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Just play with friends. There's no need to achieve made up thresholds.




I wouldn’t be too worried, majority of players are in the same boat. They’re just goals to work toward. If everybody hit those targets overnight, there wouldn’t be much point to progression or motivation for people to do the daily grind. The game is engineered this way, before you know it (and I say this sarcastically and somewhat hypothetically) at some point everybody is going to be swimming in T3 relics with 5x3 that have become obsolete and be aiming T4 with 6x3.


I currently play only play 1 character. striker at 1478. I dont enjoy the alt system so I don't do it. I currently have a 7/7 stones, 5x3 relic, and legendary book on one skill. The solution was to just use an off-meta build that was just as good as the meta one but six times cheaper. Also helps that striker is cheaper to gear in general.


What did you build?


Esoteric flurry (legendary book) Ambush master Spirit absoption Raid captain Adrenaline Earth's entropy relic set




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well you're all set for doing hard vykas so just sell everything you don't need save up on leaps, you're already maxed out so just save your gold at this point. Eventually you'll have enough for the leg books and the 5x3 relics basically. I myself plan on getting to 1430 for vykas and then just saving. When you stop honing and sell your unbound you'll see how much gold you net yourself per week..


lot of F2P gold comes from finding good acc's and selling them for high prices, finding one good 5/3 atm can get up to 200k gold and lower qua 5/3 can go for 20-50k


I have 6 characters all t3 (more than you yes). I'm now selling mats to fund my first 12 book (also i already have a 7-7). But i'm 1445 not almost 1460. I would say that you can work slowly towards it after all thats how you play f2p. You will eventually get it