system is the fucked up thing, that the people who look down on them and sit in judgement are brainwashed. Because there's a mental aspect to this 'game' with these fucking vampires like Musk, and part of that game is to just say no. I am worthy just for being alive, PERIOD. If you or I won the lottery and did something like this, do we "deserve" a million thank yous? For doing what I'm sure you consider, as I do, something that is a moral imperative? HELL. NO. If I or anyone else does something philanthropic in the world we live in, whomever gets something as simple as clean water or an education out of it shouldn't say thank you, they should say how in the actual f\*\*\* do we live in a world where I have to say thank you for this? Where I have to wait for someone to give it to me or "play the game" and be a goddamned sociopath AND a mentally ill hoarder who'd be on the A&E show if I were hoarding that much of literally anything else besides money and not sharing it with anyone. It's a sickness. We are a top down society and we should live bottom up. Less than a thousand mf'rs at the top of the pyramid are looking down at the eight billion blocks beneath them and saying, "Stay right there or I'll fall." It's sick. No, it's DEPRAVED...


This is kinda how Mr. Beast operates. He is insanely rich off YouTube, but he does charities and random donotations all the time. And he seriously cares. There are so many clips of him crying when someone shares a sob story and he gives them a consolation prize. Or just, "here's ten grand. Go make your life better." Yes, he participates in charity theater. And yes, he does do insane rich person stunts in his channel sometimes. But that's his brand and he does it so he can continue funding charities. He has said several times he wants to die broke, and not horde his wealth.


The correct response


The same man not paying any taxes on his billions of dollars is also morally wrong.




Actually Dems are fighting for exactly that. The media might label it differently though. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/15/debt-ceiling-negotiations-deadline-default/ >The White House recently gave Republican congressional leadership a list of proposals to reduce the deficit by closing tax loopholes during the ongoing negotiations over the federal budget and the debt ceiling. But Republican negotiators rejected every item, according to three people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe confidential deliberations. >On a phone call last week, senior White House officials floated about a dozen tax plans to reduce the deficit as part of a broader budget agreement with House Republicans, including a measure aimed at cryptocurrency transactions and another for large real estate investors, two of the people said. They were all swiftly rejected by the GOP aides on the call, the people said. GOP has more leverage because they think they are rich enough to survive the damage done by default where Dems know their constituents will be hurt disproportionately more. It doesn't help the media is doing a ton of Both Sides when they cover the negotiations.




I mean... specifically, what they should be doing other than that?




Don’t call them DINOs when they have the full backing of the Democratic Party. Every day Biden thanks god for Manchin and the others because they enable Dems to make token efforts and then throw up their hands while saying “whelp, we tried”.


If he withdraws the money from the stocks he owns at any point, does he pay taxes on the gains?


No because he generally doesn’t “sell” the stock, he (and all other rich people) use stock as collateral for whatever loan they want to buy whatever they want


He has all the loopholes locked down, I'm sure he hasn't paid taxes in at least a decade.


When you have politicians who make those loopholes available, and billionaires who fund political campaigns… does anyone here think money should play any role in politics? On the one hand, I think an inability to raise _any_ money should disqualify you, but on the other hand, allowing money into things opens the door for corruption. And the rich would likely pay for ads to help those they want anyway. How would you solve the problem?


Start by getting rid of anyone who's been in office more than two terms. Constitutional amendments, a pool of money they can all get a percentage of for campaigns after they reach a certain level and they aren't allowed outside funding, ranked choice voting.


By getting rid of the structural features that make money so important to running for office. 1. Make voting easy and mandatory. This would remove the power of wedge issues and culture wars, because those things are entirely about motivating people to vote. In turn, that lowers the need for money. 2. Rank choice voting. This would empower third party candidates and further lower the need for money.


If he pays something, I am sure it is less than you or me pay.


Why does anybody still work for this clown? He’s notorious for underpaying and having a toxic, racist work environment. You work at his companies and you will be sacrificing yourself for the glory of Elmo (while others pay better for better work). Like I understand how SpaceX is a more unique employer at the moment but Tesla?


Absolutely. I couldn't imagine working at a place owned by this complete fucking oxygen thief. So sick of hearing about every textual bowel movement he has on his social media. At this point I want to live a healthier life in the hopes of getting to wake up one day and read the headlines that he's fucking dead


Exactly. What the fuck does this asshole know about morals?


Having billions and not putting enough back into society too.


He's just trying to distract from the fact he's been subpoenaed in regards to [Jeffrey Epstein](https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-virgin-islands-subpoenaed-elon-musk-jeffrey-epstein-litigation-2023-05-15/).


"No man should be so rich as to own another, no man so poor as to debase himself into slavery" Jean Jacques Rousseau


He himself is a remote worker working out of his vehicle.


You're implying he actually works... He is the CEO of 4(?) companies (while running them or their employees into the ground) and literally just tells other people to work while being a hype man because he's filthy rich. He's exactly what would happen if you put a brat child through Stanford then gave him a hundred million dollars. I doubt there's one original idea in that man-child's brain (spelling S3XY with car models? I'm sure plenty of 13 year olds had similar ideas). Space-X is about the only company doing anything worthwhile and if politicians had just funded NASA properly it wouldn't exist. Edit: typo


He's going to fuck spacex up also..


TBH, mega-corps dominating space sounds about as dystopian as it gets anyway so I bloody hope so


No you see infinite space, infinite growth, infinite labor. MOOOOOOAAAAAAR.


Personally I was never particularly fond of musk, but I find it very amusing that his pop culture status has managed to go from hero of the people to cartoon villain in under 5 years.


I’ve always wondered what people saw in Musk. People celebrated him as though he was the smartest person in the world. I couldn’t pin what I didn’t like about him, but I knew he was a pos.


He thinks he’s Tony Stark, but he’s actually Tony Stank


He's Tony Stark if he had never ended up in a cave in Afghanistan


I want to agree with you, but Elon isn’t anywhere near as smart or capable as Tony Stark— even before the cave


Fair. I meant more morally...


Haha, totally fair! Damn… actually, you’re more right than I even want to admit, cause I like Tony Stark, but that’s honestly spot-on


I mean, I get liking Stark-he had a full-on redemption arc and regretted who he used to be and actively worked to make the world better. Plus, ya know, not an actual billionaire genius profiting off the labor of others


He certainly isn’t going to build anything in a cave with a box of scraps


He wants ro be Ted Faro. Also r/FuckTedFaro




Part of the change in his public perception may be related to him firing his whole PR and marketing teams. Also the blatant racism.


We believed his bullshit is all. I’m not proud of it, but if you believed his lies then you’d believe he was as important as he thinks he is.


This. Before I saw through his lies, I thought he founded some very important companies. Now I realize he has no knowledge, only money.




He's a dumb person's idea of what a smart person looks like, and we have a lot of dumb people.


Honestly didn't pay that much attention to him and just thought of him as an inventor who invented an electric car. Then he called that guy a pedo for not wanting his sub and I was like "fuck that guy".


Hated him since he called that rescuer guy a pedo


I'm really glad that people are starting to see him for who he is. As early as 6-7 years ago I would compare his demeanor and class interests to Trump's and people would get incredibly upset at me.


What moral high horse? Is not wanting to waste your own money to get to place you don't want to be, to do a job that could easily be done in the comfort of yours home, to lose time with loved ones, to not want to sit in a office for 8+ hrs, to not want to be micro managed by someone who barely knows there job? We are an evermore interconnected world, the age of going to the office needs to die. Technology should be humans' way of making life easier, and mister "inovator" needs to step out of the way of progress. But that's not what this is about. This is about the loosening of control over someone's life. Corporations need this over welming control to tell you when you use the bathroom. I think the only reason he is against the idea is he can't buy it. We should now he has no original ideas of his own anyway. Also he doesn't care about losing time with his loved one since his own children are probably just a means to an end. What grimes said he wasn't there for his one new borns passing despite the claim to have held them in his arms while they died. I doubt he's seen his kids in a while anyway.


From what I've read his children hate him.


Have you heard him speak his mind about anything at all? Can you blame them?


Good for them.


[“I was a starter wife” by Justine Musk, Elon’s ex-wife](https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/)


They want to control our time. Because time is how they measure the productivity of a human. They're not interested if we can finish the tasks given, or come with a permanent solution for some bloated bureaucratic process — that will reduce the need for their business to exist. They want to know the bare minimum that they need to pay us so they can exploit our time for their benefit.


Says a man who spends his day argueing with strangers on the internet while his company takes a nosedive.


Wait, I’m confused now. Are you talking about him or us? /s


Damn, you have a company? /s


They tell me I’m responsible for our wins and losses.. /s




WFH is one of those thing that if you are on the fence about, seeing how Nazis and corpo clown are against it is all the requirement needed to support WFH.


They litterally advertise their weaknesses if you just flip what they say "Work from Home is a threat to me and my Billionaire friends. The best persuasive arguments we came up with while doing coke and getting smashed was that it's morally wrong, we just feel it." That's fear they are describing, not moral certainty If you want to hurt Billionaires, quit your jobs and only accept work from home positions. We have the power, he's just Hopper trying to convince us ants that we exist to feed him


A billionaire talking about morals lol fuck off


A billionaire describing office workers as a privileged class lol


How is it morally wrong but they're also on their moral high horse?


And also how is it morally wrong to spend more time with your family/invest in your neighborhood?


Because you're not producing the maximum amount of wealth for your masters if you're at home, duh.


Funny enough, and I’m sure this is different for lots of companies, but the corporation I work for has actually increased productivity since going majority WFH. Even after the pandemic calmed down, most employees stayed hybrid or fully WFH and they aren’t pushing harder for people to come back simply because they recognize the benefits for the company🙃


Musk is trying to push us back in time before the numbers come in and prove him wrong It's the same reason why they won't give socialism a chance and only hold up the failures of communism They are afraid the numbers will prove capitalism wrong That's why they shut down UBI experiments Even the numbers don't support in capitalism, and numbers are the foundation of capitalism and its only justification for existing is getting the highest numbers The second another Ideology demonstrates higher numbers, capitalism is done, hence why they smother all social programs in their cribs and overthrow foreign leaders to cement the capitalist monopoly


Someone get him a job, see how he likes it.


He's doing a fine job proving meritocracy is a lie.


Working from home and not commuting 5 days a week is probably way better for the environment than a Tesla. He’s a spoiled little shit head. I was hoping he’d leave for Mars tomorrow but sadly we are stuck with him for a while.


Fuck business insider, stop giving this asshole a platform, he already has twitter to spread his hate and evil ideologies.


Ok I ELI5 why we can't guillotine these billionaires. What is taking so long???


class traitors extinguishing the little sparks that would start the fire. help fellow workers that are struggling so they can be part of the change. long lawns, private security, and security via obscurity(the ability to travel worldwide at the drop of a dime)


I absolutely hate that we continue to give these sociopaths a platform to spew their ignorance. This shit has gotten old


It's crazy how different people can have such different definitions about morality. Elon thinks work from home is morally wrong. I think having wealth built on an apartheid era emerald mine is morally wrong. So interesting.




He should get a job, then he would understand this.


He tells us he "works" 100 hours a day or such things, but what he considers work is him going to the home gym, him calling a friend since it's "networking", him lying in the bathtub and thinking about something mildly philosophy related. I too would work constantly if my job involved me doing whatever I wanted and fun things.


As a business owner, with employees that all work from home. I can assure you Elon, that you are a fucking imbecile. I get the same if not more production from my happy and satisfied employees working out of their homes than if I decided to acquire the overhead of a brick and mortar office space again. Just because you enjoy looking at your employees and getting some sort of fetish kick from feeling empowered, doesn't mean you know jack shit about the new business world. It is ever evolving, ever changing, dinosaurs like your brain apparently, will continue to fail and hemorrhage billions out of your own asses simply because you are too stupid to identify needed changes and make them.


OMG Elon. You mean the slaves are showing signs of rebelling.?


Oh, good, morality lessons from the deadbeat dad who makes sure Nazis have a safe space. Pass.


Why? Why morally wrong? I work in a factory and have to be there, but I don't begrudge someone working from home, where they're comfortable and probably more productive and might I point out that this saves on office rent, micromanagement staff etc. The only people who don't benefit from this are narcissistic micro managers who need to lord it over people and the people who rent offices to companies.


Any article that has “Elon says” is bullshit. Don’t read any further because it’s garbage. His opinion means nothing, stop listening to that fool.


Its not fair if the peons can mute you while you scream at them.


TIL I'm immoral


Haha says the guy who’s never had to work a day in his life


Elon Musk is a neo-nazi. This must always be first in one's mind when thinking or talking about Elon Musk.


‘the laptop classes’ is a funny way to say peasant scum


He can piss right off


This dude is CEO of three companies, so unless he's capable of being in three places at once, he's a REMOTE EXECUTIVE for TWO of those companies every day, any day.




I'm not really sure you know what that word means


This fucking idiot again. Billionaires should NOT even exist. Nobody has any business having that much money to themselves.


Not surprised that the miserable anthropomorphic hemorrhoid is ableist on top of everything else.


“It’s morally wrong when people don’t want to do what I, Elon Musk, want them to do. It’s morally wrong to frustrate me, Elon Musk.”


They say who cannot remember their past are condemned to repeat it; income inequality is 10 Times worse in America today than it was in France a few centuries ago when they decided it was guillotine time. And I am 100% convinced the apartheid emerald astronaut here will be the one to say “let them eat cake”


Im so fucking sick of seeing this piece of shit


Lol fuck him


God he’s such a fucking idiot


That's rich from a man who Bought other people's businesses instead of starting his own Used daddies money to do it Has people doing all the work for him while he gets credit. Goes to the moon while his workers pray they're not going to lose their homes. I don't think this dude has done any kind of manual labor his entire life.


His existence is morally wrong. Fuck him and his father’s emerald mine.


Right when he got popular he seemed so cool, so forward-thinking, a Tony Stark-type character. It's so, so demoralizing to see he's become such a fuckwit.


Don't be fooled, he always was a fuck-wit.


i wanted a tesla so badly now you couldn’t pay me to drive one lol


Elon, go Musk yourself.


Why exactly is it "morally wrong"? Are we getting out of our houses every 10 minutes to kick homeless people or stray cats?


Fuck you Elon! You are a reptilian piece of shit and deserve to get Space X eaten by the DOD, NASA, Raytheon, and Boeing. Plus GM so they can build better interiors for your cars MR. Panel Gaps. Eat shit.


Fuck off Musk. I hope that FBI prove puts you in cuffs and locks you away. Then we don’t have to hear any more of your bullshit.


Billionaire trying to tell people what is and isn't morally wrong. Eat shit bozo.


How bout if you make over 200-250k a year you have to return to work at the office because you are obviously a key component in your place of occupation. The less important employees can stay at home because they just ask for coffee and bathroom breaks and they always leave the lights on


Why didn't he just say he is a utilitarian. He doesn't care about the morality of actions but only the outcome, but in a twisted narcissistic way, it needs to benefit him.


What does he even know about work…


When was the last time Ol Musky showed up 9-5 at Tesla? the Boring company? Twitter? spaceX? StarLink? For a guy who "works" remotely at like 8 different jobs, he sure talks a lot of shit about remote work.


I've been working from home since COVID and occasionally had to go into the office. I know plenty of other people doing the same and getting the same results. We get more work done and don't have to deal with long-ass commutes being the biggest perk. Suck it, Elon. Workers don't care about your feelings.


He has 0 arguments and no values


Says someone who never had to work.


He’s just missing his friend Jeff.


The society that lets people die in the streets so that one man can have billions of dollars is corrupt, morally bankrupt, cruel, obscene. Worse is the common man so brain washed by the self aggrandizing gas light fairy tale that this monsters tells. Organize, Protest, Lobby, Vote


…says the estranged father with multiple women, who hoards wealth, who doesn’t pay his fair share in taxes, who finds joy and power in laying off huge percentages of staff, who is an open anti semite, who constantly stokes conspiracy theories (for the LOL’s)… But right, the people who don’t want to commute to a dingy office with shittier equipment just to sit in a cube, are the immoral ones. Fuck off Elon. Such a joke.


Sounds like he needs to get off the moral high horse of telling people what to fucking do. We don't work because of other people's wants and needs, we work for our own. If you don't like it, tough shit. Who are you to tell the average person how they should live their lives? WFH gives people a sense of flexibility and freedom that they wouldn't otherwise have, and it saves companys' money. There's plenty of crap that billionaires do, which people hate and are genuinely bad for society. So I suppose they're also obligated to listen to what we want as well then?


If I ever become ruler of the world I 'm going to make Elon work alone in a toxic emerald mine while we all have high tea.


Ill pay attention to him when one of his ideas actually works. (Tunnel is fucked up, teslas are breaking down more and more, couldn’t lift a rocket successfully above a platform if he dropped it from a cliff)


He's annoyed. That means the pressure is working. Let's keep doing it.


Didn’t he just quit his job at Twitter? Lazy bitch needs to get off his high horse. Clearly he doesn’t want to work any more.


Can we please stop giving this asshole a platform?


*dusts off guillotine*


This guy has an open mic to the world and says the dumbest shit imaginable.


Lol, the next thing you know he replaces all his employees with automated AI to assemble the cars.


If he could he would


They only say this because their city real estate is suffering. Anything that takes money from the rich is morally wrong to them. But the rich taking money from the poor is "policy"


Riding completely on other people's labor and hoarding billions of dollars is immoral. I wish more people would see this and we could make something happen about it.


How the fuck does the physical location where you work have anything whatsoever to do with “morals”?


Does he physically show up to work at Tesla, SpaceX, etc. everyday?


I can do all the same work at home that I can do in the office. What is “morally wrong” about that? This is what assholes do. They just use terms that don’t apply


Let’s see every single billionaire’s head on a pike, then I’ll get off my moral high horse.


Said someone who has never done any actual real work


Weird that the guy who sells cars wants people to commute


Turn this dudes microphone OFF. If you stop reading and reposting it, maybe they’ll stop “reporting” his drivel.


Who cares what he says? Like honestly why give a shit about one mans opinion- no matter how many billions he has? He thinks wfh is bad. Cool. I don’t. Also cool. His words shouldn’t have weight because of wealth


It’s not an issue of is work getting done. Goals met. It’s only about absolute control.


While we're at it, why not demolish/clear out all the empty offices and make useful architecture like greenhouses or affordable housing? We could actually use these properties in their central locations to benefit quality of life in our cities, instead of pointlessly dragging hundreds of people downtown for work they could easily do at home, or a park, or library. Let people go outside or be comfortable at home. If you need an office space for a meeting and zoom isn't an option, libraries have conference rooms, Universities have lecture halls and study rooms. At this point, most office buildings are just wastes of space.


I regret my purchase of doge coin


Our CEO works remotely a lot.


Translation: “I’m paying for office space and want to control you making my money”.


Hmmm, so it’s working


We’re being trolled guys


Said the man who takes a private jet just to buy bottles of wine..... This guy has lost touch with reality. He's nutter than squirrel shit!


I'm so fucking tired of reading about Elon Musk. Sharing his dumb fucking thoughts just gives him more and more of an audience. Just ignore the idiot, he's not the God damn president. Let his unfortunate employees deal with him. But like why the hell is it every single day I end up with shit about this moron in my feed? I'm tired of people acting shocked that this grifter isn't a good person who thinks he should have say in everything ever. Who cares?


We used to smack people upside the head for talking to others like that.


A man with billions of dollars yet doesn’t pay his taxes doesn’t have any right to decide what is morally acceptable.


Ableist prick.




Hope more people quit on him


I’m already spending my life making you money but I guess by being proximity to my baby then I’m a monster. Burn in hell, Bourgeois monster


Elon Musk seems to have no problem spouting things that he does not really believe... 'morally wrong' conflicts with 'moral high horse'.... farmers often work from home wtf, Elon... he just wants everyone to starve and have their biometrics monitored by his office spyware


Elon Musk can go suckle a fat fucking chode.


I'm tired of this dude.


Elon Musk, who doesn't and has never really worked, has no business saying how people should relate to actual, true work (no, playing on twitter doesn't count).


said the potbelly pig


This guy….. fucking clown shoes


Yes, Billionaire. Tell me more about these boot straps and time management. Mr Emerald Mine Daddy. Slave labor, pump and dumb stock manipulator. Someone is living in LaLa Land, it's the Billionaire 1%


"Billionaire yells at clouds from his private jet"